Angélica Caro
Universidad del Bio Bio, Departamento de Auditoria e Informática, La Castilla s/n, Chillán, Chile
Coral Calero, Ismael Caballero, Mario Piattini
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Departamento de Informática, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, España
Keywords: Data Quality, Information Quality, Web Portals.
Abstract: The technological advance and the internet have favoured the appearance of a great diversity of web
applications, one of them are Web Portals. Through this, organizations develop their businesses in a more
and more competitive environment. A decisive factor for this competitiveness is the assurance of data
quality. In the last years, several research works on Web Data Quality have been developed. However, there
is a lack of specific proposals for web portals data quality. In this paper, we will present a proposal for a
model data quality for web portals based on some web data quality works.
In the last years, a growing interest in the subject of
Data Quality (DQ) or Information Quality (IQ) has
been generated because of the increase of
interconnectivity of data producers and data
consumers mainly due to the development of the
internet and web technologies. The DQ/IQ is often
defined as “fitness for use”, i.e., the ability of a data
collection to meet user requirements (Strong, Lee et
al. 1997; Cappiello, Francalanci et al. 2004). Data
Quality is a multi-dimensional concept (Cappiello,
Francalanci et al. 2004), and in the DQ/IQ literature
several frameworks providing categories and
dimensions as a way of facing DQ/IQ problems can
be found. One of the most used and referred to is the
framework proposed by (Strong, Lee et al. 1997)
that states a classification based on the users
perspective. Furthermore, methodologies that allow
us to manage DQ/IQ within an organization have
been proposed. Among them, we can mention:
TDQM (Strong, Lee et al. 1997), AIMQ (Lee 2002)
and TQdM (English 2001).
Research on DQ/IQ started in the context of
information systems (Strong, Lee et al. 1997; Lee
2002) and it has been extended to contexts such as
cooperative systems (Fugini, Mecella et al. 2002;
Marchetti, Mecella et al. 2003; Winkler 2004), data
warehouses (Bouzeghoub and Kedad 2001) and
electronic commerce (Aboelmeged 2000;
Katerattanakul and Siau 2001), among others. Due
to the characteristics of web applications and their
differences from the traditional information systems,
the community of researchers has recently started to
deal with the subject of DQ/IQ on the web with
great interest (Gertz, Ozsu et al. 2004).
Related to web, some years ago appeared web
portals. However, there are no works on DQ/IQ
specifically developed for web portals. As the
literature shows that DQ/IQ is very dependent on the
context, we centre our work in the definition of a
Data Quality Model for web portals. For doing it we
use some works developed for other web but that
can be applied to our particular context. For
example, we use the work of (Yang 2005) where a
quality framework for web portals is proposed
including the data quality as part of it.
The aim of this paper is to show the result of a
review about works in DQ/IQ on the web context
and how we have used it for the development of the
first version of a web portal DQ model. This paper is
organized as follows: in section 2 we show some
DQ/IQ issues associated with the web context,
DQ/IQ frameworks and methods for evaluation and
improvement of DQ/IQ on the web and some web
quality characteristics identified from de studied
works. In section 3 we present our proposal based on
Caro A., Calero C., Caballero I. and Piattini M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 189-192
DOI: 10.5220/0002491501890192
the previously showed review. Finally, section 4
concludes with our remarks and future work.
In this section we review the most important aspects
about web DQ/IQ that we founded on the literature.
2.1 Issues About Web Data Quality
Due to the own nature of the web, some concrete
issues directly related to the DQ/IQ arise. For
example (Eppler and Muenzenmayer 2002), states
that typical problems of a web page affect the
DQ/IQ as design problems that make it difficult
users access to information. Other issue is the
integration of structured and non-structured data
(Finkelstein and Aiken 1999) and integration of data
from different sources (Naumann and Rolker 2000;
Angeles and MacKinnon 2004; Bouzeghoub and
Peralta 2004; Gertz, Ozsu et al. 2004; Winkler
2004). In both cases the challenger is achieve
integrated data that probably do not have the same
level of DQ/IQ, and are delivered to the user with a
fit level for use. Also, in this context is very
important approach the DQ/IQ from users
perspective (Angeles and MacKinnon 2004;
Cappiello, Francalanci et al. 2004; Gertz, Ozsu et al.
2004) and to help them to understand data and their
quality (Finkelstein and Aiken 1999; Gertz, Ozsu et
al. 2004).
Finally, the demand for real-time services (Amirijoo,
Hansson et al. 2003) and the dynamism on the web,
particularly the dynamism with which data,
applications and sources change (Pernici and
Scannapieco 2002; Gertz, Ozsu et al. 2004), can
affect quality.
The identification of these problems, and maybe
others that we have not identified still, reveal us the
necessity to create specific proposals to this context
to approach the DQ/IQ, since otherwise they cannot
be considered all their particularities.
2.2 Web Data Quality Frameworks
By using a DQ/IQ framework, organizations are able
to define a model for data environment, to identify
relevant quality attributes, to analyze attributes
within both current and future contexts and to
provide a guide to improve DQ/IQ. In the literature,
we have found some proposals oriented to DQ/IQ on
the web. Among them, we can highlight the ones
proposed in (Katerattanakul and Siau 1999; Fugini,
Mecella et al. 2002; Pernici and Scannapieco 2002;
Eppler, Algesheimer et al. 2003; Graefe 2003;
Bouzeghoub and Peralta 2004; Gertz, Ozsu et al.
2004; Melkas 2004; Moustakis, Litos et al. 2004).
This summary of the frameworks that we have
studied, gives us a global idea of the diversity of
focuses that can be considered in the analysis of the
DQ/IQ in the web. Through them we can identify
the outstanding characteristics of quality to the data
in this context.
Once is defined a framework it is possible to
approach the quality of the data from the evaluation
perspectives and it improves. From the above-
mentioned frameworks we can find many methods
of DQ evaluation and improvement. These methods
can be used by the organizations to help the users
and IT managers to capture and analyze the state of
DQ in a web application.
2.3 Web Data Quality Characteristic
From de studied works, we have identified 100 data
quality characteristic. The most considerate are:
Accuracy, in 60% of the works; Completeness, in
50% of the works and Timeliness, in 40% of the
works. Concise, Consistent, Currency, Interpreta-
bility, Relevance, Secure, in 30% of the studies.
As a conclusion of all these antecedents we think
that it is necessary a general quality framework for
data on the web that include all the possible
characteristics related to them. But not only the
quality characteristics are necessary for defining the
general DQ/IQ framework, also the problems and
different perspectives about the data of the web
would be also taken in to account. In particular, the
data consumer’s expectative.
There is currently no established conceptual
foundation for developing and measuring DQ/IQ of
Web applications in general, and Web Portal in
particular. Our aim is to create a DQ/IQ framework
for Web Portals, considering the next basic
1. We started with de DQ attributes proposed in the
literature. These are the ones identified from the
study mentioned previously.
2. We use the data consumer’s perspective. We
consider the work about quality of data on Internet
of (Redman 2000). He proposes the next categories
for the data consumer’s expectative: Privacy,
Content, Quality of values, Presentation,
Improvement and Commitment.
3. We considered the 11 basic functionalities for a
Web portal proposed by (Collins 2001): Data Points
and Integration, Taxonomy, Search Capabilities,
Help Features, Content Management, Process and
Action, Collaboration and Communication,
Personalization, Presentation, Administration, and
With these elements we first relate the web portal
functionalities with data consumer’s perspective
about data quality. As a result we obtain a matrix
(see figure 1). We use the each cell for filling in it
those Web DQ/IQ attributes applicable
(functionality, expectation).
As a matter of example the functionality “Data Point
and Integration” connects to: “Privacy” (users
expect privacy about the sources and their
integration), “Content” (the consumers need a
description of portal areas covered, uses of the
published data, etc.), “Quality values” (data points
correct, current and complete), “Presentation”
(formats, language, and others are very important for
a easy interpretation) and “Improvement” (user
wants to participate with their opinions in the portal
improvements knowing the result of applying them).
Then we determined for each relation DQ/IQ
attributes cab be applied. Table 1 shows the
classification done for the “Data Point and
Integration”. Due to space restrictions in this
example we consider only three DQ/IQ attributes.
Expectation Dimensions
Privacy Confidentiality, Maintainable,
Content Accuracy, Concise, Consistent
Quality of
Accuracy, Consistent,
Presentation Consistent, Amount of data, Clear
Improvement Accessibility, Traceability, Clear
However, it will be necessary to validate this
assignation. For doping it, we plan to work with
user’s portals through surveys and questionnaires.
Once the validation will be finished, we will
reorganize the attributes obtaining the final version
of the DQ/IQ web portal matrix.
The great majority of works found in the literature
show that DQ/IQ is very dependent on the context.
The increase of the interest in the development of
web applications has implied either the appearance
of new proposals of frameworks, methodologies and
evaluation methods of DQ/IQ or the adaptation of
the already-existing ones from other contexts such as
Traditional Information Systems, Cooperative
Information Systems and Data Warehouses. In this
paper, we have described different issues associated
with DQ/IQ on the web; many of them are still of
great interest for the community of researchers.
There are different proposals related to DQ/IQ on
the web either to establish quality criteria and/or
dimensions relevant to this context or to establish
strategies to evaluate and measure these criteria.
We have used the study done for the web DQ/IQ as
basis for developing a DQ/IQ model for web portals.
In this paper we have showed the first version of this
model. The model is composed by two dimensions:
the consumer expectations and the web portals
functionality. As an example we have classified
some web quality characteristics for one of the
functionalities and for all the user expectations. As
future work, in one hand we must fill in all the cells
of the defined matrix with quality characteristics
and, on the other hand, to validate the classification
in order to prove its correctness.
Table 1: DQ for Data Point and Inte
Figure 1: Consumer expectations vs. web portals
This research is part of the following projects:
CALIPO (TIC2003-07804-C05-03) supported by
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Spain) and
DIMENSIONS (PBC-05-012-1) supported by
FEDER and by the “Consejería de Educación y
Ciencia, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La
Mancha” (Spain).
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Databases. Proceeding of the Seventh International
Database Engineering and Applications Symposium.
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Bouzeghoub, M. and Z. Kedad (2001). Quality in Data
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Bouzeghoub, M. and V. Peralta (2004). A Framework for
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