Cys116 in NKG2A, resulting in the interchain
disulfide in the CD94/NKG2A heterodimer
(Boyington, Riaz, Patamawenu, Coligan, Brooks,
Sun, 1999).
The CD94/NKG2A dimer has the dimension
75*42*38 A with a large dimer interface containing
roughly 1500 A2 of buried surface area (BSA)
(Sullivan, Clements, Beddoe, et al, 2007), at which
CD94 and NKG2A contribute 69% and 31%
respectively (Petrie, Clements, Lin, et al, 2008). The
interaction between the alpha2 helix of NKG2A and
the complementary prolonged loop region of CD94
greatly leads to the asymmetry at the CD94/NKG2A
interface (Sullivan, Clements, Beddoe, et al, 2007).
Additionally, there are two of the amino acids in
CD94/NKG2A locating on the presumed HLA-E
binding site, position 197 in loop 5 (Glu) and position
225 within loop 7 (Ile) (Sullivan, Clements, Beddoe,
et al, 2007).
According to recent researches, tumor infiltration
NK cells and CD8+ T cells express an abnormal
amount of NKG2A which contributes to the poor
cancer prognosis (Zaghi, Calvi, Marcenaro, Mavilio,
Di Vito, 2019). By analyzing the tissue-infiltrating
leukocyte (ITL) from normal livers, intratumor tissues
(IT), peritumor tissues (PT) and intratumor tissues
(IT), Cheng Sun et al had found that the expression of
NKG2A in NK cells from IT was dramatically
increased in comparison with those cells in healthy
livers and PT which also relates to NK cell exhaustion
and to great extent, results in a shorter overall survival
(OS) of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (Sun,
Xu, Huang, et al, 2017). Furthermore, the
upregulation on NK cells by NKG2A in patients with
lung cancers can act as a biomarker of tumor
metastatization (NK Cell Phenotypic Modulation in
Lung Cancer Environment, 2021). Besides, the direct
interaction between NK cells and intratumor stromal
cells gives rise to the pathogenic and phenotypic
mutation of NK cell in lung cancer as well as invasive
breast cancer where an increment in the expression of
NKG2A and a lessened expression of the NKRs
NKp30, NKG2D, DNAM-1, and CD16 have been
observed (Galland, Vuille, Martin, et al, 2017,
Mamessier, Sylvain, Thibult, et al, 2011).
2.2 The Ligand of NKG2A in Both NK
and T Cells
The primary ligand for CD94/NKG2A inhibitory
receptor is the human major histocompatibility
complex class Ib (MHC-Ib) molecule, HLA-E (Braud,
Allan, O’Callaghan, et al, Borrego, Ulbrecht, Weiss,
Coligan, Brooks, 1998,)
and its mouse ortholog Qa-1b
(Borst L, Burg SH van der, Hall T van. 2020). This
class Ib protein specifically binds and presents an
immensely associated set of nonameric peptides
generated from the signal sequences of class I
molecules (Braud, Allan, O’Callaghan, et al, 1998,
Braud, Yvonne Jones, McMichael. 1997, Lee, Llano,
Carretero, et al, 1998), which is different from class Ia
molecules that exhibit a broad range of peptide
ligands. In addition, it contains only two functional
alleles present in humans (the HLA-E*01:01 and the
HLA-E*01:03 variants
(Borst L, Burg SH van der,
Hall T van. 2020). These 2 alleles can be distinguished
from each other only by an individual amino acid at
position 107 which is arginine (01:01) or glycine
(01:03) (Borst L, Burg SH van der, Hall T van. 2020).
The expression of HLA-E is overall common whereas
relatively low in normal tissues with exceptions of
high level of expression in trophoblast cells in the
placenta and ductal epithelial cells in the testis and
epididymis due to the effect of HLA-E in immune
tolerance (Wei, Orr, 1990, van Hall, André,
Horowitz, et al, 2019). In contrast, the amount of
HLA-E exert on tumor cells are abnormally increased
in lung, kidney, pancreas, stomach, colon, head and
neck, liver, melanoma, prostate, and rectal tumor
tissues (van Montfoort, Borst, Korrer, et al, 2018,
Gooden, Lampen, Jordanova, et al, 2011). It has been
reported that high HLA-E expression can be
associated with a poor prognosis in colorectal
carcinoma, breast and ovarian carcinoma (Gooden,
Lampen, Jordanova, et al, 2011, Levy, Bianchini,
Von Euw, et al, 2008). Nevertheless, a favorable
connection between expression of HLA-E and
survival time has been recognized in patients with
glioblastoma (Kren, Slaby, Muckova, et al, 2011).
Joseph D.Miller et al have indicated that the
position 5 Arg side chain in HLA-E performs as a
dominant contact for interaction with CD94/NKG2A
receptor, which acts as one of the main contact
residues together with P8 amino acids for this
interaction (Miller, Weber, Ibegbu, Pohl, Altman,
Jensen, 2003). For mechanism, the tyrosine
phosphorylation of ITIMs and following recruitment
and activation of phosphatases (SHP-1 and SHP-2)
then characterizes the ligation of inhibitory receptors,
thus causing the inhibition of various NK cell-
mediated effector functions (Burshtyn, Scharenberg,
Wagtmann, et al, 1996). The length of amino acid
between the two ITIMs in NKG2A is about 25
peptides, which is regarded to be appropriate for the
occupation of tandem SH2 with phosphatases6. Also,
for the maximum phosphatase catalytic activity, it is
necessary to activate SH2 domains of SHP-1/-2
simultaneously (Pluskey, Wandless, Walsh,