Position Paper
Jo˜ao Soares, Jos´e Tribolet and Andr´e Vasconcelos
Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Information systems architecture, Technology architecture, Public administration, Bottom-up, Continuous up-
date, Autodiscovery.
In organizations where there are not any concerns about updating Information Systems Architecture (ISA)
models in a strict and automatic fashion, business requirements and pressures frequently lead to an increasing
gap between current Information Systems and the latest version of their ISA and, in particular, their Technol-
ogy Architecture (TA) models, when they exist. One of the causes for the lack of “investment” in TA models
is the considerable effort required to “discover” infrastructural features that serve as input to the development
of architectures. This work is focused on devising a bottom up approach for the representation and continuous
update of TAs in Public Administration (PA) using tools to automatize the discovery of architectural evidences
(such as logs or network events) and a process based on the annotation mechanism to enable interaction con-
texts that allow actors to make explicit their knowledge about their activities through graphic representations.
As result of a crescent globalization, competition
among organizations is becoming more and more
driven by it’s capacity and flexibility of reorganiza-
tion and redesign of business processes and business
strategies (Vasconcelos, 2007).
Some of the implications that arise from the need
to reorganize and redesign business processes and
business strategies reflect themselves on the demand
for IT able to support those new requirements.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) (and by association,
ISA and TA) is considered an essential piece to the
resolution of the challenges that emerge as a result
from the organizations need quickly readapt them-
selves and their Information Systems (ISs) (Land,
Martin Op ’t, et al, 2008). Thus, the explicitness of an
ISA has a key role in the construction of ISs that aim
to contribute proactively to the alignment between
business realities and IT realities, to define technol-
ogy strategies, to control and manage more efficiently
ISs, to ensure durable, flexible and adaptable to busi-
ness needs ISs, and finally to increase the portability
of applications and ease the development and alignm-
ent of ITs with (changing) business strategies.
This investigation will be focused in a more re-
strict problematic inside EA - the reality regarding
technologies managed by organizations to support
their processes. At a first glance, this work will cover
tree great issues: the capture of that reality, the map-
ping between the results of the capture and archi-
tectural models and finally, the continuous update of
those models.
This document is divided in 5 sections. Section
2 establishes the objectives and motivations of this
work. Section 3 is about the State of the Art regarding
the areas of interest that intersect with this work. In
section 4 there is a description of the architecture of
the solution. Finally, section 5 has conclusions over
the work developed until now.
Considering the previously identified issues related to
the benefits of a general IT awareness in an organiza-
tion, it is possible to conclude that, although there is
Soares J., Tribolet J. and Vasconcelos A..
ADMINISTRATION - Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0003419504670470
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 467-470
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a common agreement in the advantages and potential
arising out of the specification of an ISA, it is still not
possible to represent that architecture at different lev-
els and their relationship with the business model in
a standardized, universal, simple and simultaneously
with the richness and rigor required for subsequent
inspection and/or simulation of different business sce-
narios and technology (Boar, B., 1999).
More specifically, in the context of PA, there is a
lack of global knowledge of the current ISA, nor are
there any automatic methodologies or processes de-
fined to collect and identify architectural evidences.
Those evidences would then be a valid input to the
construction of a TA, resulting in a bottom-up ap-
proach, as individual base elements of the system are
first specified in great detail.
Taking this context as a starting point, the fact
that drives this work lies in precisely the lack of a
global knowledge and collaborative update of the cur-
rent ISA models in PA. To address this problem, there
is one question that rises up in the first place, and con-
stitutes the problem of this work: ”What is the TA of
PA?”. This question is clearly too much broad, so our
work will be focused in a particular context of the Por-
tuguese PA, but the techniques to be applied will be as
much transversal as possible, in order to be replicated
into other contexts.
The question that frame this investigation can then
be decomposed into other two modular questions:
”What architectural evidences should be consid-
ered in order to construct a TA?”’ The answer to
this question will lead to a well defined set of ar-
chitectural evidences, ranging from, e.g., simple
logs produced by servers, to network events. The
approach to to so, will take into account different
IT contexts of the Portuguese PA.
”How to automatically collect and identify archi-
tectural evidences in PA? This is one of the chal-
lenges of this work, because it will allow an effi-
cient, fast and ruled collection of data, which will
be a major improvement regarding the creation of
TAs from scratch. On the other hand, in cases
where architectures are already modeled, will al-
low them to be much more maintainable since the
process of incorporating changes will be much
more agile.
”How to map architectural evidences into up-
dated, trustworthy and reliable TA models?”’ The
answer to this question urges because there is a
recognized difficulty in maintaining models up-
dated and aligned with the reality.
3.1 EA Methods and Frameworks
An enterprise architecture framework collects to-
gether tools, techniques, artifact descriptions, process
models, reference models and guidance (methods)
used by architects in the production of enterprise-
specific architectural descriptions. A framework can
also define views that are representations of systems
from the perspective of a related set of concerns (e.g.,
top management or operational), and have a dedicated
modeling language or extend existing ones.
3.1.1 Zachman Framework
Zachman Framework was introduced by John Zach-
man in 1987. It was the first EA framework and it is
used in numerous domains, providing a view of the
subjects and models needed to develop a complete
enterprise architecture. In a “big picture”, this frame-
work is a logical structure (matrix) for classifying and
organizing the descriptive representations of an enter-
prise: on a vertical axis it provides multiple perspec-
tives of overall architecture, and on a horizontal axis,
a classification of the various artifacts of the architec-
ture (Zachman, 2008) (Lankhorst and et al., 2009a)
The purpose of this framework is to provide a ba-
sic structure which supports the organization, access,
integration, interpretation, development, management
and changing of a set of architectural representations
(artifacts) of the organization’s ISs.
As a contribution to this work, the Zachman
Framework can be quite useful as a tool for organiz-
ing and classifying relevant architectural artifacts that
will be developed during this investigation. The inter-
section between the last two rows of the matrix (De-
tailed Representations and Technology Model) and
the three first columns (Data, Function and Network)
can be assumed as a repository of representations
about a technical infrastructure that can serve as a
baseline for the construction of an ISA.
3.1.2 TOGAF
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF),
a framework developed and maintained by The Open
Group Architecture Forum and its members, is a
global standard for assisting in the acceptance, pro-
duction, use and maintenance of architectures based
on a iterative process (Josey, 2009) (The Open Group,
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
TOGAF covers the development of four related
types of architecture, subsets of a global EA: Busi-
ness Architecture, Data Architecture, Application Ar-
chitecture and TA.
There are two important components of TOGAF
according to the scope of this project (The Open
Group, 2009):
The Architecture Development Method (ADM)
plays a central role in TOGAF and describes
cyclically how to develop a complete enterprise
architecture, providing guidance on a number of
levels (Lankhorst and et al., 2009b):
The Enterprise Continuum comprises a num-
ber of reference models and methods, such as the
Technical Reference Model, The Open Group’s
Standards Information Base and the Building
Blocks Information Base, for classifying archi-
tecture and solution artifacts, showing how they
evolve and correlate to each other.
The Technical Reference Model (TRM), which
provides a model and taxonomy of generic platform
services, can be used in this work to structure a co-
herent description of the components that are part of
the TA of an IS.
3.1.3 Framework CEO 2007
Proposed by Vasconcelos in (Vasconcelos, 2007) this
framework features a taxonomy of concepts used to
define a ISA (architectural primitives).
The meta-model of CEO 2007 is organized in the
following architectures: Business Architecture, Orga-
nizational Architecture and Information Systems Ar-
This framework will serve as the conceptual basis
for the description of TAs and ISAs during this work,
because it was developed in the context of the group
, as this work is.
3.2 Application Discovery and
Dependency Mapping
Application discovery is the process of automatically
analyzing artifacts of a software application. De-
pendency Mapping creates visibility between appli-
cations and infrastructure dependencies.
The use (and possible extension) of software tools
that implement these features could be a major value-
adding element in the pursuit of the objectives of this
investigation. Leveraging the power of automation,
Center for Organizational Design and Engineering -
automated application discovery and subsequent de-
pendency mapping, can capture, connect and unveil
intricate relationships including the way in which ap-
plications behave and relate to the TA on which they
Automated application discovery normally lever-
ages an effective non-agent-based discovery method
- passive discovery - to automatically discover the
structural and behavioral aspects of applications. Pas-
sive discovery operates by watching the network traf-
fic, examining all the applications as they execute, and
then identifying relationships based on real business
usage. Passive discovery also means that the manage-
ment burden of maintaining software agents is null.
Passive discovery is just a part of the equation re-
garding these systems. Some products often use a hy-
brid approach, where active discovery is also used to
enable the collection of deep and fundamental data
about configuration details.
3.3 A Dynamic Update Process
The present section is about describing a process
to continuously update an enterprise model (Castela
et al., 2010). In the process explained in this sec-
tion, organizational actors act as active updaters of
the AS-IS model, through the comparison between
the modeled activities and the ongoing real executed
activities, becoming key agents in reducing the gap
between the organization and its representation.. The
following text expresses the essence of PROASIS
(business process model dynamic updating process):
“The “client” of PROASIS (corresponding role of the
operational model that detects misalignment between
the model and “reality”) wants to update the model, so
it makes an annotation (update request). This update
request is received by the modeler (which is who ac-
tually update the model if the annotation is approved)
and by the reviewers. When reviewers receive the an-
notation, they can begin the revision of the annota-
tion (which is optional). The approval of the anno-
tation is made based on the analysis of the annota-
tion (update request) and reviews. If the annotation
(request update) is approved, the model will be up-
dated and delivered to the “client””. Besides the fact
that PROASIS is suited to business processes, it can
be adapted in this work in order to map architectural
evidences into updated, trustworthy and reliable TA
models. The idea of using an extended version of
PROASIS in this work enables a collaborative main-
tenance of the TA models originally incipiently build
using mechanisms of autodiscovery. On the other
hand, PROASIS and the annotation mechanism could
be used in an earlier stage: to ”decide” within an or-
ganization, what would be the most commonly ac-
cepted language to represent TAs.
This section is about describing the steps that the so-
lution’s architecture will follow.
According to the questions that constitute the
problem that drive this investigation, as well as all
the related work described earlier, following, there is
a description of each stage/landmark of the proposed
solution facing the initial motivation to this problem:
Contexts. It is the phase where different relevant
contexts (entities that manage IT assets) are ana-
lyzed in order to propose a structure of concepts
to describe the manifestations of IS and its TA ex-
hibited through architectural evidences, consider-
ing terms introduced by TRM and CEO 2007.
Analysis & Evaluation. In this stage, two activi-
ties take part:
Analysis of CEO 2007 regarding it’s capability
of expressing detailed TA aspects (e.g, regard-
ing network connections, firewalls, etc.).
Analysis of Application Discovery tools regard-
ing it’s extensibility potential.
“Products”. This is the phase where “visible
work” is done regarding tree facets:
CEO 2007: TA extensions; Mapping between
the structure of concepts; Adaptation of the
continuous cycle of monitoring and verifica-
tion of the IS and verification of it’s TA real-
ity to the reality of automatic discover of archi-
tectural evidences and continuous collaborative
Application discovery tools: Necessary exten-
PROASIS: Adaptation to TA representation and
The architecture of the desired bottom up ap-
proach can then be described briefly in tree steps:
1. Use PROASIS prior to any representation, to
agree, inside an organization, on the notation to
represent the TA.
2. Perform Autodiscovery.
3. Use PROASIS as repository to the early represen-
tations and tool to support collaborative update.
EA (ISAs and TAs in particular) are regularly rele-
gated to a secondary role in the context of organiza-
tions, due to factors such as counterculture; it is not
considered as an essential piece regarding the organi-
zation’s survival; it is a job that consumes a certain
amount of time and requires considerable effort, and
the companies, eager to get quick results, tend to see
architecture as an effort too high with too many actors
involved within the organization.
This last reason has particular relevance in the
context of PA due to funding reasons: money from fi-
nancing is much more easily allocated in areas/project
that have the potential to produce “visible” impact.
This work began by the clarification of the prob-
lem together with the motivations towards the solu-
tion. Regarding the related work, several EA Meth-
ods and Frameworks were revisited according to the
potential to be used in this investigation as well as Ap-
plication Discovery tools (to quickly capture the in-
frastructural reality of an organization) and a process
to enable collaborative update of TA models.
The course of this investigation will follow the
steps described in ´the previous section to achieve a
bottom up approach.
Boar, B. (1999). Constructing Blueprints for Enterprise IT
Architecture. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Castela, N., Zacarias, M., and Tribolet, J. (2010). Business
Process Model Dynamic Updating. CENTERIS 2010.
Josey, A. (2009). TOGAF
Version 9 Enterprise Edition.
White Papper, The Open Group.
Land, Martin Op ’t, et al (2008). Enterprise Architecture
(The Enterprise Engineering Series): Creating Value
by Informed Governance, page 5. Springer.
Lankhorst, M. and et al. (2009a). Enterprise Architecture
at Work, pages 25–26. Springer, Heidelberg, second
Lankhorst, M. and et al. (2009b). Enterprise Architecture
at Work, pages 26 – 29. Springer, Heidelberg, second
The Open Group (2009). TOGAF
Version 9. Van Haren
Vasconcelos, A. (2007). Arquitecturas dos Sistemas de
Informac¸˜ao: Representac¸ ˜ao e Avaliac¸˜ao. PhD thesis,
Instituto Superior T´ecnico.
Zachman, J. (2008). John Zachman’s Concise Definition of
the Zachman Framework. Zachman International.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems