Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent
Decision Auditing
Lucas C. de Almeida
, Francisco L. de Caldas Filho
, F
abio L. L. de Mendonc¸a
and Rafael T. de Sousa Jr.
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bras
ılia, Faculty of Technology, Darcy Ribeiro Campus, Bras
ılia, Brazil
Search Engine, Semantic Search, Meta-semantic Search, Data Enrichment, Forensics Computing.
The use of search tools in decision-making and investigation processes has been gaining more and more
space in the forensic community. The ability to index various sources of information and to be able to filter
specific snippets and ideas is one of the milestones in the history of forensic and investigative computing.
However, the widespread use of these methods, such as semantic search engines based on deep learning and
machine learning methods can generate impractical results for complex cases. That’s because the criteria these
machines use to classify snippets of natural languages can be so complex that they’re no longer auditable.
Therefore, if a machine produces results that cannot be verified and explained, it is producing inferences that
are highly questionable or even worth nullifying. In this work, we explore the advantages of applying data
enrichment before the search process, and the subsequent use of keyword search tools to present an indexing
framework with more transparent criteria and more practical results for the defense of ideas based on the
findings from the use of the tools.
According to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Se-
curity Agency of the United States (CISA), computer
forensics is defined as ”the process of using scien-
tific knowledge for collecting, analyzing, and present-
ing evidence to the courts” (CISA, 2008). In modern
processes, this stage of the investigation process be-
comes even more important, since most of the com-
munication and information recording processes may
take place digitally, whether through the use of cell
phones, computers, instant messaging applications,
electronic mails, audio messages, among many oth-
ers. One can see some history about it in (Britan-
nica, 2022). In cases of bank fraud, identification of
fraud gangs, scams against property, businesses car-
ried out digitally in an unreliable way, to name just
a few scenarios, the role of data collection, organi-
zation, cleaning, filtering and construction of theses
is extremely necessary for there to be a case to be
judged or even for the decision to open an investiga-
tion. And this role only tends to grow and become
more popular, given that, today, business institutions
and commercial relationships tend to rely and focus
much more on digital than personal. One can verify
an example of it in (Nielsen, 2012). That trend has
led to an unprecedented expansion of the use of tech-
nology as a form and means of expression, sustenance
and association between individuals, (Archibugi and
Iammarino, 2002) has a complete work on the subject.
Therefore, the more popular and widespread the
use of computer forensics in investigation processes,
the larger and more complex the data repositories to
be analyzed can become. That is, if a process re-
quires the analysis of data from different sources, in
different formats, and in massive amounts, as could
occur during the monitoring and identification of a
gang of credit card fraud, for example, more relevant
and common the concepts of Big Data, Data Ware-
house and Data Lake may become for investigators.
This occurs naturally, similar to the fact that the gen-
eral process of computer forensics, which is well ex-
plained (University, 2017), is very similar to the OS-
EMN framework. The work in (Almeida et al., 2021)
presents a good project based on that framework. Ide-
ally, investigators should be able to transform a Data
Lake, defined as unstructured data from a variety of
sources (Oracle, 2022), into a Data Warehouse, de-
C. de Almeida, L., Filho, F., L. de Mendonça, F. and Sousa Jr., R.
Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent Decision Auditing.
DOI: 10.5220/0011356700003280
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2022), pages 80-89
ISBN: 978-989-758-587-6; ISSN: 2184-772X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fined as structured and well-behaved data for gener-
ating insights (MIT, 2022), using techniques for Big
Data processing, that can be described as data that
is so large or varied that cannot be processed using
conventional methods (SAS, 2022). However, one of
the biggest challenges relies on building a coherent
database with clear and concise conclusions that are
unbiased and auditable. The conclusion is straight-
forward, therefore, that the use of completely au-
tonomous processes and with decision criteria origi-
nated from iterative numerical methods can be ques-
tioned both because of the possible biases it presents
and because of the difficulty in verifying step-by-step
how each decision has been made and how it compare
to similar cases.
Still on the problems and limitations of the use
of completely autonomous decision machines, there
are scenarios in which their use can end up infer-
ring very expressive and harmful errors for the in-
vestigation process. This is due to the fact that ma-
chines are still not completely capable of understand-
ing sarcasm and intentionally malicious substitutions.
In (Katyayan and Joshi, 2019), one can have a gen-
eral overview on the subject. A clear example of this
concept is seen in the monitoring of conversations of
criminal groups. It is quite common to try to deceive
systems and investigators using Figures of speech and
exchanging names and verbs that would clearly indi-
cate crimes for expressions that leave several possible
meanings open. That is, criminals tend to create codes
and communication patterns that resemble processes
that are completely unrelated to the criminal activity
they are associating with. In this sense, the harm of
using semantic search based on machine learning or
deep learning in a context of large Data Lakes can
produce results with little or no value, and let con-
versations and entire evidence go unnoticed that, with
more careful search, could be valuable objects in the
investigation. Therefore, how to build a research the-
sis based only on the result of correlations found using
methods and algorithms of extreme complexity and
based on probabilistic heuristics with its values and
weights hidden (or still impossible to understand) in-
side the machine?
A last relevant point to be mentioned is that the
uncontrolled use of algorithms and decision machines
based on deep learning and machine learning meth-
ods can make it very difficult or almost impossible to
measure the similarity between the results of different
investigative processes. This is because usually there
is no friendly understanding of the weights and for-
mulas generated by such a machine, as seen in (MIT,
2018). Just as courts tend to judge based on past de-
cisions, following the basic concept of jurisprudence
(Cornell, 2022a), and these decisions can be audited
if it turns out that they do not follow the normality of
decisions in similar cases, investigators should also
be able to study and audit the result of their work in
order to produce evidence (i.e. data and theses) with
a similar profile for cases of the same nature or with
similar sources of information, including being able
to verify and measure the bias of the filtered data in-
dependently of the decisions of courts.
A possible (and widely used) alternative to seman-
tic search is keyword search. In this type of search,
the researcher freely chooses words and excerpts from
possible conversations that he/she finds relevant and
the system searches, enumerates, presents and counts
the times in which exact reproductions of the terms
(or keys) occurred in the data sources. One can see a
famous example of a keyword search engine in (Luo
et al., 2008). The problem with this approach is that
it becomes extremely difficult to predict and/or enu-
merate all possible terms and expressions relevant to
a case, specially if these choices are the responsibility
of a human being, who will have limited and biased
vocabulary. The work in (Lynn K, 2022) shows some
interesting findings about that concept. However, this
method has advantages, the main one being based on
the fact that the results produced are auditable, com-
parable with different scenarios and data sources, and
do not present any bias beyond that already existing
in the keys used for the search.
An interesting approach, therefore, would be the
association of the two methods. That is, if there
were a way to treat data with complex and proba-
bilistic methods and heuristics, but at the end of the
treatment, search using keywords and specific expres-
sions, it would be possible to build a machine that
helps researchers to produce evidence with measur-
able bias, auditable results and comparable with other
similar cases, and still with simple heuristics easy to
be used in theses in front of a court.
The purpose of this work, therefore, is to propose
a generic meta-semantic search method that produces
auditable and comparable results with other applica-
tion cases. It happens that there are different ways
to build a machine that performs searches with se-
mantic content, and such alternatives operate without
necessarily involving algorithms and iterative numer-
ical processes in the final decision. Therefore, un-
like a machine that performs semantic searches with
complex heuristics, it is possible to search (using Big
Data techniques) for keywords and specific expres-
sions in databases enriched with the use of algorithms
and data enrichment machines with an emphasis on
semantics. In Figure 1, one can understand the ba-
sic difference between the two approaches. The rele-
Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent Decision Auditing
vance of such framework can be better understood in
the Methodology section.
Figure 1: Two approaches to semantic search. The one on
top is the usual method relying in semantic classifiers. The
one on the bottom shows a search procedure that produces
meta-semantic search results.
As a validation of the proposed framework, it was
possible to set up an experiment in which a process of
semantic enrichment was applied to a list of words for
the subsequent search using keywords. It produced
results that were compared with those obtained by the
direct application of a semantic classifier, concluding
on the feasibility of the framework, which presents it-
self as an interesting alternative for the construction of
such forensic systems, as will be presented through-
out this document.
This paper consists of five sections, including this
introduction. Section 2 deals with related work, es-
pecially the necessary technical concepts. Section 3
specifies the proposed solution, uniting method- olo-
gies widely used in the industry and that integrate
seamlessly into the context of users. Section 4 serves
to discuss and demonstrate the results obtained in im-
plementing the project with real data. Findings and
future work can be found in Section 5.
The usage of digital platforms such as social media
and instant messaging applications to support crim-
inal activites has been gaining a lot of attention in
the present of this work, as can be seen in (Affairs,
2021) and (Forbes, 2021). The fact that the courts
and governments want Internet companies to cooper-
ate an provide data is a sign of the growing need of
more information to support investigations and pro-
cessos judiciais.
In (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2013), there is a pro-
posal for a meta-semantic search tool for Internet
content. It is interesting to note that the concepts
that involve the construction of new propositions for
searching and indexing information with semantic ba-
sis were well constructed, however, it would be an in-
teresting advance to be able to audit, at least partially,
the internal mechanisms of data classification, such as
is proposed in the current work.
In (Soltani et al., 2021), the importance and role
of the use of search engines and data indexing in the
process of computer forensics is well explored, repre-
senting an excellent review of the main methods used
and problems encountered in the course of an investi-
gation. However, unlike the current work, the focus is
only on the technical concepts that involve the investi-
gation, and an evolution is still necessary in the ques-
tioning of the validity and transparency of the results
of the application of such methods in front of a court.
Yet, there is little concern about the need to produce
neutral evidence with measurable bias and compara-
ble to other cases.
Also, in (Guti
errez et al., 2016) it is possible to
understand and observe examples of data enrichment
and how this process can be valuable for different
branches of Industry. The same concept is applied in
current work in an attempt to make the investigation
of large masses of data more efficient and transpar-
ent, in addition to facilitating the creation of theses
and the inclusion of similar cases as support. In other
words, the use of data enrichment processes in a non-
hidden way allows legal thesis to be assembled and
lines of reasoning to be created. As an example, even
if two groups of sentences of two cases are very dif-
ferent (perhaps in an attempt to obfuscate an illicit ac-
tivity), in a past case the result of enriching a group of
sentences resulted in the aggregation of several words
and terms quite similar to those verified in a present
case, and if in the past case the final result of the inves-
tigations proved that an individual was part of a gang,
it would be plausible to ask for an investigation to be
opened (or to hold a business transaction, or even to
start a police operation) in a case that is visibly similar
to the past one.
Finally, in (Di Nunzio, 2004) the use, classifi-
cation and plotting of words and phrases as vectors
in two dimensional planes is demonstrated in a sim-
ple and efficient way to help in document classifica-
tions. These concepts form the basis of motivation for
the proposition and validation of the meta-semantic
search framework described in the current work.
In the following section, the technical details of an
experiment created for validating the proposed frame-
work will be described.
ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
It is interesting to understand, First, if the proposed
framework can, in an analytical way, have better re-
sults or at least equivalent to those related to the use
of a generic classifier. In addition, one should explore
what would be expected from a scenario involving
criminal activities, which are the focus of this model.
Based on a conversation between common users
on any subject, for example a sale at a convenience
store, it is in the interest of both communicators to
be clear about their intentions and opinions so that
their business relationship has the desired end effi-
ciently. Bearing this premise in mind and using the
approach of describing words and sentences as vec-
tors, as exemplified in (CHURCH, 2017), the appli-
cation of a generic binary classifier with its decision
boundary can be seen in Figure 2. The green dots in
the Figure are sentences, words or expressions plot-
ted (or projected) on a two-dimensional plane using
whatever criteria are relevant to the generic classifier.
The red region would be the one in which the clas-
sifier will have the maximum probability of consid-
ering any points as having the same sense, and the
yellow region is where the so-called decision bound-
ary of the classifier would be (defined as the boundary
that separates two classes under the point of view of
the machine). In this region, the probability of a point
being misclassified is quite high and varies discontin-
uously, that is, points may be misclassified more often
compared to any other part of the Figure. In this case,
where the data is generally well behaved (since the ac-
tors in the conversation act intentionally efficiently), a
well-built and optimized classifier could have a very
satisfactory success rate.
Figure 2: Common users conversation with words and ex-
pressions projected in a two dimensional generic plane and
with a generic binary classifier applied to that plane.
However, it should be remembered, as mentioned
in the Introduction of this work, that the communi-
cation of criminals tends to be done in an obfuscated
way, that is, they tend to change names, expressions,
phrases and meanings, all with the objective of de-
ceiving systems and reducing the chance of commit-
ment before courts and investigations. The effect,
therefore, of the criminals’ efforts acts in an equiv-
alent way to the vectors in Figure 3, bringing a lot
of bias to the data and resulting in low classification
quality even for optimized machines, as can be seen
in Figure 4, where the purple dots are the result of the
previous green ones after the action of the obfuscating
Figure 3: Conversation of criminals with a tendency to over-
shadow their illicit acts. The green dots with arrows are the
expressions and words being obfuscated, which eventually
will fall near (or outside) the decision boundary of the clas-
sifier, leading to low quality results.
Figure 4: The result of the criminals’ attempt to obfuscate
their conversations generates points in the plane that fall out
of or tend to stay on the edge of the decision boundary of a
machine classification algorithm, a region in which the the-
oretical explanation and verification of the parameters used
in the decision tend to be unclear and behave discontinu-
Although more complex classification methods
such as those based on deep learning, which are
Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent Decision Auditing
present in an overview discussed in (Minaee et al.,
2021), can produce discontinuous classification re-
gions, the same phenomenon described will be ob-
served: speakers will be able to confuse classification
machines and data may be discarded without a more
careful look (which may be unfeasible for Big Data
In a different way, in the application of the frame-
work proposed in this work, in which the data is First
enriched for the subsequent search for keywords, the
effect of obfuscation created by criminals can be mit-
igated. This is because, although a group of individu-
als uses slang and expressions with hidden meanings,
there are hidden patterns in the sentences and ques-
tions that are related to the structure of the language
itself. The discussion in (Picard et al., 2013) com-
ments on the subject. These patterns will hardly be
overshadowed, since the speakers of the conversation
themselves would no longer be able to communicate
A machine that, therefore, uses a previously val-
idated and classified database, and inflates the new
data using the existing ones as a parameter, if it per-
forms this task recursively (that is, using the results of
each iteration to increase the scope of the enrichment
of the next iteration), would cultivate a tendency for
previously expected words and expressions that did
not exist in the original data to exist in the now en-
riched dataset. This way, an investigator would be
able to perform direct searches using keywords and
expressions. This trend becomes even more evident
and logical if the data used for enrichment has been
previously classified and validated. In practical terms,
it would be the equivalent of an investigation depart-
ment that has already stored several cataloged con-
versations of criminals in a certain field. During the
investigation of individuals suspected of working in
the same field, investigators can ask a machine to en-
rich this data with pre-existing data from successful
(or unsuccessful) investigations. After enrichment,
they can search for specific terms and verify if the
keys were found in the original texts or in the inflated
ones, and with the filtered data, they can evaluate if
these are biased by comparing the inflated data with
those of other cases or between those of the same sce-
nario. This would allow them to measure how strong
the evidence is or not, whether the inflated standards
are adherent to the investigation, whether certain re-
sults should be discarded as if they are outside the
focus of the work, among several other benefits.
Figure 5 shows the minimum expected result of a
data enrichment process when the words and expres-
sions are projected in a plan. The system generates
an increase in the ”footprint” of a given point by ag-
glutinating other similar points in the vicinity of the
original point. If this process is repeated recursively,
regions with a lot of enrichment and others with little
enrichment should be observed, that is, regions with
many blue dots, and others with few or almost none.
After analyzing the results of keyword searches, an
investigator could conclude, for example, that a given
dataset is not sufficiently adherent to a branch of crim-
inal activity (because it presents little inflated data),
and that another dataset may produce much more re-
sults using keywords and that the recursive inflation-
ary process ends up producing much more inflated
data, meaning a more clear match with that kind of
criminal activity.
Figure 5: The green and purple dots are the original vectors
related to the criminal conversations (purple are the ones
moved by obfuscating vectors). The blue dots represent
data that was added by a generic semantic classifier pro-
cess. The circled area marks the clusters formed by the data
In the Figure 6 it is possible, finally, to under-
stand the purpose of the proposed framework. While
a generic classifier looks for regions and tries to coa-
lesce the original data using non-transparent methods,
the proposed method inflates existing data so that a
user can rely on simple terms and phrases and still
have a high chance of finding these keys in inflated
data clusters. A well-placed allusion resembles an
attempt to increase the targets on a target shooting
stand so that the challenger has a better chance against
the stand’s owners. In a normal situation, the stand’s
owners (the criminals) have the advantage (the data is
obfuscated and disconnected), but with the help of the
method described in this work, the client that chal-
lenges the stand (the investigators), without increas-
ing the darts, can find it easier to hit the targets, which
are now many times larger and, in some cases, even
merged with each other. One can now compare the
expected results in Figure 6 and Figure 4.
The objective of this work is, therefore, to sim-
ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 6: Green, purple and blue dots forming clusters, and
yellow dots representing the keyword searches the investi-
gator may perform.
ulate the application of an alternative framework for
searches with semantic effect using keywords in large
data repositories, being especially useful for forensic
investigations. After the simulation, it will be possible
to compare the result of applying the model in relation
to the use of a semantic classification machine with
complex methods operating internally. The frame-
work to be tested will be based on the one shown at
the bottom of Figure 1, that is, an initial natural lan-
guage database will be enriched and later indexed by
a simple keyword search engine, from which searches
will be made for specific terms using both the original
data and the inflated data as parameters.
To provide a final and clear explanation on the
name of the document, the reason why the proposed
method would be a meta-semantic search process is
related to the fact that the results are deterministic
based on the enriched data, but the enrichment pro-
cess is based on semantic probabilistic heuristics, so
the final findings will be indirectly related to such ma-
chine semantic classifications.
The experiment proposed to validate the frame-
work consisted of the sentiment classification test
of movie reviews using a famous dataset available
at (Cornell, 2022b). The following steps were per-
1. First, a sentiment analysis was performed us-
ing a support vector machine (SVM) with a lin-
ear kernel function, which is explained in (MIT,
1997), to obtain the rating of some movie reviews,
whether the evaluation would have a positive or
negative opinion about a movie. The vectoriza-
tion of the reviews was done using the Term Fre-
quency Inverse Document Frequency algorithm,
commonly called TF-IDF, explained in (Havrlant
and Kreinovich, 2017);
2. With the results of the classification using the sup-
port vector machine, a dataframe was created in
which each review would be accompanied by the
sentiment attributed by the SVM in the previous
3. Some reviews were chosen randomly by the sys-
tem to form a base that would correspond to the
’original data’, the main target of a possible in-
vestigation into the sentiment of these using the
proposed framework in this document;
4. All reviews classified in the same way (or same
class, positive or negative) by the support vector
machine on the First step were inserted as enrich-
ment data for the selected reviews, those chosen
to form the ”original data”;
5. Searches for specific terms were performed, and if
the program found an exact occurrence of the term
or expression used, either in the selected ”orig-
inal” reviews or in the inflated data, it would re-
turn the results. So our goal would be to search for
specific words and find same or close results to the
ones found by the SVM in the First step, but now
we would be able to clearly verify and judge why
we got those results analyzing the inflated data.
Next, the tests and results of the implementation
of the proposed experiment will be presented.
The First part of the experiment consisted of train-
ing a support vector machine to classify the movie re-
views in ”positive” or ”negative” sentiment about the
movies they were referring to. Since SVM is a super-
vised machine learning algorithm, it was possible to
measure the precision of the classifier, as can be seen
in Figure 7. Also, the First ten reviews can be seen on
Figure 8.
Figure 7: Classification report of the trained SVM model
for natural language processing based on the movies re-
view dataset. The machine reached almost 92% precision
for positive reviews and close to 91% precision for negative
After the fourth step of the experiment, it was
found that using all classified reviews during training
to inflate the selected data ended up exaggerating the
size of the clusters, causing overfitting in the inflated
data, concept explained in (IBM, 2022). This resulted
in searches for keywords and expressions without any
value, as the chance of exact occurrences of simple
Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent Decision Auditing
Figure 8: First ten rows of the training part of the movies
review dataset, which had a copy downloaded from (Reddy,
terms and expressions became very high. That is, the
”footprint” of the selected data became so large af-
ter enrichment that the two classes overlapped. In an
attempt to reduce overfitting, the number of enrich-
ment iterations was reduced to 100. That is, instead
of inflating the data with all the reviews that had been
classified in the same way, the agglutination of data
was limited to only 100 reviews considered similar for
each class. From this point on, more significant and
more frequent results began to be verified, and after a
few attempts, satisfactory findings were obtained, as
can be seen in Figures 10 to 14. In figure 9 it can
be seen one example of part of an inflated row of the
select data. Note that the printed results also show
data from the inflated portion when the keyword or
expression was found there, and also the index of the
selected reviews from their original dataset.
Figure 9: Part of a inflated row of the selected data
dataframe built for the fourth step of the experiment.
In Figure 14, it is possible to see that the search
for extremely simple and direct terms may tend not to
produce results with relevant quality. In the example,
searching for the simple term ”good” returned results
of several positive and negative reviews.
A similar behavior can also be observed when a
search for simple words and expressions of extreme
positive sentiment are found in the enrichment (or in
the original data) of reviews with sentiment classified
as negative. This happens on two possible occasions:
Figure 10: Result of the search for exact matches for the ex-
pression ”worst of all”. Only negative reviews were found
(aligned with the ”Label” line).
Figure 11: Result of the search for exact matches for the
expression ”disgust”. Only negative reviews were found
(aligned with the ”Label” line).
Figure 12: Result of the search for exact matches for the
expression ”amazed”. Only positive reviews were found
(aligned with the ”Label” line).
ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
Figure 13: Result of the search for exact matches for the ex-
pression ”watch again”. Only positive reviews were found
(aligned with the ”Label” line).
Figure 14: Result of the search for exact matches for the
expression ”good”. Both positive and negative reviews were
found, and in relevant amounts for each side.
the semantic classifier may have been wrong or the
reviewer may have praised some aspect of the film
or actor, despite the general evaluation being nega-
tive. These cases are very similar to what would be
expected from a criminal conversation with obfusca-
tion, making the benefit of the proposed framework
clear: the searcher is able to study and audit results to
easily evaluate false positives and/or negatives.
With the presentation of the results of the pro-
posed framework for the investigation around senti-
ment related to a movies reviews dataset, the next sec-
tion gives a brief overview of the future possibilities
of this application and concludes the work.
The adoption of the proposed framework may still re-
main as a challenge. Although the use and general
application of it for existing algorithms and meth-
ods may be simple, and the results, when well be-
haved, may be really significant, it is needed a pre-
vious knowledge from the searcher about the dataset
and the wanted results, so the words and expressions
searched fit well with the inflated data. This may not
be a problem for a forensics investigator, but for the
general user, it would require much effort for bene-
fits that are specific for analysis and investigation (or
thesis derivations) purposes.
Despite the difficulty of implementation in more
complex scenarios, it was possible to observe that the
results obtained were easy and quick to evaluate. Fur-
thermore, the findings were completely auditable, as
it was possible to track the exact location of the search
keys and with some additional effort, it would even be
possible to track which review was used to generate
that line of the inflated data array which contributed
for a given keyword search.
It is important to note that there was a relationship
between the amount of data added during the enrich-
ment process and the accuracy of the results. There-
fore, even though it was a simple adjustment, a small
optimization step was necessary in order to tune the
enrichment and improve the class separation to avoid
overfitting. In Big Data contexts, this procedure could
require much more effort and study on the data, or the
development of automated optimization techniques.
It should also be remembered that if the data
source used for enrichment is the same in different
cases, it is quite quick and easy to compare the re-
sults produced by the investigation process in both
scenarios, allowing the researcher to be more faith-
ful and critical in relation to different investigations
The conclusions presented direct the project, fi-
nally, to a maturation in the automation point of view.
Therefore, although it is interesting to facilitate the in-
vestigator’s work and make the evidence found more
user-friendly and auditable, it would be interesting to
add another machine in the process that was capable
Meta-semantic Search Engine Method Proposition for Transparent Decision Auditing
of searching for keywords and expressions with the
same semantic value as those chosen by the investiga-
tor. That is, instead of searching only for the exact
occurrence of the term that the researcher chooses,
the system could search for exact occurrences of syn-
onyms and/or expressions similar to those that the
researcher chose, and rank the results from such in-
ferences with lower scores in relation to those that
present a direct occurrence of the typed term. It would
also be extremely important to compare the proposed
framework and the application of machine learning
and deep learning algorithms using a dataset contain-
ing conversations and data directly related to crimes,
so that the obfuscation attempts were more evident.
This work is supported in part by CNPq - Brazil-
ian National Research Council (Grants 312180/2019-
5 PQ-2 and 465741/2014-2 INCT on Cybersecu-
rity), in part by the Administrative Council for Eco-
nomic Defense (Grant CADE 08700.000047/2019-
14), in part by the General Attorney of the Union
(Grant AGU 697.935/2019), in part by the Na-
tional Auditing Department of the Brazilian Health
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