An Efficient Unified Architecture for Polynomial Multiplications in Lattice-Based Cryptoschemes
Francesco Antognazza, Alessandro Barenghi, Gerardo Pelosi, Ruggero Susella
The significant effort in the research and design of large-scale quantum computers has spurred a transition to post-quantum cryptographic primitives worldwide. The post-quantum cryptographic primitive standardization effort led by the US NIST has recently selected the asymmetric encryption primitive Kyber as its candidate for standardization. It has also indicated NTRU, another lattice-based primitive, as a valid alternative if intellectual property issues are not solved. Finally, a more conservative alternative to NTRU, NTRUPrime was also considered as an alternate candidate, due to its design choices which remove the possibility for a large set of attacks preemptively. All the aforementioned asymmetric primitives provide good performances, and are prime choices provide IoT devices with post-quantum confidentiality services. In this work, we propose a unified design for a hardware accelerator able to speed up the computation of polynomial multiplications, the workhorse operation in all of the aforementioned cryptosystems, managing the differences in the polynomial rings of the cryptosystems. Our design is also able to outperform the state of the art designs tailored specifically for NTRU, and provide latencies similar to the symmetric cryptographic elements required by the scheme for Kyber and NTRUPrime.
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in Harvard Style
Antognazza F., Barenghi A., Pelosi G. and Susella R. (2023). An Efficient Unified Architecture for Polynomial Multiplications in Lattice-Based Cryptoschemes. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 1: ICISSP, ISBN 978-989-758-624-8, pages 81-88. DOI: 10.5220/0011654200003405
in Bibtex Style
author={Francesco Antognazza and Alessandro Barenghi and Gerardo Pelosi and Ruggero Susella},
title={An Efficient Unified Architecture for Polynomial Multiplications in Lattice-Based Cryptoschemes},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 1: ICISSP,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 1: ICISSP,
TI - An Efficient Unified Architecture for Polynomial Multiplications in Lattice-Based Cryptoschemes
SN - 978-989-758-624-8
AU - Antognazza F.
AU - Barenghi A.
AU - Pelosi G.
AU - Susella R.
PY - 2023
SP - 81
EP - 88
DO - 10.5220/0011654200003405