Biochar has promising application in soil
improvement and remediation for its comprehensive
effects on soil fertility, microbial activity, plant and
crop growth, and heavy metals immobilization.
Although biochar can improve soil fertility and
repair polluted soil, the mechanisms of biochar on
soil remediation of heavy metal pollution and other
emerging pollutants (Antonangelo 2021), especially
the interact role of microorganisms, are still unclear.
The different performances of biochar in different
types and properties of soil, long-term stability and
toxicity of biochar, as well as field application, all
need in-depth researches in the future.
This work was supported by the the Science
Foundation of China Urban Construction Design &
Research Institute Co., Ltd. (Y09S21009) and the
Science and Technology Planning Project of
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
of the People’s Republic of China (No. 2019-K-142)
for financial support.
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