Stefan Marks, Burkhard W
Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
John Windsor
Department of Surgery, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Virtual environment, Non-verbal communication, Image processing, Training.
Virtual reality simulations for training surgical skills are increasingly used in medical education and have been
shown to improve patient outcome. While advances in hardware and simulation techniques have resulted in
many commercial applications for training technical skills, most of these simulators are extremely expensive
and do not consider non-technical skills like teamwork and communication. This is a major drawback since
recent research suggests that a large percentage of mistakes in clinical settings are due to communication
problems. In addition, training teamwork can also improve the efficiency of a surgical team and as such
reduce costs and workload.
We present an inexpensive camera-based system for capturing aspects of non-verbal communication of users
participating in virtual environment-based teamwork simulations. This data can be used for the enhancement
of virtual-environment-based simulations to increase the realism and effectiveness of team communication.
In 1999, the Committee on Quality of Health Care in
America released a report estimating that each year,
98,000 people die because of medical errors occurring
in hospitals (Kohn et al., 1999). This report caused
massive changes in the medical education system, in-
cluding the increased use of medical simulation for
training and assessment. As a result, the market now
offers a variety of simulators, ranging from inexpen-
sive bench models made of rubber for training sutur-
ing and other basic technical skills to expensive man-
nequins that can be used for the training of whole
emergency response teams.
With realism improving through increasing com-
putational and graphics power, computer based tools
have also secured their position among medical simu-
lators (Scott et al., 2008). Numerous research projects
have contributed to mathematical models for the re-
alistic simulation and manipulation of soft tissue.
Based on these models and increasingly realistic ren-
dering capabilities of modern graphics cards, com-
mercially available products offer training opportuni-
ties in areas like endoscopic procedures (Undre and
Darzi, 2007), obstetrics, cardiology or other related
But regardless of the technical features, these sim-
ulators only serve the purpose of training a single per-
son at a time. Surgery and other medical procedures
are always performed as a team and thus, among the
technical skills, require non-technical skills like com-
munication, teamwork, leadership, and decision mak-
ing (Yule et al., 2006). Research indicates that failure
in communication occurs in 30% of team exchanges
and that one third to 70% of these failures result in
situations putting the patient’s life at risk. (Lingard
et al., 2004; Guise and Segel, 2008). To increase pa-
tient safety, training and improvement of communi-
cation among team members has to be an important
aspect of clinical simulation.
Computer based teamwork simulation has been used
by the military and the aviation industry for years.
Only recently, this kind of simulation has addressed
the area of healthcare and medicine.
3DiTeams (Taekman et al., 2007) simulates a mil-
itary operating theatre, including all necessary de-
Marks S., WÃijnsche B. and Windsor J.
DOI: 10.5220/0001793703610366
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-67-8
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vices, medical instruments, and the patient. In the
virtual environment (VE), team members are repre-
sented by avatars and can interact with each other, the
devices, and the patient. Each user operates at an in-
dividual client computer that is connected to a central
server by a network. This server receives all actions
and movements of the users from the clients, runs the
physical simulation of objects and medical simulation
of the patient’s physiology, and synchronises the up-
dated state of every user and object on the clients.
The simulation uses a game engine as underlying
framework. Such an engine provides a well-tested
and stable base capable of realistic graphics, anima-
tion, sound, physics and networking support (Marks
et al., 2007). The principle of exchanging the content
of a computer game by content with educational or
training purpose is referred to as “Serious Gaming”
(Serious Games Initiative, 2007).
With the focus on teamwork and communication
aspects, it is important to examine the amount of
communication channels that the simulation provides
for the users (see table 1 in section 3.1). Modern
game engines support verbal communication via mi-
crophones and headsets or speakers or predefined tex-
tual commands that are accessible by pressing certain
Despite the advances in technology, the support
for other communication channels is still limited.
This renders communication and interaction within
VEs inefficient and unnatural (Vertegaal et al., 2001;
Garau et al., 2001). Without gaze direction and head
orientation, for example, communication suffers from
a decrease of 50% in deictic references to persons,
like “you” or “him/her” (Vertegaal et al., 2000). The
lack of non-verbal communication channels has to be
compensated by other channels, for example, by re-
placing deictic references to objects and persons by
explicitly saying their names and positions (see fig-
ure 1).
Alice, can you please
give me the tool
on the table
to your left?
Figure 1: Without gaze direction and head orientation, com-
munication has to use unnatural verbal reference to objects
or people.
Another method of compensation is described in
(Manninen, 2001). Without the implementation of
gestures in the game “Counter Strike”, users can-
not refer to a location or a direction by, for exam-
ple, pointing a finger into a certain direction. In this
case, the lack of gesture is compensated by turning the
avatar into the desired direction and moving then for-
wards and backwards in rapid succession. Asked for
improvements of the game, the introduction of ges-
ture was an important aspect for the users.
By introducing, for example, head orientation and
gaze direction, users can simply look at objects or
other users instead of referring to them by voice (see
figure 2).
“Can you please give me that tool?”
Figure 2: With gaze direction and head orientation, the ver-
bal reference to objects and people is not necessary any
Other capabilities of modern game engines or VEs
allow for even more non-verbal communication chan-
nels that can be used to increase the bandwidth. De-
tailed animation systems in the avatar’s face models
enable the rendering of finely controlled facial ex-
pressions like joy, anger, fear (see Figure 3). Partial
animations that can be applied independently could
be used for the control of hand or body gestures like
pointing, turning, or shrugging shoulders.
Figure 3: Changing an avatar’s facial expression to repre-
sent emotions like joy, anger, fear.
Instead of using explicit user interface controls
for changing facial expression, triggering gestures, or
controlling gaze direction (Slater et al., 2000), we pro-
pose the use of a camera to extract the necessary data
in real-time. This has several advantages. Manual
control of the aspects of non-verbal communication is
only possible if the user is aware of them, which is not
necessarily the case. The camera requires no control
from the user and can capture conscious and uncon-
scious elements. In addition, the user can completely
concentrate on the simulation content instead of get-
ting distracted by the additional controls. A second
advantage is the temporal immediacy of the captured
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
data. Momentarily raised eyebrows during an empha-
sis in a spoken sentence can be perceived by all others
users at the same time. If the optical clue would fol-
low the verbal clue with a delay, for example, when
using manual control, it would degrade or even coun-
teract the purpose of the gesture.
We present a method for the enhancement of VE
based teamwork simulations with aspects of non-
verbal communication that can be captured simply by
using an inexpensive camera.
Client Computer
- Face detection
- Head tracking
- Eye tracking
- Expression recognition
- ...
User Monitor
Game Engine: Client
Training Scenario
- Head orientation
- Gaze direction
- Facial expression
- ...
Training Scenario
Game Engine: Server
Figure 4: The functional blocks of our framework. Red
borders indicate the parts that have been developed by us.
A schematic design of our system is depicted in
figure 4. The user participating in the simulation is
captured by a webcam, mounted close to the moni-
tor. A user monitor application detects the user’s face
in the video and calculates parameters like head ori-
entation, gaze direction, and facial expression. Via
an extension, called plug-in, the application provides
this data to the simulation client, in this case a game
engine. The client sends this information to the sim-
ulation server together with other data, for example,
mouse movement, or pressed keys. The server re-
ceives the data from all clients, applies it to the sim-
ulation and in turn synchronises all clients with the
updated information, including the aspects of non-
verbal communication. The clients receive these up-
dates and display it in form of changed positions of
objects, a changed patient state, and changed gaze di-
rections and facial expressions of the avatars.
3.1 DataModel
Based on the Rich Interaction Model (Manninen,
2004), we have derived a list of aspects of commu-
nication in real and virtual environments and con-
structed a data model defining parameters necessary
to represent these aspects. The model also provides
the data in different levels of abstraction to allow for
a wider range of simulation engines to be connected
to (see section 4).
Table 1 lists the components of this model, their
occurrence in reality, and the technical feasibility in
VEs, given the current state of computer technology.
Not all aspects of the real world can be implemented
in the virtual world, for example, olfactics. Also, not
all aspects are equally important and we have to weigh
the benefit of adding an aspect against the technolog-
ical challenge in acquiring the data.
Table 1: Aspects of communication and their appearance
in reality (“+”: used naturally, “-”: could be used, but un-
natural) and technical feasibility in virtual environments
(“+”: available using standard equipment, “-”: requires spe-
cial hardware and software).
Component Reality VE
- gaze direction, duration, focus + +
- text based chat - +
- sound effects - +
- speech + +
- paralanguage (tone, pitch, . . . ) + +
Facial expression
- Facial Action Coding System + +
- emotion (anger, joy, . . . ) + +
Spatial Behaviour
- orientation, proximity, . . . + +
- head movement, gestures, . . . + +
Physical appearance
- skin, hair, clothes, . . . + +
Physical contact/Haptics + -
Olfactics (scent, odour) + -
- artefacts (use, exchange, . . . ) + +
Depending on the choice of the simulation plat-
form we are connecting our user monitor application
to, several aspects of the data model are already im-
plemented. A modern game engine usually enables
verbal communication by support of headsets and mi-
crophones, spatial behaviour by the movement and
orientation of avatars, physical appearance by a selec-
tion of avatars that can be adjusted to the user’s needs,
and environment by physically simulated objects that
can be grabbed or moved. Data input for these as-
pects comes from the keyboard or mouse movement,
and does not have to be provided by our user monitor
Our framework adds occulesics, kinesics, and fa-
cial expression by defining an interface between the
application and the simulation that exchanges data
about the gaze direction, the head orientation and the
facial expression of the user.
By increasing the viewing angle of the camera or
placing it further away from the user, an additional
module in the user monitor application could capture
not only the face but the upper body movement and
hand gestures. This could add support for gestures
like shrugging of shoulders or pointing to the simula-
tion and increase the communication bandwidth even
3.2 Image Acquisition and Processing
Our system utilises an inexpensive camera, for exam-
ple a webcam, to capture the user’s face. The video
stream is handled by the user monitor application that
allows modular processing of each frame. The modu-
larity enables us to plug in a variety of pre-processing
filters to measure their influence on the performance
of different feature tracking algorithms.
In a first step, we are applying a colour space con-
version from RGB to normalised RGB, as this enables
us to use simpler models for the distinction between
skin colour and non-skin colour pixels for face detec-
tion (Terrillon et al., 1999). Colour changes caused by
different lighting, are compensated by an improved
Grey World algorithm, described in (Chen and Gre-
cos, 2005).
For the detection of features in the video stream,
we implemented a fast normalised cross correlation
module (Briechle and Hanebeck, 2001). This algo-
rithm uses the concept of the integral image together
with the decomposition of the feature template into a
sum of k basis functions to achieve a computational
complexity of O(M
· M
· k). Further reduction of the
computation time is achieved by reducing the Region
of Interest (ROI) for each template (see the coloured
regions in figure 5).
Using the input of the cross correlation module,
we are able to calculate a rough estimate of the spa-
tial orientation of the head. This estimate can be
refined by applying advanced mathematical models
like Kalman filtering, applying constraints that take
into account the symmetry of a face, and additionally
tracked features.
If the head orientation is known, the captured im-
age of the face can be normalised and gaze direction
and facial expression features can be extracted (Ham-
mal et al., 2005; Whitehill and Omlin, 2006).
The game engine we connected the user monitor
application to (see section 3.3) supports facial anima-
tion in high detail. Based on the FACS (Facial Action
Coding System) (Ekman et al., 2002), a range of con-
trollers enables fine grained control of the face of the
avatar. But not all simulation engines are able to sup-
port facial animation in such detail. In that case, it
might be necessary to interpret the acquired data and
to create an abstract representation of the facial ex-
pression, like, for example, “happy”, “angry”. Our
data model is designed for these different levels of
3.3 Interfacing with the Simulator
When the user monitor application has processed a
camera frame and calculated a set of data, it passes
this set on to the simulation client, using a plug-in.
The plug-in is an addition to the simulation engine
that translates the data model into a specific represen-
tation that considers the graphical and other capabili-
ties of the engine.
We connected the user monitor application to the
Source Engine (Valve Corporation, 2004), a modern,
versatile, commercial game engine with advanced
graphical features, allowing us to make full use of the
potential of our data model.
The client receives the data and sends it, together
with the input from the mouse and the keyboard,
in form of a compressed data packet to the server.
Each server entity of a user’s avatar gathers the input
from its specific client entity. Then the simulation of
the movement of the avatars, the interaction with the
simulated physical environment and other simulation
modules, for example for the patients biological pa-
rameters, are executing one simulation time step. Af-
terwards, networked variables automatically synchro-
nise the state of the simulation on each client. The
clients then display the updated state of the VE.
In order to minimise network traffic and to max-
imise the simulation frame rate, game engines gener-
ally optimise data transfer between server and clients
by compression, either by reducing the precision of
variables or by transferring only changes. In the case
of the Source Engine and the majority of other VEs,
the data model has to be transferred three times in
GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Screenshot of the video capture of the user par-
ticipating in the VE simulation. The head tilt and eye gaze
are transferred onto the avatar representing the user in the
different levels of compression (user monitor appli-
cation to client, client to server, server to clients). A
high level of complexity would result in having to ex-
tend the data exchange mechanisms of the engines.
To maximise the re-use of components the VE en-
gine provides, we constructed the data model from
non-complex data types. As a result, the necessary
changes to the code of the Source Engine were min-
imal, but nevertheless allow for flexibility of the data
model to include future changes or extensions.
Figure 5 depicts our user monitor application con-
nected to a simple dummy simulation. In the left im-
age, the position and the orientation of the face is in-
dicated by the yellow overlay and the coordinate axes.
This information and additional parameters, like gaze
direction or facial expression, are transferred to the
simulation. The right screenshot shows how other
users participating in the simulation can see the head
tilt and gaze direction projected on the avatar.
Our data model is universal and independent of
the VE it is connected to. If support for detailed fa-
cial expression is provided, for example, if the VE
implements FACS or the MPEG-4 standard, the cor-
responding parameters of the data model can be used
with only minor adaptions. This is the case for the
majority of modern game engines, for example, the
Source Engine (Valve Corporation, 2004) or the Un-
real Engine 3 (Epic Games, 2006). If the support is
not as fine, another abstraction layer, for example,
interpreted data model parameters (see sections 3.1
and 3.2) can be used for an alternative way of dis-
playing the emotional state of the user, for example
by changing the texture of the avatar’s face. This flex-
ibility of our data model enables the connection to a
wide range of VEs and game engines.
An example for limited support of facial expres-
sions is Second Life (Linden Research, Inc, 2008).
This VE has gained much popularity in the last years
and is also increasingly used for teamwork training
(Ullberg et al., 2007). The control provided by Sec-
ond Life over the avatar’s facial animation is not as
fine grained as for modern game engines and is lim-
ited to displaying pre-defined animations. In this case,
the interpreted parameters of our data model can be
used to display basic emotions in form of short ani-
We have presented a framework that allows the en-
hancement of VE based teamwork simulations by
non-verbal communication. The necessary data is
captured in real-time by an inexpensive webcam. Our
framework is flexible, extendible and independent of
the used simulation engine.
We have received positive feedback from medi-
cal professionals and developers of teamwork simu-
lations in Second Life about the use and the potential
of our application. and will perform a more detailed
user study to measure the increase of communication
bandwidth, to verify the ease of use of the camera
based data acquisition, and to improve and extend our
data model.
In cooperation with researchers and educators
from the medical school, we are going to design sur-
gical training scenarios to be used with our applica-
tion. Furthermore, our user monitor application and
the data model is suitable for teamwork training ap-
plications beyond the field of medicine and surgery.
For this reason, we are also in cooperation with de-
velopers for emergency response teamwork training
in Second Life, giving us the opportunity to collect
valuable information with their simulation scenarios.
The stability of the facial recognition and feature
tracking algorithms will be subject to further investi-
gation. Several facial recognition algorithms require
an extensive training phase that we would like to elim-
inate or at least hide as much as possible from the end
user. Also, we will examine how to overcome difficul-
ties in the image processing caused by non-ideal light-
ing, users wearing glasses, or other circumstances.
Another goal is the integration of our application
with the Unreal Engine that is increasingly used for
simulations (Virtual Heroes, 2008). The recent ver-
sion 3 of this engine is capable of displaying very
realistic facial animation and human skin, allowing
us to fully apply the range of parameters of our data
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GRAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications