Christoph G
oring, Bj
orn Fr
ohlich and Joachim Denzler
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Semantic Segmentation, GrabCut, Shape, Texture.
This work analyzes how to utilize the power of the popular
algorithm for the task of pixel-wise labeling
of images, which is also known as semantic segmentation and an important step for scene understanding in
various application domains. In contrast to the original
, the aim of the presented methods is to segment
objects in images in a completely automatic manner and label them as one of the previously learned object
categories. In this paper, we introduce and analyze two different approaches that extend GrabCut to make use
of training images.
generates multiple class-specific segmentations and classifies them by using
shape and color information.
uses as a first step an object localization algorithm, which returns a
classified bounding box as a hypothesis of an object in the image. Afterwards, this hypothesis is used as an
initialization for the GrabCut algorithm. In our experiments, we show that both methods lead to similar results
and demonstrate their benefits compared to semantic segmentation methods only based on local features.
Finding objects in images is a challenging task in com-
puter vision. A much more complex challenge is to lo-
cate objects in a pixel-wise manner without any human
interaction. Previous works usually use local features,
which are classified. The results are often smoothed
by utilizing an unsupervised segmentation method. A
huge problem of these methods is that they operate on
highly over-segmented images. Objects composed of
different parts (e.g. black and white spots of a cow) are
not seen as one object, but they are seen independently.
It is difficult to incorporate shape information in such
methods and they lead to slivered segments.
A famous approach for a globally optimized seg-
mentation is the GrabCut algorithm introduced in
(Rother et al., 2004). In their work, a human has to
place a rectangle around an object which is segmented
afterwards using an iterative algorithm. This semi-
automatic segmentation method can handle objects
which are composed of different homogeneous areas.
In the present paper, we propose two methods
which integrate this powerful segmentation technique
into a semantic segmentation framework. The first
method starts with learning models for each class from
a training set. We use these models as an initializa-
tion for the GrabCut framework, so that we have one
segmentation per class. The segmentation with the
Supported by the TMBWK ProExzellenz initiative.
minimum distance to the training data and the corre-
sponding class is the final result. Because different
segmentations computed by GrabCut are classified,
we call it Classification-GrabCut (
). In the
second approach an object localization algorithm de-
termines the object class and a bounding box which en-
closes the object. The GrabCut algorithm is initialized
with this bounding box to refine this rough segmenta-
tion. Because the object is localized before GrabCut is
applied, we call it Localized-GrabCut (
). A
flowchart of both approaches can be seen in Figure 1.
(Jahangiri and Heesch, 2009) present an unsu-
pervised GrabCut algorithm that is initialized with a
coarse segmentation obtained by active contours. How-
ever, they are only able to segment the foreground ob-
jects from a plain background and do not use any class
specific information. ClassCut (Alexe et al., 2010) op-
erates on a set of images which all contain a foreground
object of the same class. The goal is to simultaneously
segment this set of images and learn a class model. The
model and the segmentations are computed iteratively
until convergence. ClassCut bears some resemblance
which is introduced here. In contrast the
algorithm presented in this paper, ClassCut assumes
the object class is already known.
The outline of this paper is organized as follows.
First we introduce our two methods in Section 2. Our
experiments in Section 3 show that both methods lead
to comparable and satisfying results. A summary of
Göring C., Fröhlich B. and Denzler J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003829905970602
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 597-602
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)