Pieter de Vries
, Anabela dos Santos
and Thieme Hennis
Systems Engineering Department, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, Delft, The Netherlands
Centro Novas Oportunidades D. Inês de Castro, Alcobaça, Portugal
Keywords: Dropouts, Lifelong Learning, ICT Enhanced Learning Concept, Self-directed, Autonomous.
Abstract: This paper describes the reAct project in which an innovative learning approach is developed and used to re-
motivate the disengaged from education and learning to connect to lifelong learning practices. These
youngsters constitute a considerable social problem in Europe and the aim of the project is to find ways to
recover the intrinsic motivation to learn and thereby improve the opportunities for participation. Essential is
the development of an innovative learning strategy in which the learner is in control of the learning process.
The paper starts with an introduction on the challenge these dropouts pose to the society at large and the
learning strategy developed to cope with this matter. ICT plays a key role in the methodology and links to a
virtual environment similar to social networks, which is user-configurable and based on the concept of the
Personal Learning Environment (PLE). The main research issues are: can reAct change the attitude, what
are the benefits and drawbacks of this self-organized learning approach and do the ICT tools support these
processes. This paper covers the first half of the project and reflects on the first experiences.
One of the key challenges in education is learner
motivation. The disconnect between official
curricula and learners’ perceptions and expectations
of what they learn in school is a problem for all, but
affects particularly those who lack motivation.
Together with other factors, this means that these
youngsters do not finish secondary education and
might even lose their skill to learn.
The main remedy to prevent school dropout has
been to develop training programs that address the
problems of this group focusing on practical skills
and some kind of certification. However when the
motivation to learn is not addressed, the effect of
these programs has shown to be rather limited (EC,
2011, p. 16).
The urgency of the problem of early dropouts is
revealed by the individual, social and economic
consequences (EC, 2011). These students are more
likely to be unemployed in the short and long term,
they work in jobs with less employment security,
earn less, face a higher risk of poverty, participate
less in re-training, rely more on social support
throughout their lives and tend to participate less in
elections or other democratic processes. From an
economic perspective the share of jobs available for
low skilled people will decrease from 20% to less
than 15% up to 2020. This means that early school
leavers create long-term costs for societies, and the
social consequences go beyond that with lacking
social cohesion and civic participation.
At presence the percentage of young people that
do not complete compulsory education is especially
high in the South where in Portugal 35,4%, Spain
31%, Italy 19,7%, and Greece 14,8% of the students
drop out of school. But also countries like Holland
11,4% and Austria 10,1% (Eurostat 2008) are faced
with young people leaving school without a
certificate posing considerable challenges to teachers
and trainers, not at least because they are simply not
motivated to learn.
Research suggests that flexible education and
training systems with a variety of recognized
learning pathways and combined with individual and
school-level support offer more educational
opportunities and therefore better chances of
diminishing the risk of early school leave (EC, 2008,
p. 32; Kendall & Kinder, 2005, p. 9; IRIS, 2009, p.
67). It is difficult though in traditional classroom and
training contexts to include the basic meta-cognitive
and critical skills that would allow these learners to
Vries P., dos Santos A. and Hennis T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003917102460251
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 246-251
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
function autonomously in the current society and the
labour market.
The reAct project, an abbreviation for
reactivating teachers and learners, is an attempt to
develop a learning approach using new technologies
in order to improve the prospects and the
employability of these learners, and to develop the
skills of their teachers and trainers, in an area which
is key to the success namely motivation. In each of
the participating countries comparable pilot projects
will be executed and collaboration between the
partners is of utmost importance considering the
strive to develop a sustainable strategy with a
leverage throughout Europe.
ReAct is a multilateral project within the KA3 ICT
action of the EU Leonardo program. The relevance
of the project is in the KA3 objective "To support
the development of innovative ICT-based content,
services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong
learning". The focus of reAct is on the Leonardo and
Grundtvig contexts. Leonardo involves young and
adult learners who have not completed their
compulsory education. Gruntvig focuses on adults
who are the trainers teaching these learners. The
trainers involved are frequently people who have
come to training after a career in a particular trade,
and they come to the programs to teach the skills of
this trade.
The project work is situated within lifelong
learning contexts and focuses on the use of ICT to
develop an innovative methodological approach that
will motivate learners, and at the same time, help
them to develop their lifelong learning skills. New
technologies offer a potential for other, new
approaches and different elements into the training
context that stimulate the development of changes in
the intrinsic motivation of these learners (Veen, i.e.,
Implementing a new approach requires attention
on the learners needs but also, vitally, to those of the
teachers who implement the methodology, and the
integration of the approach into existing contexts, to
the extent that the teachers themselves constitute a
prime target group.
2.1 The Goals of the Project
The fundamental goal of the reAct Project is to pilot
and experiment changes in pedagogical approaches
of non-formal education. It aims at reducing the
number of dropouts through leveraging motivation
and agency of learners, in particular the
development of skills that allow them to carry on
learning throughout their lives. Developing ways to
facilitate these is vital for lifelong learning practice
in Europe (De Vries, 2009).
In more detail, the project methodology that is
developed and piloted aims to achieve the following.
a. A change of attitude. The aim is for the learners
to change from being passive subjects, an
attitude instilled by the educational system
throughout their childhood and youth, to being
active. To effect this change students participate
in creative activities, self-defined and self-
directed and relevant and close to their lives.
b. Open minds. It would help to broaden their
perspectives and let them discover other
experiences and points of view of people living
in other environments. European mobility
initiatives have shown the benefits of this kind
of activity. This should not be limited to a
distant abstract knowledge, it is necessary to
promote close relations between people of
different backgrounds through joint
c. Teach them to learn. This includes developing
cognitive skills and critical thinking skills that
enable them to cope independently and
autonomously with social and labour demands.
2.2 The Methodological Approach
The reAct project develops and pilots a
methodological approach that focuses on
collaboration, creativity and learner autonomy as
potential keys to the reactivation of the interest of
learners who have not completed their education. It
is based on investigation and consolidated processes,
taken from informal learning, in which students
"discover" by doing what motivates them, and
through this process take a number of cognitive
skills that allow them to act autonomously, tackling
and understanding the learning situations as new
opportunities (Veen, i.e., 2010).
To configure the methodological approach in line
with the objectives and contexts a three-step
procedure has been followed.
a. Needs analysis. There was an initial study
profile of students in the institutions
participating in the project, in order to adapt the
activities and tools that are proposed in each
environment to their abilities and needs. This
initial study includes interviews with the various
actors in each context, in order to ensure the
relevance of the action. This study will be
completed by an on-line survey, aimed at a
wider sample of people in this educational
context to provide useful background to contrast
with the result of the interviews.
b. Design of the methodological approach. This
included a general learning concept (next
section) and specific activities on the basis of
the needs analysis and the experience of the
partners in the context of learning and
c. Creation of a toolset. Once the study was done,
a collection of social tools (Web 2.0) was put
together, based on the concept of Personal
Learning Environment (PLE) which should be
understood as the collection of online and
offline tools that an individual uses to learn
(Wilson, 2009).
2.3 Evaluation
The particular constellation of the project within an
international field of different locations and
institutions requires a layered research approach that
depends on an active involvement of all the partners.
An evaluation framework has been developed to
allow for a collaborative research action using an
array of procedures. The researching partner, the
Delft University of Technology, does not have direct
access to participating teachers or students, and in
addition language is a significant barrier for
conducting qualitative research. The involvement of
the reAct partners concerns therefore specific
a. Interviews with teachers: The reAct partners are
carrying out pre-structured interviews with the
teachers involved. The researching partner will
provide the necessary interview formats and
b. Surveys amongst students: The reAct partners
will also distribute survey instruments provided
by the researching partner to the teachers and
c. Regular interviews with the researching partner:
The reAct partners will have regular online
interviews in which the progress of activities
will be evaluated.
The project comprises of two pilot studies, the
first pilot finished in March 2012, the second pilot
ends in July 2012. Both pilot studies deliver six
country based evaluation reports. The first pilot
country report includes results of three
questionnaires among 164 students (avg. #
respondents per questionnaire 135 – 82%), and
several log books and interviews with teachers, and
two final group interviews with teachers and
students. The reports also include content produced
by students and teachers (online and offline) and
personal experiences and testimonials from teachers
and students. A short appraisal of the first
experiences is given in chapter four, focusing on a
selection of overall data and specific know-hows
from Portugal.
2.4 The Project Partners
The consortium comprises seven partners from six
countries with extensive experience in education and
training in Europe and detailed knowledge of the
issues the project seeks to address. The project
partners are national and regional public
administrations (SERVEF, CNO ESDICA),
institutions related to the educational system (Delft
University of Technology) and vocational training
centers (KEK KRONOS, TR2000, TIBS, BFI
TIROL), focusing on the training of young and adult
unemployed and especially the use of new
technologies in the field of education and training.
ReAct is about developing and evaluating an
innovative and learner-centred approach that makes
use of the learners’ creativity in autonomous
collaborative activity to motivate and engage them,
and help them learn to learn.
Based on earlier work on dropouts, extensive
literature research, and several interviews with
experts and innovators in the field, gave rise to new
insights and led to the following seven principles for
the reAct learning strategy (Hennis, i.e., 2011).
1. Trust: students and teachers must become
confident that their ideas, contributions, and
comments are treated with respect, online as well as
offline. Fostering trust will engender self-esteem of
the students who have most of the time a poor image
of oneself as far as learning is concerned.
2. Challenging: students and teachers get
motivated to learn when they experience or are faced
with challenging, but manageable assignments.
Teachers must ensure learning environments that
offer the context in which students can adopt
personal or group challenges. Teachers should
address topics to study they consider relevant to
research. Hence, assignments teacher suggest should
be negotiable, or assignments should come from
students themselves and teachers should enable
students to define the relevance related to the
learning goals set out at the beginning of the course.
3. Self-guidance: we must put more trust in
the hands of students to guide their own learning.
Within the boundaries and restrictions of each
individual pilot, teachers must try to allow as much
self-guidance and self-directed learning as possible.
This requires not only a different way of thinking,
but most important: patience. Sometimes, it takes
some time before students get motivated to do
‘something’. Asking questions usually is a better
approach than providing assignments.
4. Collaboration: Students take great interest
in working with others. Teachers support
collaboration through group-based work and regular
feedback moments.
5. Ownership: If students (as well as
teachers) have the impression that they are in control
of the learning they do, there is a sense of
ownership. This is an essential ingredient for
motivation and self-guided learning.
6. Creativity: in creativity one can be honest
and you are able to develop an identity. Through
creative expressions one is able to have an idea
about his or her capabilities and interests, which is
fundamental for maintaining motivation and
discovering one’s talents.
7. Relevance: ownership of learning also
means defining those topics that the learner finds
relevant in life, even though this is not part of the
official curriculum. Teachers should, as far is
possible, allow students to define the topics they
want to learn, research, do. This means that they are
allowed to do a project about anything they are
passionate about, whether it is Cristiano Ronaldo,
learning Spanish, or bio-informatics. The main
objective for teacher is to add relevance and to foster
curiosity about the topics they want to be covered.
Sugata Mitra proved that with no or only limited
guidance, students can learn (Mitra, 2010).
8. ICT enabled: The role of ICT is critical but
not an aim in itself. Using ICT is not about using
tools, but about a different, and better way of
learning. Students can find a huge amount of
valuable learning resources online, they can find and
use free tools to create and share content, and they
can use free environments to communicate in order
to learn collaboratively. The reAct Project is going
to provide a dynamic list of tools that teachers and
students can use and complement. It is available on
Diigo ( and
will function as a shared resource to which
participants can contribute.
During the timespan of the project there are two
pilots. The first focuses on the way the approach
works with the first group, the learners, and the
difficulties and advantages of the approach from
their point of view, and the second pilot will focus
on teachers, and their needs and reactions with
regard to the approach. The second pilot will
incorporate improvements suggested by the first.
The specific groups to be used for the pilots were
selected by the partners a few months previous to the
pilots, as the annual nature of this kind of training
precludes a decision about this at the current time
(18 months before the first pilot). Each pilot
involved a cohort of roughly 15-25 learners and 2-7
trainers, in each country. The total numbers over
both pilots are therefore around 180 learners and 24
One of the principal difficulties involved in pilot
projects is that they run the risk of failing to
integrate into the context they arise from, and
become interesting experiments, rather than being
adopted into everyday practice. For this reason
another fundamental objective of the project is to
integrate the methodology for recovering the
motivation to learn into current initiatives. The
activity proposed is intended to function as a launch
platform at the start of an action, with aim of
changing perceptions of learning and hence of the
a. Getting acquainted: In the first stage of
understanding and accepting the proposed
methodological design, a series of activities is
designed to develop familiarity with the
environment, both in its technological and
social aspects. Also, there is a focus on the
development of community among the students
and teachers of the different institutions
participating in the project.
b. Collaborative creative project: In this phase,
participants form teams. They carry out a
project of their own jointly with pupils from
other schools, using the available toolbox (or
their own tools). The goal is to collaborate and
create something unique. The students
themselves who will define what they want to
do, with the only requirement to do so in
collaboration with person (s) from another
center. This process of creative collaboration
will be carried out using the tools selected by
the students with support of the facilitation team
when they so request.
c. Support and reflection: Support will be
available throughout the process, both during
projects and afterwards. The team of tutors will
intervene whenever it seems appropriate and
timely in order to promote reflection, together
with the students about the process. This will
develop critical thinking skills and
metacognition. As was mentioned earlier this
process works on all three objectives (creation /
empowerment, collaboration, and goal cognition
/ thinking).
d. Collaborative project integration: This phase
begins the process of integrating the project
with the main training activity. The process is
similar to that of the first project, but this time
the requirement is that the project loosely fits
the subject area of the training programme. This
can be negotiated between students and
teachers. These projects will be conducted
within each center, but the final product will be
presented to other centers.
e. Final integration process: At this stage the
activity returns to the objectives and curriculum
of the original training program. The idea
however is that the learners have experienced
other ways of learning and the teachers
observing throughout will have seen the value
of this, and incorporate other approaches in their
teaching (the project team may suggest these)
The new approaches are likely to involve
creative and collaborative activities and
development of meta cognitive skills and
critical thinking.
Pilot 2: The second pilot repeats the first pilot
but while the first focuses on the effects on learners,
the attention in the second pilot is focused on the
teachers involved. Also, based on good and bad
experiences from the first pilot, the approach has
been improved for the second pilot.
This section comprises a short reflection on the
experiences half way through the project with some
general data and a review of the know-hows in
Portugal as an example on the national level.
The first pilot had 134 student participants and
20 teachers. There was an equal number of men and
female involved of which 30% were actual dropouts.
Reasons mentioned for dropping out: it was too
difficult (21%), uninteresting (19%), problems with
teachers (11%), with students (8%), problems at
home (8%). Their preferred ways of learning: using
my computer or phone (35%), listening to someone
(34%), reading something (24%), discussing in a
group (19%). Of all 84% believes that a trustworthy
relationship with the teacher and the peer-student is
relevant for better performance, but also the
challenge (71%) and the self-determination (74%) of
what and how to learn and collaboration (83%) play
a decisive role. The relevance of the learning equally
shows to be meaningful (73%) for the respondents
and most (76%) are convinced that the use of
computers will lead to better performance.
Looking at the outcome after finishing the
projects in Pilot 1, 58% of the students believed they
were actively involved and the rest not. Reasons
mentioned were: uninteresting, the relationship with
peers and difficulties with ICT. Most felt they had a
good relationship with their teachers (65%) and their
peers (70%). 40% Felt sufficiently challenged and
58% not, 56% felt self-determined, 42% not.
Collaboration was good (61%) and a majority felt
that things learned were relevant (72%) to them.
84% Considered the use of computers very relevant.
Most of the respondents (54%) though did not feel
that the project helped them well to prepare for an
internship or job. On the other hand they felt that
(66%) the pilot had improved their capacity to
connect and communicate with others, but not
necessarily improved their confidence (40%). Not
unimportant was the fact that the overall
appreciation of the course was rather positive (69%).
The experiences in Portugal are used as an
example of how the world looks like behind the
numbers. This information is based on the national
report, which is developed by each participating
country, summarizing the experiences and together
with the other resources part of the knowledge pool
for further evaluation.
The first Pilot in Portugal took place at a
Secondary School in collaboration with a Centre for
New Opportunities. The context for the pilot was a
course of adult education and training. The target
group was composed of eleven young adults (18-25
years), all drop outs from secondary education. The
pilot started with the familiarization of the seven
participating teachers with the reAct concept while
using this concept as the organising principle for this
warming up. This was needed to create an
atmosphere of trust among the teachers and increase
their acknowledgement of the concept.
In the end nine students completed the course.
During the familiarization phase it became clear that
students could handle the main tools quite easily,
that they liked the idea of international collaboration
and discovered with enthusiasm that the social
network used (Facebook) provided them with the
means to create a project community. Students were
less successful in their collaboration efforts than
anticipated due to language issues, but were pleased
by the fact that they were self-directive in their
project work. One of them discovered during this
phase his affection for photography which led to a
very positive change in attitude. Overall, autonomy
seemed to be an important motivating factor and
students appear to be more confident about their
present and future success. The reAct concept is not
yet an accepted way of moving forward or
completely ready to be integrated in the regular
learning processes, the teachers though are very
much aware of this innovative way of teaching as a
mode to promote lifelong learning skills.
It is still too early in the project to define the
ultimate conclusions, but some assumptions can be
made. It is clear that the reAct learning concept
changed the attitude of the learners and teachers
with regard to learning. Learners are positive about
the approach and feel that it opens up opportunities
for further personal growth. Teachers get a better
feel for and see more possibilities for promoting
learning. The time period and the intensity of the
reAct pilot does not yet allow to say something
about particular benefits or drawbacks of self-
organized learning, but the results show that students
appreciate the confidence this approach mitigates
and value the opportunity to experience autonomy. It
is clear that ICT is considered an important carrier
for the execution of the reAct learning approach. Not
just as a tool, but as an instrument to attain goals set
by yourself in collaboration with others, allowing
you to communicate freely and deliver products that
arose from your own motivation.
So far the results are promising, but not yet
enough apparent to draw vital conclusions.
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