Monitor Hypermodule Analyse Hypermodule
Log Monitoring Slice Stats Analyser Slice
createStats(WEvent) recalculate(WEvent)
Graph Analyser Slice
createGraph(WEvent) addEdge(WEvent)
Knowledge Hypermodule
Logs slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
(Other style of
knowledge slices)
Dream logs knowledge slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
Graph knowledge slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
Figure 8: Example of components of the MAPE-K loop using hyperslicing visualization.
ers in addition to the existing graph and statistical an-
alyzers. Developing different analyzers is crucial to
the reliability of self-adaptive systems: analyzers may
either discover faster new states of the monitored ob-
ject or draw better conclusions about its functioning.
Moreover analyzers of operation’s parameters seems
essential for both the credibility of the system and re-
source saving: we can develop a statistical analyzer
that according to the parameter type generates new
values by sampling in the distribution generated in
past analyzes.
As we completed the MAPE-K model, we natu-
rally will implement different Plan and Execute com-
ponents dedicated to both Dream and Awake states
of a WO. A first “dreamer” will be a smart dreamer
that takes into account the WO experience (real data)
instead of randomly simulating data. Regarding ex-
ecutors, the first one will simply authorize or not exe-
cution of the planned actions.
We also intend to study in future work how
to improve the new architecture, by introducing a
higher level where knowledge related to a WO can be
merged, aggregated or simply used at system level.
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies