Generation of the 3D Atlas for Drug Target Discovery
Byung-Cheol Kim
and Sunghoon Kim
Medicinal Bioconvergence Research Center, 8th floor, B-dong, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology, Iui-dong,
Yeongtong-gu, 443-270, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, San 56-1, Shillim-dong, Kwanak-gu, 151-742, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Scientific information visualization, Project management, Drug target discovery.
As the size of pharmacological research organizations is getting bigger, it is ever more critical to grasp the
entire R&D scene as a vivid image, because a lack of such an image makes it hard to understand a project as
a whole and thus to make high-level decisions. We provide one prototype of such a kind so that all the re-
searchers of a project can intuitively share the current situation, recognize the bottlenecks, and collaborate with
one another to resolve the problems. Our approach is to exploit the faculty of human vision, especially spatial
perception and memory, by defining the axes of information space to be commensurable and interpolatable,
making shapes of the process and data on those axes, and providing referential cues in the space.
Over the past decade, companies and laboratories in
the pharmaceutical industry are getting bigger ever
and the mission to identify and validate a new drug
target involves more complicated, different but corre-
lated processes and data. Although an overwhelming
number of data are gushing out from laboratories on
a daily basis, stakeholders can hardly get the integral
information to make high-level decisions like whether
to increase or reduce the budget, the next-step R&D
direction, even whether or not to kill the project, etc.
In other words, a lack of the entire image of the situ-
ation could impede, defer or dismantle a huge target
discovery project which has been funded hundreds of
millions of dollars.
Since a human can only deal with just a few
chunks of symbolic information at the same time due
to the limitation of human memory, the only way to
simultaneously deliver a number of data is to make
them as images which can be recognized at once.
The problem is that, in many cases, the informa-
tion of scientific projects is heterogeneous and even
non-geometric. Naive visualization of such informa-
tion often leads to just another heavy and hardly-
perceptible set of data elements. The data should be
well organized in a geometrically informative way to
exploit the faculty of human vision optimized for ge-
ometric shapes. Therefore, the crux of the problem
is how to define the information space in which the
processes and data are visualized so that they can be
seen as a kind of geometrically meaningful shapes.
We provide one prototype visualization frame-
work, a 3-dimensional atlas for the drug target dis-
covery, by establishing the criteria for defining such
axes of information space and referential cues.
Traditionally, biomolecular networks and interactions
have been visualized in two dimensions. Cytoscape
is a representative software to layout and query
biomolecular interaction networks extracted from
high-throughput expression data and other molecu-
lar states (Shannon et al., 2003). It is still popular
because of its ease of use to visualize a network of
many nodes and links. The Systems Biology Graphi-
cal Notation (SBGN) is a kind of 2-dimensional(2D)
circuit diagrams to represent networks of biochemical
interactions (Novre et al., 2009). The Biological Con-
nection Markup Language (BCML) is defined to de-
scribe biological pathways based on the SBGN (Bel-
trame et al., 2011). KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of
Genes and Genomes (,
is a well-known database including pathway data and
circuit-like diagrams. These approaches are very use-
ful to find out specific mechanisms and related data.
Kim B. and Kim S..
LANDSCAPING THE FRAMEWORK OF BIO RESEARCH PROJECT - Generation of the 3D Atlas for Drug Target Discovery.
DOI: 10.5220/0003873103560359
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2012), pages 356-359
ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: An example target inventory in a tabular form. There are too many data items to examine in order to comprehend
the status of the entire drug target inventory. In addition, the number of targets and their properties can rapidly grow even
to hundreds and thousands. (Quantification of non-digit information should be defined carefully in accordance with specific
categories of data).
No TargetID
Disease Mode of
Structure Assay Biomarker
Lead Clinical
Indication Action Availability Validation
1 AIMP2 NSCLC Yes(1.0) No(0) N/A 0.6 No(0) Yes(1.0)
2 CDH6 Renal Cancer Yes(1.0) 0.5 Yes(1.0) 0.1 0.9 0.5
3 AIMP3 Lymphoma 0.7 Yes(1.0) 0.3 No(0) 0.4 0.2
4 CD23 RA Yes(1.0) No(0) Yes(1.0) No(0) 0.1 No(0)
5 Gp96 Lupus Yes(1.0) No(0) 0.8 Yes(1.0) 0.9 Yes(1.0)
But they always provide all the detailed information
or the entire data at the same time, which cannot be
comprehended figuratively when the number of data
becomes bigger than even hundreds.
Thus, for the large number of data, systems have
been developed beyond 2D planar visualization to
fully exploit the 3-dimensional(3D) human percep-
tual system. Arena3D was suggested as layered vi-
sualization of biological networks in 3D (Pavlopou-
los et al., 2008). The layers make a group of nodes
distinctive to the other groups. FORG3D provides a
force-directed 3D graph editing capability for visual-
ization of genome scale data (Jussi Paananen, 2009).
Nodes and their links are automatically positioned by
simulating them as a force-directed mesh grid. Inter-
actorium(Skyrails) is a software platform to visualize
protein-protein interaction and to navigate the interac-
tion link in 3D (Widjaja et al., 2009). It is based on a
scriptable command system so that the user can pro-
gram his/her own menus and visualization methods.
Systems and methods above provide 3D visualization
frameworks but still draw all the raw data which can
be too big to take as informative images.
Out of nodes and links, there has been another ap-
proach to provide a kind of prospect on the informa-
tion as a terrain map or landscape. A gene expression
map for C. elegans was created by drawing it as ter-
rain in 2.5D (xy-plane and z-elevation) (Kim et al.,
2001). GeneTerrain is a kind of 2.5D terrain map
which focuses on visualizing the difference map of
expression data (You et al., 2008). Recently, Pfizer’s
research centre developed a drug target landscape, a
visualization system to convey the overall meaning
of an integrated set (Campbell et al., 2010). It pro-
duces a concept of zone in which the plotted data are
grouped geometrically and meaningfully. This kind
of approach can convert data into figuratively infor-
mative things. Thus we try to elaborate it further in
the next section by establishing some principles for
such visualization.
There are two kinds of consideration to visualize non-
geometric information. One is how to draw the infor-
mation and the other is how to watch it. More specifi-
cally on the former, it is about where to position each
data in space. That leads to the definition of the axes
of information space on which data are plotted to be
viewed with perceptual ease.
The axes of information space for perceptual visu-
alization should be
Commensurable. The data item visualized on the
same axis should be the same kind, conceptually at
least. For example, a mark pointing to an item on
the left side must be able to be said less or more ’...
in a certain quality than one on the right side. The
bounded length or elongation of plotted items can ex-
press the level, state, and/or quality of the axial infor-
mation. Then, this might help the user’s recognition
of the information as a single factor instead of a mere
collection of items.
Interpolatable. Each item on the commensurable
axis must be able to be tightly coupled with its neigh-
bours to the extent that any point between two items
can be meaningfully drawn by mixing the values of
the two. For instance, a point value between two given
point values, p
and p
, can be positioned with the
mixing parameter, t, as follows:
p(t) = (1 t)p
+t p
(0 t 1)
Consequently, the point, p(t), describes a line which
is a geometric object out of non-geometric data.
Therefore, the plotted data in the 2D or 3D in-
formation space based on such axes can be seen as a
shape, which is easy to remember and even get some
intuition about future R&D directions, because the
user can think of it not as a set of data but as a sort
of shape. For example, growing or shrinking of the
shape can convey the feeling of aliveness of a project.
Hence the user can consider how to rescue it by ob-
serving and analyzing the evolution of the shape. The
user can also see the evolving history by visualizing
Figure 1: An example 3D atlas for identification and validation of druggable targets on the three axes, i.e., targets, druggability,
and disease indication. Each data item is drawn as a cube which has non-geometric properties such as brightness, hue, and
transparency for the sort of targets, the kind of diseases, and the degree of progress, respectively.
the data over time.
The latter is about how to facilitate spatial percep-
tion. The essence of spatial perception comes from
movement, i.e., translation and rotation. One can feel
the position by translating and the orientation by ro-
tating. Perception of the position and orientation of
an object is generally relative to something else, more
formally, fiducial points or referential objects. Hence
navigating the information space without any refer-
ence would give the user a chance to fall into a pitfall
of lost-in-space. There can be two kinds of scheme to
provide spatial reference, intrinsic and extrinsic. The
intrinsic reference is a unique geometric and/or col-
ored parts of the entire shape. So the user can catch up
his or her relative position by remembering the (pat-
tern of) position of those unique parts. The extrinsic
reference is a kind of compass positioned in some cor-
ner of the space or the user’s screen. The user can in-
stantly recognize the current position and orientation
in the space. The former is good to apply when there
are few objects to inspect and they are simple enough
to embed additional unique shapes and/or colors. On
the other hand, the latter would be better if there are
too many objects to view in the space.
We have been developing a 3D atlas to visualize the
target inventory. For instance, a target inventory can
be described in a tabular form such as Table 1. The
number of targets listed up will be grow rapidly and
there can be more properties like in vivo efficacy of
lead, disease model, patent, and so on. All the items
in this tabular form, however, can hardly be retained
together in the human memory in an organized form.
Thus, in order to make them as images to be perceived
at a moment, we defined three axes of information
space, targets (x-axis), druggability (y-axis), and in-
dication of disease (z-axis).
The x-axis is for targets, i.e., items of the same
x-coordinate indicate properties of the same drug tar-
get. Neighboring targets are not randomly placed but
arranged by their functional proximity. So the targets
on the x-axis evolve from a target niche of primary in-
terest to other targets that show functional proximity
to the initial targets. The y-axis represents the ma-
turity of each target with respect to druggability. In
other words, the longer the elongation on the y-axis
is, the more druggable the target becomes. The axial
information covers seven categories such as a target
ID, mode of action, assay/biomarker, animal model,
structure, availability of lead, and clinical validation.
The z-axis is for diseases for which a target can be a
BIOINFORMATICS 2012 - International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms
new drug candidate. Then, a target’s indication of dis-
ease will marshal on the z-axis from diseases of initial
concern to other pathologically highly-connected dis-
Therefore, these axes create a unique space for the
evolving target inventory. Each data item is drawn as
a cube on those axes so that a set of cubes can be per-
ceived as a big cube being built up like Lego blocks.
The solidness and volume of the big cube can convey
the feeling of completeness and richness of validated
druggable targets. A cube has three non-geometric
properties, transparency, hue, and brightness which
represent the degree of progress, the kind of diseases,
and the sort of targets, respectively. These hue and
brightness can function as the referential cue when
translating and rotating the entire cube. Figure 1 de-
picts an example 3D atlas for drug target discovery.
The problem itself is simple. The entire image of the
R&D scene is needed and should be generated based
on real data. The constraint is that the image ought
to be geometrically informative to exploit human spa-
tial perception. Thus the properties of the information
axes are defined so that a collection of data items can
appear as a geometric shape. To appreciate and re-
member the shape concretely, a referential cue is sug-
gested to be an anchor point in the information space
in which the user can often be confused or lost.
The suggested prototype has partly shown the
proof of concept for the drug target discovery process
in 3D space. But the information axes of the 3D atlas
should be elaborated to be more commensurable and
interpolatable. Finally, to more facilitate the user’s
spatial perception, motion guidance for inspecting the
3D atlas such as navigational paths along the patho-
logical connections will be developed.
This research was supported by Global Frontier Re-
search Grant NRF-M1AXA002-2010-0029785 of the
National Research Foundation funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology of Korea.
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