With a longer retention time, LDL particles are
more likely to form oxidized LDL and trigger the
entrance of monocytes into the artery. Monocytes
differentiate in the artery and become macrophages
and intensify oxidized LDL that can be consumed by
scavenger receptors like clusters of differentiation-36
(CD36) and form foam cells. Modified LDL triggers
a series of innate and adaptive immune responses and
leads to inflammation. Defective efferocytosis, which
results in non-resolving inflammation, is due to
signals like CD47 in the artery and will lead to the
accumulation of cell debris. (Borén 2020) Apoptotic
cell will stimulate secondary necrosis that results in
unstable plaque, plaque rupture, and later thrombus
formation. Both plaque rupture and plaque erosion
may lead to thrombus formation. With lipid cores or
thin fibrous cap tissue between the lipid core and
blood that reaches the luminal surface, the blood can
enter and core material may leak out. (Borén 2020)
This process forms plaque rupture that always
accompanying by protruding cholesterol crystals. In
contrast, lesions without lipid cores or thick fibrous
cap will not lead to plaque rupture but instead plaque
erosion, where the plaque is intact but endothelial
cells are deficient.
Recent researches show that a
spotty pattern of calcium deposits is prone to be more
dangerous. An elevated LDL-cholesterol level is one
of the risk factors of calcification. (Borén 2020) In
contrast, HDL-mediated efflux of cholesterol inhibits
calcification. (Borén 2020) While the formation of
atherosclerosis is attributed to the accumulation of
oxidated LDL, the relation between lowering
aggressive LDL and lesion area remains unclear.
Similarly, while HDL features anti-inflammatory and
anti-oxidative functions, its role in attenuating lesion
areas is indistinct but probable.
Since it is impossible to track the lengthy
development of atherosclerosis in arteries of humans,
it is necessary to observe that in animal models which
are representative of humans. The murine model is
ideal because of its small size and its relative
homogeneity to humans. For example, both the
mechanism of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein inducing
atherosclerosis and Apo A-I lowering atherosclerosis
can be applied to humans. (Daugherty 2017)
However, while a murine transports cholesterol
primarily in HDL, humans utilize LDL. This
difference in lipoprotein profile protects a murine
from atherosclerosis because there is no binding site
of Lp-PLA2 to LDL. Besides, there is a lower
probability to form oxidated LDL and trigger
atherosclerosis, but a higher probability to form
stable plaques. Furthermore, the much higher level of
LDL receptors in the liver in a murine than in humans
leads to lower LDL levels in a murine and a lower
probability to develop atherosclerosis. There is a
lower level of plasma Apo B on LDL in a murine than
in humans. The chylomicron is from the intestine, and
the VLDL is from the liver in humans. However, Apo
B-48 exists in the VLDL, and Apo B-100 exists in
chylomicrons in a murine. Fed with a high-fat high
cholesterol diet, humans are prone to develop
increased plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, while
a murine may develop increased plasma cholesterol
but lowered triglycerides. In addition, the murine
accumulates lesions primarily in the aortic root, arch,
and other side branches instead of coronary arteries
in humans. Recent studies mainly utilize either Apo
E knock-out mice or LDL receptor knock-out mice.
Although Apo E knock-out mice carry more VLDL,
LDL receptor knock-out mice have higher LDL
particles that are more atherogenic. (Getz, & Reardon
2016) However, Apo E has some athero-protective
functions other than lower plasma lipids like anti-
inflammation and anti-oxidation to lower
atherosclerosis, which generalizes how Apo B-
containing lipoproteins influence atherosclerosis
more difficult. (Getz, & Reardon 2016)
While it is
convenient to study characteristics of atherosclerosis
in a murine, there are limitations when applying the
same mechanism to humans.
Pigs are more relevant to humans than murine.
Like humans, pigs transport cholesterol primarily in
LDL, and pigs also have a binding site of Lp-PLA2
to LDL. Moreover, similar to humans, the LDL
receptors level is low in pigs, and a high-fat high
cholesterol diet can stimulate the increase in both
plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. All these
properties determine the susceptibility of
atherosclerosis and unstable characteristics of
plaques. Pigs are inclined to develop lesions at
branches with low shear stress and laminar blood
flow including coronary, and it is more convenient to
observe changes in arteries because of the huge size
of pigs. (Daugherty 2017) However, since there is no
CETP in pigs, the mechanism of atherosclerosis in
pigs is different from that of humans. In addition, the
huge size of pigs will increase the cost of feeding and
increase the difficulty of experiments.
Recently, scientists find great similarities between
hamsters and humans. Hamsters utilize LDL to
transport cholesterol, and they have CETP, which
means that hamsters share a similar mechanism of
atherosclerosis development. Besides, most Lp-