A Complementary Multi-method Approach
Andreas Auinger, Dietmar Nedbal, Alexander Hochmeier
Research Unit Digital Economy, Department for Marketing and Electronic Business
Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Steyr, Austria
Andreas Holzinger
Research Unit Human–Computer Interaction, Institute for Medical Informatics, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
Keywords: Enterprise 2.0, Eye Tracking, Usability Evaluation, Heuristic Evaluation.
Abstract: Enterprise 2.0 projects offer a great potential for enabling the effective identification, generation and
utilization of information and knowledge within complex organizational processes; and have a deep impact
on organizational changes. This paper focuses on a usability methodology, whereby the critical success
factors include (i) efficient organization, (ii) guided by organizational needs, (iii) dealing with
organizational complexity, and (iv) providing end user requirements. We present a complementary multi-
method approach of user-centric usability evaluation methods including eye tracking, heuristic evaluation
and a feedback blog. This evaluation approach in combination with continuous user training allows
comprehensive enhancement of ability and motivation of the users, which leads to excellent project
Enterprise 2.0 (McAfee, 2006), the use of interactive
and collaborative Web 2.0 concepts and
technologies within and between enterprises, offers
great potential for flexible, loosely-coupled
integration and ad-hoc information exchange. This
requires organizations to move away from their
traditional concepts of competition towards a
networked, service-oriented economic thinking and
the dissolution of hierarchical structures in favour of
decentralized, networked forms of organization. But
Enterprise 2.0 projects are different from common
IT projects by their nature (Chui et al., 2009; Koch
and Richter, 2009). They always have a deep impact
on organizational and cultural changes by enabling
employees to pro-actively enlarge their own role,
mandatorily need a critical mass of user involvement
(Chui et al., 2009), have to face the fact of missing
best practices and reputation, confront the users with
unused ways of working with IT systems (e.g. the
use of tagging, the syntax of enterprise wikis, etc.)
and are not yet an established part of a company’s
state-of-the-art IT portfolio. In addition, the value of
an Enterprise 2.0 platform for organizations and
their employees is – in contrast to e.g. an ERP
system - still neither clear nor proven, however,
seems to address an increase of the enterprises’
productivity by enabling the users to do their job
more effective and efficient through better
availability of resources including organizational
knowledge (Koch and Richter, 2009).
If Enterprise 2.0 projects are carried out without
considering the aspects mentioned above, they often
fail because of e.g. long lasting implementation
processes without delivering results accepted by the
users or additional projects of higher priority using
resources necessary for the Enterprise 2.0 projects.
Consequently, to increase the success of Enterprise
2.0 projects, the whole project’s phases and tasks
must be organization-driven to consider the
increasing complexity of organizations. The critical
success factors identified range from (i) technical
barriers as in usability issues that lead to the denial
of the new system (Venkatesh, 2000), (ii)
Auinger A., Nedbal D., Hochmeier A. and Holzinger A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003521501190124
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 119-124
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
managerial barriers, as in a lack of commitment
from the executives, mis-alignment of project goals
and enterprise goals, insufficient resources, time or
money resulting from concurrent projects, or the fact
of volatility in customer requirements (Mohan et al.,
2008; Franken et al., 2009; Sirkin et al., 2005), to
(iii) cultural barriers, such as the “Not Invented
Here” syndrome, the fear of the unknown, or apathy
(Chesbrough, 2006).
In respect of the complex variety of these
success factors, the main focus of this paper is to
address the mentioned technical barriers, especially
in the means of usability issues. The objective of this
paper is to present a complementary multi-method
approach of usability evaluation methods using eye
tracking, heuristic evaluation and a feedback blog,
and its contribution to the successful implementation
of Enterprise 2.0 platforms. Consequently, the
authors show the use of these methods, and how
they complete each other in order to deliver practical
insights into employee-driven usability issues. The
remaining of the paper is arranged as follows: In
section 2 the projects’ implementation methodology
is explained. Section 3 provides insight into the
usability testing methodology and presents key
results of the usability evaluation. Section 4
discusses the contribution of the multi-method
approach and section 5 closes with findings,
limitations and possible future research.
In the course of the 3-year R&D project „SCIM 2.0
(funded under the program “COIN – Cooperation &
Innovation“, a joint initiative by the Austrian
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and
Technology and the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Economy, Family and Youth) the authors have
created a participative, evolutionary design (Koch
and Richter, 2009) for the implementation of
Enterprise 2.0 projects and practically evaluated it in
two separate projects within Austrian mid-sized
companies. The overall methodology included the
phases: (i) Assessment (“Whether to start the
Enterprise 2.0 project”), (ii) Analysis (“What are the
requirements”), (iii) Design (“How can the
requirements be realized”), (iv) Realization (“Do the
implementation and roll it out”), and (v) Operation
(“Support and evaluate the productive information
system”). Within these for IT projects common and
well-established phases, the authors used specific
methods to explicitly address the success factors of
Enterprise 2.0 projects and the corresponding change
management issues.
The implementation of the Enterprise 2.0
platform was done with Microsoft Sharepoint 2010
in an evolutionary manner – within Web 2.0 projects
usually referenced as perpetual beta (Koch and
Haarland, 2004). Perpetual beta is a rapid and agile
software develop method which recommends to roll
out the software (in our case the Enterprise 2.0
platform) in a “beta release” stadium and to train and
involve the end users in a very early phase.
Feedback from the users is collected by using a
feedback blog and conducting usability tests
including eye tracking analysis and heuristic
evaluation. This multi-method approach provides
multi-dimensional evaluation insights, which are
discussed in the next two sections.
This section highlights the methods and tools used to
improve the usability of the Enterprise 2.0 platform.
This includes the use of (i) a feedback blog, (ii) eye
tracking, and (iii) heuristic evaluation. The usability
methods (see e.g. Holzinger, 2005) were applied
during the beta phase of the project which included
about 50 selected beta users of departments the tools
were targeted at.
3.1 Feedback Blog
A feedback blog went online parallel to the first user
training for the first prototype, and was used during
the rest of the implementation phase. In this period
of time (about 5 months), 53 blog posts and 64
comments in total were submitted. The blog posts
were categorized and clustered into general usability
and functional suggestions, nice-to-have
improvements, and implementation bugs. Examples
of important usability issues and missing features
that were identified by the users are: (i) As most user
generated content will be provided in blogs and
wikis, the users suggested adjusting the placement of
the edit button in the Enterprise wiki layout, to meet
the users’ expectations. (ii) The functionality for
comments and notes within wiki pages: Microsoft
Sharepoint provides this functionality within all
pages, but it is hidden in a tab within “Tags &
Notes“, and therefore not usable for most users. The
solution was to embed this function directly on the
wiki page. (iii) To make contents of blogs, wikis and
lists available offline as a nice to have-feature.
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
3.2 Eye Tracking
The eye tracking analysis (cf. Auinger et al., 2011)
was conducted with 12 test subjects using the first
closed beta version of the prototype. The probands
were divided into two research groups of 6 subjects
each. All probands were given a two-hour training
on the prototype, with one group being tested before
the training and the other group after the training.
The goal of the test was to complete tasks by
locating pre-defined design elements or hyperlinks
positioned somewhere on the web site and to
confirm it by fixing the element with their eyes. For
each of the 16 tasks they had up to 5 seconds time to
complete the task.
The eye tracking data was recorded by a 120Hz
eyegaze eye tracking system from the vendor
Interactive Minds. It enabled us to elate the
intuitiveness of the system for inexperienced users,
and to demonstrate how the training affects the use
of the system. As a side effect, it was intended to
raise awareness by involving the users more deeply
into the implementation process by tailoring a
system that fits their needs.
Figure 1: Time to first fixation before and after training.
In order to be able to calculate the relevant
indicators, areas of interest were defined with the
eye tracking analysis software Nyan 2.3.5 for each
task. Additionally, it was possible to calculate the
average time to finish each task. Based on the results
it can be stated that the training had a positive
impact on the handling of the system. As expected,
the results of the analysis after training were
significantly better than those carried out before the
training. The average time to first fixation, i.e. the
time required to find the desired element or
hyperlink on the web site, was in 14 of the 16 tasks
lower than before (cf. Figure 1). The highest
difference in time to first fixation was observed in
the task to find the “I Like It” tag. Probands needed
on average 3.82 seconds before and 0.525 seconds
after the training. Before the training, the search was
an unstructured hit or miss trial to find the element.
After the training, the first view went in most cases
straight to the “I Like It” tag and stayed there.
3.3 Heuristic Evaluation
Supplemental to eye tracking and the feedback blog
the Enterprise 2.0 platform was evaluated using an
adapted form of heuristic evaluation method with 6
probands. The method was deployed right after a
two hours training session for the Enterprise 2.0
platform prototype. So, the users could give
immediate feedback of what they had just
experienced during the training. The probands were
interviewed by an experienced usability expert,
using a basic heuristic evaluation questionnaire as
described in the following. To handle possibly bias,
the evaluation was carried out individually in a
separate room and the answers were made
anonymous. The probands were chosen by their
experience and knowledge concerning user
interfaces and web applications. The questionnaire
was based on (Petrie and Buykx, 2010). Probands
were asked to rate the overall satisfaction and their
impression of the usability of each functionality on
level of top menus with a five-point Likert-type
scale. With an average of 2.38 (cf. Figure 2) the
overall usability was rated between “good” and
Figure 2: Heuristic evaluation of usability.
Additionally, the probands were asked for the exact
reason for usability problems, in line with the
following criteria, based on the dialog principles of
the ISO 9241-110 (ISO, 2006) standard (the
“heuristics”, cf. Table 1). Each criterion was rated
on a 5-point Likert-type scale for heuristic
evaluation (Petrie and Buykx, 2010). Whereas the
overall satisfaction and usability was rated as “good
on the average, the deeper look revealed some more
severe usability issues. Table 1 contains a summary
of the critical and catastrophic usability problems
identified grouped by the heuristic the problem
mainly addresses. The table shows that primarily the
heuristic “self descriptiveness and findability” was
concerned. In terms of Enterprise 2.0 tools the main
identified areas with usability issues were blogging
(6 issues), personal profile & social networking (i.e.
Sharepoint’s My Site, 4 issues), tagging (3 issues),
and wikis (2 issues).
Table 1: Critical (Rating = 3) and catastrophic (Rating = 4)
usability problems identified by the heuristic evaluation.
ISO 9241-110: Dialog principle /
Short description of the problem
ISO: Self descriptiveness and findability
Where and how can I add a colleague to “My Team”
within the My Site?
The link back to the homepage (from the My Site) is
not present/findable
The link to the edit page of a blog is hard to find 4
It is not clear how to find certain ideas in the IdeaBoard
when the entries increase
The tag cloud is hard to find 4
How can I find new blogs (e.g. knowledge blogs) 3
The term “Manage posts” is not self descriptive 3
It is unclear how I can tag external sources and make
tags “private”
ISO: Suitability for the task and functionality
It is unclear how the structure of a wiki is generated 3
The IdeaBoard surely gets a mess if no clear guidelines
are applied
ISO: Controllability and completeness of functionality
The My Site is rather complex, therefore it should be
“clearer” and with less functionality
ISO: Consistency & conformity with user expectations
The edit functions of the blog are missing 3
ISO: Understandability & suitability for learning
For what can I use tagging in the context of my work? 4
A user documentation (wiki) should be made available
for all users
The My Site is hard to understand because of the
complex functionality
As usability is multifaceted it must be assessed by
using a variety of different measures (Agarwal and
Venkatesh, 2002). The mix of the three usability
methods described in the previous section provides
insights that would not have been possible with only
one source of data (Cyr et al., 2009) and therefore
increases the overall usability of the system.
Especially involvement of the users including the
possibility to articulate, publish and rate continuous
feedback is a key factor for successful Enterprise 2.0
projects because it addresses the reputation, fosters
participation and reflects the intrinsic motivation of
the users (Chui et al., 2009). Factors which are most
often ignored are control (internal and external self-
efficacy and facilitating conditions), intrinsic
motivation, and emotion (also conceptualized as
computer anxiety) (Venkatesh, 2000). Indeed the
motivation of employees is the most crucial success
factor in any enterprise and must be considered of
top importance (Holzinger, 2011). Actually, ability
and motivation are the two top factors for
performance (Lawler, 2003).
It is known that blog-based knowledge
management solutions can contribute to solve the
problem of knowledge sharing and knowledge
creation in organizations where the emphasis is both
on push and pull style in knowledge capturing (Li,
2007). In a previous study it could be shown that
blogs can be used to increase learning performance
(Holzinger et al., 2009). In the described case the
blog used as feedback channel proved very useful as
not only that issues that occurred during usage of the
system could be directly reported but also the
practice of blogging was trained. It could be proven
that users that were posting in the feedback blog
were subsequently also intensively utilizing the
various blogs to inform on new issues and comment
on other’s posts. Even sceptical users, identified by
the stakeholder analysis during the analysis phase,
behaved that way. Thus, the feedback blog helped to
reduce barriers against the new system, motivated
the users to participate on the new system and
positively influenced the overall acceptance of the
Eye tracking has been chosen as additional
method for evaluation in this multi-method approach
because it is a reliable method in many studies
(Duchowski, 2007). Eye tracking has also been
approved as an appropriate methodology for
usability studies (Nielsen and Pernice, 2010),
especially in Enterprise 2.0 environments in order to
test user experience (Djamasbi et al., 2010; Herendy,
2009; Jacob and Karn, 2003). User experience
encompasses emotion, which is an important mental
and physiological state, influencing the cognition,
perception and communication of the users and can
be measured by application of the valence arousal
space for emotion modelling, e.g. to test the
correlation between performance and emotional
states (Stickel et al., 2009). The essence is to avoid
negative emotional influences within the application.
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
The eye tracking result in the first impression was
what was to be expected, as training definitely
improves response time to obtain an eye fix. But the
eye tracking method was intended to provide more
insight than just measuring the effectiveness of
training. By comparing the before and after results
the study the need for training and familiarization of
the prototype to avoid negative emotional influences
could be demonstrated. Especially users that are not
familiar with the concepts of Enterprise 2.0 (like
blogs, wikis, tagging, and rating) and their
implementation within Microsoft Sharepoint 2010
are more likely to get frustrated. The scan paths and
heat maps revealed that the probands sometimes had
problems to find the desired functionality leading to
frustration and denial of the new system.
Furthermore, during the beta test, additional
usability flaws were discovered by eye tracking. For
example, the “My Site – Home” task proved that it is
hard to find the way back to the home page from the
My Site even after a training due to inconsistencies
in navigation in Microsoft Sharepoint 2010. To
summarize the outcome of the eye tracking
evaluation it can be stated that it improved the
motivation of the users to participate as they are
more involved. It also showed the need for
continuous improvement of the platform in rather
short cycles via perpetual beta.
Heuristic evaluation is a systematic usability
inspection method for evaluation of a user interface
design (Nielsen and Molich, 1990) that still appears
to be one of the most actively used method
(Hollingsed and Novick, 2007). The goal of this
informal method is to find usability problems in the
user interface in an early phase and address them as
part of an iterative process. These characteristics
made the heuristic evaluation the ideal supplemental
method for receiving user feedback from the
experienced beta users. In addition it served as kind
of a fallback to the feedback blog, if the blog would
not have been accepted as feedback channel by the
users. Nielsen and Molich recommended using three
to five probands for heuristic evaluation, as five
probands detect between 55% and 90% of usability
problems. Adding more probands will not
significantly increase the detection rate (Nielsen and
Molich, 1990). We used six evaluations because our
probands were no usability experts, but were
identified as the most advanced system users. To
compensate the lack of usability know-how, the
evaluation was conducted in an interview setting by
an usability expert. The heuristic evaluation served
well as quick and easy evaluation method to get
immediate feedback from the users after the training.
The main outcome was that several urging usability
problems could be identified and consequently be
addressed during the perpetual beta implementation.
The heuristic evaluation also was a motivating factor
for the users, when they saw that their individual
recommendations became part of the system during
the perpetual beta.
Enterprise 2.0 offers the great potential for enabling
the effective identification, generation and
utilization of information and knowledge within
complex organizational processes. Hence, Enterprise
2.0 projects always have a deep impact on
organizational and cultural changes and
consequently to the individual users. To increase the
success of such projects, the critical success factors
of Enterprise 2.0 projects have to be considered in
the single project phases and tasks, which requires to
be (i) well and tight organized, outlined by the
organizational experiences and parameters, (ii)
driven by organizational needs, (iii) consider the
organizational complexity, and (iv) care for the user-
individual functional and usability requirements.
This paper focused on the demonstrated usability
methodology in order to address the critical success
factor “technical barriers”. The main objective was
to present a complementary multi-method approach
of a user-centric usability evaluation using eye
tracking, heuristic evaluation and a feedback blog,
and its contribution to the successful implementation
of Enterprise 2.0 in companies. Hence, the main
findings of the paper are: (i) The strength of
Enterprise 2.0 lies in the possibility of linking well-
defined processes and standardized information
flows with unstructured communication and
collaboration processes that have high priority but
are insufficiently supported by existing enterprise
solutions. (ii) The social dimension in general is one
of the biggest challenges within an Enterprise 2.0
project and needs to be addressed from the
beginning of the project. This starts with the
identification and motivation of key users and
promoters that support and push the project is
crucial. (iii) The conducted user-centric multi-
method usability evaluation approach in
combination with continuous user training allows
comprehensive enhancement of ability and
motivation of the users, which leads to excellent
project performance.
As the current research is limited to pilot project
implementations, future research is needed to
consolidate the user-centric multi-method usability
evaluation methodology and, to embed it into an
overall Enterprise 2.0 project framework.
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business