For example, when an agent transfers a resource
from a cell to another, links created by terrorist
recruitment cells when they capture new terrorist,
and the designation of a new leader.
2.2.2 Structure and Process Relation
Some authors explain how network’s structure and
agents’ behaviours interact, independently of link
creation process.
For example, in (O'Neil, 2012) the network
structure changes according to the issue of
operations. In (Li, et al., 2015), the network is re-
structured after the counter-terrorism attacks.
(Genkin and Gutfraind, 2011) identifies radical
profiles as well as counter-terrorism strategies using
SNA measures and the position of agents in the
network. Agents in (Moon and Carley, 2007) change
its behaviour and goal according to its position in the
space, since they seek for knowledge and resources
distributed over the geographical space. (Berry, et
al., 2004) models an inter-relation between cliques
and agents’ behaviours, that is these two entities
influence each other at the same time. Finally, the
structure of the network in (Ilachinski, 2012)
depends on roles, operations and the battlefield
2.2.3 Network’s Topology
Regarding the structure of the obtained networks in
analysed papers, it is difficult to stablish a consensus
about the actual topology of TN.
(MacKerrow, 2003) (Berry, et al., 2004)
(Tsvetovat and Carley, 2004) (Genkin and
Gutfraind, 2011) (Li, et al., 2015)obtain
cellular/clique based networks. (Raczynski, 2004)
obtain a tree structure. (Moon and Carley, 2007)
follows a spatial structure. (Keller, et al., 2010) uses
a preferential attachment rule so he obtains a scale-
free network. Finally, (North, et al., 2004)
(Ilachinski, 2012) (O'Neil, 2012) allow their model
to create any kind of topology, depending on
parameters or existing prior data.
2.2.4 Multilayer Networks
As discussed before, qualitative approaches are
interested in the type and motivation of relationship
between individuals, and multilayer structures are
the natural way of taking into account these details.
Furthermore, there are more and more mathematical
formalizations of multilayer networks (De
Domenico, et al., 2013).
Regarding terrorist multilayer networks,
(MacKerrow, 2003) defines kinship, religious,
organizational and friendship layer. (Berry, et al.,
2004) observes the following layers according to the
weight or strength of the link between individuals, in
ascending order by strength: world, mosque,
acquaintance, strong bonds and clique. (Ilachinski,
2012) proposes a more complex layer division, with
3 different layers oriented to a counter-terrorism
strategy: genotype (primitive agent behaviour),
phenotype I (emergent agent behaviour) and
phenotype II (emergent squad and force behaviour).
Moreover, agents in his framework perform actions
in two different spaces: physical and information
one. Finally, (Tsvetovat and Carley, 2004) and
(Moon and Carley, 2007) uses a meta-matrix
approach allowing to take into account agents,
knowledges, resources, locations and tasks.
2.2.5 In/out Data
(Berry, et al., 2004)does not precise any input data,
however a similar paper (Berry, et al., 2003)
discusses about using available data from urban
street gangs as an analogy of terrorist groups.
(MacKerrow, 2003) uses census data, interviews and
GIS data in his model in order to initialize attributes
like ethnography, income, religion, educational
degree, etc. Likewise, the allegiance vector is built
from qualitative data. (North, et al., 2004) generates
a TN from a sample of a given network. (Moon and
Carley, 2007) describes the input data set as the
result of an automatic process of analysis of
unclassified documents like newspaper articles or
intelligence reports using AutoMap text analysis
tool. Regarding spatial information, they hand coded
corresponding latitudes and longitudes. (O'Neil,
2012) extracts information from JJATT database
( in order to define
agent’s roles. Moreover, since his model mimics real
world networks, the Jemaah Islamiyah network from
JJATT was used as initial network. (Keller, et al.,
2010) models counter-terrorism strategies based on
empirical ones. (Ilachinski, 2012) doesn’t put any
data in his model but the topology and dynamic of
his model have been developed following
operational and ground knowledge. (Genkin and
Gutfraind, 2011) does not use any real data as input
of the model, however the results are partially
validated by empirical data and radical profiles are
based on empirical cases of home-grown self-starter
terrorism. This data comes from some available
datasets as Lexis-Nexis, TRC or START among
others. NetWatch package, presented in (Tsvetovat
and Carley, 2005) and (Tsvetovat and Carley, 2004),