Challenges in Designing ICT Support for the Networks of Companies
Sauli Hiippavuori, Markus Hänninen, Samuli Pekkola
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, PO Box 35 (Agora), 40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Kari Luostarinen
Metso Paper Inc, PO Box 587, 40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: ICT development, systems integration, organization networks, industrial service business.
Abstract: Traditional manufacturing business is changing its shape to service industry. In addition to products, manu-
facturers are also providing specialized knowledge-based services. Although ICT is an enabler for such op-
erations, its support for the activities of the networks of companies is still quite unknown. In these settings,
ICT-related challenges are multifold. In this paper findings from a case study on constructing ICT support
for industrial service business are presented. Technological challenges in designing and implementing sys-
tems to support daily business operations of industrial service business are listed.
Currently industrial companies are moving towards
service-oriented business operations. In other words,
they are offering different kinds of support services
to their customers. These include maintenance and
repairing services, analysis of problems or potential
problems, and fine-tuning and modifications for im-
proved performance of the machine. To enable this,
different kinds of ICT solutions; e.g. groupware and
CSCW applications, knowledge management and
expert systems, databases, and information hotels
have already been developed (Biehl et al. 2004) and
used e.g. in aircraft industry (Thompson 2004),
shipping industry (Brook et al. 2003) and pharma-
ceutical industry (Rödder et al. 1998).
Biehl et al’s (2004) stated that an infrastructure
for remote connections exist and is ready to use.
However, an efficient use and utilization of the tech-
nologies to support the operations of networked
companies is far more complex (c.f. Heikkilä et al.
2005; Shaw et al. 2005). In other words, an infra-
structure is just an enabler. The focus on technolo-
gies often ignores business strategy, organizational,
user-related, and adaptation-related issues that have
been identified relevant (e.g. Laudon and Laudon
2004; Vervest et al. 2005; Mumford 1983). As these
issues have their impact on the introduction, use, and
acceptance of technologies they cannot be forgotten.
Although we study technologies, we dive into the
complexity of industrial service business environ-
ments. We study a network of two companies with
dissimilar objectives, cultures, working practices,
histories etc. The companies have recognized a need
for tighter cooperation so that they can survive in
changing, global business environment. However,
they do not know how it can be done in practice.
Thus, in the paper, we try to identify a set of differ-
ent technology-related issues (they turned out to be
challenges) that need to be addressed by different
parties – companies operating in the network, ser-
vice providers and their customers, and the develop-
ers of ICT solutions –when developing industrial
service business.
The case study is performed in a network of two
organizations: service provider (a paper machine
manufacturer) and their customer (a paper mill).
A paper mill is a complex construction where
more than 10-meters-wide stream of paper runs
through the machine as long as 160 meters at almost
2000 meters per minute. A paper mill (and a ma-
Hiippavuori S., Hänninen M., Pekkola S. and Luostarinen K. (2007).
TOWARDS INDUSTRIAL SERVICE BUSINESS - Challenges in Designing ICT Support for the Networks of Companies.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 516-519
DOI: 10.5220/0002379105160519
chine) is a set of interlinked machines using bearings,
rods, connectors, pumps, gaskets, cylinders, drive
belts, and numerous automation systems and com-
puters to control, monitor, calibrate and adjust it.
The machines, although they look the same, are
unique. Depending on the paper grade, they are con-
figured differently, use different kind of pulp, and
have their own history of “updates”, i.e. newer com-
puters or sensors. This complexity sets requirements
for its operating staff – they have to handle a myriad
of different systems and computers and be able to
combine that information when fixing problems.
However, currently economical situation is changing
and such expertise is not afforded to keep in-house.
Paper machine manufacturers are also struggling
with a changing business environment. New paper
machines are not bought in masses but only small
upgrades are invested. The paper machine manufac-
turers need new business opportunities, so they have
started to offer services to paper mills. In this respect,
there is a desperate need for industrial services both
at the paper machine manufacturer and at the paper
We have studied the difficulties in establishing
industrial service business. We have worked with
the companies for more than 2.5 years developing
ICT solutions to support their floor level activities.
The aim was to synchronize the workflows and sup-
port cooperation between groups of experts in two
organizations. For this numerous interviews and
workshops were organized to understand the prob-
lems and challenges of a new business model and
their implications to ICT solutions.
The changes in the business concepts emphasize
networking. In principle, the networks provide a
knowledge base with greater number of people un-
derstanding and being able to work on complex and
unique machines. The networks consist of specialists
either from the same employers (internal networks)
or from the service provider’s connections to other
companies (external networks): subcontractors, sup-
pliers, customers, even competitors. As there is very
seldom just one supplier but many delivering differ-
ent parts of the machine and of its automation and
control systems, also the skills to offer services ap-
propriately need to be obtained from several partners.
Consequently they need to coordinate their activities
carefully and implement them effectively as the
timeframe for maintenance is limited to a bi-monthly
halts of the machine.
The novelty of co-operation, different organiza-
tional cultures and lack of common practices creates
several problems. In the interviews, both paper mill
operators and service providers acknowledged that
the opposing does not fully understand the service
process, and that causes problems. Also, the lack of
contextual information has turned out to be prob-
The companies have utilized dedicated solutions for
some particular purposes. Data collection systems,
monitoring and maintenance systems, diagnostic and
process analysis tools, reporting systems, etc. are in
use. These systems and the lifecycle of a paper mill
(upgrades made on different parts of the paper ma-
chine) have led to a fragmented ICT infrastructure.
Because of the number of parties involved in up-
grades and operations, an architectural ICT design
has not been done, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Different applications, devices and systems in
use can be identified from Figure 1. For example, at
the mill the data is collected through different sen-
sors and meters in the automation systems. This data
is utilized by operators and maintenance personnel
in different applications (process analysis tools, con-
figuring and data collection tools, databases contain-
ing process history). Yet there is no integration be-
tween them or between them and the business sys-
tems. It needs to be done manually. Although the
need for the deeper integration has been identified,
the lack of indication of explicit revenues and rigid
work practices have restrained the integration at-
tempts. Manufacturer’s experts share the same ap-
plications with the paper mill personnel.
ICT has consequently two functions; as an en-
abler to create an infrastructure for the network of
organizations and for the remote services and to sup-
port the service processes. The infrastructure is
needed both inside the organizations and between
them, complicating its establishment. The execution
of service processes and the delivery of the service
products must be supported by ICT solutions and
applications. This kind of combination of different
functions enables industrial service business.
TOWARDS INDUSTRIAL SERVICE BUSINESS: Challenges in Designing ICT Support for the Networks of Companies
Figure 1: An example of information systems architecture in industrial services; manufacturer (left) and paper mill (right).
Biehl et al. (2004) argued that different kinds of ICT
solutions have already been developed to support
service business. However, these solutions do not
support existing business and work processes at
large as they are utilized in solving problems in spe-
cific areas of service business (c.f. Heikkilä et al.
2005; van Liere et al. 2004). The systems are lacking
either the infrastructure or the process support being
unable to provide high-quality services. This is a
challenge when the size of the networks increases. In
our case, a number of parties are offering their ser-
vices for both the machine manufacturer and the
paper mill in cooperation. To support this kind of
joint business, a common gateway or interface
through which the organizations could interact and
share information becomes invaluable (Sihn 2003).
Deepened co-operation leads to increasingly
shared business processes. Companies can no longer
depend on their internal processes as more and more
boundary-crossing transactions and business opera-
tions become common. This sets an obvious re-
quirement also to an ICT infrastructure – how to
support shared business processes and operations
while simultaneously keeping intra-organizational
issues safe. Yet that information, e.g. order volumes,
might be essential for the service.
As the work environment is becoming increas-
ingly distributed, the importance of ICT support
increases. Solutions developed to support service
processes satisfy only the primary needs of the spe-
cialists, but do not support them adequately. Integra-
tion on both system and user interface level, as well
as in the adaptation of new systems, is a major chal-
lenge identified.
The value of the services is concretized once the
data is analyzed, reformed, and delivered back to the
customer in different forms (reports, proposals, etc.).
The value the customer experiences is dependent on
the outcome and the production process (c.f. Grön-
roos 2001). This stresses the importance of visibility
and transparency of the service processes. In our
case the customer gets only a 10-page-long report
having no means for follow the analysis process.
This could last several weeks or months, leading to
the “simple” report. The lack of visibility reduces
the perceived value of the service and may easily
lead the proposed actions to be neglected.
All this sets requirements for the development of
ICT infrastructure. Particularly the interoperability
of the different systems and applications is empha-
sized. However, in our case the only point of inte-
gration between these systems is the user. Some de-
velopment attempts have been initiated and some
improvements have been made, but the breakthrough
is still to come.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Technological solutions have been developed to
overcome aforesaid challenges, but, as illustrated, so
far the value of these solutions has been close to
zero. They have been developed separately for small,
specific needs, which have resulted fragmented ap-
plication architecture that fails to support the work
processes adequately. Also, because of the life-cycle
of the paper machine, the systems at the paper mill
are developed purely for their own needs. They are
not even designed to have external connections and
to support service business as information producer.
Yet they are perceived as one by the service provider.
Integrating these solutions for a service-oriented
application architecture has been a topic of discus-
sion in the companies. Yet the task is highly compli-
cated. A generic platform and loosely-tied integra-
tion of applications is needed, but it is not enough.
As only a part of the information can be collected
from the remote systems, its correct interpretation
sets a need for contextual information. This, as
turned out in our case, becomes challenging as ap-
propriate experts are traveling between their own
organization’s sites or between them and customer
site. The question is not only having access to data
but also having access to experts.
Technological challenges for industrial service
business can be summarized as follows:
Systems are not developed in accordance to
networked environment, and they are lacking a
dynamic and loose coupled network.
System architecture is fragmented consisting of
separate solutions for specific purposes. Design-
ing new system architecture is needed but may
turn out to be impossible.
Platform technology to enable service innova-
tions, development and remote service applica-
tion concepts does not exist.
Lack of interoperability between applications
and systems in the network causes that the inte-
gration between business applications and con-
nections to external systems is difficult.
Lack of technical interoperability between or-
ganizations does not support delivery and visi-
bility of service products.
Applications do not form a solid entity or sup-
port workflows.
Operational interfaces do not support fluent co-
operation or communication limiting interaction
between service provider and customer.
Knowledge created in the service process can-
not be shared and utilized.
These are even more challenging when the transition
from product-based industry to service-oriented
business mode is considered; while we are still
struggling with technological issues, that, by solving
them, would enable industrial service business, we
are also trying to change business environment and
organizational practices. So, although all this needs
to be done concurrently, we are still in a situation
where the base, i.e. ICT infrastructure in its entirety,
is not rigid and well established. Although Biehl et
al. (2004) argued for the existence of the ICT infra-
structure, our case argues against that. In fact, we
have bits and pieces of the infrastructure, but it is not
complete or coherent. There are still several issues
that need to be considered before the organizations
can operate in a service-oriented business mode ei-
ther as service producers or service consumers.
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TOWARDS INDUSTRIAL SERVICE BUSINESS: Challenges in Designing ICT Support for the Networks of Companies