Development of an Affordable EMC Immunity Assessment Setup Using Direct Power Injection for Biosignals Instrumentation: Application to ECG Monitoring
Tiago Nunes, Tiago Nunes, Hugo Plácido da Silva, Hugo Plácido da Silva, Hugo Gamboa, Hugo Gamboa
The increasing number of connected electronic devices in our daily lives contributes to a more dense electromagnetic environment, increasing the challenge of resilience to electromagnetic interference. This is particularly concerning when the context is healthcare and the devices currently used to assess one’s health condition. It is crucial that the development of new devices for biosignals acquisition takes into consideration the electromagnetic compatibility of the device from an early stage of the design. In this paper, a methodology to assess the immunity of a device based on direct power injection is proposed. We describe the setup used and the PCBs designed for the specific case of an ECG acquisition device. The validation of the setup is made with two scenarios previously evaluated in anechoic environment. We show that with the proposed setup we observe the same effects as in anechoic environment.
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in Harvard Style
Nunes T., Plácido da Silva H. and Gamboa H. (2024). Development of an Affordable EMC Immunity Assessment Setup Using Direct Power Injection for Biosignals Instrumentation: Application to ECG Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES; ISBN 978-989-758-688-0, SciTePress, pages 82-87. DOI: 10.5220/0012588900003657
in Bibtex Style
author={Tiago Nunes and Hugo Plácido da Silva and Hugo Gamboa},
title={Development of an Affordable EMC Immunity Assessment Setup Using Direct Power Injection for Biosignals Instrumentation: Application to ECG Monitoring},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES
TI - Development of an Affordable EMC Immunity Assessment Setup Using Direct Power Injection for Biosignals Instrumentation: Application to ECG Monitoring
SN - 978-989-758-688-0
AU - Nunes T.
AU - Plácido da Silva H.
AU - Gamboa H.
PY - 2024
SP - 82
EP - 87
DO - 10.5220/0012588900003657
PB - SciTePress