
of searching for keywords and expressions with the
same semantic value as those chosen by the investiga-
tor. That is, instead of searching only for the exact
occurrence of the term that the researcher chooses,
the system could search for exact occurrences of syn-
onyms and/or expressions similar to those that the
researcher chose, and rank the results from such in-
ferences with lower scores in relation to those that
present a direct occurrence of the typed term. It would
also be extremely important to compare the proposed
framework and the application of machine learning
and deep learning algorithms using a dataset contain-
ing conversations and data directly related to crimes,
so that the obfuscation attempts were more evident.
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nomic Defense (Grant CADE 08700.000047/2019-
14), in part by the General Attorney of the Union
(Grant AGU 697.935/2019), in part by the Na-
tional Auditing Department of the Brazilian Health
System SUS (Grant DENASUS 4/2021), in part
by the General Attorney’s Office for the National
Treasure (Grant PGFN 23106.148934/2019-67), and
in part by the University of Brasilia (Grant 7129
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ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies