tive staff in a hierarchical manner.
• Reduce the current average response time.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the prior investigation of the equipment and
materials used to design the system. In section 3 we
presents the proposed system with the connection be-
tween the different modules. Section IV shows the
results of the application tests. Finally, section 5 con-
cludes our research work.
Researchers of the preliminary studies have managed
the real-time data over networks to be available to
clinicians in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) anywhere
on the web with appropriate software and privileges.
Considering the IoT applications covers smart en-
vironments in domains such as emergency, health
care, and user interaction(Dr. Ovidiu Vermesan et al.,
According Thibaud (Thibaud et al., 2018), iden-
tifies that in the near future (within 5 years) several
theoretical or pilot projects will tackle different is-
sues such as better integration of pervasive health-
care services with general health care services in a lo-
cal database environment that ensures data availabil-
ity and that performs intelligent processes to deliver
quicker preliminary information without compromis-
ing the energy-efficiency of sensor networks.
In (Lamberti and Montrucchio, 2003), the medical
staff equipped with Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
devices both inside and outside the hospital have mo-
bile access to the electronic patient’s clinical record.
Using a framework for ubiquitous monitoring in an
ICU, by the bedside monitoring network, on secure
wireless communication channels. Although, the val-
idation of the proposed framework effectiveness is
fundamental, and requires the design of the software
modules needed.
The system called ADSA (Automatic Detection
of risk Situations and Alert) (Ahouandjinou et al.,
2016) is based on a hybrid architecture for a visual
patient monitoring system using a multi-camera sys-
tem and collaborative medical sensors network was
developed. Although this proposal proved to enable
personalization of treatment and management options
targeted particularly to the specific circumstances and
needs of the individual, it requires the use of cameras
to support the decision process which is not possible
considered the financial constraints faced by the hos-
pital used as a case of study.
In (Gupta et al., 2016) the IoT-based health moni-
toring system can provide support in Intensive Care
Units(ICU) using an INTEL GALILEO 2ND. This
system contains a live graph of the patients heart rate
and the temperature is being monitored. However, the
system could have been developed in a mobile appli-
cation for facilitating the access of the users.
In (Chiuchisan et al., 2014) propose the architec-
ture of a health care system for Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) through of bedside monitors to monitor and
record multiple physiological parameters of patients;
Microsoft XBOX Kinect to monitor the movement of
the patients; and sensor board for monitoring of envi-
ronmental parameters such as temperature, humidity,
atmospheric pressure. The system is part of a more
complex system in development and will be improved
by adding new types of sensors like pressure, body
In (Pickering et al., 2018) using the Continuous
Time Markov Chain (CTMC) in the develop a bot-
tleneck analysis method to identify opportunities for
improvement in the rounding process in an Inten-
sive Care Units at Mayo Clinic. The workflow re-
design needs further investigation as the ideal balance
between patient care activities and education is still
largely unknown and is likely to vary depending on
the circumstances.
In (Mahmud et al., 2018) present a Fog-based IoT-
Healthcare solution structure and explore the integra-
tion of Cloud-Fog services in inter-operable Health-
care solutions extended upon the traditional Cloud-
based structure. The mobility of the user and edge-
centric affinity of the applications should be handled
together by the Fog cluster for better performance.
In this section, we present the design of the proposed
system taking into account the users requirements to
better asset their needs. Based on this requirements
a top-level architecture is proposed. In addition, the
back end server components are described as well as
the application and node design.
3.1 User Requirements
From a user perspective, collecting and sharing health
information of patients must satisfy at least the fol-
lowing properties:
• Data accuracy: A margin of error should be es-
tablished for the data measuring. In this particular
case, health measures must be very precise since
the slightest difference can have a serious or un-
wanted impact.
WINSYS 2022 - 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems