Max V
olkel and Andreas Abecker
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, Karlsruhe, Germany
Personal Knowledge Management, Requirements, Literature.
Personal knowledge management (PKM) is a crucial element as well as complement of enterprise knowledge
management (EKM) which has been largely neglected by Enterprise Information Systems, up to now. This
paper collects requirements for a specific class of PKM software, which supports personal note taking and
the idea of extending the human memory by information management. It introduces the knowledge-cue life
cycle which describes how information artefacts can be used for helping to denote, remember, use, and further
develop knowledge embodied in people’s heads. Based on this life cycle and on a literature study, this paper
derives a comprehensive requirements catalogue to be fulfilled by knowledge articulation tools used in PKM.
This requirements list can be used as a design specification and research agenda for PKM tool builders, and to
assess the suitability of existing tools for PKM.
As our globalized economy becomes increasingly
more knowledge-based, Enterprise Knowledge Man-
agement (KM, c.f. Probst et al., 2006), (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995), (Abecker, 2004) has become a set-
tled management discipline in the recent 15 years.
The most important area of knowledge creation
and processing is still the most underdeveloped area
of KM: namely that of the individual knowledge
workers’ personal knowledge.
Practically, the main goal of Personal Knowledge
Management (PKM, c.f. Davenport, 2005), is to make
the individual more productive - and thereby also the
organisation as a whole. PKM investigates the use of
methods and tools to amplify the abilities of the indi-
vidual to work better with knowledge (V
olkel, 2010).
Typical use-cases in PKM are, e.g., note-taking, doc-
ument creation, argumentation, idea management, or
managing the personal social network. Many PKM
tools have been built and even more tools are (ab-
)used for PKM tasks. Hence the question arises how
an ideal PKM system look like.
This paper considers the sub-class of PKM sup-
port systems which deal with articulating (parts of)
the individual knowledge in the form of electronic
Creating (semi-)formal knowledge is the act of mod-
elling. This paper uses the term personal knowl-
edge model to denote an artefact which represents
a set of “knowledge cues”. The knowledge cues can
vary in size, structuredness and degree of formality.
A knowledge cue is either (a) a piece of content,
containing plain text, semi-structured text, or arbi-
trary binary content such as images or desktop ob-
jects, or (b) a connection between other knowledge
cues. Such connections can be unspecified relations,
directed hyperlinks and formal statements.
This section introduces a novel process model for
the management of knowledge cues. In PKM, orga-
nizer and retriever is the same person. Different from
an organisational context, there is a personal motiva-
tion to organize knowledge. The user can freely trade
efforts of authoring with efforts of retrieval.
An in-depth analysis of economic factors in PKM
has been published by (V
olkel and Abecker, 2008).
Building on this work, a novel PKM process model,
the knowledge cue life-cycle, has been created (c. f.
Fig. 1). It describes ways in which an individual in-
teracts with his personal knowledge model. It consists
of ten processes:
1. Create knowledge mentally;
Völkel M. and Abecker A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002969303320337
KnowledgeCueLifeCycle collaboratives/w
Figure 1: Knowledge Cue Life-Cycle.
2. Codify by creating initial knowledge cues;
3. Augment knowledge cues by adding more content,
structure, or formality;
4. Export knowledge cues into other formats;
5. Share knowledge cues with others;
6. Retrieve
knowledge cues and evoke a previously
experienced mind-state;
7. Receive knowledge cues into other formats and
evaluate and filter them;
8. Import relevant and reviewed parts as knowledge
9. Use knowledge in a real world situation;
10. Reflect on all knowledge cue processes.
This section lists requirements gathered from a vari-
ety of sources analysing PKM.
Of course, no such list can be considered “com-
plete” – there might be even more requirements.
R1: Knowledge Model should be a Super-set of
existing Conceptual Models. To re-use content re-
siding in one kind of representation in another tool,
This process can also search other people’s knowledge
models, if their knowledge cues are shared.
For this paper, many sources have been used in a non-
systematic manner (papers emailed from colleagues, fol-
lowed forward- and backward references, search engines,
...). The following additional sources have been used sys-
tematically: (a)Proceedings of the Annual ACM Confer-
ence on Research and Development in Information Re-
trieval from the years 2005, 2006, and 2007. (b) Proceed-
ings of SIGCHI. All years up to 2008 have been queried
for “personal”, “knowledge”, and “management”. (c) Pro-
ceedings of workshops on personal information manage-
ment from 2006 until 2009.
Due to very restricted space, a longer version of this
paper is available from
it needs to be transformed. Transformations between
data-models come not for free. A naive approach to
convert between n formalisms would require writing
transformations. However, if a common interme-
diate formalism can be used, the costs come down to
2n. Learning a new tool requires a user to understand
the conceptual model of the tool. It is easier to learn
a tool with a familiar conceptual model. Hence, the
formalism of a good PKM tool should be similar to
those of other tools in use.
A knowledge model should be expressive enough
to represent existing application data models to enable
re-use of existing external structures. To save costs
in content transformation, the conceptual knowledge
model should therefore be a super-set of the concep-
tual models of all other relevant PKM tools.
R2: System should Run Queries Automatically.
req:autoqueryauto-query The best personal knowl-
edge model is of no value if a user needs some knowl-
edge and simply forgets to search his personal knowl-
edge model. Therefore, a PKM system should run
queries automatically (R2). (Cutrell et al., 2006) pro-
poses to automatically start a search when certain trig-
gers are encountered. Knowledge cues relevant to the
current task context should be delivered pro-actively
(Schmidt, 2009), relevant to the current business pro-
cess (Abecker et al., 2001).
R3: Fast Entry. In order to minimize distractions
by one’s own creative new ideas or external inter-
ruptions (phone calls, instant messenger, or colleague
coming in), one needs to quickly take a note and con-
tinue working at the previous task.
R4: Informal Articulation. Users needs a simple
way to express content in an informal way, e.g., as
plain text, formatted text or box-and-arrow diagrams
(Oren, 2006) or “this is nested within that, but I can’t
say why”.
(Blandford and Green, 2001) studied the use of
short personal notes for task work and found that
informal tools like paper and unstructured text files
were sometimes preferred over traditional PIM appli-
cations because they supported more freeform input.
R5: Formal Articulation. Formal reasoning can
help to reduce retrieval costs, when from a set of ex-
plicitly stated formal statements further formal state-
ments can be inferred automatically.
R6: Let the User decide on Granularity
of Modelling. req:granularitygranularity Content
varies greatly in size and type. Polanyi (Polanyi,
1998): “... linguistic symbols must be of reasonable
size, or more generally that they must consist of easily
manageable objects. [...] Language can assist thought
only to the extent to which its symbols can be repro-
duced, stored up, transported, re-arranged, and thus
more easily pondered, than the things which they de-
(Shneiderman, 1989) reports on a comparative
study in which two groups of people had to locate an-
swers to a series of questions in a Hyperties database.
The group with more (46 instead of 5), shorter (4-83
lines instead of 104-150 lines) articles answered more
questions correctly and took less time to answer the
R7: Entities need to be Addressable. To be able
to link two entities, they must be addressable. To be
able to model different versions of an entity, each ver-
sion needs a kind of address. In a personal knowledge
model, each entity that is shown to the user should be
R8: Simultaneous Use of Different Levels of
Formality. People need to be able to work at any
level of formality (unstructured, structured and for-
mal knowledge), and to freely mix such levels (Leth-
bridge, 1991). For textual content this means exploit-
ing syntax, structures and semantics. E.g., in semantic
wikis (cf. (V
olkel and Schaffert, 2006)) all three lev-
els can be used. While typing text, there is syntax for
formatting (bold, italic), structures (headlines, lists)
and semantics (typed links).
R9: Stepwise Changes from Informal to more
Formal Structures. The user should be able to mi-
grate the knowledge into more formal structures, if
desired (cf. (V
olkel and Haller, 2006)). A very im-
portant characteristic of formal knowledge engineer-
ing in general is the modelling process. During mod-
elling, a knowledge model might be in an inconsistent
state. A tool should not simply prevent such inconsis-
tent states, but rather inform the user about the con-
sequences. The migration from one consistent formal
state to another consistent formal state can be a com-
plex operation which cannot or should not need to be
carried out completely in the mind of the user. In-
stead, a sequence of modelling operations should al-
low producing inconsistent states, and then, step-by-
step, move towards the desired target state. Inconsis-
tent states should also be share-able, so that a resolu-
tion can be found collaboratively, if desired.
(Oren, 2006) advises to focus on simply captur-
ing and representing the things that the user wants to
store, before doing any reasoning with it.
t R10: Knowledge Model Refactoring. With
stepwise formalization a user can gradually add more
structure and formality to knowledge cues. Exter-
nalised personal knowledge artefacts are usually or-
ganised in a systematic manner, e.g., files are sorted
in folders and sub-folders.
Unfortunately, a good structure today is not a good
structure tomorrow, therefore personal organisation
schemes change. Stuart K. Card in (Jones et al., 2006)
sees this not only as a tedious maintenance task, but
says “re-representation of information is a key to in-
terpreting it”. (Schreiber and Harbo, 2004) empha-
sises flexibility of knowledge models and the need for
R11: Versioning. req:versioningversioning The
cost of creating and manipulating knowledge cues is
lower, if people have an easy way to undo their oper-
ations and revert to previous versions of a knowledge
R12: Capture the Context for Knowledge Cue
Creation and Import req:contextcontext Under-
stand the notion of context, capture it together with
the information and use it to enhance recall and un-
derstanding (Oren, 2006). Automatic context tracking
should relive the user from maintaining bookkeeping
data such as creation data of items or linking (R20)
two items that are commonly used together (Grac¸a Pi-
mentel et al., 2000).
R13: Active Assistance in Maintenance Tasks.
Metadata about the usage of the knowledge cues by
the system is required: How often did the knowledge
cue appear in search results? How often has it been
changed? When has the most recent statement been
made about this knowledge cue? When was the last
time this knowledge cue was used for inferencing?
Such metadata can be used by the system to ask a
user specifically and actively about the status of cer-
tain knowledge cues.
R14: Easy to Learn. Each new tool has a learn-
ing curve that depends on the complexity of the un-
derlying concepts and the user interface. A good user
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
interface cannot compensate for an ill-designed un-
derlying data model.
R15: Grouping of Items. Users need composi-
tion for navigation (Frank, 1988). This allows, e.g.,
browsing and thereby narrowing down their view and
allows discovering related, yet unexpected items.
It is important for a user to be able to group seem-
ingly unrelated content together, so that retrieval of
one item triggers retrieving of the others, too (Jones
et al., 2005).
Grouping knowledge cues is also a pre-requisite
for any kind of batch operations such as exporting,
sharing, refactoring, delete and copy operations.
R16: Containment Relationship. A containment
relationship is a stronger form of grouping with ad-
ditional semantics for operations. Delete and copy
commands on containers trigger recursively the same
command for all contained elements.
R17: Optional Naming of Knowledge Cues.
The data model should allow giving things human-
usable names. A name is understood as a unique
name. Names make linking much easier, as the link
target name can simply be typed and one has not to
select from a complex GUI. Names also allow direct
navigation deep into a knowledge model.
But as users often have difficulties to find names
(Boardman, 2004)[p. 105], (Frank, 1988) advises to
not require a user to name all items.
R18: Alternative Names. Many systems with
unique names have also means to create additional
alias names, which redirect to another unique name.
R19: Order Knowledge Cues Ordering a col-
lection of ideas or text snippets into a coherent flow
is one of the main tasks of authoring (Esselborn-
Krumbiegel, 2002). A user should be able to create
order gradually and partially. Note how different this
is from providing a list data-structure: A list can only
represent a total order.
R20: Linking. (Oren, 2006) finds “an under-
utilization of the interlinked nature of the informa-
tion”. Knowledge models should allow for precise
and effective linking – and browsing (R27.
R21: Hierarchy. (Shneiderman, 1996) empha-
sizes the need to get “Overview first, zoom and filter,
then details-on-demand.
Hierarchies of all kind are commonly used in user
interfaces to let the user narrow down his interests
R22: Simultaneous Use of Multiple Levels of De-
tail. Users need ways to see multiple levels of detail
at once (Frank, 1988).
R23: Annotating Content. When using docu-
ments, a field study of (O’Hara and Sellen, 1997) con-
cludes that annotating documents is frequently a part
of the document reading and understanding process.
R24: Tagging. Tagging is the basic assignment of
easy-to-type keywords to information artefacts. Tag
names contain usually no whitespace and tend to be
really short. A common representation is a tag cloud,
showing all tag names at once, with a font size pro-
portional to their usage frequency. People have prob-
lems in using strict hierarchies (Oren, 2006). There-
fore less strict methods such as tagging (R24) and cat-
egories (R25) are required.
R25: Classifying into Categories. Categories
differ from tags: Categories tend to have longer,
encyclopedia-like names. In most category-systems,
there is a weak hierarchy, i.e., categories can often
be nested into (several) other categories. In prac-
tice, the boundaries between tags (short, easy-to-type,
not nested) and categories (nice to read, nested) are
blurred sometimes.
R26: Queries. Besides browsing a user also
needs the ability to search and query the data (Frank,
1988). A number of different queries are re-
quired (fulltext queries, structured queries, aggregat-
ing queries, metadata queries, and formal queries).
R27: Following Links and Browsing Collec-
tions. Following links is one of the three core strate-
gies of information retrieval described by (Bates,
2002). There is a fundamental difference between
search (where you know what you are looking for)
and browsing (where you find things that you placed
there) (Jones et al., 2005).
R28: Inverse Relations. Many wikis allow
traversing hyperlinks not only forward, but also in
backward mode. For each page they list all pages
linking to the page. In most semantic GUIs incom-
ing links are rendered different from outgoing links.
Therefore it makes a difference for browsing whether
a user stated ([SAP], [employs], [Dirk]) or ([Dirk],
[works for], [SAP]). For the user, this is often an ar-
tificial distinction. It is desirable that link types have
labels for both directions, e.g., “works for” and “em-
R29: Flexible Schema. The survey paper
of (Oren, 2006) states a requirement for flexible
schemas: Leave users their freedom and do not con-
strain them into rigid schemas. This is also relevant
for importing from other data models to be able to rep-
resent as much of the given structure and formality as
R30: Transclusion. Embedding a reference and
rendering the content is called transclusion. The
need for transclusion is further explained by (Lud-
wig, 2005), (Nelson, 1995) and in the evaluation of
Popcorn described by (Davies et al., 2006).
R31: Meta-modelling. If knowledge cues be-
come old, but not outdated, they become just harder
to understand. The meaning of terms shifts. It is
therefore required to let the user describe and anno-
tate all aspects of knowledge cues. Even annotation
on annotations, statements and relations are sometime
required. This allows a user to create a more self-
describing knowledge model. The data model must
allow annotating (and therefore addressing) all of its
elements, in order not to limit expressivity.
This paper investigated requirements for Personal
Knowledge Management tools. A knowledge-cue life
cycle was introduced, which describes how knowl-
edge workers use tools to create information artefacts
that help them to express, remind, share, discuss, use,
and further develop their personal knowledge. Based
on the ten processes, an exhaustive requirements list
has been compiled from existing literature.
Some conclusions and observations can be drawn
from this list of requirements: (1) Ultimately, a
PKM tool must be a general purpose modelling tool:
It must have a rather generic (i.e., not restricted to
a particular domain, R29) data model (R1) with dif-
ferent levels of formality (R4, R5, R8) and granular-
ity (R6). It should allow a user to model a number
of conceptual constructs, namely order (R19), hyper-
links (R20), hierarchy (R21), and annotations (R23).
(2) Even more advanced modelling features such
as inverse relations (R28) and meta-modelling (R31)
are desirable. (3) Some requirements 2, 10, 13,
and 22 can only be realised in a tool, i.e., a model by
itself cannot run queries automatically’ (R2), only a
tool can actually run something actively.
The derived list of requirements can be used:
(1) to guide the design of future PKM systems as
well as the underlying research; as well as for
(2) evaluating the adequateness of existing tools
for PKM.
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initial web-based prototype system has been devel-
oped and evaluated. It is described in an upcoming
dissertation by (V
olkel, 2010). A desktop-based sys-
tem, iMapping, tackling the same requirements is cur-
rently being developed by (Haller, 2006).
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