Marco Pereira, Marco Fernandes, Joaquim Arnaldo Martinsa and Joaquim Sousa Pinto
IEETA - Instituto de Engenharia Electr
onica e Telem
atica de Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Digital preservation, Digital libraries, Data grids.
Digital libraries are important instruments to make knowledge accessible to everyone. Maintaining the infor-
mation stored within a digital library accessible to the public while ensuring that it remains protected from
outside threats is one of the key concerns in digital libraries research. This paper describes possible ways to
integrate SInBAD, the University of Aveiro digital library system with a grid based preservation system.
Digital preservation is a challenge faced by all digi-
tal libraries. The content that they store must be kept
available to users in a format suitable to their needs
but it must also be safe from catastrophic events that
would lead to loss of information. A single copy of a
file available on a centralised server is always at risk
of disappearing due to data corruption, natural disas-
ters, malicious attacks or human error, yet in spite of
this risk some digital libraries currently in place were
not designed to avoid it. A solution to this problem
can be the use of data grids as storage space (Moore
et al., 2005b). This approach is adopted by GRITO
project. Data grids themselves lack any kind of spe-
cialised management policies, that are in fact the key
to preserve content, since the decision of when to re-
cover content that has been potentially damaged, or
when to search a digital library for newly added con-
tent can be as vital as keeping backups. GRITO aims
to solve this problem, providing a stable grid platform
for digital preservation. By integrating SInBAD
current digital library system used by University of
with GRITO’s grid we wish to expand SIn-
BAD’s digital preservation capabilities.
In this paper we describe different strategies that
can be used to achieve integration between SIn-
BAD and GRITO’s grid. We begin by providing an
overview of what is digital preservation, proceed to
a brief explanation of some related work and of the
projects we are trying to integrate. We then describe
possible ways to create a link between the projects,
expose our conclusions and future work perspectives.
Digital information is generated at an high rate every-
day. People casually take digital photos and create
documents on their computers without ever consid-
ering that the information that are creating is at risk.
Due to the high pace of technological evolution infor-
mation created just a few years ago is at risk of being
rendered unusable by obsolescence of the formats and
equipment in which it is stored (Kenney et al., 2003).
Digital obsolescence is not the only problem associ-
ated with digital information: traditional threats like
natural disasters or malicious attacks can also cause
information loss.
Digital preservation can be seen as the necessary
steps to ensure access to digital information over ex-
tended periods of time (Webb, 2003), while main-
taining digital information’s integrity and authentic-
ity (Ferreira, 2006). A digital preservation system is a
system that allows the preservation of digital informa-
tion respecting the above requirements. A reference
model for the development of digital preservation sys-
tems is the International Organization for Standard-
ization (ISO) standard 14721:2003 (OAI, 2002), a
standard that provides activities, concepts and termi-
nology to be used when developing an archive system.
Pereira M., Fernandes M., Arnaldo Martins J. and Sousa Pinto J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 107-112
DOI: 10.5220/0002257601070112
There are a number of projects that can be viewed as
relevant in the area of digital preservation.
is a project that proposes a preser-
vation architecture “based on an integration of digital
library, data grid, and persistent archive technology”
(Moore et al., 2005a). Chronopolis proposed model
is interesting, but since it relies on Storage Resource
Broker as a grid middleware we can’t fully adopt it.
PANIC (Hunter and Choudhury, 2006) is a project
that aims to take independent developed digital
preservation projects and integrate their tools into a
grid framework. Tools collected this way are exposed
via web services and with the help of orchestration
tools can be used in preservation efforts. The tools
that this project expose can potentially be used by our
own integration efforts in order to, for example, pro-
vide format migration tools.
An iRODS based preservation system (Hedges
et al., 2009) was described in a paper published in the
Future Generation Computer Systems journal. The
paper describes the use of iRODS rules as support for
digital preservation, an iRODS trait that we use in the
GRITO project. This paper can be seen as a validation
of the choice of iRODS as underlying grid technology.
SInBAD is the digital library and archiving system
used by University of Aveiro. One of the key fea-
tures of SInBAD’s design is the emphasis placed on
integration with existing subsystems. SInBAD uses a
modular architecture (Almeida et al., 2006), (Fernan-
des et al., 2008) to provide access to heterogeneous
content (theses, research papers, audiovisual material,
posters,photos) to the members of the academic com-
munity. Different modules expose a coherent inter-
face to the outside world via web services, and each
module has its own web site. SInBAD also provides
a portal that allows search in all modules. Content re-
trieval is also possible via web services, provided that
one knows the correct identifier for the content.
The modular architecture allows content to be dis-
tributed throughout the university network. In spite
of this apparent distribution, content is still located
in the same geographical area, thus being in danger
in case of, for example, natural disaster. Format ob-
solescence must also be taken into account: as digi-
tal container formats evolve, preserved content format
should also evolve, so that it never becomes obsolete
SinBAD Portal
Library Archive
Web Service
ID Manager
Web Service
Web Service
Web Service
Web Service
Other SystemsSInBAD Services
Figure 1: Generic SInBAD Architecture.
and thus rendered nearly useless (due to the lack of
appropriate decoders). In order to cope with these
perceived weaknesses the decision was made to in-
tegrate SInBAD with a long term digital preservation
national project, GRITO.
SInBAD implements the Open Archives Initiative
- Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
(de Sompel and Lagoze, 2008). OAI-PMH is a pro-
tocol designed to provide an application-independent
metadata harvest infrastructure.
OAI-PMH requests are represented by HTTP re-
quests, and can take the form of POST or GET
methods. In SInBAD’s case we will be using the
GET method. In this method a request is com-
prised of a base URL, followed by a question mark
(?), followed by a list of arguments in the form of
key=value.Multiple arguments are separated by an
ampersand (&). Every request is required to have one
verb as argument, in order to specify the action that
should be executed. In SInBAD’s case the base URL
is (a test form is available in
the same address).
When a request is issued to a OAI-PMH compliant
repository a response will be generated in the form of
a XML encoded UTF-8 byte stream. The resulting
XML can then be parsed and used as an application
deems necessary.
One possible use for the OAI-PMH is the retrieval
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
of identifiers, that can be used to access content using
several methods exposed in SInBAD’s web services.
GRITO is a Portuguese digital preservation project,
funded by FCT (GRID/GRI/81872/2006). It aims to
use data grids as a support for digital preservation.
In order to avoid investment in expensive resources
GRITO plans to leverage existing resources in re-
search grids (by extending them to allow their use for
digital preservation) while also creating a grid cluster
exclusively dedicated to digital preservation. The fi-
nal goal of the project will be to integrate both types,
creating a low cost digital preservation grid that can
be used by public institutions.
The grid middleware that will be used is iRODS
developed by the San Diego Supercomputer Center
(SDSC). iRODS is a grid middleware that provides
management policies in the form of rules. In iRODS
management policies can be changed in run time (Ra-
jasekar et al., 2006), and its functionalities can be tai-
lored to specific needs. New rules can be created by
combining and creating microservices (small proce-
dures written in C programing language). It can also
function in a federation of grid clusters and present
collections contained in them as one, a trait that will
help GRITO integrate grids under the control of dif-
ferent institutions on a single preservation grid.
iRODS offers several means to interact with the
grid. Out of the box provides a set of command line
tools (itools) inspired by known UNIX commands
(like icp to copy files, or irm to remove files). In-
teraction with the grid can also be achieved by using
a PHP client API (Prods), a Java based API (Jargon
and on Linux systems collections can be mounted as
a regular folder with the use of a FUSE module.
This middleware was not specially designed to
handle some of the specific requirements that digi-
tal preservation scenarios impose, but since it is open
source it could be extended (Barateiro et al., 2008) to
accommodate such requirements.
Since SInBAD is a deployed production system it is
a requirement of the integration that as little changes
as possible should be made to it. This excludes any
possible integration scheme were SInBAD would be
changed, requiring the creation of a transparent digital
preservation system.
In order to place content from SInBAD into the
preservation grid it is possible to adopt a strategy
where no changes are made to SInBAD itself, since
SInBAD already exposes all the needed interfaces as
web services. In the future SInBAD must be able to
recover content from the grid. To achieve that goal
some modifications will have to be made, yet these
changes should be kept only to the essential for con-
tent recovery.
The use of the OAI-PMH allows us to obtain in-
formation about the content that was added to each
collection since a specific date (along with informa-
tion on how to retrieve it). We can then use the in-
formation retrieved with OAI-PMH on how to access
content to use SInBAD’s existing web services. These
web services allow us to retrieve the content stored in
the digital library (we must also retrieve any remain-
ing associated metadata) and place it into the grid,
thus achieving integration without disturbing the ex-
isting SInBAD infrastructure.
In this integration scheme iRODS with an ex-
tended service set (Barateiro et al., 2008) will be
responsible for the preservation of any content har-
vested from SInBAD. To harvest content from SIn-
BAD two approaches can be taken:
Creation of an iRODS microservice.
Creation of an Intermediary system.
The merits and drawbacks of each approach will
be discussed in the following sections.
6.1 iRODS Microservice
Creating an iRODS microservice (illustrated by Fig-
ure 2) is an option to achieve integration between
iRODS and SINBAD. iRODS already provides the
necessary tools to enable a rule to be executed peri-
odically, so periodic harvest of content can be consid-
ered a trivial task.
The integration process would become a two mi-
croservices rule:
1. A microservice would contact SInBAD using the
OAI-PMH protocol, generating a list of targets to
be retrieved.
2. A microservice would take as input the list of tar-
gets and use SInBAD’s web services to retrieve
and store content into the grid.
Since iRODS microservices must be written in C
we consider that ideal libraries to deal with these steps
SInBAD Portal
Library Archive
SInBAD Services / Other Services
Figure 2: SInBAD/iRODS integration using a microservice.
are libcurl
, expat
and gsoap
. All of these libraries
allow us to develop the needed microservices with
minimal effort, by providing multiple file transfer pro-
tocols, XML parsing and webservices support respec-
The advantage of this approach would be the ra-
tional use of resources. The iRODS server (that is
assumed to be always accessible) is an underused re-
source on a digital preservation scenario. By using
a rule to periodically harvest SInBAD’s content we
could use some otherwise unused processing cycles,
releasing SInBAD (a system that is accessible to the
public) of that task, and since content would be har-
vested directly from SInBAD to the preservation grid,
network traffic would be reduced.
The drawback of the approach is the tight integra-
tion with iRODS. By creating an iRODS module we
are creating specific code that would be hard to reuse
and maintain in case of major platform change (ex-
tensive modifications in SInBAD or grid middleware
change). This tight integration would mean that in the
future content recovery would be made by executing
a new set of rules in the iRODS engine, that would
themselves invoke the necessary services in SInBAD.
6.2 Intermediary System
Creating an intermediary system to serve as proxy be-
tween SInBAD and iRODS is another option. This
approach (illustrated by Figure 3) follows the current
9 engelen/soap.html
subsystems driven SInBAD philosophy, and would
interact with SInBAD as an back-office administra-
tion tool. It would be a modular system, allowing the
use of other preservation technologies like, for exam-
ple the use of a peer-to-peer based preservation sys-
tem in addition to the iRODS based system.
This intermediary system would follow a three
step approach:
1. Contact SInBAD using OAI-PMH and discover
all the content added since the last contact.
2. Fetching all the new content and corresponding
3. Submit content/metadata pairs to the iRODS grid.
Each of these steps can be seen as a module, the
first step as a module that provides access to the OAI-
PMH protocol, the second step a module that provides
access to SInBAD’s digital contents and the third step
as a module that allows the use of the iRODS infras-
tructure. Although the majority of SInBAD’s subsys-
tems are written in .net framework, all the resources
needed to integrate SInBAD with GRITO can be ac-
cessed in a platform neutral way due to the use of
web services. This allows us to write this intermedi-
ary system in Java in order to use the provided Jargon
API, therefore avoiding the use of the command line
tools. The Jargon API provides the necessary meth-
ods to place content in the grid, to associate metadata
to content and allows the creation of queries (based on
the available metadata) that can be used to selectively
retrieve content from the grid.
To avoid duplication of management policies a
rule could be created in iRODS that when executed
would trigger the preservation process, by invoking
a web service of the intermediary system. This ap-
proach assumes that all management policies (con-
tent harvest, format migration) will be placed on the
iRODS middleware.
The advantage of this approach would be flexibil-
ity. In the event of a grid platform migration only
the submission mechanism would need to be changed,
and in the event of a major SInBAD change no mi-
croservices would have to be changed on the iRODS
side. This flexibility extends into the future, since this
system can be seen as an administration tool, it can
be extended to manage content recovery (detailed in
section 8).
The drawback of this approach would be resource
usage. The creation of a proxy system would generate
more network traffic than the iRODS module, since
content would be retrieved to this intermediary system
and only after submitted to the grid (assuming that
this application is running on a different machine than
the iRODS rule server). In a digital library scenario,
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
SInBAD Portal
Library Archive
SInBAD Services / Other Services
Preservation System
Figure 3: SInBAD/iRODS integration using an intermedi-
ary system.
this drawback can be made less relevant by scheduling
content harvest to periods of low network activity.
Integration between SInBAD and iRODS will be an
interesting addition to the SInBAD architecture Table
1 presents a comparison between integration options.
Since we wish to promote flexibility in the adopted
solution, the option of creating an intermediary sys-
tem is the best way to integrate SInBAD with IRODS.
In order to retrieve content from the grid both alter-
natives require the same changes in SInBAD, but the
intermediary system follows more closely the current
SInBAD’s philosophy. We consider that the possibil-
ity of integration with different preservation mecha-
nisms (such as peer-to-peer networks, or content con-
version services) that the intermediary system pro-
vides is the key factor in this decision.
After this analysis, active development of a working
prototype of the intermediary system has begun. Plac-
ing content into the preservation grid is only a step for
a complete preservation scenario. For the complete
scenario we must be able to recover content that was
placed in the grid, and this will lead to the creation of
a new recovery web service within SInBAD, because
the existing web services are not recovery friendly.
The current behaviour of SInBAD is to create a
Table 1: Comparison between iRODS microservice and an
Intermediary system.
Resource usage low moderate
with SInBAD
tight loose
Integration with digital
preservation system
tight loose
Ability to deal with
changes in SInBAD
moderate moderate
Ability to deal with
changes in manage-
ment policies
high high
Ability to deal with
changes of digital
preservation system
none high
maintenance effort
moderate low
new identifier each time content is added to a repos-
itory. This behaviour does not allow the use of the
existing methods to recover content using the preser-
vation system. New methods that allow authorised
users to repair compromised content with the help of
the content stored in the preservation system must be
created. These methods can be added to existing web
services, or grouped in a new web service. As was
mentioned before SInBAD is a production system, so
the preferred approach will be to group all the needed
methods in a new web service in order not to disturb
the rest of the system.
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ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies