Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas

Erni Rukmana, M Edwin Fransiari, Kanaya Yori Damanik, Latifah Rahman Nurfazriah



Teenage girls must meet their needs for energy intake and micronutrients such as iron to achieve optimal nutritional status. This study was proposed to determine different nutritional knowledge, energy intake, iron intake, and nutritional status of teenage girls in rural and urban areas. This study used a comparative crosssectional observation design with 30 girls (15 - 17 years old) from Bandung High School Foundation, Deli Serdang Regency and 30 girls at Pertiwi Private High School, Medan City, as the sample subjects. The nutritional knowledge was earned through a questionnaire, food consumption data were collected using the food recall method (1 × 24 hours), and Z-scores were applied for the BMI-for-age. The independent T-test analysis was used to differentiate the nutritional knowledge, energy intake, and iron intake between groups of subjects with normal data distribution. Differences were found in nutritional knowledge and energy intake among teenage girls in rural and urban areas, while iron intake and BMI for age revealed no difference. Therefore, nutritional knowledge is necessary for teenage girls to improve attitudes and actions in choosing healthy and nutritious foods.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Rukmana E., Fransiari M., Damanik K. and Nurfazriah L. (2023). Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health - Volume 1: ICSDH; ISBN 978-989-758-727-6, SciTePress, pages 203-208. DOI: 10.5220/0012919500004564

in Bibtex Style

author={Erni Rukmana and M Edwin Fransiari and Kanaya Yori Damanik and Latifah Rahman Nurfazriah},
title={Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health - Volume 1: ICSDH},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health - Volume 1: ICSDH
TI - Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas
SN - 978-989-758-727-6
AU - Rukmana E.
AU - Fransiari M.
AU - Damanik K.
AU - Nurfazriah L.
PY - 2023
SP - 203
EP - 208
DO - 10.5220/0012919500004564
PB - SciTePress