Research on the Smart Psychological Medical Model from the
Perspective of "Internet +"
Guanlan Liang
and Xunbing Shen
College of humanities, Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Keywords: Intelligent Medical, Mental Health, System Design.
Abstract: The world is in the midst of the torrent of digital revolution, and its important sign is the use of cloud
computing and artificial intelligence. In recent years, the field of mental health has been exploring a more
systematic, intelligent and individualized service system. In this paper, an intelligent psychological medical
system is proposed by using the new technology. First of all, the paper expounds the overall framework of
the intelligent psychological medical model. Secondly, it introduces the operation process of the online
consultation sub-system, the medical treatment sub-system and the tracking management sub-system, as
well as the possible technical means and advantages. Based on digital technology, the system mines and
analyzes user data, integrates expert resources, and covers the entire process from online consultation,
offline medical treatment, and daily monitoring.
Smart mental health care is a branch of smart
medical care, which refers to the use of new-
generation Internet of Things, cloud computing and
other information technologies to manage, select and
optimize things related to mental health
construction, so that people can obtain an
increasingly personalized mental health service
experience (Shatte, Hutchinson, & Teague 2019; D’
Alfonso, 2020).
Since the reform and opening up, China's mental
health service has achieved tremendous
development. However, there are still many
problems such as shortage of medical resources, low
treatment rate of mental illness, and lack of
individual mental health knowledge (Li et al., 2012).
The construction of the mental health service system
is also in its infancy, and it is difficult to meet the
needs of the society (Huang & Zheng, 2015).
Scholars and clinicians have been committed to
building a systematic and intelligent mental health
service system that can meet the needs of the public
(Qu et al., 2017). Big data, artificial intelligence
have great potential to redefine our diagnosis and
understanding of mental illness (Bzdok & Meyer-
Lindenberg, 2018). In recent years, with the
development of information technology, more and
more industries have begun to explore the "Internet
+" model, and the field of mental health is no
exception (Peng, Xi & Zuo, 2017, Li et al., 2013).
For example, online psychological testing, remote
psychological counseling and some mental health
service APP, have brought a lot of convenience to
people. However, on the one hand, the construction
of psychological community has problems of low
information sharing (Bennett & Bennett, 2000) and
lack of expert guidance. On the other hand, online
psychological medical treatment also has problems
such as imperfect system design and personal
information leakage. Therefore, in the new era of the
Internet, it is of great significance to build a smart
psychological medical system based on the "Internet
+" concept.
Starting from the three time periods before,
during and after the outpatient clinic, this study
constructed a systematic and comprehensive
intelligent mental health care model, in order to
provide individuals with more convenient and
efficient mental health services.
Liang, G. and Shen, X.
Research on the Smart Psychological Medical Model from the Perspective of Internet.
DOI: 10.5220/0011373600003438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare (ICHIH 2022), pages 548-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-596-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The intelligent psychological medical system
designed in this paper includes three functional
modules, namely online consultation sub-system,
medical treatment sub-system and tracking
management sub-system. The overall structure of the
system is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The overall framework of the smart
psychological medical system.
If users need psychotherapy services, they can
first conduct evaluation and consultation through the
online consultation sub-system. If you need to see a
doctor offline, you can choose a convenient medical
institution online to initiate an appointment. The
medical sub-system has functions such as
registration information and medical record inquiry,
which is convenient for mental health doctors to
manage patient information. After seeing a doctor,
the doctor can understand the patient's treatment
effect through the tracking management sub-system,
and the patient can report their own situation to the
doctor at any time. In addition, the three subsystems
are not one-way, but are linked to each other and can
be cycled multiple times.
The online consultation subsystem has both a web
version and a WeChat applet version, which is
convenient for users to use. Considering the
particularity of mental health diseases, online
consultation function is designed in this system,
which is different from making a online prescription
and other telemedicine modes. This is a supplement
and auxiliary to psychological counseling, but also
plays a role in popularizing psychological
knowledge, providing network support and guidance
for patients with psychological diseases.
3.1 Subsystem Structure
The online consultation subsystem includes four
functional modules, which are psychological
consultation, psychological assessment, user
management and knowledge base management.
Psychological consultation interface, users need
to input symptoms for consultation, including
emotion, cognition, behavior and physical response
four dimensions. The system will recommend
consulting methods for users according to the
symptoms or users can also choose independently.
The psychological assessment function is a
supplement to the self-assessment of symptoms. The
results are deduced by inference machine and
summarized and recorded in the user information
base. There are three ways of consultation:
psychiatrist online consultation, psychotherapist
online consultation and computer aided decision
For the convenience of psychiatrists and
psychotherapists, the system records the counseling
information, evaluation results and psychological
counseling process in user files. At the same time,
the system analyzes the recorded archive
information, generates statistical reports and feeds
back to users.
Knowledge base adopts frame - production
structure. Frame system reflects the classification of
users' psychological problems, while production
system adopts rule-knowledge representation. The
frame structure is divided into two levels. The first-
level framework is subdivided into depression,
obsessiveness, fear, anxiety, addiction and mental
disorders. The secondary framework is defined
according to the causes of psychological
abnormalities, such as study pressure, poor parent-
child relationship, etc. The framework is divided as
shown in Table 1. The framework is mainly
composed of slot set, social relations and behavioral
Research on the Smart Psychological Medical Model from the Perspective of Internet
Table 1: Knowledge base framework division method.
The secondar
Poor parent-child
Communicative difficult
3.2 System Reasoning Method
Considering that most of the information provided
by users is incomplete and inaccurate, knowledge
processing and reasoning methods in the consulting
system must be able to deal with this uncertainty.
Bayesian method is a method that can be used to
establish uncertain inference.
The basic formula of Bayesian is shown in
Equation (1):
As shown in the formula (1): p(H) represents the
prior probability of event H occurring. p(E|H) is the
probability that event H will occur after event E is
known to occur. p(-H) represents the prior
probability that event H does not occur. p(E|-H) is
the probability that event H does not occur after
event E is known to occur.
The factual argument for defining knowledge k
is pH, the membership probability is G(k), and the
weight is V(k→r). The relation is shown in formula
() ( )
rkVkGpH =
When there are multiple arguments (denoted by
, E
, ..., E
) and multiple assumptions (denoted by
, H
, ..., H
), these assumptions and arguments are
mutually exclusive and complete. Considering the
problem of computational difficulty, ignoring some
small arguments (Yang 2018), formula (3) is
()() ()
In advance, psychological counseling knowledge
and expert experience are obtained through data
mining techniques, and valid data are classified
through machine learning (Louie et al. 2017), and
then the probability of each event is scientifically
defined. In the inference process, the user first inputs
symptoms and psychological evaluation results, and
in the matching process, the Bayesian method is
used to improve the accuracy of the inference
The medical sub-system is designed based on the
"WeChat" platform. If the user needs to go to the
offline to see a doctor, they can directly jump to the
consultation sub-system from the online consultation
sub-system to make an appointment. Of course, the
medical sub-system also accepts direct online
appointments or offline registrations. The whole
process of consultation is shown in Figure 2. It is
divided into three parts, the first is the guide module,
the second is the consultation module, and the third
is the payment module.
Figure 2: Full flow chart of medical treatment.
4.1 Guide Module
Relying on the official information portal, patients
will get an exclusive QR code after successfully
making an appointment and binding their medical
insurance card. This QR code can realize the
medical business content of each link such as check-
in, payment, medicine collection, and query results.
At the same time, it also reduces the sluggish
process caused by the loss of various magnetic cards
and documents, and the privacy leakage that may be
caused by scanning various unofficial QR codes,
which is convenient for unified management.
Intelligent triage can help patients who lack
medical expertise find the department they need to
see precisely. It is based on the patient's self-
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
reported symptoms and online assessment results.
Users who are transferred from the online
consultation sub-system will be automatically
assigned to the department corresponding to the
disease with the help of the intelligent triage system,
and the road map of the hospital will be attached.
Users who register offline or make direct online
appointments need to conduct pre-examinations such
as symptom briefing online, and then use the
intelligent triage system for triage. After arriving at
the hospital's consultation area, scan the code and
sign in, the user will be guided to see the doctor
according to the doctor's duty table. The intelligent
triage system also has a designated appointment
function for expert clinics. Returning patients will be
given priority to recommend the doctor who
consulted before.
4.2 Consultation Module
During the psychiatric consultation, the patient re-
reported the symptoms, and the doctor recorded it on
the doctor side of the medical treatment sub-system,
and judged whether routine or special examinations
were needed. After getting the inspection report, the
doctor makes a diagnosis, and a computer-aided
diagnosis is generated. If the two judgments are the
same or close, the diagnosis will be confirmed after
combination. If the two differ too much, send the
information to an online expert for another
judgment. The advantage is that the accuracy of
diagnosis can be improved through manual
diagnosis, computer assistance and third-party
If the patient makes an appointment for
psychological consultation or therapy, the system
will monitor the patient's facial expressions, body
movements and other indicators through the
equipment during the interview, music therapy and
sand table therapy, so as to understand the
therapeutic effect.
4.3 Payment Module
After the consultation, the doctor bills directly in the
medical sub-system, and the patient scans the QR
code to pay, which saves the time of queuing for
payment in the payment area, which really brings
speed and convenience to the patient (Yang, Gao &
Yu 2019). The system is connected with the medical
insurance information and the data of the third-party
payment platform in real time, so that patients can
pay part of their own expenses through the third-
party platform, and the medical insurance patients
can verify and pay the insurance fee through the
electronic medical insurance channel.
After completing the payment for the
consultation, the patient can directly obtain the
consultation electronic bill and electronic medical
record on the mobile phone. The medical sub-system
is equipped with an electronic invoice storage
column and a historical medical record column,
which is convenient for patients to view and
download at any time. This setting reduces the use
of paper on the one hand, and avoids the loss of
invoice and medical record information on the other
Tracking and observing users' physical conditions
after treatment can facilitate doctors to diagnose
their conditions more accurately. Daily monitoring
can also achieve early detection and early treatment
of physical and mental diseases. As a branch of the
intelligent psychological medical system, the
tracking management subsystem needs not only the
support of WeChat program, but also wearable
devices, which are connected through Bluetooth.
The specific functions are shown in Table 2 below.
The main functions of the subsystem are
"monitoring", "consulting" and "community".
Table 2: The list of functions of the tracking management
The main function Sub-function
sical condition
Early warning
Online consultation
Re-visit appointment
Customer service
ical knowled
ical case
Tree hole
Mutual aid square
5.1 Monitoring Module
The "Monitoring" interface can view the current
physical status, including heart rate, blood pressure,
and can measure the health index through physical
indicators. This data is provided by wearable devices
such as iWatch. According to different medical
conditions, users also need to fill in the medication
feeling and psychological self-assessment form on
Research on the Smart Psychological Medical Model from the Perspective of Internet
time, and can feedback to the doctor when
Past data is saved in the history folder, allowing
users to view trends by week, month or year. When
an indicator reaches the warning line, the system
will automatically remind the user to avoid untimely
medical treatment.
5.2 Consulting Module
The consultation module has three functions, which
are online consultation, follow-up appointment and
customer service.
Online consultation can provide graphic
consultation and voice emergency. Monitoring data
can also be easily transmitted to the consultation
window. Patients can book a re-visit appointment
online. After periodical medication or
psychotherapy, the treatment can also be ended
through online consultation. The consultation
module also sets up an official customer service
column, and users can solve their own problems
through online or telephone Q&A and email
5.3 Community Module
The community module is divided into four
functions, namely psychological knowledge, typical
cases, tree holes and mutual aid square.
The program will push common knowledge
related to psychology and typical cases of mental
illness every day, in both text form and video, to
help users increase their knowledge reserves. Users
can earn points by reading articles, watching videos,
or answering questions, which can be exchanged for
prizes. Users can post what they want to say but
can't say in the "tree hole", this place is completely
confidential, not open to the public, and can be used
as a trash can for bad emotions. The Mutual Aid
Square is where users look for help. Users can write
down their little troubles here and wait for others to
answer them. Users can also create small
communities to welcome friends with the same
The smart psychological medical system
innovatively adopts the whole process mode of
online consultation, offline treatment, and long-term
tracking. The online counseling sub-system recruits
experts to provide psychological counseling and
psychological assessment. Design knowledge base
using framework-production structure. Finally, the
Bayesian method of data accumulation is used to
realize the uncertainty inference of the pattern. By
building a closed loop from guidance, consultation
to payment, the medical treatment sub-system
optimizes the medical treatment process and
provides digital, intelligent and convenient
outpatient services. The tracking management
subsystem combines dynamic monitoring, online
consultation, remote management and community
building to provide users with personalized, precise
and systematic mental health services.
The smart psychological medical model makes
full use of the technological advantages of the
"Internet +" era and the knowledge and skills of
psychology and psychiatry experts. It has the
advantages of high coherence and strong scalability,
and can play a positive auxiliary role in the
implementation of smart medical treatment and
smart psychology.
This study was partially supported by the grants
from the Planed Project of Social Sciences in Jiangxi
Province (No. 18JY24) and the project of "1050
Young top-notch talent" of Jiangxi University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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Research on the Smart Psychological Medical Model from the Perspective of Internet