
Table 16: Keyword analysis for page 24 from chapter nine
after clustering.
Chapter: 9, Page: 24, Cosine: 0.625
keywords select where group by group having ! min
count 2 1 2 2 1 2 2
tf 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1
idf by 0.347 0.484 1.109 1.051 1.301 1.352 1.556
tf*idf 0.347 0.242 1.109 1.051 0.651 1.352 1.556
are regularly used in the English language without any
SQL context. Since the lecture slides are written in
English, problems arise when counting the number of
times these keywords are used in a SQL environment.
This is challenging for our recommendation process if
the encountered keyword rarely appears in the corpus,
as it would receive a high idf weight, leading to a great
influence in deciding the topic of the page. In the
case of a page populated with many SQL keywords,
the negative effect of one incorrectly recognized key-
word might be mitigated by the tf*idf values of the
other keywords. If the page only has a few keywords,
it might happen that a word like IN or AND not used
in any SQL context will mislead the recommendation
process for this page.
This research is aimed at improving students’ perfor-
mance by reducing the unsystematic trial-and-error
behavior during online SQL exercises task engage-
ment in our SQLValidator. To this end, we have im-
plemented a strategy in which suitable slides from
lecture materials are mapped to respective SQL ex-
ercise tasks and are recommended to students in the
form of hints during exercise task engagement. We
have described, evaluated, and further optimized our
strategy via join detection and clustering. Our imple-
mentation as shown in the evaluation section reaches
a precision value of 0.767 and F
value of 0.505
thus justifying our strategy. The next stage in this rec-
ommendation system track is the impact assessment
of the recommendation on students’ engagement and
SQL skill acquisition. Students tend to share solution
codes. While solution distribution among students
cannot be stopped as it is also a part of learning. A
future direction is the implementation of a plagiarism
discouragement feature.
This work was supported by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research [grant number
16DHB 3008].
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications