How to Define Local Shape Descriptors for Writer
Identification and Verification
Imran Siddiqi and Nicole Vincent
Laboratoire CRIP5 – SIP, Université Paris Descartes – Paris 5
45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75270 Paris, Cedex 06, France
Abstract. This paper presents an effective method for writer identification and
verification in handwritten documents. The idea is that within a handwritten
text, there exist certain redundant patterns that a particular writer would use
frequently as he writes and these forms could be exploited to recognize the au-
thorship of a document. To extract these patterns, the text is divided into a large
number of small sub-images and a set of shape descriptors is extracted from
each. Similar patterns are then clustered together for which a number of cluster-
ing techniques have been evaluated. The writer of the unknown document is
identified by Bayesian classifier. The system trained and tested on 55 docu-
ments of the same number of authors, exhibited promising results.
1 Introduction
Writer authentification has received considerable attention over the recent years, not
only from the perspective of behavioral biometrics [1,7,9,11] but also in the context
of handwriting recognition [5] exploiting the principle of adaptation of the system to
the type of writer. A wide variety of techniques have been proposed that are generally
classified as either being global [2,8], that are based on the overall look and feel of
the writing, or local [1,3,10], which identify the writer based on localized features of
writing, which are inherent in the way a writer specifically writes characters. The
present communication is based on the later idea. Our method relies on the frequent
shapes of the drawing and is linked to the physical way the lines or loops are pro-
duced, hence the chosen observation scale is inferior to that of a letter. The method
has been detailed in the following section.
2 Proposed Method
We now present our method and its application to writer authentification. We start
with the offline training of the system to enroll the authorized authors in a reference
base, extracting a set of features for each. The writer of the questioned document is
then identified/verified in the classification phase. Feature extraction is based on the
argument that within a handwritten text, there exist certain redundant patterns that a
Siddiqi I. and Vincent N. (2008).
How to Define Local Shape Descriptors for Writer Identification and Verification.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 199-204
writer would use frequently as he writes. To extract these patterns, the handwritten
document image is first binarized and the connected components in the text are ex-
tracted. Each component is then divided into a large number of small windows of size
nxn. The division is carried out following the text as illustrated for the word ‘head-
lines’ in figure 1. The window size n is chosen empirically [10] and has been set to
13x13 in our case.
Fig. 1. Division of text into sub-images.
Once the text has been divided into sub-images, we proceed to the extraction of a
set of shape descriptors from each window. This set includes: Horizontal Projection:
The number of text pixels in each row of the sub-image. Vertical Projection: The
number of text pixels in each column of the sub-image. Upper Profile:The distance of
first text pixel from the top of each window. Lower Profile: The distance of the last
text pixel from the top of each window. Orientation: The overall direction of the
shape (ranging from -90º to 90º). Eccentricity: The ratio of the length of the longest
chord of the shape to the longest chord perpendicular to it. Rectangularity: The ratio
area of the object/area of the bounding box. Elongation: The ratio of the height and
width of a rotated minimal bounding box. Perimeter: The number of pixels in the
boundary of the shape. Solidity: The proportion of the pixels in the convex hull that
are also in the region and is computed as Area/Convex Area.
Once all the descriptors have been calculated, the values are normalized (0 – 1)
and hence each window is represented by a vector of dimension d=4n+6, where n is
the window size. In our case, let S be the set of sub-images, thus we have:
1 d
ssSeachwithSiS ==
Once the sub-images have been represented by a set of features, we proceed to
their clustering. The objective is that the sub-images that have been produced by the
same gesture of hand are grouped in the same classes. We have evaluated a number
of clustering algorithms (detailed in the section to follow) and, as a result of cluster-
ing, the document is represented by a set of classes C. For each class C
we have:
ssSeachAndCcardmSSC ===
We calculate its probability of occurrence P(C
) , the mean vector
,and the co-
variance matrix Cov
, thus representing the document D as:
)}(,{ CcardkFD
SCovCPFwhere =
3 Clustering of Sub-images
We now present an overview of the clustering methods (which do not need to know a
priori the number of clusters to retain) that we have employed. An important step in
any clustering is the choice of similarty measure between two patterns. We calculate
the dissimilarity between two patterns using a distance measure (E uclidean distance)
defined on the feature space. We have experimented with several algorithms which
we will discuss briefly.
3.1 Sequential Clustering (Seq)
We start with a simple sequential clustering algorithm. We choose a similarity thresh-
old and start with the feature vector of the first sub-image as the centroid of the first
class. For each of the subsequent patterns, we calculate the Euclidean distance be-
tween the current element and the mean of each class. The element is then attributed
to the nearest cluster. In case, it is not close enough to any of the clusters (with re-
spect to the threshold), a new cluster is created. The problem however is that the
procedure is sensitive to the order in which the patterns are presented.
3.2 Multi-Phase Sequential Clustering (MP-Seq)
To address the problem with sequential clustering, several clustering phases with
random selection of the data points are carried out in order to be less sensitive to the
initial conditions. Each of the clustering phases provides thus a variable number of
clusters. The final clusters are defined as the groups of patterns that are always clus-
tered together during each sequential clustering phase [1]. The leftovers (patterns that
are not part of any cluster) are then assigned to the nearest class (using mahanalobis
3.3 Two-Step Sequential Clustering (2Step-Seq)
We now propose a two-step clustering algorithm that could be viewed as a hybrid of
the partitional and sequential clustering. We partition the set S into Φ disjoint sub-sets
, ....,S
), setting a criteria on dimension k of the feature vector. Each of the Φ
partitions is then separately clustered using the sequential algorithm defined above
and the results of these Φ clustering procedures are merged to get the final set of
clusters. For our case we chose to partition on the Orientation of the trace defining Φ
=4, thus creating four equal partitions on the interval –90º to 90º.
3.4 Minimum Spanning Tree Clustering (MST)
We now present the graph based minimum spanning tree clustering. A minimum
spanning tree (MST) of a weighted graph connects all the given data points at the
lowest possible cost. From the perspective of clustering: if the weights of the edges
represent the distances between the data points, removing edges from the MST leads
to a collection of connected components which can be defined to be clusters [6]. For
our set of sub-images, we define the weighted (undirected) graph G(S) = (V,E) as
follows: the vertex set V = {S
| S
Є S} and the edge set E = {( S
, S
) | for S
, S
and i j}. Each edge (u, v) Є E has a weight that represents the (Euclidean) distance
d(u, v), between u and v. The MST is constructed using Prim’s algorithm and the
clustering is based on the idea that two data points with a short edge-distance should
belong to the same cluster (sub tree) and data points with a long edge-distance should
belong to different clusters and hence be cut. The number of clusters obtained, natu-
rally, is sensitive to the threshold value chosen. The algorithm works quite well pro-
vided the inter-cluster edge-distances are clearly larger than the intra-cluster edge-
Once the sub-images have been clustered (by one of the methods discussed above),
we sort the classes and keep only those having sufficient number of elements. The
term sufficient however is relative, so we pick the top most important M classes
which allow to cover 90% of text pixels in the image (figure 2).
Fig. 2. Number of clusters and the corresponding area of text pixels covered.
Once we find M, we have the set of classes C
for document D:
}|{ MkCC
4 Writer Recognition
The first step towards writer identification is the extraction of features from the docu-
ment whose writer is to be identified. We start with a binarization of the test image
followed by the division of text into small sub-images and then their clustering (as
discussed in the previous sections), thus representing the test document T by the set of
the mean vector of each class. If the difference between the number of classes of T
and the reference document D is above a certain threshold, we straightaway discard D
and proceed to the next document of the reference base.
If a reference document satisfies condition (5), we proceed to the next step and
employ the Bayesian decision theory to calculate the similarity between two docu-
ments. We find the similarity index between document T and all the documents in the
reference base R and identify the writer of the questioned document as the author of
the document maximizing the index.
Writer verification is performed in the classical Neyman-Pearson framework of
statistical decision theory. Varying the decision threshold on the similarity index
calculated between two documents, the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curves are computed and the writer verification performance is quantified by the
Equal Error Rate (EER).
5 Experimental Results
To evaluate our system, we have taken a set of 55 writers from the IAM database [4],
with one image of each used in training and one in testing. Each image contains on
the average, 8-10 lines of text. We present a comparative overview of the recognition
rates achieved with different clustering methods as illustrated in figure 3.
Fig. 3. Comparison of identification and verification results.
As it can be noticed from the result comparison, the two-step sequential clustering
out performs the rest achieving an identification rate of 98%. The MST clustering
performs approximately equally good (96%), but calculating the MST is quite time
consuming. The multiphase sequential clustering, although producing very fine clus-
ters, falls sufficently behind the rest.
For the verification task, we compute the ROC curves for different clustering
methods. Contrary to identification, its the MP sequential clustering that performs the
best (achieving an equal error rate (EER) of around 13%). Clearly, the performance
of the system on writer verification is not as good as that of identification and needs
to be improved. One possible way could be to have a writer dependent verification
threshold instead of using a global threshold value for all the writers in the reference
base. Another option could be to introduce some sort of post processing when the
difference between the similarity index of the best match and that of the runner up is
less than a certain threshold. These will be addressed in the research to follow.
6 Conclusions
We have presented an effective method for writer recognition in handwritten docu-
ments. The method is based on segmenting the writing into small sub-images, extract-
ing a set of shape descriptors from each, hence finding a set of patterns that an indi-
vidual would use frequently while writing. The realized identification rates are very
promising and validate the arguments put forward in this paper. The results on verifi-
cation, however, are not as good and need to be improved which will be the subject of
our future research. Changing the window size n during the phase of handwriting
division, this method could be applied to non-Latin languages as well. In addition, the
system could be made more robust by automatically adjusting the window size de-
pending upon the writing details.
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