Antonio Coronato
and Alessandro Testa
Institute of High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR), Via P. Castellino 111, 80125, Napoli, Italy
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universitá di Napoli Federico II, Via Claudio 21, 80125, Napoli, Italy
Keywords: Vital Signs Monitoring, Mobile Computing, Pervasive Healthcare, Ambient Intelligence, Reliable
Abstract: Hospitalization is a very expensive and resource consuming alternative for those patients that have to be
continuously monitored. The design and realization of health monitoring applications has attracted the
interest of large communities both from industry and academia. Currently many cardiac diseases are
unpredictable; remote and continuous monitoring for reliable detection of these problems becomes
essentially useful especially for elderly patients.
In the paper it is described a novel long-term wearable vital signs monitoring system which can real-time
measure physiological signs such as ecg and spo2 (saturation of arterial oxygen) equipped with bluetooth
connection. We propose a system architecture for pervasive healthcare that will open up new opportunities
for continuous and reliable monitoring of assisted and independent-living residents by means of a set of
services already included in Uranus (a service oriented middleware architecture for smart environments
which provides basic functions for the rapid and easy integration of different kinds of biomedical sensors)
and new added services to achieve a higher dependability level. A final analysis is shown to comprise the
advantages of this monitoring system.
The medical field is one of the areas, where
pervasive healthcare computing appears as a tool of
growing importance and the commercial
applications developed for medical and healthcare
systems are rising both in number and in users
(Sarashon-Kahn, 2010). Although a rising elderly
population worldwide has led to the establishment of
an increasing number of long-term care institutions,
the rate of healthcare nursing personnel is growing
far slower than that of growth in the elderly
Wearable sensor technologies have made many
improvements during the last decade and have
attracted the interest of stakeholders from different
domains like, as an example, healthcare.
A new concept in healthcare, aimed to providing
continuous remote monitoring of user vital signs, is
emerging. Currently many cardiac diseases are
unpredictable; thus, remote and continuous monitor-
ing for reliable detection of these problems, such as
ventricular arrhythmia, becomes essentially useful
especially for elderly patients with end-stage heart
disease. The advances in sensor technology, as well
as in communication technology and treatment of
data, are the basis on which the new healthcare
systems can be realized. Also, systems that are
designed to be minimally invasive for health
monitoring and are based on smart technologies
conformable to the human body will help to improve
considerably the autonomy and the quality of life of
In-home and nursing-home pervasive networks
mayassist residents and their caregivers by providing
continuous medical monitoring, memory
enhancement,control of home appliances, medical
data access, and emergency communication.
Such kinds of environment are very critical
forhuman safety and so the related applications must
beconsidered safety critical and such a criticality
shouldbe analyzed during the design phase. Some
criticalityfor a long-term monitoring system of vital
signs isthe battery low power, the WiFi
disconnection, the sensed data not delivered, the
sensed data corrupted, etc.
This paper presents a system design oriented
Coronato A. and Testa A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003812500150020
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 15-20
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
around remote, continuous medical monitoring using
medical devices. Its advantages for indoor and
outdoor monitoring are described in the next
sections. The proposed system allows health
personnel to monitor patient’s vital signs from a
remote location without requiring the physician to be
physically present to take the measurements.
Moreover, we concern on dependability
(Avizienis et al., 2004) as the ability to avoid service
failures that are more frequent and severe than
acceptable. In pervasive computing, fault tolerance
techniques help us to enhance dependability and
some recent projects have employed related
techniques, as described in (Chetan et al., 2005).
Faults in a system are unavoidable and so the
systems are never totally reliable, safe, available or
secure (Avizienis et al., 2004). Pervasive healthcare
systems need to take into account how to recover
from such faults.
So, it is described a novel long-term wearable
vital signs monitoring system which can real-time
measure physiological signs such as ECG, SpO2
(saturation of arterial oxygen) and is fault tolerant.
The system presented uses an underlying
middleware infrastructure, namely Uranus, which
provides a set of basic services for the development
of vital signs monitoring applications and also uses
new services and facilities to make the system more
The rest of the paper is structured in the
following paragraphs. The related work is presented
in Section 2; Section 3 presents Uranus, which is a
middleware infrastructure that we have specifically
developed for dependable pervasive healthcare
Section 4 describes the architecture of the long-
term vital signs monitoring system. In Section 5 we
discuss about the results on the dependability of the
proposed system. Finally, Section 6 reports our
concluding remarks.
Monitoring of physiological signals is not a new
domain for research. A large number of monitoring
systems, whose effectiveness and convenient
economic impact have been widely demonstrated
(e.g. (Darkins et al., 2008)), have been realized for
many diseases. Concerning, for example,
cardiovascular diseases, which represent the leading
cause of death worldwide, many wearable and
portable eHealth systems have been developed (e.g.
(Cleland et al., 2005) (Lee et al., 2007)) (Mortara et
al., 2009). The non-invasive monitoring capability of
these systems concerns not only the prevention of
cardiovascular diseases (e.g. myocardial infarction
and stroke), but also their management, as in the
case of chronically ill patients.
The number of recent research projects and
commercially available systems proves the great
useful of biomedical devices in the pervasive
healthcare field. In the research presented in
(Rodriguez et al., 2005), there are two main
architectures for ambulatory vital signs monitoring
systems, which use the mobile device with a direct
link (wireless, usually Bluetooth) to the wearable
In (Khanja and Wattanasirichaigoo, 2007) a
ZigBee sensor data collection network is the basis of
the acquiring system, being responsible for routing
all data to a server. The received data are then
available to be visualized either through a web
browser or through a PDA based application. Chen
et al. (Chen et al., 2005) described monitoring of a
set of vital signs based on mobile telephony and
Although there are many papers that have
proposed systems for monitoring vital signs,
currently there is still no system to ensure reliable
and continuous monitoring even when a patient is in
motion (inside and outside the home). Also, our goal
is to combine wireless communication, PDA phones
and the new advances in sensor technology to enable
the elderly to have their vital signs long-term
monitored and recorded anywhere and at any time.
This section provides a description of both the
architectural model of Uranus (Coronato and De
Pietro, 2011) and its main services, which are
depicted in figure 1.
We briefly describe the Uranus’ components that
are important for proposed system architecture of
long-term monitoring.
Human Computer Interaction section includes
mechanisms for the handling of natural and
advanced interactions in a smart environment.
Currently, it provides services like TextToSpeech
Service to synthesize vocal messages,
SpeechRecognition Service to recognize vocal
commands and Messaging Service to send textual
messages to the user’s mobile device. This section is
structured in different layers. The lowest layer
integrates hardware devices; the heterogeneity of the
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 1: The underlying middleware architecture.
components at this layer is handled by means of
software elements called facilities, which hide
hardware devices to upper layers.
Upon this layer, a Facility Service provides the
set of homogeneous facilities that stand below. As
an example, for the case of RFID sensors (not shown
in the figure), RFID Facilities handle all the RFID
antennas deployed in the environment; thus, each
RFID antenna has its own facility that will manage
interactions between the hardware component and
the rest of the software system. Upon this layer,
information coming from all RFID Facilities (even
for different kind of antennas) are collected by the
RFID Facility Service which provides it to the rest
of the services after a preliminary elaboration.
Hardware sensors and actuator are included in
the Sensing and Controlling section (bottom-right
side). Also, it is present a Communication section
that offers communication functionalities. The Event
Service exposes an asynchronous communication
mechanism. This service supports the publish-
subscribe mechanism (Felber et al., 2003) and is in
charge of dispatching events between software
There are other services to provide the network
connections (Connection Service) and to handle the
data streams (Stream Service). The context is
provided by the services that are in the top-left
section of the middleware. The Topology Service is
useful to represent the topology of the environment
in a unique and uniform manner. In particular,
locations are classified as semantic locations
(buildings, floors, rooms, specific pieces of a room)
and physical locations (the area sensed by an RFID
antenna, the area covered by a WiFi access point,
etc.) (Coronato et al., 2009). All movements of a
mobile resource or user among the locations are
tracked by means of a mechanism offered by the
Tracking Service. The Location Service provides
physical location information for mobile resources
and users: it locates mobile users and resources that
are tagged with RFID tags or WiFi enabled
(Coronato et al., 2009). The User Service provides
basic authentication mechanisms for users and by
means of a list it controls the people that are active
in an environment. Finally, the Resource Service
extends standard mechanisms for registering and
monitoring resources, like laptops, PDAs and
Last section is related to the correctness. We just
report the services that compose it: the
RunTimeStateHolder Service (this service holds and
exposes the state of an ambient as intended in
Ambient Calculus (Cardelli and Gordon, 2000)); the
RunTimeChecker Service (this service checks, on
behalf of an ambient, the correctness properties); the
Timer Service (this service holds and verifies
temporal constraints), and the Monitoring Service
(this service monitors the entire system).
One of the key points of Uranus is the possibility
of conferring stringent dependability requirements,
which is an emerging issue in eHealth monitoring
applications (Bohn et al., 2003).
This section presents the system architecture (see
figure 2) developed on top of Uranus which
performs a long-term monitoring of vital signs.
This system has been realized to monitor long-
term (e.g. for 48 hours) the value of the oxygen in
the blood of a chronically ill patient. A residential
gateway is deployed at the home of the patient,
although the monitoring must continue even when
the patient is at work or elsewhere outside the home.
This rises the need of handling implicit requirements
like the power consumption of battery driven
devices, network switching, and reliability
The system includes an oximeter, equipped with
Bluetooth connection, permanently attached to the
patient, which senses the value of the oxygen and
transmits it to a PDA. The PDA, in turn, forwards
data to the residential gateway. Data are transmitted
either over the WiFi domestic network while the
patient is at home, or over the GPRS network
otherwise. The system must be able to detect
connection failures when the patient leaves the
house; i.e. it must switch from the WiFi connection
to the GPRS connection. On the contrary, when the
patient comes back home, the system must reuse the
WiFi domestic connection. Current implementation
integrates the resources described in table 1. Another
important issue concerns the power consumption of
battery driven devices, which is a limiting factor for
long-term monitoring. Although the emerging of
new technologies (Kansal et al., 2007) and new
standards like the bluetooth low energy profile, this
issue can not be considered definitively solved
(Zhang and Xiao, 2009). For this reason, the system
must be able to detect low battery levels and to
migrate onto spare devices.
To realize this system we have implemented new
services and facilities in addition to those offered by
Uranus; they are useful to add new functionalities:
the management of the different kinds of
communication (Bluetooth, WiFi and GPRS), the
inquiry (by means of the Bluetooth communication)
of medical devices to use for the monitoring, the
level of the PDA’s battery and finally the switch of
the connection type (WiFi -> GPRS and vice versa).
By means of these added modules, we are able to
tackle dependability issues for these systems.
The new Services and Facilities are:
BatteryMonitor (service) checks the level of the
battery of the PDA;
ConnectionMonitor (service) handles connection
handover and switches if necessary;
Discovery (service) provides the
BluetoothDiscovery (facility) looks for the devices
with Bluetooth enabled;
IPConnection (facility) to realize a communication
between the residential gateway and the PDA
through a WiFi or GPRS connection;
WiFiConnection (facility) to realize a WiFi
connection when patient is at home;
BluetoothConnection (facility) to realize a
communication between the PDA and the
medical device (ECG or SpO2) equipped with
Bluetooth connection;
GPRSConnection (facility) to realize a GPRS
connection when patient is not at home.
We can assume that the patient is equipped with one
(or even more) spare PDA. When the level of the
battery of the primary PDA reaches a certain
threshold, the Battery Monitor Service alerts the
Coordinating Midlet, which sends a message -
through the Messaging Service- requiring the
turning on of the spare PDA. Next, the two
coordinating midlets start a coordination protocol. In
particular, they discover each other by means of the
Discovery Service. Then, the primary PDA releases
its bluetooth and WiFi connections, while the spare
PDA starts to handle the data stream.
The PDA receives data -sensed by the
oximeterthrough a Bluetooth Connection facility.
Next, the PDA’s Stream Service transmits the data to
the Residential Gateway’s Stream Service either
through a WiFi Connection, while the patient is at
home, or a GPRS Connection if the patient is
elsewhere. Finally, the data stream is received and
analyzed by a Monitoring Application built on top of
the residential gateway. The Connection Monitor
surveys the availability of the domestic WiFi. In
particular, in the case of the patient leaving home,
the Connection Monitor detects the WiFi
disconnection fault and requires the Connection
Service to start a GPRS connection. In contrast,
when the patient comes back home, the Connection
Monitor reveals the availability of the domestic
network and imparts the Connection Service to
which from the GPRS Connection to a WiFi
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Table 1: HW resources.
Producer Model
PDA Nokia N8
ECG Sensor Alive Tech. Pty. Alive ECG
Oximeter Alive Tech. Pty. Alive Pulse Oxim.
Figure 2: System architecture.
This section presents some considerations
concerning the usefulness and effectiveness of
Uranus. Some results on the dependability of the
presented system can be deduced. We focus on the
fault coverage.
We consider four types of faults:
Battery low power
WiFi disconnection
Sensed data not delivered (on the time)
Sensed data corrupted
Concerning the first two types of faults, the system,
being equipped with battery and connection
monitors along with additional logic for
coordinating the spare PDA, is able both to detect
and recover the fault. In addition, if the system is
equipped with a timer (also available in Uranus) for
monitoring the delay and jitter of transmitted data, it
will also be able to detect excessive delay in the
transmission of vital signs.
However, with the current architecture there is
no mechanism for recovering from this fault.
Finally, in the case of sensed data corrupted, the
system is not able to detect the fault and then
recover it.
In the table 2 we report the types of faults
considered; in particular we indicate the detected
faults and if there is a recovery procedure. For
example when a Battery low power fault occurs, by
means of BatteryMonitor Service, the system detects
it and activates a recovery procedure alerting the
patient to turn on another spare PDA.
Table 2: Example of fault coverage.
Detection Recovery
Battery low power
WiFi disconnection
Sensed data not delivered
Sensed data corrupted
Vital signs monitoring is a field of application that is
receiving great attention from several kinds of
stakeholder interested in the realization of systems
and applications which are effective, reliable,
economically convenient, and capable of improving
the quality of life for patients.
The proposed long-term vital signs monitoring
system can measure various physiological signs,
such as ECG, SpO2. The system allows health
personnel to monitor a patient from a remote
location without requiring the physician to be
physically present to take the measurements and also
is able to detect and recover some fault that may
occur such as battery low power, WiFi
disconnection, sensed data not delivered and sensed
data corrupted.
We believe this system design will greatly
enhance quality of life, health, and security for those
in assisted-living communities.
The current implementation, as discussed above,
is the first version of our system. Future
enhancements to the system include: i) a graphical
display of the incoming data; ii) an alarm generation
capability to alert the care provider of a reading
outside the given limits. This alert will be
automatically sent to a PDA or similar device; iii)
interfacing of additional medical instruments,
including a blood pressure; iv) the ability for the
care provider to view stored readings remotely from
a PDA or computer.
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PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems