Akira Kawaguchi, Andrew Nagel, Chiu Chan
Department of Computer Science, The City College of New York, New York 10031, U.S.A.
Neville A. Parker
CUNY Institue for Transportation Systems, The City College of New York, New York, NY 10031, U.S.A.
Disability support, Assistive technology, Transportation service, Information system, Accessibility improve-
ment, Bus transit service.
This paper discusses the implementation of one type of information system for the New York City bus transit
service, as a case study to provide value-added transportation services for people with impaired mobility.
Information technology is a key tool for finding flexible transportation services, especially for disabled people.
Useful information supplies psychological reassurance to these vulnerable people to make them feel more safe
and secure. Residents in metropolitan areas increasingly rely on the convenience of public transportation, and
they are becoming used to exchanging information relevant to their regional community in on-line settings.
The improvement to transit accessibility needs the exact same type of the cooperation between transportation
companies, local business, and residents. The widespread use of mobile wheelchairs has a socioeconomic
impact. The significance of this research for the longer-term goals lies in its implications for adaptation of this
kind of intelligent model into future welfare or assistive activities.
The number of people who are mobility impaired by
age or disability is increasing at a dramatic rate. It is
no longer an insignificant or silent part of the society.
The 2007 report published by the Department of Eco-
nomic and Social Affairs, Population Division, of the
United Nations estimates the percentage of aged peo-
ple, those over 60 years old, will grow from the cur-
rent 11% of the world population to 15% in 2025 and
to 22% by the year 2050. When considering devel-
oped nations only, the report projects this group will
constitute nearly a third of the population (United Na-
tions, 2007). Moreover, the 2007 fact sheet published
by the International Day of Disabled Persons reports
that around 10% of the world’s population today is
living with some disability. This means that by the
year 2025, it is likely that around 1/5 of the world’s
total population will need economic and social ben-
efits as well as some kind of artificial perambulatory
assistance in their daily lives.
The United States will certainly face challenges
as people live longer and in better health. Projections
by the U.S. Census Bureau estimate the number of
persons ages 65 and over will grow to almost 40 mil-
lion by the year 2010 (Jones and Sanford, 1996). To-
day, more than 4 million people in the United States
are over the age of 85 and about 60,000 topped age
100. By 2020, the Census Bureau further estimates
that 7 million to 8 million people will be over age 85
and 214,000 will be over age 100. As life expectancy
rises and modern medical technology improves, there
is a growing interest in building more advanced sup-
port structures for society. In particular, a desire to
enhance quality of life with advanced wheelchair de-
signs is a steadily growing phenomenon (First Re-
search, 2007). A strong demand for a less restrictive
environment is also on the rise, such as barrier-free
accesses, safer and more convenient route selections,
more transportation alternatives, and so on.
The motivation for this research is to address
a fundamental question in the handling of these
challenging problems. Today’s transportation in-
frastructure is missing a piece in the context of
wheelchair mobility. Imagine a great influx of people
in wheelchairs having to navigate through crowded
Kawaguchi A., Nagel A., Chan C. and A. Parker N.
DOI: 10.5220/0002810902710278
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
aisles and streets. Sidewalks can be harmful or even
impassible by those wheelchairs. Correcting these is-
sues universally may require reconsideration of many
issues, including roadway traffic, parking space, and
accident handling, from both engineering and even le-
gal perspectives. In our view, however, today’s infor-
mation systems can be easily, quickly, and cheaply
expanded to enable a dramatic improvement in trans-
portation accessibility by incorporating a community
supported web service so users can objectively eval-
uate whether or not the public transportation services
available address their individual needs. The focus
of our study here is to call for wide-scale commu-
nity support towards the deployment of an informa-
tion system that enables a more future oriented view
of this class of services.
Specifically, this paper presents one case study
of such a deployment as a means of promoting
grassroots activities supporting handicapped people.
We discuss the development of one type of on-line
database system based on the New York City bus tran-
sit service. This is to demonstrate key roles of the
information technology and community service, not
only in guiding travel route, but also in understand-
ing physical situations in the movement and actual
environment of the wheelchair. The government of-
fices and private sectors in the New York metropoli-
tan area are continuously making systemic reforms
to ensure that services and supports for people with
disabilities are available in the most integrated set-
ting (CIDNY, 2007). The priorities are set for assist-
ing with access to health care, benefits, employment,
housing, and education (MISC, 2006). For instance,
provides a free on-line pub-
lic service to allow disabled people to locate available
housing that meets their individual and family needs
at a rent they can afford (CPANYS, 2007; Paterson,
2009; Appel, 2007). This effort has been supported
by grants to promote effective and enduring improve-
ments in community-based long-term care and sup-
port systems for seniors and people with disabilities.
The question that needs to be answered is the efficacy
of the same approach in transportation issues.
Information resources for the disabled need im-
provement. The government usually requires trans-
portation service providers, such as taxis, limousines
and shuttle services, to purchase accessible vehicles
or otherwise ensure that they have the capacity to
serve people with disabilities (NYAIL, 2009). Yet
limited awareness of these services or lack of confi-
dence in their reliability may discourage use. So lim-
ited availability of accessible transportation services
remains a major barrier faced by individuals with dis-
abilities throughout the state, often leading to unem-
ployment, the inability to access medical care, and
isolation from friends, family, and full community
participation (CIDNY, 2007). For the proposed sys-
tem, it is vital that the people who accept cooperation
and evolution openly share with the living community
by providing useful information. As more informa-
tion becomes available and uploaded to the database,
the scale and magnitude of support will grow. We will
describe ideas on how to involve activities at the lo-
cal level in this regard. Non-handicapped people need
to make a greater effort to educate themselves about
disability issues or risk being unprepared for the com-
ing increase in the mobility impaired population. This
community can play an important role in providing a
respectful environment for the discussion and explo-
ration of these issues. Paired with the primary motive
of making it easier for the disabled to access reliable
transportation, this system stands to benefit all seg-
ments of society.
Paper Organization. The rest of this paper is orga-
nized as follows: Section 2 explains our motivation
for this research and scope of our work. Section 3
discusses our case study of the implementation of the
NYC bus transit service for disabled riders, and Sec-
tion 4 summarizes our approach for extending this
system to incorporate community-support and busi-
ness incentives. Section 5 discusses related work, and
Section 6 concludes our work presented in this paper.
The demand for wheelchairs and other mobility de-
vices in the U.S. is projected to increase 5.0% per
year through 2010 to over $3 billion (Supplier Rela-
tions, 2007). According to the 2005 Survey of Income
and Program Participation report (Brault, 2008), 27.4
million people of age 15 and older (11.9% of U.S.
population) had difficulty with ambulatory activities
of the lower body, thus required mobility assistance.
About 22.6 million people (9.8%) had difficulty walk-
ing a quarter of a mile, and 12.7 million were not
able to perform this activity. About 21.8 million peo-
ple (9.4%) had difficulty climbing a flight of stairs,
and 7.4 million of them were not able to do it at all.
Roughly 3.3 million people (1.4 %) used a wheelchair
or similar device, and 10.2 million (4.4 %) used a
cane, crutches, or walker to assist with mobility.
Advances in electronic controls, latter-generation
secondary batteries, light-weight construction materi-
als and other areas are also stimulating the growth in
both the wheelchair- and non-wheelchair-related seg-
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ments of the personal mobility device industry. Tech-
nology for the computerized aid, care, and support of
people in mobile wheelchairs is evolving rapidly. Al-
though it is in a branch that spans autonomous pro-
cess control, intelligent engineering systems, and in-
formation management, there exists no widely ac-
cepted practice or reference model that leads to the in-
tegration of these technical elements into mass trans-
portation systems (NCODH, 2005). This research
aims to explore several key issues in implementing
assistive infrastructures and surrounding information
systems that host macro control for the smooth and
safe navigation of mobile wheelchairs in the public
transportation environment (Kawaguchi et al., 2008a;
Kawaguchi et al., 2008b; Kawaguchi and Chan, 2009;
Kawaguchi et al., 2009).
Today’s physical infrastructure shows a signifi-
cant transformation that makes it more accessible to
wheelchair users. This transformation has been ini-
tiated by legislative reform and longstanding social
momentum to include people with disabilities as more
active participants in the society (ILO, 2007). De-
spite these efforts, many aspects remain uncertain as
to how to best address these issues in both private or-
ganizations and the local community. For the last sev-
eral years, the metropolitan community in the U.S.
has become increasingly aware of the need to get
more involved in supporting vulnerable people. No-
ticeable changes are visible in many cities and parts
of the world, such as the installation of elevators,
transit lifts, and wheelchair ramps in public areas.
These improvements are increasingly legally required
for access to public areas such as city streets, pub-
lic buildings, and restrooms, thus allowing people in
wheelchairs and with other mobility impairments to
use public sidewalks and public transit more easily
and safely. The efforts presented in this paper share
the same spirit of this ongoing change and intelligent
design movement.
The importance of community support will in-
evitably grow, which will in turn stimulate the de-
velopment and deployment of an information prod-
uct and a practice including a wide range of activ-
ities spanning design, instrumentation, computer in-
tegration, process and device control, and manufac-
turing (Kawaguchi et al., 2008a; Kawaguchi et al.,
2008b). The successful implementation mandates
not only interdisciplinary effort across the industrial
and academic research spectrum, but also participa-
tion and cooperation of wheelchair users, transporta-
tion companies, disability advocates, and voluntary
experts in public. Overall, it is a continuous pro-
cess in which users in all parties participate actively
from the preliminary study stage to the post evalua-
tion stage, so that the knowledge and experience ob-
tained from them can be applied to the next level of
innovation (Ministry of Land and Transport, 2006).
Figure 1: A vision of mobile wheelchair support in the com-
ing age (Kawaguchi et al., 2008a).
Information technology is a key for providing
flexible transportation services and increased choice
for the users (see Figure 1). In addition, useful in-
formation supplies psychological reassurance to vul-
nerable people to make them feel more safe and se-
cure. A federal civil rights procurement law in the
U.S. requires electronic and information technology
to be accessible to people with disabilities. Flexible
services are brought by a wide variety of innovative
information services now in use increasingly in many
countries. For instance, the presence of ubiquitous
network technology that consists of IC tags, wire-
less tags, RFID tags, and other communication equip-
ment such as portable information terminals makes
it possible for elderly people and handicapped peo-
ple to move freely and independently. The use of
more economical PHS communication network gen-
erally available in Asian countries can afford pre-
cise tracking of wheelchairs moving in and around
dense urban areas like hospitals, libraries, and mu-
seums. GIS technology that allows conversion of ge-
ographical information into electronic form also fa-
cilitates the wide-scale integration of navigation as-
sistance and tracking capability into various telecare
information systems.
Up-to-date information services such as availabil-
ity, route guidance, cost, efficiency, and safety must
be always available to improve the overall level of
public transportation including railroad, bus, airline,
and shipping. Traffic-aware routing based on portable
GIS device is a new area in vehicle industries. At the
same time, traditionalinternet-basedsoftware that can
handle scheduling, dispatching and reservation, such
as Ecolane DRT, PASS and NaviTrans, plays an im-
portant role to implement demand-responsive trans-
portation schemes or flexible door-to-door paratransit
service for wheelchair users.
The New York City Transit in the Metropolitan Trans-
portation Authority network operates the world’s
largest fleet of buses (4,373 public buses), serv-
ing over 666 million people per year for New
York City to sustain its economy and support pro-
jected growth (MTA Guide, 2006). These buses are
equipped with wheelchair lifts in either the front or
back entrance of the vehicle, and have a “kneel-
ing” feature that lowers the front entrance to within
inches of the ground for easy access by any customer
with mobility impairments or difficulty using the front
steps. The Tokyo Metropolitan Bus Systems in Japan,
by comparison, maintain the second largest scale of
fleet, but do not run this level of service with lift-
equipped vehicles (see Table 1 for the projected im-
provement from Japanese government standpoint).
Table 1: Preset goals for the barrier-free implementations of
Japanese public transportation (Ministry of Land and Trans-
port, 2006).
Transportation Media 2003 2010
Railway cars 24% 30%
Non-step buses 9% 20-25%
Passenger ships 4% 50%
Airplanes 32% 40%
The bus system covers routes not served by the
city subway system and outlying areas, and stops ev-
ery 2 blocks on a nearly 24 hour schedule. The bus
system is becoming the primary mode of transporta-
tion for wheelchair users living in the city. The city
convention and visitors bureaus are offering guides
that list wheelchair-accessible facilities. However,
these brochures are rarely detailed enough to rely on
and can’t contribute to a full-scale mechatronics sup-
port for barrier-free accesses.
An on-line database system to facilitate the ex-
change of useful information among disabled bus rid-
ers and accessibility supporters in New York City
is being built by our efforts. The system has a
Web interface to find out the bus routing information
on a trip from one point to another point in Man-
hattan. The capability beyond the “Trip Planner”
web system (Trip Planner, 2009) implemented by the
Metropolitan Transit Authority is to respond using a
map with appropriate paths (sequences of bus rides) to
be taken to reach the destination along with the road-
side information of toilet options, coffee shops and
restaurants accommodating wheelchairs, quick repair
services for motor trouble and battery replacement,
and purchases of wheelchair equipments, etc., on the
selected route. The system works with the Google
Maps API to create the visual interface, thereby giv-
ing a quick way to narrow down the user choice of
accessible sporting and cultural events.
Figure 2: Manhattan Bus Line Map (duplicated from MTA
NYC Transit official site).
3.1 Implementing a Prototype Search
Service Application
A prototype system runs on a typical LAMP (Linux-
Apache-MySQL-PHP) solution stack. The current
release covers the major stopping points and transfer
points of the MTA bus lines whose services are bound
in areas of Manhattan (thus the search capability
is limited within Manhattan). The information
of such traffic points is hand-populated based on
the bus schedules published by the MTA NYC
(see Figure 2). Figure 3 shows a view of the sys-
tem’s interface—our periodic build can be accessed at˜akira/BusSystem.
A traffic point is a geographical location consist-
ing of latitude and longitude. The point collection
is structured as a directed graph in the database. As
shown in Table 2,
table holds latitude and
longitude (double type) of the bus running points. Its
ID field (smallint type) has a unique point number for
a particular line (char(8) type). Some of the points
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: MySQL tables representing bus services.
buspoints table busroute table
Line ID Ptype Lat Lng Tag
M1 1 terminal,transfer 40.822 -73.938 W 147St & ...
M1 2 terminal 0.821 -73.936 W 146St & ...
M1 ... ... ... ... ...
M1 33 transfer 40.731 -73.992 E 8th & ...
M1 34 terminal,transfer 40.730 -73.991 E 8th & ...
LineFr IDFr LineTo IDTo Bound
M1 1 M2 null null
M1 2 M1 3 south
M1 ... ... ... ...
M1 34 M1 null south
M1 34 M8 null null
Figure 3: Manhattan bus routing search service system.
are of the type (set type) of terminal, transfer, or both.
The tag field (varchar(60) type) is for the text address.
table holds route information or
a topological sequence such that one point leads to
another point in each bus line. There can be multiple
directions per line such as South and North, and East
and West bounds, which can be expressed by a bound
indicator (enum type). A transfer point is expressed
using the name of the line for transfer.
A query transaction computes acyclic paths be-
tween start location and destination. The reachabil-
ity set of a directed graph is a maximal set represent-
ing reachability from given starting points to other
points in that graph. Notice that there can be com-
binations of starting points and ending points, each
of which establishes a valid route in close proximity.
This is because the user’s inquiry is usually based on
the addresses of the starting and ending points of a
trip, not precise initial bus points. Therefore, the bus
points approximating the trip must be found within a
range of distance (choice of 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 mile)
from the specified addresses. Geocoder public ser-
vice ( is used to find the latitude
and longitude of the specified address. Accordingly,
the bus points in the
table within the re-
quested distance can be found.
Our implementation of on-the-fly travel path com-
putation is based on a semi-naive evaluation (Bancil-
hon and Ramakrishnan, 1986) employed in the recur-
sive, bottom-up evaluation of logic programs (the al-
gorithm can be realized by an iterative execution of
SQLs). The problem to address is preventing explo-
sive growth of the graph traversals. There can be mul-
tiple ways to complete the trip by hopping around dif-
ferent bus lines. Thus, various heuristic reductions of
search space are devised, in particular, the elimina-
tion of moves ineffectualto reach the destination (e.g.,
south-bound transfer from north-bound trip).
The additional task is finding points of interest
(eateries, drugstores, etc.) along each possible course
of travel. See Figure 4 for the scheme of the com-
putation. The points of interest are found within the
excess (1/2, 1/4, and 1/8) of a mile outside the bound-
ing box made out of each leg of bus movement. In
Figure 4, two bus stops (line A and B) are found, and
the areas enclosed by their neighboring bus stops can
also be identified. All the found points are shown to-
gether with the bus route on the generated map. The
entire procedure to process a user request is processed
within a read-uncommitted transaction so as to mini-
mize database overhead. The response time observed
so far using a single quad-core based mid-range data
server is less than several seconds, and is quite satis-
Figure 4: Finding points of interest.
For those aging or disabled people whose condi-
tion makes them unable to walk, advanced mobile
wheelchairs provide many benefits, such as main-
taining mobility, continuing or broadening commu-
nity and social activities, conserving strength and en-
ergy, and enhancing their general quality of life. Par-
ticularly residents in metropolitan areas are increas-
ingly utilizing the convenience of public transporta-
tion. Separately, they are becoming used to exchang-
ing information relevant to their community in on-line
settings. The accessibility improvement needs the ex-
act same type of the cooperation between transporta-
tion companies, regional and local industry, and local
residents: transportation companies, private business,
public places, and any points of interest for residents
such as restaurants, shopping centers, movie theaters,
etc., must supply the accessibility information to a
public database system, which in turn provides im-
mediate retrieval for transportation and route selec-
tion, thereby giving great aids to realize macro-level
control in wheelchair movement.
The Web interface of our system has this addi-
tional capability to accumulate community informa-
tion in the form of a point of interest and/or assis-
tive ability. The people in the metropolitan areas
can register and augment categorized information in
the database. Specifically, a person (e.g., restaurant
owner) can contribute to the system by registering
his/her item (e.g., restaurant) into a set of suitable cat-
egories (e.g., bathroom services, eatery, etc.). The
registration is done by filling out the owner’s iden-
tity (full name, contact address, phone, and email)
as well as detailing the item to register and the cate-
gory to classify. The information on the item includes
name, address, phone, web URL, geo-position, capac-
ity, up to 3 pictures, textual comment, and a link to
the owner. The category can be chosen from those
already in the database or newly created at the reg-
istration. There may be multiple categories to which
the item needs to belong. For instance, restaurant can
be in the categories of bathroom services and eatery.
Figure 5: Finding interest points with bus line.
The registration of the item is not immediately re-
flected in the database, but becomes pending at first.
An administrator of the system needs to inspect if the
requested registration is valid or not. Email is gen-
erated to the owner right after the administrator’s de-
cision. Category classification is not static. The ad-
ministrator can reorganize it by merging and splitting
branches. The registered items whose locations are
close to the suggested course of travel are selectively
shown in the Google Map interface (see Figure 5).
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The public acknowledgment of people with disabili-
ties and progress toward enhanced care has developed
in the last few decades along three parallel tracks of
activities (Longmore and Umansky, 2001)—these are
legislation spurred by the disability rights movement,
barrier-free design to universal design movement, and
advances in rehabilitation and assistive technology.
Universal design is a design paradigm that aims to
reduce the physical and attitudinal barriers between
people with and without disabilities. This concept
emerged from barrier-free design principles and as-
sistive technology. The former provides a level of ac-
cessibility for people with disabilities, and the latter
enhances the physical, sensory, and cognitive abilities
of those people (Orpwood, 1990). The concept of uni-
versal design gives a broad-spectrum of solutions that
help everyone, not just people with disabilities, and
it is now becoming one of the most important design
elements that range in scale from product design to
architecture and urban design, and from simple sys-
tems to complex information technologies (NCODH,
2005). The forthcoming transportation facilities are
therefore likely to be in compliance with universal de-
sign principles.
Assistive technology (Cook, 2002) applies to de-
vices that provide direct physical or mental aid to
people with disabilities. The element closely tied
to mobility and mechatronics support is a smart
wheelchair (Simpson, 2005) or an augmentative mo-
bility aid that accepts a variety of different controls
tailored to the riders needs, and complements the rid-
ers efforts by expanding and interpreting their lim-
ited control commands to provide safe transit (CALL
Centre, 1994). A smart wheelchair has a collection
of sensors to work with several cognitive techniques
similar to those developed in mobile robotics, but it is
not necessarily acting autonomously because the aim
is to complement and extend the user’s abilities, not
replace them.
The majority of the smart wheelchairs that have
been developed to date have been tightly integrated
with the underlying power wheelchair, thereby re-
quiring significant modifications to function prop-
erly (Simpson et al., 2004). The forthcoming re-
search on the extension of smart wheelchairs, en-
hanced with path-planning, behavioral learning, and
cognitive capabilities will have a significant impact
on the outcome of the mechatronics implementation.
As an example, there is a study to systematically uti-
lize and extend mechatronics-based assistive services,
an emerging field devoted to engineering personal de-
vices that enhance the physical, sensory, and cogni-
tive performance of people with disabilities and help
them function more independently in environments
oblivious to their needs (Kawaguchi et al., 2008a;
Kawaguchi et al., 2008b; Kawaguchi and Chan, 2009;
Kawaguchi et al., 2009; Noda et al., 2009). This
field lies as a support technology centered on mechan-
ics, electronics, and computing. The mechatronics
support in our vision is meant to emphasize a syn-
ergistic integration of the latest techniques in cross-
disciplinary fields.
Paratransit is another mode of passenger trans-
portation increasingly offered for handicapped com-
muters and travelers, which in general does not fol-
low fixed routes or schedules, but typically uses vans
or mini-buses for the higher flexibility of picking
up or discharging passengers on request. Many ve-
hicles are specially equipped with wheelchair lifts
or ramps to facilitate access, thus allowing people
with disabilities to have greater employment oppor-
tunities by providing transportation to and from their
workplaces (Simon, 1997). A sub-sector of private
business is on the rise to meet the growing interest
in the paratransit strategy, but the cost for serving
low-density areas and dispersed trip patterns do not
balance with today’s declining financial conditions,
which may instead create an urgent need for public
transit operators to maximize all available transporta-
tion resources.
The subject of this paper is a high-level discussion to
address the problem of physical mobility in our so-
ciety in the coming age. The issue has powerful ef-
fects on the living conditions of those with physical
disadvantage who seek to maintain mobility, wish to
continue or broaden community and social activities,
conserve strength and energy, and enhance their gen-
eral quality of life. The community-based approach
outlined here is a basic frameworkto cope with the in-
flux of vulnerable people in mobile wheelchairs. The
concept of information sharing gives the opportunity
to understand and promote any resulting benefits in
broader developmental contexts.
An abundance of information is available and
sharable through the computer medium. The ultimate
goal of our on-going work is to make electric pow-
ered wheelchairs predict and avoid risky situations
and navigate safely through the congested areas and
confined spaces, by exchanging the terrain and loca-
tion information in real-time. To accomplish a more
future oriented view of this class of services, today’s
information systems must be expanded to incorpo-
rate the community support and to objectively eval-
uate whether or not the public transportation services
fit the user’s needs. The community-based approach
we proposed encompasses these views and shares a
common spirit with the universal design ideal.
This work is partially supported by the research funds
provided by the New York State Department of Trans-
portation and New York City Environmental Protec-
tion. Our thanks go to City College’s graduate stu-
dents in database classes who have contributed to and
worked on the data population and conceptual study
of this work.
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