Giacomo Bucci, Valeriano Sandrucci, Enrico Vicario
Dipartimento di Sistemi ed Informatica, Universit
a degli Studi di Firenze
Saverio Mecca
Dipartimento Tecnologie dell’Architettura e Design, Universit
a degli Studi di Firenze
SW Architectures, Semantic Web Technologies, Ontologies, Semantic Portals, SW Engineering.
Ontological technologies comprise a rich framework of languages and components off the shelf, which devise
a paradigm for the organization of SW architectures with high degree of interoperability, maintainability and
adaptability. In particular, this fits the needs for the development of semantic web portals, where pages are
organized as a generic graph, and navigation is driven by the inherent semantics of contents. We report on a
pattern-oriented executable SW architecture for the construction of portals enabling semantic access, querying,
and contribution of conceptual models and concrete elements of information. By relying on the automated
configuration of an Object Oriented domain layer, the architecture reduces the creation of a cooperative portal
to the definition of an ontological domain model. .
Technologies for ontological modelling and reason-
ing devise a new paradigm for the organization of
software architectures with high degree of interop-
erability, maintainability and adaptability (M. Fayad,
1996), (ISO, 2004). This potential appears par-
ticularly well suited for consistent development and
management of information architecture, site struc-
ture, and page layout of web portals with weblike
organization, where pages are organized in the pat-
tern of a generic graph, and navigation is driven by
the inherent semantics of contents more than from a
hierarchical upfront classification (P.J. Lynch, 2002)
(Franca Garzotto, 1995). In (Schreiber et al., 2006),
a semantic portal based on standard ontological tech-
nologies and SWI-prolog is proposed, which supports
unified access to cultural heritage resources classified
according to a public unifying ontology. The portal
supports semantic search and presentation of retrieved
data, while contribution of contents is not considered.
Contribution of contents by a distributed community
based on ontologies is addressed in (Stojanovic et al.,
2001), as a part of a work mainly focused on the de-
termination of a rank of relevance for the result-set of
semantic queries. However, the proposed architecture
only permits contribution of ontology individuals and
does not enables evolution and reuse of the implemen-
tation when the ontology changes in its concepts. In
(Yuhui Jin, 2001), a declarative approach to the con-
struction of semantic portals is proposed, which relies
on the definition of a suite of ontologies created by
the portal programmer to define domain concepts and
contents, navigation structure and presentation style.
The work does not address the subject of content con-
tribution neither the personalization of presentation
style by the user. In (Corcho et al., 2006), the declar-
ative approach of (Yuhui Jin, 2001) is enlarged into
a framework based on ontologies supporting the con-
struction of a web application combining information
and services. The framework implements the Model
View Controller architectural pattern (Schmidt et al.,
2000). While the model is declared using ontolo-
gies, views are implemented with existing presenta-
tion technologies, and in particular JSP, which mainly
rely on the OO paradigm. To fill the gap between
the two paradigms (Woodfield, 1997), the developer
is provided with a suite of predefined JSP components
assuming the responsibility of the adaptation.
In this paper, we address the development of a
portal enabling semantic access, querying, and con-
tribution of both domain individuals and concepts. To
Bucci G., Sandrucci V., Vicario E. and Mecca S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 48-55
DOI: 10.5220/0001340300480055
this end, we propose an executable SW architecture
(Kruchten, 2003) based on standard languages and
components off the shelf, which reduces the creation
of a cooperative portal to the definition of an ontolog-
ical domain model, and which is implemented with
components that can be efficiently reused in a vari-
ety of data intensive and knowledge based applica-
tions. The programming model that permits the con-
struction of a portal using the proposed architecture
is illustrated with reference to the case of a coopera-
tive portal, that we call Muddy, supporting distributed
contribution and usage of knowledge about mudbrick
construction practices, that we call Muddy
In the rest of the paper, after a brief overview of
our perspective on the ontological paradigm in SW ar-
chitecture, we introduce the Muddy case and we ana-
lyze its requirements, identifying abstract roles and
use cases (Sect.2). We then expound the architec-
tural design and some salient traits of its implemen-
tation, and we identify the roles involved in its appli-
cation (Sect.3). Finally we describe the Muddy portal
(Sect.4) and draw conclusions (Sect.5).
Ontological technologies mainly originate with the
intent to contribute to the realization of the Semantic
Web (Berners-Lee, 1998). This denotes an evolution
of the current web, in which information is semati-
cally defined so as to enable automated processing.
Figure 1: Resources and meta-data relations.
The Semantic Web paradigm thus emphasizes the
relation between information and meta information,
which distinguishes the concepts of Resource, On-
tology Data, and Ontology Schema, as illustrated in
Fig.1. Resources are any information object on the
web: a file, an HTML page, an image, a movie. In the
semantic web perspective, each Resource will contain
its Semantic Data. The Ontology Schema is a concep-
tualization shared among users, which captures the in-
tensional part of the model, defining types of entities
and their possible relations (concepts). Ontology Data
(individuals), are the extensional part of the model,
classifying Resources as realizations of the concepts
in the Ontology Schema. Client is a Semantic Web
reader and can be a human or an application. In both
the cases, Client is interested to access Resources and
their related semantic data.
2.1 Abstract Roles in a Semantic
Cooperative Portal
The Muddy project aims at supporting explicit and
shared representation of knowledge about construc-
tion practices based on mudbrick. In particular,
the Muddy project aims at developing a web portal
based on ontological models, enabling cooperation
among subjects from different localities and different
domains of expertise, in the development of a shared
model and in the contribution of concrete contents for
In the light of the organization of information of
Fig.1, this identifies roles, users’ needs, and use cases
generalized beyond the limits of the specific context
of use (ISO, 1998), that are outlined in Fig.2.
Figure 2: Abstract roles in a semantic portal.
Resource Readers correspond to readers in the con-
ventional web. They are interested in accessing infor-
mation, using meta-information to maintain context
and to access resources, through direct links or search
engines. Resource Writers are also enabled to insert,
update and delete resources.
Ontological Schema Readers correspond to the
second-level reader of (Eco, 1994). They are inter-
ested in understanding the organization of concepts
more then their concrete realizations. They need to
navigate in ordered manner and search classes and
properties of an ontological model.
Ontological Schema Writers also modify models,
taking part to the definition of the strategy of content
organization. In particular, they may be interested in
fixing errors, changing the model to follow some evo-
lution, or extending the model by specialization and
An Ontological Data Writer is a human or a SW
indexing Resources with respect to the concepts of an
Ontological Schema. Besides, an Ontological Data
Reader is a human or more frequently a SW which ex-
ploits Ontological Data to access concrete resources
in semantic querying (Bonino et al., 2003). Ontologi-
cal data can also be formatted to be easily readable as
well as a resource by human users (Dzbor M., 2004).
2.2 Use Cases in the Muddy Portal
In the specific context of the Muddy portal, the main
goals of a Reader are browsing of pages derived from
resources and semantic models, navigation of links
corresponding to relations in the ontological model,
execution of semantic queries on the knowledge base
Figure 3: Web portal Reader use cases.
Besides, the Writer (Fig.4), extends the Reader ca-
pability to access information with the capability to
contribute new knowledge in the form of a generic
Ontological Schema or Data. Namely, the enabled
user can contribute either the extensional or the in-
tensional part of the ontological model for the web
portal. Writers can also send/receive feedback and
comments about the ontological model so as to en-
courage collaboration and cooperation among users.
To contribute, writers will upload model files to ease
the development of a portal prototype.
Figure 4: Web portal Writer use cases.
The conceptual architecture of our semantic portal
composes a variety of partecipants that can be effec-
tively assembled using W3C supported specifications
and components.
Figure 5: Architectural components.
3.1 Ontology Model
The Ontology Model (Fig.5) is the main component
of the architecture, with the main responsibility of
providing representation of the domain model of the
application. It is implemented by composition of the
Ontology Schema and Ontology Data (Fig.1), both
encoded using the W3C standard Ontology Web Lan-
guage (OWL) (W3C, 2004).
In a logic perspective (Fig.6), the ontology model
can be decomposed in three main parts: classes, prop-
erties and individuals. Classes in the Ontology Model
are part of the Ontological Schema and play a role
that can be compared to that of table definitions in a
relational database. However, as opposed to relational
tables, classes can be composed through delegation
and inheritance. Properties are also part of the Onto-
logical Schema, and they are used to define relations
among classes. Individuals are realizations of con-
cepts described by classes, and play a role that can be
compared to that of records in a relational database.
3.2 Rules
To form the overall knowledge base, the ontological
model is complemented with Rules that extend the in-
formation explicitly represented with inference rules
that let the system derive new knowledge. In our ar-
chitecture, Rules are represented using the W3C sup-
ported Rule Language SWRL. To circumvent limita-
tions affecting open source reasoners, we internally
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 6: Logical compontents of the ontology model.
represent the language using Jena rules (Company,
3.3 Querying and Reasoning
Query on the knowlegde base are expressed using the
W3C supported SparQL. While the architecture sup-
ports the full expressivity of SPARQL, for the sake
of usability, and in particular learnability, only a re-
stricted fragment of the language is provided to the
The API Jena is used to drive reasoning and re-
trieve information by deciding SPARQL queries on
the model. The API is also used to validate the on-
tology model and derive new knowledge using OWL
axioms and inference rules. In general, any reasoner
represents a trade-off between power and efficiency in
computing. In particular, in the case of our architec-
ture termination of reasoning tasks is guaranteed only
if the model and the rules are encompassed within the
boundaries of OWL-DL and SWRL, respectively.
3.4 Participants in the Development
The proposed SW architecture supports separation of
concerns among four different roles of Domain Ex-
pert, Ontology Expert, Stakeholder, IT Expert. These
naturally fit in a realistic social context of develop-
ment (Cockburn, 1996) and basically correspond to
the roles identified in (Tempich et al., 2005).
The Domain Expert knows about the domain
of the portal and share partially formalized models
among the community who belongs to. Domain Ex-
perts usually use specific tools to do their analysis
and produce their research result. It is often the case
that they don’t know anything about ontologies and
also they don’t have opportunity (no time available)
to learn about them.
The Ontology Expert is able to use sematic mod-
elling tools and can describe knowledge contributed
by Domain Experts with an Ontology Model. In
this way the information, that was heterogeneous and
sometimes also tacit or embedded, becomes formal-
ized, explicit, homogeneous and consistent (Krys-
sanov et al., 1998).
The Stakeholder is interested in the domain logic
but he/she is not necessarily expert. For this role, it
is useful to have an ontology model that can be read
and studied and that can be used to navigate through
Domain Experts documents.
Finally, the IT Expert has to develop software
tools needed by other roles so to let them read and
write resources and ontology models (Fig.1 and 2).
3.5 Salient Aspects of the
3.5.1 Layering
The source code of the web portal (Fig.7) is organized
in three layers (Schmidt et al., 2000), (Fowler, 2002).
As usual, in SW architecture, layering separates pre-
sentation, domain logic and persistence. In this case,
layering also helps in filling the gap between onto-
logical and object oriented perspectives (Woodfield,
1997) (Guizzardi et al., 2001), which somehow re-
produces the well known problem of Impedance Mis-
match between Objects and relational databases (Am-
bler, 2003).
The presentation layer contains the logic to han-
dle the interaction between the user and the software,
relying on Java Server Faces (JSF) (Mann, 2004);
the domain layer contains the application logic i.e.
the domain model, implemented with Plain Old Java
Objects (POJO); the persistent layer, is implemented
as an ontology expressed as an OWL model and
presently encoded as an RDF repository.
Figure 7: Web portal layering.
A Mapping layer is inserted between Domain layer
and Persistent layer to improve decoupling and make
easer testing and concurrent developing (Heumann,
2001), (Beck, 2002). The Mapping layer manages
the mapping between models and meta-models, elab-
orates complex relations (reification), hides SPARQL
embedded code and improves performances with
methods like caching and proxying. Last but not least,
only the mapping layer refers to the low level API
Jena (Company, 2002).
3.5.2 Domain Model
The POJO Model in the domain layer is composed
by two Java packages named Domain and UserPro-
file. The DataMapper components of the Mapping
layer initialize objects of the POJO model with data
contained in the OWL model which is in turn com-
posed by three submodels named: Domain ontology,
UserProfile ontology and Presentation ontology. The
Domain package has responsibility to manage infor-
mation contributed by users and is derived from Do-
main ontology according to the architectural pattern
of reflection (Schmidt et al., 2000): classes of the
Domain package are independent from the specific
types defined in the Domain ontology thus enabling
reuse of the OO layer, defining different evolutions
of a portal or different portals insisting on different
application domains. This is the feature that permits
the cooperative portal to accommodate contributions
not only in the individuals of the extensional part,
but also in the concepts of the intensional part of the
knowledge-base. Derivation of the Domain package
is also affected by the Presentation ontology defining
directives for the presentation of data in the page lay-
out. The individuals of this ontology are used by the
mapping layer to determine the presentation and fil-
tering of concepts defined in the ontological Domain
model. This accomplishes a responsibility which is
much similar to that of ”site view graphs” in the On-
toWebber framework (Yuhui Jin, 2001). The User-
Profile package contains data about profiles, users and
related information, and it is automatically derived
from UserProfile ontology, so as to map ontology
classes and properties to OO classes and attributes.
3.5.3 Mapping Layer
Mapping between ontological and object-oriented
models of the architecture was implemented fol-
lowing a pattern-oriented design (Fowler, 2002),
(Schmidt et al., 2000) aimed at building an extensi-
ble and reusable framework.
Figure 8: The POJO Model of the web portal.
Mappers The mapping layer includes a mapper
class for each element of the OO domain model
(Fowler, 2002) (Fig.9). Each mapper class can read
information form the ontological model to assign it
to the object-oriented model and vice versa, and it is
implemented as extension of the abstract DataMapper
base class.
Figure 9: Mappers.
Mappers decouple the object-oriented Domain Layer
from the ontological Persistence Layer, so that a client
can ignore how objects are persisted in the ontology.
For the sake of performance and and behavioral ab-
straction, DataMappers implement some specific pat-
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
terns (Fowler, 2002), (Gamma et al., 1995):
Identify Map (Cache): mappers have a cache
memory to speed up repeated access to the same
Proxy: if possible, mappers substitute objects re-
quested by the client with equivalent proxies. This
delays the mapping operations until they are really
LazyLoad: mappers load objects of a list when
they are used so the slow mapping operation is
executed for useful objects only.
UnitOfWork: unit of work class manages
changes to objects that mappers have to persist.
Developers can use an instance of the class Session to
access functions of the mapping framework (Fig.10).
Figure 10: The Seession class.
Muddy is a web-based application implemented as an
instance of requirements and architecture described
so far. It allows reading and writing of concrete
and conceptual information according to an onto-
logical paradigm, providing the following user func-
tions: navigate information following semantic links;
execute semantic queries on the knowledge base;
contribute new knowledge uploading model files;
read/write feedback about the knowledge base.
As characterizing traits: users know that data
are organized according to an underlying ontological
model; users cooperate in the construction of one or
many ontological models, by creating, retrieving, up-
dating and deleting not only individuals but also con-
4.1 The Portal Architecture
Fig.11 depicts the architecture of the portal managed
by the application.
Figure 11: Structure of the Muddy Portal.
Index is the first page of the portal with login and reg-
istration, giving access to the Home page and then,
through Header page to the functions of the portal.
Users can be readers, writers and administrators and
they are provided with different functions. A new user
is always classified as reader and only administators
can give users more privileges.
Find page is used to execute queryies on the
knowledge base by users and it is specialized in
Search and Directory pages. ResourceView page
allows users to read information contained in the
knowledge base. Upload and Download pages allow
users to contribute new knowledge. Admintools page
is for the administrator.
4.2 Find Pages
The Directory page (Fig.12) is used to execute pro-
active search. The system shows to the user a list of
categories that correspond to root classes of the on-
tological model managed by the portal. The user can
select a category to get a page containing the list of
instances of the category and the list of its direct sub-
classes. The user can navigate toward more specific
classes or can inspect one of the instances found.
Figure 12: The Directory search page.
The Search page (Fig.13) implements an extension
of full-text search methods. Users can specify one
or more words that must be contained in desired re-
sources. They can also specify the kind of relations
that link desired resources to specified words. For in-
stance, the expression ”neededTools = sieve” lets a
user require all resources that has a ”sieve” among
needed ”tools”
Figure 13: The Search page.
4.3 Resource View Page
This page shows information about a resource
(Fig.14), and allows users to speed up navigation to-
wards semantic related resources.
Figure 14: The ResourceView page.
The portal also allows users to give feedback about
accessed resources which is used to calculate appre-
ciation indexes about resources.
We are further developing the portal and its under-
lying architecture, facing various interrelated issues,
that are crucial to tackle the transition phase towards
the context of use:
a usability cycle has been planned, to evaluate the
capability of the portal to support the user in main-
taining context in the navigation through the web-
like structure of portal contents. This step should
be largely facilitated by the orientation towards
change in the overall architecture, and in partic-
ular by the presentation ontology implemented in
the mapper;
preliminary performance profiling indicates that
performance can be largely improved by the in-
tegration of a more elaborated RDF repository;
functional extensions are being developed to im-
plement the automated derivation of an editor of
individuals based on the structure of ontology
concepts and a tool for annotation of existing web
resources with reference to the concepts of an on-
tological model.
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