El Hassan Bezzazi
IREENAT, Faculté de Droit de Lille 2, Lille, France
Keywords: Ontologies, Description logics, Nonmonotoic logics, Law, Cybercrime, Counterfactuals, Concept fitting.
Abstract: We present in this paper a small formal cybercrime ontolog
y by using concrete tools. The purpose is to
show how law articles and legal cases could be defined so that the problem of case resolution is reduced to a
classification problem as long as cases are seen as subclasses of articles. Secondly, we show how
counterfactual reasoning may be held over it. Lastly, we investigate the implementation of an hybrid system
which is based both on this ontology and on a non-monotonic rule based system which is used to execute, in
a rule based way, an external ontology dealing with a technical domain in order to clarify some of the
technical concepts.
We investigate in this paper the implementation of a
formal ontology for criminal law dealing with
cybercrime which is both functional and applicative.
Our objective is twofold. First, we wish to present
the ontology and an example of counterfactual
reasoning it may support in a less abstract way than
usual by using concrete tools. We use Protégé
(Protégé, 2007) which is an ontology editor
supporting the OWL language and Racer (Racer,
2007) which is a reasoning system based on
description logic. We wish also to depict in the case
of an interdisciplinary collaboration the clarification
of some technical concepts through the use of a
nonmonotonic inference engine. This clarification
allows the enrichment of the ontology in a way that
may have consequences in the judge decision.
Having worked on law texts related to computer
security, we have chosen cybercrime as a subfield of
criminal law as long as it constitutes a relatively
small closed field. This paper is structured as
follows. In the following section remind some of the
basic ideas related to formal ontologies, typically
Protégé ontologies, and to description logics. In
section 3, the corpus of interest is described and
structured into classes. Section 4 is devoted to the
reasoning mechanism that allows us solving a case
by identifying the law articles covering it. Issues
related to concept fitting are pointed out in section 5
and a technique to achieve such an operation is
presented in section 6.
The use of ontologies in legal domains is an issue
which has been intensively investigated (Asaro et
al., 2003; Bench-Capon & Visser, 1997; Breuker et
al.,2002; Valente, 1995). A formal ontology
describes the concepts and the relations relating
them in a given domain. The relations define the
semantics. Building a formal ontology is especially
recommended for domains expressed in natural
language as documents and corpus. An immediate
benefit from the definition of such a formal ontology
is the normalization of the semantics materialized by
a structured terminology. This normalization is most
relevant in the case of an interdisciplinary
collaboration where a given term may carry real
ambiguity according to one field or another. Indeed,
natural language is characterized by its contextual
nature which may lead to different interpretations.
Think, in a forensic context, of how computer data
suppression might be understood by a judge with no
special knowledge in computer science. Expressing
Hassan Bezzazi E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 179-185
DOI: 10.5220/0001327801790185
the concepts in a formal language such as OWL
helps stabilizing the interpretation of these terms.
Besides, expressing a formal ontology in OWL
makes it machine consumable.
In computer science, mainly three kinds of
ontologies are to be distinguished (Sowa, 2007).
Terminological ontologies in which concepts are
named and are structured using mainly relations of
the sub-type/super-type kind. As a matter of fact,
such an ontology which is sometimes referred to as
taxonomy can be expressed by using rules as we will
further do it in the case of the ontology of computer
data suppression. Ontologies of the second kind are
those of which the concepts are built by enumerating
the instances which compose them on the basis of
some metric which defines their similarity. These
concepts come usually as a result of a classification
and are not named beforehand. The third type of
ontology is the most sophisticated. The concepts are
defined by axioms generally expressed in a
decidable fragment of first order logic, namely
Description Logic. Logical inferences can then be
implemented for the classification of new instances.
Incontestably, Description Logic is currently without
the standard for expressing formal ontologies on the
basis of the OWL language for example. Efforts are
carried out to extend it to a system able to handle
knowledge expressed in the form of rules. This way,
requests could be sent to existing rule bases within
the semantic Web (Eiter et al., 2004). Another
advantage that we outline in this extension is the
possibility of supplementing a knowledge
representation based on Description Logic by a rule
based representation when this is more adequate.
The use of rules is all the more relevant when it
comes to take into account certain exceptions which
characterize nonmonotonic reasoning.
2.1 Classes and Properties
Classes are concrete representation for concepts.
Different classes may be identified for representing a
given domain knowledge. They must afterwards be
structured by linking them with relations which can
be subsumption relations or Protégé-OWL relations
called properties.
Properties are relationships between individuals and
an inverse property may be defined for a given
Classes are interpreted as sets of individuals of
similar structure. Classes can be organized in
subclass-superclass hierarchy. The graphical
representation of a hierarchy uses nodes for concepts
and arcs for subsumption relations.
Concretely, a class is defined by describing the
conditions to be satisfied by individuals for they
belong to the class. Note that classes may overlap
and can be made explicitly distinct. .
2.2 Description Logics
A knowledge base using description logic as a
knowledge representation tool has two components :
- the TBox which contains the terminology of the
domain of interest.
- the ABox which contains assertions on individuals
named through the defined terminology.
The vocabulary is composed by concepts which
denote individual sets and roles which denote binary
relations between individuals.
The description language which is specific to each
description logic system has a well defined
semantic: each TBox or ABox declaration may be
identified to a formula of first order logic or a slight
extension of it.
Description logic provides also reasoning tools to
decide for example if a description is consistent or
not or if it is more general than another.
Elementary descriptions are atomic concepts and
atomic roles. These allow more complex
descriptions to be built with concept constructors.
The description logic language we shall use is
defined by the following assertions where C and D
are concepts, A an atomic concept and R a role.
A (atomic concept)
T and (universal concept and empty concept)
¬C (concept negation)
CD (concept intersection)
CD (concept union)
R.C (value restriction)
R.C (limited existential quantification)
A formal ontology is defined by a set of structured
concepts and a number of inclusions between these
The semantics of the concepts and roles is defined
with respect to a domain of interpretation O which
defines the interpretation of each constant A: ι(A)=a.
Concepts are interpreted as subsets of O and roles
are interpreted as binary relations over O satisfying :
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
ι(T)=O, ι()=
ι(¬C)= ι-ι(C)
ι(CD)= ι(C)∩ι(D), ι(CD)= ι(C)∪ι(D)
ι(R.C)={dO|(d,e)∈ι(R)e∈ι(C) for all e in O}
ι(R.C)= {dO| there exists e in O s.t. (d,e)∈ι(R)
and e∈ι(C)}
Two frameworks are mainly referred to in practical
logics: logic programming and first order logic. An
important difference between these two frameworks
is the close world assumption (CWA) admitted in
the former and the open world assumption (OWA)
admitted in the latter.
Even if OWL admits primarily the OWA, CWA
may be admitted if stated explicitly. CWA is very
useful for dealing for example with the application
of forward chaining. If in a rule base, only the rule
“IF offence OR crime THEN infringement” infers
the fact infringement, CWA allows inferring that
there is no infringement if none of the facts offence
or crime is established.
We list in this subsection the French criminal law
articles that are of interest to us and from which
irrelevant metadata has been removed (Légifrance,
Article 323-1
Fraudulently accessing or remaining within all or
part of an automated data processing system is
punished by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €
Where this behaviour causes the suppression or
modification of data contained in that system, or any
alteration of the functioning of that system, the
sentence is two years’ imprisonment and a fine of €
Article 323-2
Obstruction or interference with the functioning of
an automated data processing system is punished by
three years’ imprisonment and a fine of € 45,000.
Article 323-3
The fraudulent introduction of data into an
automated data processing system or the fraudulent
suppression or modification of the data that it
contains is punished by three years’ imprisonment
and a fine of € 45,000.
Article 323-4
The participation in a group or conspiracy
established with a view to the preparation of one or
more offences set out under articles 323-1 to 323-3,
and demonstrated by one or more material actions,
is punished by the penalties prescribed for offence in
preparation or the one that carries the heaviest
We shall consider in what follows three concepts:
Malicious actions which are punished by criminal
law, responsibilities related to an action and the
criminal law articles. Other classes of our ontology
such as Sanction and Infringement are of less
interest in what we shall expose.
Several actions may be qualified as being malicious
in computer security and put in classes like privacy
or hacking which in its turn covers classes like
intrusion, denial of service….etc.
The class Malicious_Act depicts a classification for
a sample of malicious actions:
Figure 1: The class of malicious actions.
Criminal law makes a distinction between two types
of responsibilities, objective responsibility which
may be commission, omission or attempt and the
subjective responsibility which describes the
intentional nature of the act. Of course the classes
and subclasses defining these concepts are
Figure 2: The class of responsibilities.
Criminal law articles which are of interest to us are
grouped in the class Articles. As a matter of fact
there are only six articles that deal directly with
cybercrime. Among these, for our purpose, we shall
consider in particular four articles.
It should be outlined that the conception that we
make of a law article makes of it a class which
groups all the cases it allows to characterize, that is
to say the cases which fall under this article!. In this
respect our model (see appendix) is different from
(Asaro et al., 2003). The rationale behind this
conceptualization is that the concept of case inherits
of the same characteristics and properties as in the
concept of article. Henceforth, the application of our
ontology consists in classifying, if possible, each
case of interest as a subclass of one or more
subclasses of Articles.
Figure 3: The class of articles.
Listed below are some of the relations of interest we
shall use here. In particular, between the two classes
Articles and Responsibility the relation
hasResponsibility specifies the nature of the
responsibility handled in the article which may be
commission, omission or attempt in the case of
objective responsibility or which may be intentional
or unintentional in the case of subjective
responsibility. For each relation its inverse relation
is given. Inverse relations are very useful and and
enhance the way of expressing axioms as we shall
see below.
Figure 4: Properties with their inverses.
The possibility of using a reasoner to build
automatically the hierarchy of classes is one of the
major advantages in using OWL-DL. Indeed in the
case of important ontologies containing hundreds of
classes the use of a reasoner is crucial, in particular
when dealing with multiple inheritance. Thus the
designer will focus on logical description which is
hierarchical, flexible and consequently easy to
4.1 Articles Conceptualization
Ontologies which are described in OWL-DL may be
processed by a reasoner. One of the main tasks
handled by a reasoner is to check if a given class is a
subclass of another class. Another task is to check
consistency, the reasoner can check on the basis of
the class conditions if the class may have instances
or not. A class which has no instances is
inconsistent. Thus a class which is defined to be a
subclass of both classes A and B which are disjoint
will be detected as inconsistent by the reasoner.
Necessary conditions are used to express « if an
object is in this class it necessarily must satisfy these
conditions ». A class which uses only necessary
conditions is called partial.
Necessary and sufficient conditions are used to
express « if an object is in this class it necessarily
must satisfy these conditions and if an individual
satisfy these conditions then it necessary belongs to
this class». Such a class is said to be complete and
allow a CAW reasoning. All the classes we shall
deal with in this paper are complete.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The classes art_323-1, art_323-2, art_323-3 et
art_323-4 are complete:
Figure 5: Axioms for Art_323-1, Art_323-2 and Art_323-
3 definition.
The reasoner can classify only complete classes.
Several acts may be qualified as being malicious in
computer security and put in classes like privacy or
hacking which in its turn covers classes like
intrusion, denial of service….etc.
The class Malicious_Act depicts a classification for
a sample of malicious actions:
Criminal law makes a distinction between two types
of responsibilities, objective responsibility which
may be commission, omission or attempt and the
subjective responsibility which describes the
intentional nature of the act.
4.2 Reasoning with Counterfactuals
We are going to depict the expressive power of
description logic through an example where it is
made an assumption that contradicts the reality. This
kind of reasoning is called counterfactual reasoning
(Ginsberg, 1986). It allows reasoning on abstract
facts which are inconsistent with actual facts. For
example, solving a case which falls under article
Art_323-4 needs, as stated by this even article, to
compare the case to articles Art_323-1, Art_323-2
and Art_323-3. Solving the case is made possible by
making an assumption in the definition of Art_323-4
which is contrary to what is stated in it. Indeed,
think of a case defined by Attempt and Intrusion. To
realise that this case falls under article_323-4, one
should first assume that in case the responsibility
was Commission then the case would have fallen
under Article_323-1. This is a counterfactual
reasoning as long as the assumption Commission is
contrary to the Attempt responsibility which
characterizes the case at hand. The fact that in
propositional logics the formula AB is equivalent
to ¬AB makes it possible to express this
assumption within Description logics.
According to the interpretation rules given above,
this is to be understood as the class of articles that
foresee malicious actions that are foreseen in articles
Art_323-1, Art_323-2 or Art_323-3, by assuming
Commission responsibility. Rewritten as:
A1, A2 and A3 are the axioms defining the three
first articles. C stands for articles stating
Commission responsibility. To isolate within the
articles the stated malicious actions from the
responsibility, axioms A1, A2, A3 are rewritten as:
By substitution, we have:
Thus :
f.∃i.(¬C(C(A1_3 A2_3A3_3)))
It is easy to prove in propositional logic :
¬C((¬CC)X)= ¬CX
Therefore, we have:
The point here is that we have succeeded this way to
evacuate from Art_323-1, Art_323-2 and Art_323-3
the Commission responsibility to make things
consistent. Figure 6 shows the resolution of three
cases. Case_1 consists in both system blocking and
data modification which have been committed,
thanks to multiple inheritance, and case_2 is a case
where an intrusion attempt has been stated. Case_3
is an example of cases that might not be resolved,
for example a case referring to data theft which does
not appear explicitly in the corpus.
Figure 6: Inferred Ontology.
Mismatching between legal concepts and technical
concepts constitutes a serious issue (De Lamberterie
and videau, 2006). For example, Computer data
suppression happens to be mentioned in some of
criminal law articles. With no explicit legal
definition, this naturally leads the judge to adopt the
natural language definition for suppression. The
common understanding of the term suppression is
physical suppression where a thing which is
suppressed merely stops existing. However, in the
computer world, suppressing data means very often
logical suppression where data could be restored
with adequate tools. In addition to that, even in the
case of a physical suppression, computer data could
be restored when a backup or archiving politic is
observed by the data processor.
This semantic difference should be definitely
specified because of the penal consequences for a
fraudulent computer data suppression may vary
according to the possibility of recovering the data.
This means that although the act is condemnable in
both cases, the sanction might be worsened or
attenuated depending on the type of suppression.
To make the common understanding of the term
suppression fit the effective definition of the term
computer data suppression, one solution consists in
« connecting » its concept in a legal ontology to its
concept in a computer ontology. This connection
may need some new concepts and new relations with
the two already existing ontologies. New concepts
may also be needed to summarize or to extract from
the second ontology that information which is
readily of interest for a legal reasoning. For
example, in the case we are dealing with, such new
concepts are « restorable data» and «unrestorable
data». These ontological adjustments may prove to
be disproportionate in case where the relevant
information is well defined. It is indeed sufficient to
compute this information by using a rule based
inference engine. As a matter of fact, the second
ontology is principally used to deduce facts rather
than for classification.
In a case where only the subsumption relation is
used to deduce relevant facts, it is sufficient to use
the second ontology in a rule based form within a
propositional logic framework. However the
inference engine to be used should allow non
monotonic reasoning if we wish preserve the
ontology structure in this translation and in the same
time manage conflicting facts. We have chosen to
use an inference engine based on stratified forward
chaining which through an adequate backward
chaining (Bezzazi, 2006) sends questions to the user
to compute which of the facts « existing data » or «
non-existing data » holds for the suppressed data. It
should be noticed that the concept of legal
suppression as well as the concept of computer data
suppression, both inherits somehow of the French
language concept of the term suppression which
normally entails the no more existence of the
suppressed object. Indeed, according to the French
definition, to suppress something is to be understood
as putting an end to the existence of something.
French_suppression > !existence
Legal_suppression > French_suppression
data_suppression > French_suppression.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 7: The taxonomy of data suppression.
The translation of this ontology fragment as a
rule base yields:
Logical_suppression > data_suppression
Physical_suppression > data_suppression
Formatting > Logical_suppression
Destruction > Physical_suppression
Demagnetization > Physical_suppression
Rewriting > Physical_suppression
Partial_ rewriting > Rewriting
Total_rewriting > Rewriting
We add a rule which expresses that data which
has been logically suppressed may still exist.
Logical_suppression > existence
If logical suppression is established, the stratified
forward chaining will, like an inheritance system
with exceptions, give priority to the application of
this last rule with respect to the more general rule :
French_suppression > !existence
Therefore, this rule base should help the lawyer
or the judge make their decisions or instruct a case
by shedding light on a technical concept lacking a
legal definition. The explanation process is done
through a question-response procedure.
The framework we have presented in this paper is
based on the idea of considering cases as being, by
their structure, subclasses of articles. Therefore, the
problem of solving a case is the same as that of
classifying it. With such a system at work, all one
has to do is implement articles as classes which
should not be a difficult task at least manually.
Doing this in a semi automatic or automatic way
constitutes an interesting topic for investigation. We
have also shown, in a rather practical way, how
counterfactual reasoning and non monotonic
reasoning are naturally used in legal reasoning.
However further work need to be done on this topic
independently of any domain of interest to analyze
the mechanisms that implement counterfactual
reasoning and to what extent this may be done. We
have also introduced some conceptual and technical
ideas related to fitting technical concepts and legal
concepts. Computer data suppression is one example
among other technical concepts which need
clarification such as integrity and anonymity. We
think that such concepts must be identified in the
law texts for their natural ontology be connected to a
well built legal ontology through easily understood
production rules.
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