Turning Users into Active Providers of Contents and Metadata
Martín López-Nores, José J. Pazos-Arias, Jorge García-Duque
Yolanda Blanco-Fernández, Alberto Gil-Solla and Manuel Ramos-Cabrer
Department of Telematics Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain
Personalization, metadata, incentive schemes, social networks.
Research in personalization systems has made enormous progress in the last few years. However, the phe-
nomenon of information overload is taking the state of the art to a dead end, due to the lack of metadata to
describe the growing number of available contents. In this position paper, we take a look at the problem and
suggest a research roadmap to find a way out, working on the idea of providing incentives to the end users to
become active providers of contents and metadata.
In recent years, we havewitnessed the developmentof
new communication technologies and a rapid growth
in the amount of information available. In this sce-
nario, the users would be expected to benefit greatly
from a wide range of services delivering news, enter-
tainment, education, health care advice, commercial
facilities and so on. However, the current situation
may be better referred to as one of information over-
load, since it frequently happens that the users are
faced with an overwhelming amount of information.
A similar situation was seen in the 1990s with the
exponential growth of the Internet, that made users
feel disoriented among the myriad of contents avail-
able through their PCs. This gave birth to the suc-
cessful search engines (e.g. Google and Yahoo), that
would retrieve relevant web pages in response to user-
entered queries. Nonetheless, the advent of new de-
vices (Digital TV set-top-boxes, mobile phones, me-
dia players, ...) brings into scene consumption habits
that render the search engine paradigm insufficient.
For various reasons, it is no longer realistic to think
that users will bother to visit a site, enter queries de-
scribing what they want, and select particular contents
from a list. In response to that, the scientific commu-
nity is devoting huge efforts to the design and pro-
vision of personalized information services (Ardis-
sono et al., 2004; Chorianopoulos, 2008; Im and Park,
2007), with a new paradigm of recommender systems
proactively selecting the contents that best match the
interests and needs of each individual at any time (Lee
and Yang, 2003; Hung, 2005; Cao and Li, 2007;
Tsunoda and Hoshino, 2008).
Recommender systems work by matching user pro-
files against metadata that describe the available con-
tents (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005; Burke, 2002;
Lim et al., 2008). The point we want to highlight is
that, precisely due to the problem of information over-
load, content providers are already incapable of pro-
ducing metadata to characterize the growing amount
of material; they might provide some metadata for
the new contents they produce, but certainly not for
the many ones that already exist, neither for user-
contributed ones. As long as automatic markup or
nearby techniques (Guio and Jay Kuo, 2001; Wang
et al., 2004) are not yet mature enough to fill in this
gap, the peril lurks in the medium term that personal-
ization engines may collapse for lack of input.
Echoing the ongoing revolution of the Web 2.0,
the solution to this problem can only come from the
end users, who should be engaged not only as content
producers, but also as producers of metadata to an-
notate resources. This is already happening to some
extent in social tagging Internet sites like del.icio.us,
CiteULike and Technorati, but the amount of informa-
tion so gathered is still several degrees of magnitude
López-Nores M., J. Pazos-Arias J., García-Duque J., Blanco-Fernández Y., Gil-Solla A. and Ramos-Cabrer M. (2008).
ON THE NEED FOR INCENTIVES TO SUPPORT PERSONALIZATION SYSTEMS - Turning Users into Active Providers of Contents and Metadata.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 332-335
DOI: 10.5220/0001939403320335
lower than needed for a holistic scenario of personal-
ized services in diverse applications and over multiple
devices. In our opinion, taking the social approach to
a new scale is not just a question of providing suit-
able tools and interfaces for the task in more services
and devices, in the belief that the users will start to
use them just like they started to massively contribute
text, photos and videos to sites like Wikipedia, Flickr
or YouTube. Contrary to providing contents, provid-
ing metadata is an ungratefulactivity, because nobody
sees the metadata: one does not gain visibility to other
users, and so gets no feedback from whoever may be
benefitting from his/her contributions.
To bridge the crucial difference between providing
contents and providing metadata, our position is that
it will be mandatory to design incentive schemes to re-
ward the users for any valuable information they pro-
vide (e.g. with coupons for pay-per-view services,
free recharge vouchers for prepaid mobile phones,
hours of premium access to certain contents, dis-
count on broadband connections, technological gad-
gets, etc) and to build the knowledge bases for the rec-
ommender systems in a collaborative fashion. Proba-
bly, the best context for these incentive schemes will
be that of social networks like MySpace or Facebook,
though enhanced with trust and prestige indicators to
promote serious involvement among the contributing
users. Likewise, it will be necessary to research into
how to ensure the traceability of each user’s contribu-
tions, including contents, metadata and even recom-
mendations to others.
In addition, innovations will be needed regarding
the usability of the interfaces offered to the users to
enter information and to interact with the social net-
work, especially knowing that the methods employed
thus far on the Internet (as accessed from personal
computers) are not well suited to the input and presen-
tation capabilities of other devices. Research will be
needed on the design of specialized interfaces able to
tune the incentives offered to the users depending on
the type of information they provide —for instance, to
compensate for the inconvenienceof typing text using
a remote control or a keypad.
Internally, advances must be pursued to work with
novel, rich data structures halfway between ontolo-
gies and folksonomies. In this regard, to enable au-
tomatic processing of the knowledge bases, it will be
necessary to introduce structure in the universeof tags
that may be coming from a social network, but with-
out the traditional well-formedness and consistency
requirements of ontologies to reckon the fact that dif-
ferent viewers may well provide contradictory cate-
gorizations for the same contents or products. This
approach, supported by enhanced data mining tech-
niques (Han and Kamber, 2005), is necessary to ex-
ploit all the knowledge captured in potentially contra-
dictory metadata, with no need to restrict the reason-
ing to consistent subsets as it happens with most of
the works in literature.
The final grand topic we envisage relates to the
business models of personalized information systems,
rethinking the relationships among content and ser-
vice providers, network operators, advertisers and
users around the innovations of the incentivized so-
cial network, with special concern for data ownership
and privacyissues. In this point, it is worth noting that
a wealthy flow of information from the users may pro-
vide the foundations for a new framework to perform
audience and market studies in diverse areas of appli-
cation, which will be crucial to support the strategic
actions of the involved stakeholders.
The following is a scenario that illustrates the afore-
mentioned innovations in the context of personalized
advertising through Digital TV set-top boxes and mo-
bile devices, including glimpses of the following:
business models in personalized t-commerce;
incentives to the TV viewers, graded to the value
of the feedback provided;
incentives to other users in the consumption
indicators for audience and market studies.
On Wednesday evening, channel INCENTV-
SPORTS will broadcast a UEFA Champions League
match between Real Madrid C.F. and A.C. Milan in
pay-per-view mode. To decide what ads to deliver
during the transmission, the channel managers decide
to follow the audience stereotypes of people who like
football and people who like travelling”, so the
head-end is scheduled to deliver material related with
football (sports clothing, merchandising, almanacs,
tickets for upcoming matches, etc) and tourist desti-
nations in Spain and Italy.
It’s Wednesday, and Alice goes to her favourite
bar to watch the game on TV (she prefers this in-
stead of paying e10 to watch it in home). Since
there are be many people in the bar, the TV screen
Providers of Contents and Metadata
displays the most relevant ads according to the au-
dience stereotypes, while the individuals can receive
personalized offers in their mobile phones. In a given
moment, Alice presses a YELLOW button in her mo-
bile to indicate that she wants to learn more about
the product currently advertised in the bar’s TV, but
later (RED would mean that she is not at all inter-
ested in that stuff, while GREEN would mean that she
wants to learn more about the offer right now). Fol-
lowing this indication, once the first half of the game
is over, Alice’s mobile vibrates to face her with an in-
teractive application that lets her browse t-shirts of
different clubs, prices and so on. Alice could buy
one item using the application, but now she doesn’t
want to. However, thanks to the incentive schemes of
INCENTV-SPORTS, she can still benefit from provid-
ing some information about the offered products. The
more information, the greater the reward:
By simply providing numerical ratings (from 0 to
10), she collects points that she may exchange for
backgrounds, screensavers and tunes for her mo-
bile phone.
By tagging products with words from a given vo-
cabulary, she gets points to exchange for products
also advertised on INCENTV-SPORTS.
By entering new tags to classify products, she wins
discounts to watch the next match at home (e.g.
e0.1 per tag, to a maximum of e2). Textual com-
ments would provide additional discounts of 1e.
Prior to sending it out, Alice can review the data
that will be sent to INCENTV-SPORTS, finding that
she can supplement what she entered with context in-
formation given by the bar owner (e.g. describing the
bar’s atmosphere or common likings of its clients).
Thus, the bar owner can also get rewards, propor-
tional to the amount of feedback gathered from his
clients and the amount of products they buy. In fact,
next week he will be able to offer a new match for free.
On Friday, the INCENTV-SPORTS managersstart
processing all the feedback gathered from the football
match. Firstly, it is noticeable that there has been very
little activity around tourist destinations ads. This in-
dicates that a football match is not a suitable place to
advertise travels, so the stereotype people who like
travelling” loses relevance with regard to football. In
contrast, there has been much activity around sports
stuff, measuring great disparity in the viewers’ reac-
tions to certain items that fitted well within the stereo-
type of people who like football”. In response to
these observations, an analyst suggests to specialize
the stereotype, introducing subclasses of supporters
of A.C. Milan and supporters of Inter Milan”. As
a result, during the next Champions League round,
the supporters of A.C. Milan are not faced with mer-
chandising of Inter Milan and vice versa. Everyone
is happier with the publicity received and an increase
occurs in the sales figures.
With the growing amount of contents available
through different media, personalized information
services face a risk of starvation due to lack of meta-
data to reason about. In order to solve this problem,
we have argued that it is necessary to turn the users
into active providers of metadata, for which they must
be given suitable incentives in a social network. Real-
izing this view will require much research in incentive
schemes, business models, user interfaces, knowledge
modeling and data mining techniques, among others.
The visions presented herein will drive the authors’
research within the Ministerio de Educación y Cien-
cia (Gobierno de España) project TSI2007-61599,
also supported by the Consellería de Educación e Or-
denación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia) incentives
file 2007/000016-0, and by the Consellería de In-
novación, Industria e Comercio (Xunta de Galicia)
project PGIDIT05PXIC32204PN.
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