Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology
Vandana Kabilan
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University
FORUM 100, SE- 16440, Kista, Sweden
Pernilla Svan
FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency, Division of Systems Technology, Department of Systems Modelling
SE- 16490, Stockholm, Sweden
Ontology is said to be descriptive in contrast to the prescriptive nature of typical behaviour, process or rules.
However, rules and behaviour models are in themselves a domain of re usable shared knowledge. Whether
in the domain of enterprise systems or in military modelling and simulations, we find instances of such ’pre-
scriptive’ body of knowledge. While capturing such rules’ as programmatic axioms using rule languages
may be viable, it does not help us is establishing the reusable domain knowledge. In this paper, we combine
software engineering technique based on the Event Condition Action logic to propose the ECA Rule Ontology
as a mechanism for capturing such prescriptive rules as ontological conceptualisations. We exemplify our
approach by applying it to the domain of military operations modelling and simulations.
Ontology is a conceptualisation of domain knowl-
edge. The fundamental objective behind the design
of ontology is to conceptualize the domain of inter-
est. The other main objectives for the use for ontol-
ogy in information systems as proposed by (Noy and
McGuiness, 2001) are:
To make explicit implicit domain knowledge
To promote easy understanding between human
users, thereafter between humans and machines,
followed by machine-to-machine understand abil-
ity and ultimately machine-to-human understand
To support reusability of conceptualised knowl-
To achieve the above,we see at least two main hurdles
We need guidelines,methods, tools to capture and
represent domain knowledge consistently
This knowledge capture and representation is to
be carried out by non-ontology experts. That is
the naive domain expert should be able to perform
this domain knowledge analysis and representa-
The above mentioned issues are key to the success
of all semantic web based applications. In this pa-
per, we focus on these aspects. Our case study do-
main is that of military modelling and simulation, as
shall be discussed in detail later. Thereafter, we fo-
cus specifically on modelling and represnting a body
of presciptive, behaviour or rules in this domain, like
Rules of Engagement and Standard Operating Proce-
dures. Similar domain knowledge of rules in the en-
terprise system domain could be business rules and
policies. Hence, our research is not restrictive in its
domain of application. However, for this paper, we
ellucidate and discuss it only in the context of mil-
itary modelling and simulation. In this paper, we
combine software engineering technique based on the
Event Condition Action logic to propose the ECA
Rule Ontology as a mechanism for capturing such
prescriptive rules as ontological conceptualisations.
The ECA Rule ontology has a two fold application;
first, we use it as a conceptual schema for us to cap-
ture and model individual facts of the domain, i.e, it
acts as our knowledge repository. Secondly, it acts as
a lexicon and a guide for the nave information sys-
tems user, who is not necessarily an ontology expert.
These information system users are our targeted audi-
ence, who will execute the task of conceptualising the
Kabilan V. and Svan P. (2007).
ECA RULE ONTOLOGY - Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 408-415
DOI: 10.5220/0001277904080415
domain knowledge from natural language to knowl-
edge representation. We use conceptual models as
the first visualisation of our knowledge representation
followed by an instantiation in Web Ontology Lan-
guage. We exemplify our approach by applying it to
the domain of military operations modelling and sim-
ulations. We validate both our approach and the pro-
posed ontology through a user feedback study of non-
ontology experts, but military domain experts. The
rest of this paper is structured as follows: in section
2 we give a short background description of the mili-
tary simulation and modelling domain. Therafter, we
introduce our proposed ECA Rule Ontology. In sec-
tion 4, we give short illustrations from our case study
followed by our evaluation study in section 5. Finally
we conclude and summarise our work in section 6.
In this section we briefly review the theoretical back-
ground for our research as well as summarize the mil-
itary modelling and simulation domain.
2.1 Related Research
we need to capture and analyze the knowledge and
thereafter represent it in a cohesive, yet easy to un-
derstand knowledge representation. However, most
of the domain knowledge is usually available as nat-
ural language descriptions. The goals of natural lan-
guage understanding and semantic conceptualizations
of domain knowledge representations, as investigated
by (Sukkarieh, 2001) , are similar to those of ontology
design goals and objectives in information systems as
mentioned above. Yet, there exists a gap in design
methodology how this extraction of explicit and im-
plicit knowledge from natural language can be repre-
sented and modeled as conceptual models. Concep-
tual models as Knowledge Representation models are
generally graphical and easy to understand. So for
this research, we restrict ourselves to the context of
natural language (English language) interpretation to
knowledge representation as conceptual models. The
transformability of UML conceptual models into for-
mal Frame-based knowledge representation language
like OWL (2004)(OWL, 2004) has been proposed
by several researchers like (Baclawski et al., 2001),
(Kabilan and Johannesson, 2004) and more recently
the OMG recommendation for Ontology Definition
Metamodel (2005)(ODM, ), which proposes map-
ping rules for UML to OWL and vice versa. Thus,
the reasoning and support features of formal knowl-
edge representations can be attained. This brings us
back to the issue of modelling knowledge represen-
tations from the highly expressive natural language.
Ontology is said to be descriptive in contrast to the
prescriptive nature of typical behaviour, process or
rules. However, rules and behaviour models are in
themselves a domain of re usable shared knowledge.
Whether in the domain of enterprise systems or in
military modelling and simulations, we find instances
of such ’prescriptive’ body of knowledge. While cap-
turing such rules’ as programmatic axioms using rule
languages may be viable, it does not help us in estab-
lishing the reusable domain knowledge. We define
based on definitions by (Gruber, 1993) and (Uschold
and Gruninger, 1996): ”An ontology is an explicit
formal conceptualization of a shared under-standing
of the domain of interest including the vocabulary of
terms, semantics as well as their pragmatics. Hence,
our approach is to capture not only the domain static’
descriptive concepts but also the prescriptive details.
We do not discuss our approach for conceptualisation
of the military concepts in this paper, the interested
reader is referred to (Kabilan, 2006) and (Mojtahed
et al., 2005) .
2.2 Military Modelling and Simulation
Simulation is a technique where computers are used
to imitate (simulate) real world processes. Because
of the complexity of the real world we need a limited
model of the specific system to be able to study it and
understand better how it works. A simulation can also
be described as an experiment with a model to follow
and understand the behaviour and causal relationship
in the model over time. Some examples of application
areas where simulations is a useful tool are design
and analyse of manufacturing systems, analysing fi-
nancial and economic systems, reengineering of busi-
ness processes and a numerous of areas in the military
domain (Law and Kelton, 2000). The use of Mod-
eling and Simulation within the military domain has
increased since it reduces cost and increase the effi-
ciency for implementing military operations. More
specifically it is used to speed up and increase the
quality of analysis and studies. Using Modelling and
Simulation for training and education increases the ef-
ficiency and lower the costs substantially since simu-
lators can be used. Simulators are also substantially
for supporting Command and Control (C2) and plan-
ning functions (Holm, 2006) .
ECA RULE ONTOLOGY - Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology
2.3 Case Study: Rule of Engagement
Military activities are regulated by different rules and
guiding procedures. One of those are Rules of En-
gagement (ROE) which are directives designated to
regulate situations and limitations for when force may
be used. ROE reflect political and diplomatic con-
straints and should be set at high general level (Krigs-
man and Svensson, 1999). A ROE defines the con-
straints for a certain military activity, what is forbid-
den and what is allowed for the specific activity dur-
ing certain circumstances. Examples of such activ-
ities are use of force, detention of civilians, use of
land mines, use of warning shots, and prevention of
The aim of using ROE is threefold. The political
aim is to guarantee that military operations are im-
plemented to support the policy of the political man-
agement. The military aim is to guide commanders
to solve conflicts. Finally the legal aim of ROE is
to guarantee that military operations are implemented
within the limits of national, international and human
The ROEs used in this case study has been taken
from a fictitious scenario used for experiments and ex-
ercise in the Swedish Defence Forces. The scenario
contains a multinational operation with the end state
goal to implement a signed Peace Agreement in an
area with many years of ethnical and religious con-
flicts. A collection of ROEs taken from this scenario
have been used for our analysis and case study.
The ROE was used as input information to
the phase Knowledge Representation in the
DCMF(Defence Conceptual Modelling Frame-
work) process and analysed with the method Five
Ws(Carey et al., 2001). In previous work (Mojtahed
et al., 2005) we used the Five Ws to analyse a
sequential scenario giving the result that it is feasible
but much of the context was lost. This time we were
interested in analysing rules with Five Ws but also
to define more specifically how to keep the context
after analysis. In the following section, we briefly
summarise the Five Ws method.
2.3.1 5Ws Knowledge Analysis Method
The Five Ws is a concept used in journalism for struc-
turing a story of something. The principle is that
a complete report must answer the five interrogative
words: Who, What, When, Why and Where. Some-
times an H is added representing How. All these ques-
tions should be answered with necessary facts in order
to get a complete report and the full story of some-
thing that has happened. This structure is common in
news style and news reports but has also been used
for police investigations. The same Five Ws approach
has been introduced and used for military operations
analysis as seen in works of. ((Turnitsa et al., 2004).)
and ((Carey et al., 2001))
The Five Ws has also been used in the miliatary
domain for structuring information (Turnitsa et al.,
2004) One example is the Battle Management Lan-
guage (BML) effort aiming towards development of
an unambigues language to be used by Command and
Control (C2) forces providing the fundamentals for a
common operational picture. BML consists of a num-
ber of components where one of them is a Data In-
formation Exchange Model (JC3IEDM)(JC3IEDM,
2006) . In the JC3IEDM a set of tables has been
identified to contain the structure of Five Ws where
it functions as a format for capturing the required in-
formation for an operation order, report or an request.
The use of ontologies as knowledge repositories for
facilitating semantic web applications, is widely ac-
cepted. As with any other application, the need for
supporting constraints, policies, rules is self evident.
Event-Condition-Action rules are an intuitive choice
for the same as has been proposed by Papamarkos et
al (2003) (Papamarkos et al., 2003). Other alterna-
tives like the proposed Semantic Web Rule Language
(SWRL) were also considered, but in view of our sec-
ond objective, that is to provide an easy to use guide-
line for the nave user, we chose to adopt the simple
ECA rule approach. An ECA rule has a general syn-
tax of
On EVENT if CONDITION then DO Actions.
We build our ECA Rule ontology on the same prin-
ciple as seen in figure 1. The EVENT concept speci-
fies the occurrence of any triggers, situations, orders ,
or incidents. The CONDITION concept specifies the
other requirements like state of affairs, current situa-
tion contexts, preconditions, post conditions of other
actions and so forth. The idea is that on the ocuurence
of an EVENT, a pre determined CONDITION needs
to be evaluated. And if the condition is evaluated to be
true then the prescribed ACTION is allowed. Action
in the ECA rule ontology indicates not only physical
activities, but could also be used for delegation of au-
thority, rights etc.
The above information is sufficient, from a data
level software engineering perspective. However,
from the domain knowledge perspective we need to
capture further implicit knowledge like what caused
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: ECA Rule Ontology Basic- Concepts.
the event? Who was responsible for the event? Who
is affected by the event? What are the consequences?
And so on. This is necessary, as these form the
context for the decision , whether the described rule
is to be executed or not. Therefore, we now ex-
tend the concepts of EVENT with relationships to the
Five Ws analysis approach: who, what, why, where
, when . In the military domain, an event is usu-
ally an unplanned activity, and is perpetrated by en-
emy forces. Similarly, we extend the ACTION con-
cept. For the CONDITION concept, we include as-
pects of preconditions, post conditions, dependencies
etc. The Rule of Engagement is a prescription of
expected and allowed military behaviour in the case
of described events happening. To further aid for
Military domain expert users in their analysis work,
we mapped the ECA Rule Ontology to a military
operations ontology, Defence Conceptual Modelling
Framework Ontology (Kabilan, 2006). This domain
ontology is based on the Joint Command Control and
Communication Information Exchange Data Model
(JC3IEDM)(JC3IEDM, 2006) specification from the
Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP). For
example figure 2 shows the mapping of ’who’ concept
to DCMFO (Defence Conceptual Modelling Frame-
work Ontology) concepts. In our proof of concept
demonstration, this is provided as a lexical help for
the user making the analysis and subsequent knowl-
edge representation.
As mentioned earlier,the case study was based on a
fictional document for military exercises and a short
excerpt from that document is given below:
ROE 1: The use of minimum force
to prevent any attempts by persons to
prevent the BFOR from dischargingits
duties is permitted.
ROE 2: The use of minimum force to
defend friendly forces and persons with
designated special status against hostile
action is permitted.
ROE 5a:The use of minimum force to
prevent the taking possession of or
destruction of property with designated
special status is permitted.
ROE 5b:Individual service personnel are
to be informed when they are protecting
specific property on this basis.
An analysis of the same through only the Five
Ws gave result like that shown in Figure 3. The se-
lected ROEs were analysed with Five Ws in order to
study feasibility of analysing rules with this method
and how to keep the context after analysis. The result
showed that it is feasible to analyse ROE with Five
Ws but it is not really satisfying since there is a loss
in information and context which affects the reusabil-
ity. If too much context is lost during the process it is
difficult to reuse the analysed information. One way
of dealing with this is to fill in the gaps with infor-
mation and have a Subject Matter Expert verify the
extended information.
Five Ws is useful on a conceptual level to get a
ECA RULE ONTOLOGY - Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology
Figure 2: ECA mapped to Domain Ontology for Lexical help.
Figure 3: Sample Rule analysed with only 5Ws.
quick categorisation and understanding of an event.
Using the Five Ws as a support for categorising an
event is feasible since it can contain the most impor-
tant aspects of that event. The Five Ws is good start
though but need to be complemented with rules.
Now,we apply the proposed ECA rule ontology
along with its mapppings to the 5Ws and military
concepts (DCMFO). The same rules were analysed
as follows(figure 4): The ECArule ontology as well
as the case study was implemented using Protege On-
tology editor, a screenshot of which may be seen in
figure 5. The targeted users can either create new
knowledge instances of rules in the Protege ontology
editor itself, as seen in figure 5 or can use our proof
of concept demonstration application. The DCMF
tool(figure 6) is wizard-like in its approach and aids
the user to analyse and capture the knowledge in a
stepwise process. The tool displays the military do-
main ontology which has been mapped to the ECA
, and the user makes use of this information, while
analysing the text at hand.
To assess the ECA Rule Ontology, five persons were
asked to compare the ECA Rule Ontology and Five
Ws for analysing information. The test group had
knowledge of the military domain and experience of
categorising information. They were asked to cate-
gorise a couple ROE using the simple Five Ws ontol-
ogy. After that they categorised the same ROE using
the ECA rule ontology. Before beginning, they were
introduced to the basic concepts of Five Ws and ECA
rule ontology.
After accomplished the analysis and categorisa-
tion the test persons were asked the following ques-
1. Ease of analysing the ROE using Five Ws (on a
scale 1-5)
2. Ease of analysing the ROE using ECA rule ontol-
ogy (on a scale 1-5)
3. What information do you think can be analysed
with Five Ws?
4. What information do you think could be analysed
with ECA Rule Ontology?
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: ECA Analysis for Rule of Engagement.
Figure 5: ECA Analysis for Rule of Engagement.
5. Have you used Protege before? If yes, how
would you rate that the ECA Rule Ontology, for
analysing ROE, has improved (on a scale 1-5) the
following aspects:
For the first question, ease of analysing with Five
Ws, there was a mean answer of 3 (max= 4 and
min=2). Analysing with ECA rule ontology was con-
sidered to be easier with an average of 3.6 (max= 5
and min = 2). The domain experts felt that analysing
with only Five Ws was not satisfactory since contex-
tual and implicit information was lost. Specifically
in the case of Rules of Engagement, the rules do not
explicitly predefine a ’when’ or ’where’ the rule may
be applied. It depends on the situation and context.
The assessment group answered that they would use
the Five Ws to analyse information which described
”sequences of events”, ”scenarios already occurred in
a certain order and a certain place”. On the question-
when to use the ECA Rule Ontology- the test group
had the view that the ECA rule ontology could be used
in cases like description of rules which are not bound
to time or location, instructions and general directives
and so on. Hence, our basic intention to capture and
model prescriptive behavior is fulfilled. The entire
test group had seen or used the protege ontology ed-
itor prior to our interview.They rated an average of
4 on the questions regarding the actual ECA Rule
Ontology implementation and interface built in pro-
tege.( on the account of usability (mean=3.8, max=5,
min=3), utility (mean=4.0, max= 5, min=4) and ease
ECA RULE ONTOLOGY - Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology
Figure 6: Screenshot of our Proof of concept DCMF Analysis tool.
(mean= 4.2, max= 5, min=3) )
The Users felt that the main advantages with the
ECA Rule Ontology are:-
Their analysis from natural language to knowl-
edge representation became easier, since they had
a help from the ontology and previous ’instances’
to look up.
They could do the analysis from natural language
to ontology consistently. That is , even though all
the users in our target group were non-ontology
experts, and they all independently carried out the
exercises, they all came up with similar results.
(the ECA analysis result)
Since most of them were familiar with Five Ws
analysis, the ECA which used 5Ws as well, was
easy to comprehend and adopt.
However, the users also felt that the ECARule On-
tology was not covering all the semantics of CONDI-
TIONS and all its possible relationships to EVENT
and ACTION. We consider this to be an useful input
and hope to improve our model in the next iteration.
In this paper we focused on the issues of:
Making implicit knowledge explicit. In every
domain, the semantics reach far beyond the mean-
ing of the natural language used. Contextual
meaning, domain knowledge, purpose are some
examples of implicit knowledge that needs to be
made explicit. The purpose for this to have a com-
mon shared easy to understand model, that can
be used for consensus, sharing knowledge among
other uses.
Providing guidanace for knowledge analysis to
knowledge representation for naive users (do-
main experts) Most of the current state of the art
ontology design methodologies and guidlines fo-
cus on building ontologies from scratch. While
some like METHONTOLOGY(Fernandez et al.,
1997) focus also on maintenance and evolution
of ontology.The assumption is that these activities
are carried out by the ’ontology designer’ or ex-
perts in the art of conceptualisation. In reality, it is
often so, that once a system is designed and setup
in operation, it needs to be populated with infor-
mation (instances) and maintained. It is expected
that the targeted user groups(domain experts and
not ontology experts) should be able to carry out
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
this ontology instantiation process by themselves.
This needs that the designed ontology model is
comprehensible for the naive user and is intuitive
to use.
We have proposed ECA Rule Ontology for cap-
turing and modelling prescriptive rules and behav-
iours while addressing the above mentioned key is-
sues. Our proposed work has been validated on two
fronts. First, we have tested the feasibility of captur-
ing and analysing a large number of Rules from the
case scenario, some standard operating procedures as
well. Secondly, more importantly, our proposed ECA
Rule Ontology has been assessed by the targeted users
from the military domain. Our next aim is to apply the
proposed ontology to other domains.
While we have illustrated the utility of the pro-
posed ECA Rule Ontology for the military modelling
and simulations domain, we contend that the same
may be applied in different domains as well. For ex-
ample, if we were to analyse a typical business case
scenario from enterprise systems, like that of a Pizza
fast food restaurent, that guarentees to deliver piz-
zas to its customers within 15 minutes or return the
money. Such prescriptive behaviour may be mod-
elled using ECA as the customer compliant being the
’EVENT’ , the delivery of pizza after 15 minutes’ be-
ing the ’CONDITION’ , and the proposed ’ACTION’
being return money to customer’. Thus our future
work is focused on application of our proposed ontol-
ogy in other domains. We belive that our research is
aimed at resolving some of the practical issues which
need to be addressed for the success of semantic web
technology based applications.
The authors acknowledge the collaborated effort, sup-
port and feedback provided by the DCMF Project
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ECA RULE ONTOLOGY - Modelling Prescriptive Rules as Descriptive Ontology