Hao Ding, Ingeborg T. Sølvberg
Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology
Keywords: Digital Library, Schema, Metadata, Agent, Ontology
Abstract: In this paper, we discussed the problems brought by the schema heterogeneity in DLs, especially those
problems found in the application of the OAI-PMH protocol. This paper studies the problem from two
perspectives, namely the schema and the architecture respectively. A preliminary architecture is provided
that integrates the ontology, agent, P2P together to support the schema mapping. And the semantic
negotiation strategy between the heterogenous agents has also been described.
With the explosive research in the Semantic Web,
many people believe that the Semantic Web may
first emerge in controlled communities like DLs
because of the reliability of metadata that can be
guaranteed. Meanwhile, because DLs could be
accessed over the Internet inexpensively and
conveniently, the constructions of DLs increase
sharply and a number of topics are covered, such as
science, history, culture, etc.. Moreover, more and
more libraries use Web resources to populate their
collections. It thus results in that different DL
schema/metadata formats range over not only in the
cooperative DLs but also the open-access web-based
collections, which definitely increases the difficulty
in finding the appropriate information on a specific
topic or requirement.
In the past decade, there are many approaches to
weave distributed DLs together (for Recall purpose)
and alleviate the problem brought by schema variety
(for Precision purpose). From the schema
perspective, in order to facilitate the federation of
distributed DLs or content providers on the Web, it
is necessary to have a protocol that can ‘harvest’ the
metadata in different collections. In DL community,
two well-known protocols are Z39.50 (Z39.50
protocol) and Open Archive Protocol for Metadata
Harvesting (Carl, OAI 2002). The former addresses
a number of issues in a more complete manner but it
is expensive to adopt. Generally speaking, no matter
how great the functionality is, an approach with a
high cost of adoption will not be widely used.
Z39.50 has rich mechanisms, but it ends with limited
distribution, which is contrast to the rapid and broad
acceptance of basic web components such as HTTP
and HTML (Carl, 2002). OAI-PMH thus aims to
establish a low-entry and well-defined
interoperability framework applicable across
domains (Carl, 2001). It provides an application-
independent interoperability framework based on
metadata harvesting. Two roles are involved in OAI-
PMH – Data Provider and Service Provider. The
requirement for metadata (schema) interoperability
is addressed by requiring all OAI Data Providers
supply a common metadata set – (unqualified)
Dublin Core (DCMES, 2003). However, in the
current approaches in the metadata harvesting, some
problems are brought out in terms of metadata
incorrectness (e.g. XML encoding or syntax errors),
poor quality of metadata, and metadata
inconsistency (MARTIN, 2003). The flexibility in
the usage of unqualified DC elements results in that
some elements, e.g., ‘type’, ‘format’, ‘language’,
etc., which may not share controlled vocabulary that
can improve the consistency and then the quality of
service (Hyunki, 2003). Furthermore, the simplicity
of DC somehow loses the Precision in searching
because of its limited description capability.
Anyway, the use of Qualified Dublin Core (QDC,
2001) would solve some of these problems, but it
will be also expensive to create and deploy as that in
Z39.50. From the DL infrastructure perspective,
there have been many federated DLs that are
implemented in a centralized architecture, which
requires a supporting organization to maintain them.
Ding H. and T. Sølvberg I. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 307-312
These approaches work well within a controllable
organization. For example, the BIBSYS library
system (BIBSYS) federates 92 sub libraries that are
distributed over the whole Norway in different
colleges and universities. Although the sub libraries
are geographically distributed, BIBSYS mandates all
of them to adopt the BIBSYS-MARC (BIBSYS-
MARC, 2001) metadata format. The National library
of Norway administrates the centralized library and
each sub library is allowed to have additional
metadata standards for her own specific usages.
As we argued above, we believe it is almost
impossible and impractical for us to create global-
applied and unique identifiers (names) for all kinds
of objects that we intend to search, browse, or
exchange. We also believe that the future DLs will
consist of many small or medium sized libraries that
can provide specific services for users. Additionally,
the users should be able to access not only the
cooperative (federated) DLs but also the non-
cooperating DLs at the same time.
In this paper, we propose to integrate DL systems in
a new manner that combining the semantic
negotiation, agent and Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
technologies together. Our goal is to let the agent
component embedded in different library
communicate semantically. The mutually
comprehensible agents will help to improve the data
quality when harvesting in between.
The following of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 introduces the related works in schema
interoperability; Section 3 provides a multi-agent
based P2P architecture for distributed DLs in which
heterogeneous agents can communicate for
ontology-based negotiating for understanding the
meaning of different schema if there are. Discussion
and Conclusion come in the final section.
Mappings between heterogeneous schemas have
been studied for quite a while.
A framework for dealing with heterogeneous OSM
schemas is presented in (Biskup, 2003). OSM
models contain objects, their relationships and a
predicate calculus for expressing constraints. The
global schema is defined ontologically and
independent from the source schemas. Interaction
with an administrator is assumed (however not
required) for setting up deterministic mappings
between objects (and relations, respectively).
TSIMMIS (Chawathe, 1994) is one of the early
systems integrating heterogeneous digital libraries.
Schema mappings are defined in a textual format
with actions which are executed when a
corresponding template matches a query.
With the growing popularity of XML, mappings
between different DTDs are also investigated. Due
to the deterministic nature of XML, uncertainty is
not supported by any of these approaches. A tree-
grammar-based approach for inducing integrated
views (XML-QL templates which can be used for
stating user queries) for XML data with
heterogeneous DTDs is presented in (Jeong, 1995).
Type trees derived from the source DTDs are
converted into a tree automaton. States belonging to
similar types are merged to obtain a minimized
integrated view.
MIND (Henrik, 2003) uses probabilistic logics for
uncertain schema mapping. They mapped
DAML+OIL into the probabilistic Datalog (Norbert,
2000) and use XSLT for actually transforming
queries and documents.
National Science Digital Library (NSDL) adopts
eight native metadata standards. The collections
selected for inclusion in the NSDL have metadata
conforming to the common or well-established
standards, if they have metadata at all. If they have,
the systems will automatically crosswalk native
metadata to qualified Dublin Core (QDC, 2001),
which will provide a lingua franca for
interoperability. If not, the systems will processes
content and generate metadata automatically (Carl,
3.1 Architecture
Basing on the aforementioned arguments, we
propose to adopt an agent P2P-based platform where
‘harvesting agents’ can harvest the metadata from
other libraries in a semantic negotiation mechanism.
Agents are autonomous program units capable of
working towards a set of goals. In multi-agent
system, cooperating agents need a shared set of
conventions (Wooldridge, 1995). The legacy
approach is to agree upon a set of conventions,
particularly, a set of domain ontology beforehand,
and then embed them into the agent communication
protocols. In constructing agent-based distributed
DLs, several open problems are still inherited as
It is hard to have a world-wide consensus ontology
base as mentioned above and hence it is groundless
to have an associated language for every possible
domain of multi-agent application.
Agent P2P-based DLs systems are open system
because they consist not only the cooperative DLs
but also the non-cooperating DLs. This means that
the conventions can not be defined once and for all
but are expected to expand as new needs arise.
Agent P2P-based DLs are typically distributed
systems. There is no central control server.
So, there should be a shared lexicon for the involved
agents to communicate a description. We believe
that a co-evolutionary coupling on ontology and
agent communication language will help improve
the coordination in distributed DLs.
Figure 1 illustrates a general sketch of the
architecture we propose.
The involved agents are autonomous and they can be
cooperative or not (e.g., Library B and Library D),
which is well-suited for the real-world situations.
According to the figure, Library A and Library D
share a common metadata format, say DC (DCMES,
2003), so A can directly harvest the metadata
records from D. However, B does not support DC
format, but the Encoded Archival Description (EAD,
2002). It thus needs the schema mapping from EAD
to DC if A wants also to harvest metadata records
from B. So, the agent in A can be activated to
negotiate with agent in A for the schema mapping in
between (details about the negotiation are described
in next sub-section).
In the architecture, the semantics-based negotiation
mechanism happens between two heterogeneous
agents that embedded in different library system. We
have not chosen the pure P2P infrastructure because
the current searching methods, such as the JXTA
search protocol, assume that all providers are
cooperative, thus they need to thus provide
complete, reliable resource descriptions. But it is
impracticable in some federated DLs environment
that many libraries consider their rich metadata to be
an important asset and only permit the ‘privilege’
users to access their collections (Carl, 2002). Thus,
we propose to import the agent technology because
it can support the communications between two
libraries without reference to that they are
cooperative or not. Furthermore, the agent-based
communication mechanism and technology is fairly
mature and is especially suitable for the explanations
on a specific schema (negotiation). The major
overhead may come from negotiation.
On the other side, dissimilar with the classical
adoption of multi-agents system in DLs, e.g., the
UMDL agent at University Michigan (William,
1995), which has a mediator for facilitating
communication between agents, we plan to integrate
the mediating functionality into an agent’s own
capabilities. Such that it will help keep track of an
agent’s neighbourhood and cache locations of other
agents. In this way an agent P2P network is formed
and a central bottleneck of the system is alleviated.
The major characteristics of the proposed
approach are:
z No central control server. The agents have to
coordinate by themselves in a self-adaptive fashion.
z The ontology remains adaptive. New coming
DL system which contains different metadata or no
metadata at all may require it to induce the meaning
of terms in a specific schema.
z Library systems can join and leave freely as
that in the P2P network.
Currently, in DL community, there has not been
much done in bringing together P2P networks and
agents for semantics-based interoperability. Thus,
putting together P2P, agent and semantics is an
unexploited research topic. And we believe it is a
worthwhile research to go further.
Figure 1: Semantics-based Interoperability in Distributed
3.2 The Role of Ontologies in DLs
Before we describe the semantic negotiation strategy
between two heterogeneous agents, it is necessary
for us to re-visit the role of ontologies in DLs.
According to aforementioned discussion, we believe
that in the development of future digital libraries, the
deployment of careful generated ontologies or
thesauri will offer higher reliability and quality for
the DL services. Furthermore, based on the adoption
of ontologies, it will also help make mapping among
related schema or integrate various schema into a
repository to support the content-based retrieval. In
fact, DL researchers have implicitly applied the idea
of ontologies in DLs, for example, the process of
classification on digital records. But there is still a
long way to go to realize the ontology-based
harvesting, searching and browsing, etc in DLs.
As concerning Ontology itself alone, James Hendler
states that the Semantic Web will contain a great
number of small possibly mutually inconsistent
ontological components that consist largely of
pointers to each other instead of few large and
consistent ontologies (James, 2001). Currently, the
most promising approach for the comparably ‘large’
standard ontologies is the effort to clean-up, refine,
validate and merge the existing resources, e.g.
WordNet (,
/CoreLex/overview.html), the publicly accessible
part of Cyc (, etc., for the
practical application, like ontology/metadata
mapping in DLs. There is available program for
helping validating designed ontologies (Nicola,
According to the well-know ‘5 papers on Wordnet’
(Miller, 1990), the essential part of concepts are:
z Synonymy(similar concept): <creator,
z Hyponymy(narrower-broader/ISA):
<designer is a creator>, <creator is person>
z Meronymy(part-of/HASA): <creator has
z Derivationally related terms/concepts:
<creator RELATEDTO create(verb)>
A number of papers in the DL and IR communities
have described the considerable improvement
obtained by adopting synonymy and hyponymy. For
example, in the application of query expansion. This
paper is yet not another endeavour to propose new
approaches for performance improvement. Rather, it
concentrates on how we can incorporate them into
distributed DLs and alleviate the problems brought
by schema heterogeneity. The following section will
concentrate on the semantic negotiation strategy.
3.3 Semantic Negotiation Strategy
Semantic Negotiation is a general purpose
mechanism that can be used in many different
contexts for exchanging schemas information and
description. In the procedure of negotiation, the
agent on the Service Provider (SP, the same meaning
as that in OAI-PMH) is expected to
interpret/understand the schema formats on the
heterogeneous Data Provider (DP, also from OAI-
PMH). The process is as follows:
1). When agent
asks agent
for the schema
format information, agent
sends agent
a list of
terms, using the description based on a lexical base,
for example, Wordnet. And the latter should also
support such a kind of lexical base. The reason for
doing so is that it is almost impossible for two
agents to mutually comprehend and exchange data
without any shared vocabulary or thesauri.
2). if agent
does not understand the description, it
responds with an error code indicating that the
description can not be understood. In this case, it
lists the particular terms not understood. Based on
this feedback, agent
can try to provide a
description that the server is more likely to
3). if the agent
partially understands the
description, that is, there are some mismatching
terms, it returns an error code saying so. It can
optionally also tell the agent
which part of the
description was not satisfied by any of the terms.
4). if the agent
understands the description, it
returns the confirmation to agent
. In the case
where the answer is a list of resources, the answer
may include additional data about each resource,
which the agent
may cache, in anticipation of
future queries about these resources.
The sequence diagram is illustrated in Figure 2.
Let us take a simple example, if agent
on Library
A queries agent
on Library B for the metadata
schema, agent
then responds his metadata format
in which there is one term – ‘author’ that agent
does not understand. Thus agent
sends a
feedback to agent
, claiming that unknown term.
Based on the feedback, agent
provides a
description (see below) that is generated from the
prerequisite query on Wordnet.
From the fragment of description, agent
that ‘creator’ is just one of the elements in DC that
Library A supports. Thus he responds which he
understands the term successfully and cache the
mapping for the application later on between Library
A and B. Hereby, the mapping should be focused on
specific relationships among specific libraries.
Even if the WWW contains more information than
any single traditional library, it can not substitute the
traditional library because it lacks these services
(particularly organization and sophisticated search
support) (William, DLib1995). No one is
disassembling their libraries because of WWW yet.
On the other side, because the webpage/media
editing tools become better and access to networks
becomes easier and cheaper, there will be millions of
content suppliers. The sharply increased public DLs
available on the Web are just a good proof for it.
However, people also find the difficulties in finding
the appropriate information because of the
voluminous collections and hence the problems in
locating the proper repositories. And the key issue in
the problem comes from the schema heterogeneity.
Many approaches in DL community have been
carried out to investigate the problem. There are also
many practical DL systems appear. Some of the
solutions create an integrated and global schema set
that may include exactly one (e.g. MARC21) or
several metadata formats (e.g. Dublin Core, Encoded
Archival Description, etc.). The individual library
thus maps its local metadata format to the global
one. If the global metadata set contains just one
format, such as the BIBSYS-MARC in BIBSYS, all
of the cooperative DLs should abide by the
BIBSYS-MARC format respectively although they
can extend some items locally. As to a metadata set
that may hold several schema formats, like NSDL,
which adopts eight metadata standards. The
collections selected for inclusion in the NSDL have
metadata conforming to the common or well-
established standards.
Such approaches will be unavoidably faced with the
problem in scalability, specifically, in the situations
when libraries join and leave. These cooperative
libraries will take pains in adjusting the global view
of the metadata set or reformatting the local
metadata standards. The UMDL adopts the agent
technology in the DL development, bearing the
intention to create a flexible software architecture
that can federate as many content suppliers,
information-organizational schemas, and service
providers as possible, and yet scale to the extremely
large size needed to support the DLs in the future
(William, DLib1995).
However, UMDL has not utilized the emerging
Semantic Web technology, which is widely accepted
that it can offer some semantic groundings. In the
distributed DLs, the profitable area is to embed the
semantic negotiation strategies into the agent
communication policies.
In this paper, we firstly discussed the problems
brought by the schema heterogeneity in DLs. Many
problems in the implementation of OAI-PMH
protocol have also reported their findings in this
issue. We believe that the future DLs could not be
accomplished without an adoption of a careful
design of ontologies. The essential types of
ontologies that could improve schema mapping were
also presented. In order to have a platform for the
semantic-based agent communication in distributed
DLs environment, we proposed a preliminary
architecture that integrates the ontology, agent, P2P
together to support the schema mapping. The
semantic negotiation strategy has also been
provided. We are aware that there are many open
questions, so this work should be considered a
Figure 2: The Sequence Diagram for the Semantic
stepping stone. And, it is a worthwhile research to
go further.
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