Organizational Learning from Online Consumer-to-Consumer Interactions
Irene Pollach
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Nordbergstrasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Consumer-to-consumer interactions, data mining, information retrieval, virtual communities.
Abstract: Consumer-opinion websites are becoming important sources of marketing intelligence for companies,
enabling them to turn consumer opinions into opportunities for enhancing customer satisfaction. Grounded
in media richness theory, this paper examines a sample of consumer-opinion websites to identify
mechanisms that render the information disseminated on these websites more suitable for data mining
activities. The results indicate that feedback mechanisms, member profiles, active hyperlinks, and
spellcheckers are means of raising data quality. However, a key challenge for mining consumer opinions
remains the identification and elimination of emotional content such as humor.
Before the advent of the Internet, consumers talked
to other people or read consumer magazines when
they wanted to hear other people's opinions on a
particular product or service before or after a
purchase (Korgaonkar and Moschis, 1982).
Consumers have also been found to initiate
conversations with other consumers in commercial
settings to offer advice and information to other
consumers without having been asked for it (Harris
and Baron, 2004).
These interactions have moved to the Web,
where consumer-opinion websites (henceforth C2C
websites) satisfy these communication needs by
providing consumers with the opportunity to find
and share information on products, services, and
brands. The great variety of opinions found on C2C
websites and their advanced search and retrieval
facilities offer clear advantages over face-to-face
communication among consumers (Evans et al.,
Thanks to the proliferation of consumer-opinion
websites and the persistency of the textual records
consumers produce, companies and consumers alike
can harvest the Web for opinions about particular
products and services (Tapscott and Tiscoll, 2003).
To gather feedback from online consumer
interactions, companies need to understand how
many-to-many communication models function and
how they can capitalize on the information that is
available in these knowledge bases (Maclaran and
Catterall, 2002). Grounded in media richness theory,
this paper seeks to identify mechanisms that render
the information disseminated on C2C websites more
suitable for data mining activities undertaken by
Previous research on consumer-to-consumer
interactions on the Web has focused on consumer
behaviour in C2C interactions (e.g. Hennig-Thurau
and Walsh, 2003; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004; Chiou
and Cheng, 2003; Xue and Phelps, 2004), C2C e-
commerce (e.g. Nah et al., 2002; Dellarocas, 2003;
Mollenberg, 2004), and trust and reputation systems
in C2C auctions (e.g. Standifird, 2001; Dholakia,
2005; Ono et al., 2003). Several papers have looked
at opinion extraction from C2C sites (e.g. Dave,
Lawrence, and Pennock, 2003; Hu and Liu, 2004;
Chaovalit and Zhou, 2005). However, little attention
has been paid to the interactional facilities on C2C
websites, given that these determine what
information is available in what formats.
On C2C websites, companies may learn about
customer preferences, product defects, service
mishaps, and usability problems on their Web sites
(Nah et al., 2002; Warren, 2002). Ideally, this
Pollach I. (2007).
MINING CONSUMER OPINIONS ON THE WEB - Organizational Learning from Online Consumer-to-Consumer Interactions.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 129-134
DOI: 10.5220/0001275101290134
negative feedback is translated into opportunities for
companies to meet customer expectations more
closely (Ha, 2002) either in the form of product
modification (Cho et al., 2002) or new product
development (Pitta and Fowler, 2005).
There are a number of challenges inherent in data
mining on consumer-opinion websites. First, the
absence of gate keepers in such interactions means
that anybody with an opinion may post it, even if
s/he does not qualify as a critic, which may have
repercussions on the accuracy and reliability of the
information provided by consumers (Gately, 2000).
The inaccuracy and subjectivity of individual
experiences is generally not a challenge for the
large-scale collection and analysis of consumer
opinions (Turner, 1980). However, problems
encountered in extracting information from
consumer opinions on the Web include the large
amount of very short reviews (Dave, Lawrence, and
Pennock, 2003), people posting personal stories and
adventures with the product rather than an
evaluation of the product's performance (Hu and
Liu, 2004), and information that does not express
opinions or evaluations but provides descriptive
background information about the product
(Chaovalit and Zhou, 2005).
The interaction systems available to consumers
wishing to voice their opinion on the WWW have
implications for the usefulness of the data companies
may gather and the tools needed for data mining.
This paper therefore examines interaction formats
found on C2C websites and identifies remedies for
the challenges they pose to data mining.
3.1 Conceptual Framework
This study is grounded in media richness theory,
which argues that a medium's level of richness
determines how effectively messages are conveyed.
This richness depends on four parameters: (1) the
immediacy of feedback, (2) the number of visual and
verbal cues the medium can convey, (3) the variety
of language signs that can be transmitted, and (4) the
possibility of expressing emotions. Face-to-face
communication is considered to be the richest
medium, given that participants receive immediate
feedback, communicate visual and verbal cues, use
natural language and non-verbal language, and can
communicate feelings easily. Electronic media, such
as e-mail, are considered to be leaner than face-to-
face conversations, but richer than static, written
communication, e.g. in the form of letters or faxes
(Daft and Lengel, 1986; Daft et al., 1987; Lengel
and Daft, 1988).
Computer-mediated communication has means
unavailable in conventional written communication,
thus providing richer interactions than non-digital
written formats such as letters or faxes. While
feedback in electronic media is always less
immediate than oral communication, as typing a
message causes a delay in transmission (Dennis and
Kinney, 1998), synchronous interactions are clearly
richer in terms of feedback than asynchronous
interactions. Also, many of the social cues we are
used to in the physical world are absent in online
interactions, e.g. physical appearance, voice,
intonation, facial expression etc. (Donath, 1999).
Thus, online self-presentation is reduced to
communication style and word choice, unless people
decide to explicitly reveal details about themselves
(Hancock and Dunham, 2001). Similarly, emotions
in computer-mediated interactions have to be made
explicit to be conveyed, which is typically done by
means of iconic strings of ASCII characters
("emoticons") (Bolter, 1996).
3.2 Data
The sample Web sites were found in the Yahoo di-
rectory under "Consumer Opinion" (Yahoo, 2005),
which contained links to 32 C2C Web sites in Janu-
ary 2005. Seven of them were not available at the
time of data collection, four provided information
for consumers but did not facilitate C2C interac-
tions, one was in Spanish, and one was just an alter-
native URL to another site listed in the directory.
These sites were thus eliminated, which resulted in a
sample of 19 Web sites (see Table 2). A user ac-
count was opened with each site in order to gain
access to all features the site offers. The interactional
tools and facilities of the first nine Web sites were
explored to identify those that offer richness in terms
of feedback, multiple cues, language variety, and
personal focus. A list of 25 features was drawn up
(see Table 1) and all 19 sites were examined for the
presence of absence of these features, which follows
the methodology of previous website analyses (cf.
Robbins and Stylianou, 2003; Zhou, 2004).
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: List of features.
Feedback Asynchronous/synchronous, ratings,
comments, threads, PM, e-mail, chats,
rebuttals, feedback from site owner,
credit points
Cues Contents of member profiles, user
statistics made available, link to personal
site, picture of oneself, network of trust,
ranking of contributors, titles awarded
Language Ratings, verbal comments, activated
hyperlinks, pictures
Registration, screen name, avatar,
emotive icons
The 19 C2C sites differ substantially in the interac-
tion formats they offer. As Table 2 shows, the sites
enable consumers to express themselves in a variety
of formats, including discussion threads (DI), com-
plaints (CO), chats (CH), product reviews (RE),
questions (QU), product ratings (RA), consumer
blogs (BL), and wikis (WK).
Table 2: Basic interaction formats.
y y
y y
y y
y y
y y
y y y
y y y y
8 8 2 11 4 3 2 1
4.1 Feedback
The 19 sites use almost exclusively asynchronous
feedback mechanisms. In fact, TCCL and Riffs are
the only websites facilitating synchronous feedback
in the form of online chats. Asynchronous feedback
on C2C websites includes comments on product
reviews (12), e-mails (10), ratings of the usefulness
of a product review (9), replies in discussion threads
(8), company rebuttals to complaints (6), personal
messages among registered users (6), replies to
questions (4), and wiki collaborations (1).
Feedback facilities can also be looked at in terms
of the parties involved. While only eleven sites offer
one-to-one consumer communication (i.e. PM, e-
mail, chat), 16 sites post one-to-many feedback from
consumers (i.e. ratings, comments, replies in
threads) and six sites enable companies to provide
feedback on consumers' opinions in the form of
rebuttals. Only one C2C website does not offer any
feedback mechanisms at all, confining interactions
to message transmission and reception.
To some extent, also the operators of the C2C
sites give feedback to the contributors. While some
of them merely claim that they reserve the right to
remove inappropriate or offensive messages, two
sites claim to approve all reviews before they post
them, and two websites automatically screen all
messages for offensive words and censor them.
While the majority of sites rely on voluntary
contributions, six sites offer financial or material
incentives to contributors, which also function as a
feedback mechanism. The incentives offered include
cash rewards for every 100th review submitted by
registered members or credit points which are
redeemable for products or cash and are earned for
each review written or each time the review is read.
4.2 Multiplicity of Cues
Allowing members to provide information about
themselves when they register is one way to remedy
the Web’s reduced capacity to convey social cues.
Twelve sites enable users to make such information
available in their member profiles, including
information such as location, gender, occupation, e-
mail addresses, verbal biographies, hobbies, and
links to personal websites. On ten sites, user profiles
also include statistics about the user's activities on
the site, e.g. the number of contributions by the user,
the join date, the number of credit points earned, the
average rating s/he has received for his/her
contributions, the number of visits, the date of the
last visit, and the average response time.
C2C sites also provide cues regarding the status
of individual users in C2C communities. Two sites
provide rankings of their contributors either on the
basis of the number of credit points they have earned
or on the number of contributions they have made to
MINING CONSUMER OPINIONS ON THE WEB - Organizational Learning from Online Consumer-to-Consumer
the site. Six other sites award titles based on the
quality (e.g. top reviewer) and quantity (e.g. senior
member) of users' contributions. ReviewCentre does
not award titles to users but to their contributions,
labeling high-quality reviews as expert reviews.
Similarly, registered members on Dooyoo can
nominate reviews for inclusion in the site's Hall of
Another way of determining a user's status in a
C2C community is by enabling registered members
to indicate in their profiles which users in the
community they trust in terms of expertise. These
buddy networks people create when they add people
to their list of trusted members also indicted who a
user is trusted by and thus may help others to decide
whether or not to trust a reviewer. Overall, four sites
offer such reputation systems. One C2C site merely
lists a user's Friends but does not indicate how many
users have added this user to their list of Friends.
4.3 Language Variety
All 19 C2C sites enable people to articulate their
opinions publicly using natural language, e.g.
discussion threads, blogs, chats, product reviews,
comments, questions and answers, complaints and
praises. The texts can be enhanced with active
hyperlinks on six sites, e.g. to link to the sites of
companies or products that writers are reviewing.
Six sites also enable writers to paste pictures into
their messages. Similar to hyperlinks, pictures may
help people to provide evidence for their arguments
for or against a company or a product. Three
websites inviting verbal reviews offer a default
structure that encourages readers to deal with
positive and negative aspects of a product in their
Eight sites use categories in addition to verbal
statements in the form of Likert-scale questions or
closed-ended questions. These communication
formats clearly limit people's means of expression to
a pre-defined set of answers and introduce a
response bias as they suggest ideas and cannot
account for qualifications to responses (Blunch,
1984). Such ratings appear in two different formats.
First, people can rate products or companies
according to predefined criteria (e.g. customer
service, ease of use, etc.). Second, they can rate the
usefulness of other consumers' contributions, e.g.
"Was this review very helpful / helpful / somewhat
helpful / not helpful to you?". Although such data
can be analyzed more easily than verbal product
reviews, they provide only meaningful information
if large numbers of users make use of these
4.4 Personal Focus
Six of the C2C websites enable people to use a
selection of emotive icons to express sentiments
such as fear, boredom or uncertainty, which
sequences of ASCII characters do not convey as
unequivocally as icons. Thus, such interactions are
richer than those in which people can use either only
ASCII-code emoticons in texts or no emoticons at
all because opinions are to be expressed in the form
of ratings. Another factor determining how much
presence a writer has in computer-mediated
communication is whether or not they post their
contributions anonymously, use a screen name, or
use their real names. On four sites people can voice
their opinions anonymously, on three sites they are
strongly encouraged to use their real names, and on
twelve sites they can register any name. Consumers
thus have the possibility to express feelings,
emotions and attitudes when they select screen
names. Avatars, which enable people to express
emotions and attitudes visually, can only be used on
five C2C sites. Thus, in the C2C interaction systems
studied, interlocutors do not have much visual
presence, although the medium has the capabilities
to do so.
As the above results have shown, the Web sites
examined have implemented a number of measures
that may render contributions to these sites more
useful for data mining activities. Table 3
summarizes these measures, indicating which
parameter of media richness they pertain to and how
many sites have implemented them.
First, the quality of data stored and disseminated
on C2C websites could be improved through
measures pertaining to feedback, cues, language, and
personal focus. Feedback mechanisms may impact
quality, since people are likely to try harder when
they know other people can rate them or comment
on what they have written. Similarly, writers might
pay more attention to quality when site owners
review contributions before they make them
available publicly or may even decide not to post
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Meeting the challenges of C2C data mining.
Feedback Ratings by readers (7)
Reader comments (11)
Screening/reviewing (3)
Cues Member profiles (11)
Language Verbal expression (18)
Active hyperlinks (6)
Spellchecker (1)
Personal focus Emotive icons (6)
Further, cues users communicate in member
profiles decrease the anonymity inherent in online
interactions, in particular, if such member profiles
contain links to users' personal Web sites. If writers
are given the opportunity to post information about
themselves in such profiles, they might be less likely
to include social information, which is irrelevant to
corporate data mining efforts, in product reviews.
Member profiles on C2C websites thus reduce
'noise' in the information that can be extracted.
Data quality is enhanced when opinions are
expressed verbally, since verbal statements can
account for both positive and negative views on a
product or a company and qualify the level of
enthusiasm or disappointment, unlike opinions
expressed by answering multiple choice questions or
closed-ended questions. Further, active hyperlinks
may enhance the quality of contributions in C2C
interactions, as they enable the writer to loosely
integrate information from other sources, giving a
broader picture than the information posted on one
C2C Web site can give. These active hyperlinks
could be followed by data mining tools and
integrated into the analysis as well, though probably
in a separate run in order not to distort the original
dataset obtained from a C2C site. Spellcheckers
would help writers to correct their spelling mistakes,
which would also improve the results of data mining
efforts, as wrongly spelt words may not be
accounted for in data mining, unless spelling is
corrected by the researcher first.
Ultimately, data quality in C2C interactions can
be enhanced by enabling people to express feelings
and attitudes using emotive icons. These graphic
icons are able to express far more emotive states
than emoticons produced with ASCII characters and
thus may shorten or eliminate passages verbalizing
emotions in consumers' contributions. Thus, emotive
icons are able to make messages more concise by
capturing emotive content and leaving only product-
related information in the text. However, this also
entails that these icons – unlike ASCII emoticons –
cannot be interpreted correctly when mining these
data. For example, writers in electronic
environments would typically use emoticons to
indicate the humorous intent of a statement, which
can be detected and eliminated if ASCII emoticons
are used but not if icons are used.
The study conducted has two limitations. First,
the sample was drawn from a Web directory, which
may not include an exhaustive list of consumer-
opinion websites. Second, all sites included in the
sample were in English, since websites in languages
other than English were excluded from the sample in
order to draw a linguistically homogenous sample.
Future research may build on the results of this
study, using the features identified as a basis for
studying sites in non-English speaking countries.
More importantly, consumers who are active on
C2C websites should be surveyed about the ways in
which they make use of the features identified in this
study and their perceptions of richness and social
presence. Such studies should also account for
cultural differences regarding the use of consumer-
opinion websites in general.
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