Networked Control of Multiple Marine Vehicles:
Theoretical and Practical Challenges in the Scope of the
EU GREX Project
A. Aguiar
, J. Almeida
, M. Bayat
, B. Cardeira
, R. Cunha
, A. Hausler
P. Maurya
, A. Oliveira
, A. Pascoal
, A. Pereira
, M. Rufino
L. Sebastião
, C. Silvestre
and F. Vanni
Dept. Electrical Engineering and Computers / Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR)
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal
Dept. Computer Science, University of Southern California (USC), U.S.A.
Abstract. This paper overviews some of the theoretical and practical issues that
arise in the process of developing advanced motion control systems for cooper-
ative multiple autonomous marine vehicles (AMVs). Many of the problems ad-
dressed were formulated in the scope of the EU GREX project, entitled Coordi-
nation and Control of Cooperating Heterogeneous Unmanned Systems in Un-
certain Environments. The paper offers a concise introduction to the general
problem of cooperative motion control that is well rooted in illustrative mission
scenarios developed collectively by the GREX partners. This is followed by the
description of a general architecture for cooperative autonomous marine vehicle
control in the presence of time-varying communication topologies and stringent
communication constraints. The results of simulations with the NetMarSyS
(Networked Marine Systems Simulator) of ISR/IST are presented and show the
efficacy of the algorithms developed for cooperative motion control. The last
part of the paper focuses on practical issues and describes the results of a series
of tests at sea in the Azores, in the Summer of 2008. The paper concludes with
a discussion of theoretical and practical implementation issues that warrant fur-
ther research and development effort.
1 Introduction
Worldwide, there has been increasing interest in the use of autonomous marine ve-
hicles (AMVs) to execute missions of increasing complexity without direct supervi-
sion of human operators. A key enabling element for the execution of such missions
is the availability of advance systems for motion control of AMVs. The past few
decades have witnessed considerable interest in this area. The problems of motion
control can be roughly classified into three groups: i) point stabilization, where the
goal is to stabilize a vehicle at a given target point with a desired orientation; ii) tra-
jectory tracking, where the vehicle is required to track a time parameterized reference,
Aguiar A., Almeida J., Bayat M., Cardeira B., Cunha R., Hauster A., Maurya P., Oliveira A., Pascoal A., Rufino M., Sebasti
ao L., Silvestre C., Vanni F.
and Pereira A. (2009).
Networked Control of Multiple Marine Vehicles: Theoretical and Practical Challenges in the Scope of the EU GREX Project.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Networked embedded and control system technologies: European and Russian R&D cooperation,
pages 146-160
and iii) path following, where the vehicle is required to converge to and follow a
desired geometric path, without a timing law assigned to it.
Current research goes well beyond single vehicle control. In fact, recently there
has been widespread interest in the problem of cooperative motion control of fleets of
AMVs. A particular important scenario that motivates the cooperation of multiple
autonomous vehicles and poses great challenges to systems engineers, both from a
theoretical and practical standpoint, is automatic ocean exploration/monitoring for
scientific and commercial purposes. In this scenario, one can immediately identify
two main disadvantages of using a single, heavily equipped vehicle: lack of robust-
ness to system failures and inefficiency due to the fact that the vehicle may need to
wander significantly to collect data over a large spatial domain. A cooperative group
of vehicles connected via a mobile communications network has the potential to
overcome these limitations. It can also reconfigure the network in response to envi-
ronmental parameters in order to increase mission performance and optimize the
strategies for detection and measurement of vector/scalar fields and features of par-
ticular interest. Furthermore, in a cooperative mission scenario each vehicle may only
be required to carry a single sensor (per environmental variable of interest) making
each of the vehicles in the formation less complex, thus increasing its reliability.
As an example, Fig. 1.a captures a conceptually simple mission scenario where an
autonomous surface craft (ASC) and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) ma-
neuver in synchronism along two spatial paths, while aligning themselves along the
same vertical line, so as to fully exploit the good properties of the acoustic communi-
cations channel under these conditions. This is in striking contrast to what happens
when communications take place at slant range, for this reduces drastically the band-
width of the channel, especially due to multipath effects in shallow water operations.
Cooperative Autonomous Marine Vehicle Motion Control is one of the core ideas
exploited in the scope of the EU GREX project, entitled Coordination and Control of
Cooperating Heterogeneous Unmanned Systems in Uncertain Environments, see [1].
Both theoretical and practical issues are addressed in the scope of the project. It is
worth to stress that from a theoretical standpoint, the coordination of autonomous
robotic vehicles involves the design of distributed control laws in the face of dis-
rupted inter-vehicle communications, uncertainty, and imperfect or partial measure-
ments. This is particular significant in the case of underwater vehicles. It was only
recently that these subjects have started to be tackled formally, and considerable re-
search remains to be done to derive multiple vehicle control laws that can yield good
performance in the presence of severe communication constraints. For previous work
along these lines, the reader is referred to [3], [4], [14], [17], [18], [19], [22], [30],
[31], [32], [34].
The structure of the paper is as follows. In section 2 we give the practical motiva-
tion for the problem of cooperative multiple vehicle control with the help of a repre-
sentative scientific mission scenario that emerged naturally in the scope of the EU
Project GREX. Section 3 describes a general architecture for cooperative autonomous
marine vehicle control in the presence of time-varying communication topologies and
communication losses. Section 4 contains the results of computer simulations aimed
at assessing the efficacy of the algorithms developed for cooperative motion control.
Section 5 contains experimental results. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the main re
Fig. 1. a) Cooperative control of two (surface and underwater) autonomous marine vehicles for
data gathering at sea; b) Marine habitat mapping scenario.
sults obtained and discusses briefly issues that warrant further research and develop-
ment work.
2 Practical Motivation and Scientific Mission Scenarios
In what follows we describe one of a large number of mission scenarios that have
been discussed and defined in detail by the GREX partner group. The mission scena-
rios envisioned are rooted in challenging problems in the field of marine science.
They also bring out the ever increasing important role that marine technology is hav-
ing in terms of affording marine scientists the tools that are needed to explore and
exploit the ocean. We place the focus on missions for which two basic ingredients are
required: i) the missions require the use of several intelligent autonomous vehicles
equipped with appropriate instrumentation, and ii) inter-vehicle coordination and
mission control is dynamic and highly dependent on the type of information obtained
as the missions unfold.
Mission Scenario: Marine Habitat Mapping
Habitat maps of the marine environment, that is, maps containing data on the bathy-
metry and nature of the seabed as well as on the type and localization of biological
species, are the key to an in-depth understanding of the distribution and extent of
marine habitats. Knowledge of the distribution of marine habitats serves to establish
sensible approaches to the conservation needs of each habitat and to facilitate a better
management of the marine environment through an understanding of how particular
human activities are undertaken in relation to marine habitats. This will in turn allow
for the establishment of policies capable of ensuring sustainable development. This
subject is receiving widespread attention worldwide because of its far reaching impli-
cations and has led to the definition of a number of guidelines and directives for the
study and preservation of marine habitats. At an European level, for example, Annex
I of the celebrated EU Habitats Directive establishes that marine habitats classified as
Special Areas of Conservation (Natura 2000) need special assessment in order to
verify their accordance with the European Union requirements. The mission scenario
for marine habitat mapping proposed here was greatly influenced by and aims to
automate and improve classical procedures that are normally used by marine scien-
tists. The key ideas can be explained by referring to Fig. 1.b). For simplicity of expo-
sition, we start by focusing on the ASV/ROV ensemble in the figure, where the ROV
is connected to the ASV through a thin umbilical for fast data transmission.
In this scenario, the ASV executes a lawn mowing manoeuvre above the seabed
automatically, while the ROV executes a similar manoeuvre in cooperation with the
ASV. Using this set-up, the ROV transmits pictures of the seabed back to the support
ship (and thus to the scientist in charge) via a radio link installed on-board the ASV.
A number of AUVs stay dormant either on the seabed or at the sea surface. Upon
detection of interesting patterns on the seabed by the scientist in charge, a signal is
sent to a selected member of the AUV fleet (via an acoustic communication link
installed on-board the ASV), to dispatch it to the spot detected so as to map the sur-
rounding region in great detail. Meanwhile, the ASV/ROV ensemble continues to
execute the lawn mowing manoeuvre in search of other sites of interest. With the
methodology proposed, sites that are interesting from an ecological viewpoint are
easily detected along the transects.
To execute the abovementioned challenging missions, a number of autonomous
vehicles must work in cooperation, under high level human supervision. This entails
the development of advanced systems for cooperative motion control and navigation
in the presence of severe underwater communication constraints, together with the
respective software and hardware architectures.
3 A General Architecture for Multiple Vehicle Cooperation
This section describes a very general architecture for multiple vehicle cooperative
motion control that has emerged naturally out of a research effort in which the au-
thors have been participating. The section further describes key single and multiple
vehicle motion control primitives that were judged appropriate for practical imple-
mentation of the architecture developed on a set of multiple heterogeneous vehicles,
in the scope of the GREX project.
3.1 Multiple Vehicle Cooperative Motion Control
The systems that are at the root of the architecture adopted for multiple vehicle coop-
eration are depicted in Fig. 2. See [3] for a fast paced introduction to the subject. The
scheme depicted is quite general and captures basic trends in current research.
Each vehicle is equipped with a navigation and control system that uses local in-
formation as well as information provided by a subset of the other vehicles over the
communication network, so as to make the vehicle manoeuver in cooperation with the
whole formation. Navigation is in charge of computing the vehicle's state (e.g. posi-
tion and velocity). Control accepts references for selected variables, together with the
corresponding navigation data, and computes actuator commands so as to drive track-
ing errors to zero. The cooperation strategy block is responsible for implementing
cooperative navigation and control. Its role is twofold: i) for control purposes, it
issues high level synchronization commands to the local vehicle based on information
available over the network (e.g. speed commands to achieve synchronization of a
number of vehicles executing path following maneuvers); ii) For navigation purpos-
es, it merges local navigation data acquired with the vehicle itself as well as by a
subset of the other vehicles. This is especially relevant in situations where only some
of the vehicle can carry accurate navigation suites, whereas the others must rely on
less precise sensor suites, complemented with information that is exchanged over the
network. Finally, the system named logic-based communications is responsible for
supervising the flow of information (to and from a subset of the other vehicles),
which we assume is asynchronous, occurs on a discrete-time basis, has latency, and is
subject to transmission failures.
Fig. 2. A general architecture for multiple vehicle cooperation.
Central to the above scheme is the fact that each vehicle can only exchange infor-
mation with a subset of the remaining group of vehicles. Furthermore, and because of
the intrinsic nature of the underwater communications channel, communications
should be parsimonious and take place at a very low data rate. This calls for the im-
plementation of systems to decide when and what minimum information should be
transmitted from each of the vehicles to its neighbours. Interestingly enough, analog-
ous constraints appear in the vibrant area of networked control systems, from which
interesting and fruitful techniques can be borrowed.
Close inspection of the general architecture for multiple vehicle cooperation de-
scribed above reveals the plethora of problems to be solved:
Cooperative Control (CC) (e.g. cooperative path following and cooperative
trajectory tracking),
Cooperative Navigation (CN),
CC and CN under strict communication constraints over a faulty, possibly
switched network.
In the scope of the GREX project, considerable work was done to advance design
tools to tackle the above problems. For a description of key technical aspects in-
volved in the development of advanced schemes for single and multiple vehicle con-
trol, the reader is referred to [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8], [10], [11], [12], [17], [18], [19],
[20], [33], [34], [35]. See also [13], [14], [15], [22], [23], [25], [26], [28], [29], [30],
[31], [32], [36], and the references therein for an overview of the state of progress in
the area.
The results obtained so far hold potential for application. To the best of our know-
ledge, some of the work reported is pioneering in that it effectively addresses explicit-
ly time-varying communication networks with temporary failures and latency in the
transmissions, and logic-based communications aimed at reducing the amount of
discrete-time data to be transmitted among the vehicles. The results obtained were
instrumental in defining, together with the GREX partners, a library of Single and
Multiple Vehicle Primitives (MVPs) for motion control that are described in the next
3.2 Single and Multiple Vehicle Primitives
The work envisioned in the scope of the GREX project aims at affording system
designers the tools to develop, using a “bottom-up” approach, the modules that are
needed to implement a true Multi Vehicle Mission Control System for a fleet of auto-
nomous vehicles.
Based on the mission scenarios and the general architecture for multiple vehicle
cooperation described in the previous sections, a set of Multiple Vehicle Primitives
(MVPs) for coordinated motion control were developed. The definition of the primi-
tives and the algorithms for their implementation take into account the fact that the
vehicles considered have complex dynamics, exhibit large parameter uncertainty, are
often underactuated, and must perform well in the presence of unknown, shifting
ocean currents. During the first part of the project, the attention was focused on the
development of primitives enabling the following tasks:
Point Stabilization, Path Following, and Trajectory Tracking of single
marine vehicles with complex dynamics.
Path Planning for multiple vehicles.
Cooperative Path Following of multiple vehicles.
Cooperative Target Following and Cooperative Target Tracking of multiple
Cooperative Manoeuvring in the presence of tight communication
constraints by exploiting recent research results on Networked Control
All of the above in the presence of sensor and actuator faults.
In what follows we provide a brief description of each of the tasks listed above and
point out relevant bibliography that describes the motion control algorithm solutions
developed by the ISR/IST team.
Point Stabilization (also referred to as Go to Point) refers to the problem of steering a
vehicle to a point with a desired orientation (in the absence of currents), or simply to
a desired point without a desired orientation (in the presence of currents). The algo-
rithms derived are reported in [4] and [6].
Path Following. In this task, the objective is to steer a vehicle towards a path and
make it follow that path with an assigned speed profile. Notice that there are no ex-
plicit temporal specifications, that is, the vehicle is not required to be a certain point
at a desired time. Rather, what is relevant is for the vehicle to traverse the path, albeit
with a speed that may be path dependent. Algorithms are reported in [2], [17], [33],
and [34].
Trajectory Tracking. In contrast with the Path Following objectives, what is now
required is that the vehicle track a desired temporal/spatial trajectory. Timing con-
straints become important for this task. In practice, trajectory tracking systems are
harder to design (when compared with Path Following systems) and may yield
“jerky” maneuvers and large actuator activity. This is because of tight temporal con-
straints; see [5] and [9]. In this respect, Path Following strategies usually lead to more
benign maneuvers. However, there are instances in which one is forced to adopt tra-
jectory tracking strategies (for example, when one wishes to investigate a phenome-
non that is strongly time-dependent). Algorithms are summarized in [2].
Path Planning for Multiple Vehicles. Multiple vehicle path planning methods build
necessarily on key concepts and algorithms for single vehicle path following. How-
ever, they go one step further in that they must explicitly take into account such is-
sues as inter-vehicle collision avoidance and simultaneous times of arrival. See [21]
and the references therein.
The literature on path planning is vast and the methodologies used are quite di-
verse. Classical methodologies aim at computing feasible strategies off-line that mi-
nimize a chosen cost criterion. More recently, new methodologies have come to the
forum where the objective is to generate paths on-line, in response to environmental
data, so as to optimize the process of data acquisition over a selected area. In the
scope of GREX we focused on the problem that arises when multiple vehicles are
scattered in the water and it is required that they safely reach the starting location of a
cooperative mission with a desired formation pattern and assigned terminal speeds
(Go-To-Formation manoeuver). The cost criteria of interest may include minimizing
travel time or energy expenditure. The key objective was to obtain path planning
methods that are effective, computationally easy to implement, and lend themselves
to real-time applications.
The techniques that we developed for multiple vehicle path planning are based
upon and extend the work reported in [24] for unmanned air vehicles. See [20] and
[21] for recent work on the subject, with applications to autonomous marine vehicles.
Explained in intuitive terms, the key idea exploited is to separate spatial and temporal
specifications, effectively decoupling the process of spatial path computation from
that of computing the desired speed profiles for the vehicles along those paths. The
first step yields the vehicles' spatial profiles and takes into consideration geometrical
constraints; the second addresses time related requirements that may include, among
others, initial and final speeds, deconfliction in time, and simultaneous times of arriv-
al. Decoupling the spatial and temporal constraints can be done by parameterizing
each path as a set of polynomials in terms of a generic variable
and introducing a
polynomial function
) that specifies the rate of evolution of
with time, that is,
/dt =
). By restricting the polynomials to be of low degree, the number of para-
meters used during the computation of the optimal paths is kept to a minimum. Once
the order of the polynomial parameterizations has been decided, it becomes possible
to solve the multiple vehicle optimization problem of interest (e.g., simultaneous time
of arrival under specified deconfliction and energy expenditure constraints) by resort-
ing to any proven direct search method; see [27].
Cooperative Path Following. In this case, a fleet of vehicles is required to track a
series of pre-defined spatial paths, while holding a desired formation pattern at a
desired “formation speed”. The implementation of the corresponding MVP calls for
the execution of a path following algorithm for each of the vehicles, together with a
synchronization algorithm that changes the nominal speeds of the vehicles so as to
achieve the desired temporal synchronism. The algorithms used are described in [3],
[7], [10], [11], [17], [18], [19], and [34] and take into account explicitly the topology
of the inter-vehicle communication network.
Cooperative Target Following (CTF) and Cooperative Target Tracking (CTT). The
CTF and CTT tasks enable a group of vehicles to follow (in space) and track (in
space and time) a moving target, respectively. The CTF refers to the situation where
the group of vehicles follows the path traversed by the target, without stringent tem-
poral constraints. This is done by “observing” the target motion, extracting from it a
spatial reference path, and following it. No further objective is attempted, and the
distance between the group of vehicles and the target is left uncontrolled. As an ex-
ample, we cite the situation where a manned vessel leads (“shows the way” to) a
group of marine craft through a harbour area where obstacles are present. By observ-
ing the motion of the manned vessel, the group of vehicles learns a safe path across
the harbour and follows it accurately (“doing by imitation”). The CTT is similar to
CFT, except that it is now required for the group of vehicles to maintain a desired
along-path distance from the target. Instead of traversing the path defined by the
target “at leisure”, the group of vehicles is required to adjust its overall speed so as to
keep a desired distance to the target. These two problems are far from trivial in the
case when the trajectory to be tracked is not available apriori, but is instead defined
implicitly by the unknown motion of a target vehicle. Interestingly, enough, both
problems can be solved by converting them into an equivalent path following prob-
lem. This is done by having at least one vehicle in the formation “observe the mo-
tion” of the target and fit a parameterized path to it over a short, receding time win-
dow. The parameters of the consecutive segments of paths thus obtained are then
broadcast to the other vehicles, and a coordinated path following algorithm executed.
Cooperative Manoeuvring in the Presence of Tight Communication Constraints.
This task refers to the problem of developing MVPs for Cooperative Path Following
and Cooperative Target Following and Target Tracking in the presence of varying
communication topologies, communication losses, and delays. The latter is especially
relevant in view of the small speed of propagation of sound in the water. Solutions
are proposed in [3], [18], and [19]. In [3], the solutions address explicitly the fact that
underwater communications occur at discrete intervals of time, thus reducing drasti-
cally the frequencies at which the vehicles communicate. As far as we could ascer-
tain, previous work along these lines is not available in the literature for multiple
underwater vehicle control. The new solution adopted borrows from related work in
networked control and holds potential for further refinement aimed at striking an
adequate balance between performance and energy spent to communicate.
4 Simulation Results
In this section we show results of simulations that illustrate the performance that can
be achieved with the motion control algorithms mentioned before. The simulations
were done using the Networked Marine Systems Simulator (NetMar
SyS), a software
suite developed at ISR/IST in the scope of GREX to simulate different types of coop-
erative missions involving a variable number of heterogeneous marine craft, each
with its own dynamics, see [35]. The high level of detail with which the environment
can be modeled affords end-users the tools that are necessary to take into account
both the effect of water currents on the vehicle dynamics as well as the delays and
environmental noise that affect underwater communications. The simulation kernel
developed so far paves the way for future developments aiming at incorporating more
sophisticated acoustic communication models and communication protocols, together
with interfaces to allow seamless distributed software and hardware-in-the-loop simu-
The NetMar
SyS interface is divided into four main areas: mission environment, mis-
sion specifications, vehicles, and output interface. The mission environment area
includes three different menus: water current, coordination strategy (which defines
the inter-vehicle communication topology), and communication channel. The mission
specifications area includes a list of possible missions to be executed, e.g. Coopera-
tive Path Following and Cooperative Target Tracking. The area devoted to vehicles
contains a file with a number of different vehicle blocks (kinematics and dynamics).
Here, the user can choose the number and the type of vehicles in the formation. Final-
ly, an output interface enables the visualization of mission results and the creation of
videos from the simulations.
The simulator has been instrumental in evaluating the efficacy of selected algo-
rithms for motion control of marine vehicles. By incorporating blocks that emulate
the actual software code that is implemented on-board the different vehicles, the si-
mulator has also been a valuable tool to evaluate the software for the implementation
of MVPs, and in fact has played a key role in the preparation for the first series of
field tests in the Azores, in the Summer of 2008.
An illustrative 3D example
We now illustrate the application of the results in [3] to coordinate three AUVs
moving in three-dimensional space.
The AUVs are required to follow paths of the form p
i)=[ci cos(2
d), ci
d), d
i ], with c1 = 20m, c2 = 15m, c3 = 25m, d = 0.05m, T=400, and
= -3
/4. The initial positions are p1 = (10m, -15m, -5m), p2 = (5m, 0m, 0m), p3 =
(20m, -25m, 5m). The vehicles start at rest and the normalized reference speed was set
Fig. 3. Coordinated path-following of 3 AUVs, with logic-based communication.
to vr = 1m/s. The vehicles are also required to keep a formation pattern that consists
of having them aligned along a straight line in the plane. Furthermore, AUV 1 is
allowed to communicate with AUVs 2 and 3, but the latter two do not communicate
between themselves directly. To further illustrate the behaviour of the proposed co-
operative path-following control architecture, we also force the following scenario:
from t=150s to t=250s, AUV 1 is only capable of following its path with d
1/dt = 0.5.
Fig. 3 shows the trajectories of the AUVs and Fig. 4 the evolution of the overall path-
following error
| pi - pdi |, coordination error |
2| + |
3|, and the communication
. The signal
{0,1} indicates, by switching its value, when communica-
tions occur. Before t=150s, the vehicles adjust their speeds to meet the formation
requirements and the coordination errors converge to zero. Note the reduced number
of communications exchanged during that period. In fact, the vehicles only need to
communicate a few times during the transient phase. When AUV 1 is forced to slow
down from t
[150, 250] (without transmitting explicitly to its neighborhoods its
new reference velocity), the communication rate increases in order to keep the coor-
dination error bounded.
5 Experimental Results
In July 2008 the first series of GREX field tests took place at Horta, Faial, in the
archipelago of the Azores. The tests were instrumental in bringing together the differ-
ent partners to perform hardware and software integration and paved the way for full
development of the tools that are needed for multiple vehicle cooperative control and
Fig. 4. Path-following error, coordination error, and communication signal σ.
Fig. 5. a) Results of the first GREX mission at sea with the DELFIMx: Going-to and Following
a Lawn-Mowing Maneuver; b) The DELFIMx ASV (left) and the manned vessel Aguas Vivas.
It was early decided that one of the tests would involve two surface vehicles un-
dergoing joint motion: the Aguas Vivas manned vessel and the DELFIMx autonom-
ous surface vehicle equipped with a dedicated GREX computer, both shown in Fig.
5.b. The DELFIMx is an autonomous surface craft that was designed and built at the
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal. It is a small Catamaran 4.5m long and
2.4m wide, with a mass of 380kg. Propulsion is ensured by three-bladed propellers
driven by electrical motors. The maximum speed of the vehicle with respect to the
water is 3.0m/s. The vehicle is equipped with on-board resident systems for naviga-
tion, guidance and control, and mission control. Navigation is done by integrating
motion sensor data obtained from an attitude reference unit, a Doppler Log unit, and a
DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System). Transmissions between the vehicle
and its support vessel, or between the vehicle and a control center installed on-shore
are achieved via a radio link with a range of 10km. The vehicle has a wing shaped
central structure that is lowered during operations at sea. Installed at the bottom of
this structure is a low drag body that can carry acoustic transducers, including those
used to communicate with submerged craft.
Two vehicles primitives were executed with success: Path Following (PF) and
Target Following (TF). Fig. 5.a shows a lawnmowing PF maneuver executed by
DELFIMx. To test the Target Following primitive, the AGUAS VIVAS manned
vessel underwent arbitrary motion at sea while transmitting its GPS position to DEL-
FIMx, see Fig. 5.b. Based on the GPS information received, DELFIMx identified on-
line, using a path fitting algorithm, the path segments traversed by Aguas Vivas (line
segments or segments of arcs identified over short receding time windows) and fol-
lowed these paths at a set speed by invoking repeatedly the PF primitive. As a conse-
quence, DELFIMx maneuvered well along the overall path "defined by" Aguas Vi-
vas, not known a priori. The results of this maneuver are shown in Fig. 6. The tests
proved extremely important in evaluating the performance of the algorithms devel-
oped for path following and target following, the aerial communication channel be-
tween Aguas Vivas and DELFIMx, and the efficacy of the software/hardware archi-
tecture adopted within the project, namely that of the GREX computer installed on-
board the DELFIMx.
Fig. 6. Experimental results of the DELFIMx performing a target following maneuver in the
Azores, PT.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper gave a brief overview of some of the theoretical and practical issues that
arise in the process of developing advanced motion control systems for cooperative
multiple autonomous marine vehicles (AMVs). Many of the problems addressed were
motivated by challenging scientific mission scenarios defined in the course of the EU
GREX project, entitled Coordination and Control of Cooperating Heterogeneous
Unmanned Systems in Uncertain Environments. A general architecture for coopera-
tive autonomous marine vehicle control in the presence of time-varying communica-
tion topologies and communication losses was proposed. The architecture implemen-
tation relies on a number of Single and Multiple Vehicle Primitives, the development
of which was rooted in solid control theory. The algorithms developed were fully
tested in simulation using the NetMarSyS - Networked Marine Systems Simulator -
developed by ISR/IST. The same simulator was used to do hardware in the loop si-
mulations prior to tests at sea, in the Azores, in the Summer of 2008. The field tests
were instrumental in evaluating the performance of the algorithms developed for path
following and target following, the aerial communication channel between Aguas
Vivas and DELFIMx, and the efficacy of the software/hardware architecture adopted
by the project team.
Future work will address the testing of other Multiple Vehicles Primitives (includ-
ing Go-To-Formation and Cooperative Target Tracking) and the definition of a final
set of integrated tests at sea, followed by their execution in the Azores in the Fall of
2009. From a theoretical standpoint, two main lines of research are envisioned: i)
cooperative navigation exploiting non-conventional geophysical-based navigation
systems, and ii) in-depth study of the constraints imposed by the underwater channel
and underwater communication protocols.
This work was supported in part by projects GREX/CEC-IST (contract No. 035223),
FREESUBNetwork (EU under contract number MRTN-CT-2006-036186) and NAV-
Control/FCT-PT (PTDC/EEA-ACR/65996/2006) and through the FCT-ISR/IST plu-
rianual funding program. We express our sincere thanks to all members of the GREX
and FREESUBNetwork projets and our colleagues at IST/ISR for their stimulating
discussions, contributions, and the commitment to go from the laboratory to sea. This
paper is but a brief summary of the work of many.
1. THE GREX PROJECT (2006-2009): Coordination and Control of Cooperating Heteroge-
neous Unmanned Systems in Uncertain Environments. URL
2. Aguiar, A., Hespanha, J.P. (2007), Trajectory-tracking and path-following of underac-
tuated autonomous vehicles with parametric modeling uncertainty, IEEE Trans. on Auto-
mat. Contr., 52(8):1362–1379.
3. Aguiar, A., Pascoal, A. (2007a), Coordinated path-following control for nonlinear systems
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