J2EE Architecture and Programming Based on OBE Concept Curriculum Objective Teaching Process Design and Research

Zongbo Wu, Huangxia Ling, Zhimin You



Outcome orientation is the core requirement of the OBE concept. According to the actual needs of software engineering major, focusing on the development orientation of the university, the development needs of students and the requirements of the economy and society for professional talents, the training goals and graduation requirements for software engineering major have been formulated. Course objectives were formulated according to the principle of course objectives reverse design and graduation requirements.The core of whether teachers achieve course objectives is to design course teaching process.The design of course teaching process includes course objectives design, teaching content selection, students empowerment, teaching methods selection, degree of course objectives achievement and continuous improvement.Through the teaching process design of curriculum objectives, students can achieve teaching effects better and better realize the curriculum objectives.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Wu Z., Ling H. and You Z. (2023). J2EE Architecture and Programming Based on OBE Concept Curriculum Objective Teaching Process Design and Research. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology - Volume 1: ANIT; ISBN 978-989-758-677-4, SciTePress, pages 422-425. DOI: 10.5220/0012285200003807

in Bibtex Style

author={Zongbo Wu and Huangxia Ling and Zhimin You},
title={J2EE Architecture and Programming Based on OBE Concept Curriculum Objective Teaching Process Design and Research},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology - Volume 1: ANIT},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology - Volume 1: ANIT
TI - J2EE Architecture and Programming Based on OBE Concept Curriculum Objective Teaching Process Design and Research
SN - 978-989-758-677-4
AU - Wu Z.
AU - Ling H.
AU - You Z.
PY - 2023
SP - 422
EP - 425
DO - 10.5220/0012285200003807
PB - SciTePress