Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias and Paloma Martínez
Computer Science Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
Avda. Universidad 30 28911 Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Multimedia accessibility, usability, user interfaces, user needs, adaptability, caption, audio description.
Abstract: This paper emphasises the importance of providing accessibility of Web-based information resources for
everybody, not only for people with disabilities. Due to the continuous technical and social changes of the
Web, it is necessary to have in mind that new scenarios and user behaviour are appearing. Nowadays, most
of Web sites use multimedia resources and it is indispensable to provide accessibility not only to the
resource content, but the access to the resource in the Web site. This work summarises some items to take
into account in order to make accessible a multimedia resource and present some best practices including
on-line multimedia resources in a Web site.
Due to the obvious increment in the use of
information technology, such as Internet, it is
necessary to have in mind accessibility issues when
new elements are included in the Web, as
audiovisual contents. Nowadays, most of Web sites
include audiovisual resources (audio, video,
animations etc.). Moreover, thanks to the
convergence of Internet with television, mobile
telephones, videogames, etc., which is transforming
the areas of communication, we can find Web-sites
collections as “Web 2.0 (O'Reilly, 2005) where the
majority of the Webs are based on a shared
collection of visual and audiovisual resources (p.e.
Flickr (Flickr, 2006), Youtube (YouTube, Inc.
2006), etc.). The presence of these new
technological elements in the Web when
accessibility issues are not taken into account
increments the digital breach and creates access
barriers not only for disabled people but for all of us.
Technological resources are useful for developing
and using accessible contents. For instance, user
agents give access to the Web information; software
for developing and editing accessible contents; or
authoring tools for making easier the production of
accessible resources or adapting non-accessible
Assistive technologies are very useful for
accessing Web resources. As far as research in
accessibility issues in technology is concerned, we
can highlight the potential of the eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) (W3C, 2006b) with the use of
metadata. This language is able to provide
adaptability of contents according to the user profile.
This is a good solution and it goes beyond the Web
accessibility in the multimedia contents.
On the other hand, inclusive and standard
methodologies (Lawton, 2006) are also useful for
developing accessible products. For instance, World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (W3C,
1994)provides standards for becoming the Web a
universal space of information. Different standards
Moreno L., Iglesias A. and Martínez P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 470-473
DOI: 10.5220/0001288704700473
can be applied, as the markup languages: XML,
eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)
or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Specifications about audiovisual accessibility can
be applied too, as the Synchronized Multimedia
Integration Language (SMIL) to synchronize audio
and video (see section 3.2); Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) to describe XML Graphics; or the
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) which develops
guidelines to accessibility for different components.
Multimedia and audiovisual contents are specially
treated in WCAG 1.0 (W3C, 1999a). Nowadays,
they are working in the WCAG 2.0 (W3C, 2006a), it
demands alternative contents (caption, audio
description, extended audio descriptions and sign
language interpretation) to achieve different levels
of accessibility.
Nowadays there exist a great number of tools
oriented to the development and support of
multimedia on the Web. In this way, authoring tools
help us to create audiovisual contents integrating
caption and/or audio description, or help us to edit
them so that prerecorded multimedia can be included
(NCAM, 2006).
Due to these possibilities (languages, players,
editors, etc.) are not always compatible some with
others that the task of making multimedia accessible
is sometimes really difficult, but it is not impossible.
Going back to the accessibility definition, a
multimedia content is accessible when a user can
access that content, regardless whether his access
characteristics and context of use. Sometimes we
can find in Web-sites accessible contents (offering
alternatives as captions and/or audio description),
but non-accessible resources because they are
reproduced via a control that does not appear in
every navigator. Or vice-versa, sometimes it is
possible to access the multimedia resource, but the
resource’s content is not accessible because it does
not offer alternative contents. In conclusion, we need
to ensure two different requirements for
- That the multimedia content is accessible
- That the access to the multimedia resource is
Moreover, we can not forgot the necessity of
integrate the multimedia contents in an accessible
and usable user interface (Web page, player, etc.).
Then, the contrast of colours, accessible buttons for
control (alternative texts), etc. in the interface must
be taken into account. Furthermore, the user should
be allowed to interact with every hypermedia
element in the interface, controlling them device-
The case of study has been carried out in “The
Spanish Centre of Captioning and Audio description
(CESyA)” (CESyA, 2005). One of the main goals of
this centre is to study how to integrate accessible
multimedia resources in the media. This paper
presents some experiments studying the best way to
integrate a multimedia resource (a video called
“Nicolás”) in Internet in an accessible way.
This section describes how to make accessible
the video’s content and how to integrate the video in
the Web interface maintaining the accessibility.
Making accessible the video’s content means to
follow the current Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (WCAG) and to provide synchronized
alternative contents such as caption and audio
description. Two different options can be
implemented for making accessible the video:
1. Video with open audio description and
caption. This option permits to create accessible
videos, but it has a big inconvenience: the user will
have not possibility of controlling the resource
reproduction, choosing if s/he prefers or not to play
the video or audio means separately in each moment.
2. Video with closed audio description and
caption, separating audio and text. There are
different options to create and edit a resource in
different formats. In this case, the system provides
the control to the user, allowing to adapt the
reproduction of the video according to his/her
current necessities.
This second option is more usable, because it
provides more control of the video reproduction and
adapts better to the user necessities.
Our studies implement this option. We have used
SMIL (W3C, 2006c) for the implementation,
following the recommendations of W3C, and the
video edition has been performed. The first step of
the edition was to separate the soundtrack from the
Table1: Advantages and Disadvantages implementing accessibility in multimedia resources.
Next, we put our attention in finding a
compatible format for captions and finally, the
accessible video was created with SMIL.
4.1 Integrating the Video Resource in
an Accessible Way
The experiment being carried out here has been
defined in a Inclusive Design methodological
framework, with the application of techniques such
as User Profiles, Person, Scenarios in order to
contemplate access characteristics and contexts of
use with every kind of users when accessing the
multimedia Web resources. This research is based
on fictions users but with real information. As a
result of this analysis it was decided to implement
the following possibilities as alternatives to make
easier the accessible access to the multimedia
resources which are going to be shown next and
summarised in Table 1.
1. Integrate a multimedia resource associating it
with a player integrated by a control found on the
Web page. This implementation option is
independent from the resource format. The most
common method to include multimedia elements on
a Web page is using the element <embed> (Clark,
2004), but it does not form part of the specifications
of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) or
XHTML. If <embed> is used on a Web page, the
code is not accessible according to WCAG. Most of
Web designers prefer to use the element <object>
(W3C, 1999b) to add multimedia fulfilling guideline
of WCAG. But there are navigators that are not able
to correctly interpret this element. There is another
option to include multimedia using this design
(McLellan, 2002) and is frequently used by the Web
designers. This technique edits the code so that the
video can be reproduced as a Flash resource. Finally,
the implementation option studied in our experiment
used SMIL and the element <object> to include
multimedia into the Web page.
2. Integrate an audiovisual content using Flash in
the browser without having an associated player.
The implementation of this option can be done
editing the video with Flash (Adobe, 2006) having in
mind the accessibility criteria given by Adobe
Macromedia Flash. Although Flash is not a public-
domain software, this software is compatible with
most of the navigators. This option permits to use
the connector integrated without the necessity of
installing a new player. Moreover, Flash allows to
define captions and reproduce them.
3. Integrate an audiovisual content with SMIL in
the code XHTML. Other implementation
possibility is to use the profile SMIL+XHTML de
SMIL 2.0 (W3C, 2002). This option has a problem:
currently, this profile can only be reproduced using
user agent Internet Explorer (version 6.0 and
higher), but it is supposed that in the future other
navigators will permit it too. On the other hand, this
implementation has a big advantage: it can be
Access Method Advantages Disadvantages
Player integrated
into the Web page
- <object> or <embed>
- <object> in Flash
- <object> in XHTML
- <object> in SMIL
- Compatible with any
- No control of the reproduction
- An integrated player is needed
- <object> or <embed> are not
completely accessible
Flash + player - <object> in XHTML - Compatible with most
of navigators
- An integrated player is
not needed
- Flash is not public-domain
- The adaptability and
reproduction control depends on
the resource design
SMIL+XHTML SMIL+XHTML profile - Provides adaptability by
controlling the video
- Currently only user agent
Internet Explorer can reproduce
External player SMIL - Provides adaptability by
controlling the video
- Each player detect different
characteristics of SMIL
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
directly integrated in the XHTML code without any
player associated via the <object> element.
4. Associate the reproduction of an audiovisual
content to an external player. In order to include
adaptability to the user, providing him/her some
control on the reproduction of the video, we can use
SMIL combined with any external player compatible
with this language. In our experiment, we have use
RealPlayer (Realnetworks, 2006) as external player.
The implemented interface shown in Figure 1
provides different alternatives for the video
reproduction (including audio description, captions,
both or none).
The user can choose in every moment of the
interaction which media want to reproduce, adapting
him/herself the interface according his/her current
necessities of access. Nowadays, we are still
working on the Web page design, improving its
usability and accessibility.
Figure 1: Interface of implementation SMIL with the user
control in RealPlayer.
As a conclusion, different implementation
options have been studied for integrating accessible
videos into Web pages. All the implementation
options provide high level of accessibility to the
multimedia resources, but there exist different
accessibility advantages and disadvantages when
different technology is used. Table 1 summarizes
this information.
This work has been partially supported by the “The
Spanish Centre of Captioning and Audio description
Adobe, 2006. Flash Macromedia,
CESyA, 2005. The Spanish Centre of Captioning and
Audio description (CESyA),
Clark, J., 2004. Using embed and object with valid code,
Flickr, 2006.
Lawton, S., 2006. Accessibility in the User-Centered
Design Process,
McLellan, D., 2002. Flash Satay: Embedding Flash While
Supporting Standards,
NCAM, 2006. Accessible Digital Media, Design
Guidelines for Electronic Publications, Multimedia
and the Web,
O'Reilly, Tim, 2005. What Is Web 2.0. Design Patterns
and Business Models for the Next Generation of
Realnetworks, 2006. RealMedia Player,
W3C, 1994, W3C, The World Wide Web Consortium,
W3C, 1999a. WCAG Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines 1.0 ,
W3C, 1999b. The OBJECT element, HTML 4.01
W3C, 2002. XHTML+SMIL Profile,
W3C, 2006a. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0,
W3C, 2006b. Extensible Markup Language (XML),
W3C, 2006c. The Synchronized Multimedia Integration
Language (SMIL),
YouTube, Inc., 2006.