Mamdouh Farouk and Mitsuru Ishizuka
Creative Informatics Department, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 1138656, Japan
Keywords: RDF, SPARQL Endpoint, SPARQL Query.
Abstract: The web of data is a web vision in which data are represented into RDF and interlinked to each other. The
fast growth of linked data motivates researchers to exploit this huge amount of well-represented data in
linked data cloud. Moreover, finding the implicit answers is important to enable web agent to understand
deeply web data. This paper proposes a SPARQL endpoint wrapper to enable original endpoint to answer
more queries and facilitate query writing for the client. The proposed wrapper uses inference rules to expand
user query. A prototype for the proposed wrapper is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed
Linked data is a way for publishing web data into a
machine understandable format. Resource
Description Framework (RDF) is used as standard
language for linked data. RDF is a W3C
recommendation that represents current web data into
machine understandable format. In this way, data will
be more useful. Moreover, since the start of linked
data project more and more people publish their data
in the linked data cloud (Bizer, 2008). Moreover, the
new web should be completely machine-
understandable (Arup, 2011).
Furthermore, the growth of well-represented
linked data cloud motivates researchers to improve
web search functionality and exploit the machine
understandable format.
On the other hand, one of the most important
tools of the Internet is web search. Almost all
Internet users use web search to find their needs.
Consequently, improving searching RDF data is an
urgent task. One challenge of searching web of data
is getting implicit answers. In other words, search
engines should go behind the raw data to understand
web data and get query answers. Moreover, there is
urgent need for smart search techniques that make
the use of the new evolution of linked data.
The main objective of converting web data to
RDF is to enable web agent to understand this data.
Linked data is a web of machine understandable data
(Correndo, 2010). However, web agents, that query
linked data, cannot deeply understand RDF data. For
example, consider a SPARQL query to get
information about authors who are interested in
semantic data representation from the corpus of
semantic web conferences, http://data.semanticweb.
org, which contains information about some
conferences in semantic web filed. Although, the
corpus contains the needed information, the user may
obtain no results. This is because a query engine
cannot get the implicit answers.
There are a lot of woke in searching RDF data.
Many of these research based on SPARQL query
language (Shady, 2010) (Olaf, 2009). SPARQL is a
query language for RDF. SPARQL is quite similar to
SQL (Axel, 2007). Moreover, there are many
SPARQL endpoints attached to linked data sets to
facilitate querying RDF data sets. The user can
submit SPARQL query to these endpoints and get the
results via http.
On the other hand, the dataset admin who
represents the original data into RDF faces a problem
of selecting RDF vocabularies because there are
many equivalent vocabularies available on the
Internet. Moreover, the client, which queries the RDF
dataset is restricted to use the same vocabularies as
RDF dataset.
This paper proposes creating a wrapper for
SPARQL endpoint in which dataset admin adds a set
of rules depending on the meaning of the dataset and
the common asked queries. The proposed wrapper
uses these rules to improve endpoint functionality.
Moreover, a related approach, which tries to
express rules and infer additional RDF data, is SPIN
(Holger, 2011). SPIN is a group of RDF properties
that can be used to express rules. These rules
Farouk M. and Ishizuka M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003941407290732
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 729-732
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
attached to a specific ontology class and can be
applied to infer data, or modify the current data.
spin:rule property can be used to defined an
inference rule using SPARQL construct or
Moreover, SPIN, which submitted to w3c to be
discussed, adds rules to ontology level. However,
our approach separates between rules level and
ontology level. Separation between ontology and
rules levels gives the user flexibility to add rules. In
other words, it is difficult for the user to update the
standard shared ontology to add his rules. Moreover,
there are many users may add rules to infer the same
property depending on their own data. The user
wants to extend his data depending on the semantics
of the data and the expected queries to be asked.
Therefore, the users have different data want to
make many rules even for the same ontology.
Attaching rules to dataset gives flexibility to the
users and avoids rules conflicts on ontology level.
As an example that will be used throughout this
paper, consider that we will start a research project in
semantic web, in which a huge amount of data should
be represented into a semantic format. Some
experiments will be done on this data to study the
future of semantic web. It is decided that Tim
Berner-Lee is the general manager for this project.
The smart web agent, which is responsible for
nominating project members, searches the linked
data could to find qualified researchers. The agent
may ask queries such as: Who are interested in
semantic web, who are interested in semantic web
and know Tim Berner-Lee, and so on.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 describes the overall system
architecture. Section 3 explains the idea of adding
user-defined rules. Section 4 describes the proposed
wrapper for SPARQL endpoint that exploits the
defined rules. The experiments and results are
discussed in section 5. Finally, section 6 provides
the conclusion of this research.
The proposed wrapper consists of a set of user-
defined rules and a simple inference engine to
expand SPARQL queries based on the defined rules.
Backward chaining is used to expand the queries.
The wrapper sends SPARQL queries after expansion
to the original endpoint. In addition, the wrapper
collects the results of these queries and sends them
back to the client. Figure 1 shows a general
overview of the proposed wrapper.
Figure 1: System overview.
Moreover, the query expansion process starts
with finding appropriate rules in the defined rule set.
Furthermore, rules index is used to facilitate finding
rules during searching process. A matching between
the retrieved rules and the user query produces
expanded queries after replacing query conditions
with rules premises.
The data publisher may add extra knowledge (rules),
which considered as an extension for the original
data. Moreover, adding this kind of knowledge
enables the data admin, who selects specific
vocabularies to represent the published data into
RDF, to suggest alternatives vocabularies and
expresses them in rules instead of duplicate RDF
data with different vocabularies. In addition, the
SPARQL endpoint admin should add a set of rules
depending on the meaning of RDF dataset and
common queries that users used to ask.
Moreover, there are two types of rules that can
be added to the proposed wrapper. The first type
focuses on discovering new RDF triples to get the
implicit data, for example, the rules that infers the
relation between topics and authors. This rules
defined as: if a person X is an author for the paper Y
and the topic of the paper Y is T then the person X is
interested in the topic T. The other type of rules
focuses on vocabularies mapping to allow client to
use some different equivalent vocabularies. This will
not restrict the user to use the same vocabulary as
RDF dataset.
The format of user-defined rule is a simple
production rule, “condition Æ action”. The
condition part syntax is the same as SPARQL query
condition syntax. The action part is also represented
into SPARQL syntax. Figure 2 shows an example
for the rule: If a person A is an author to a paper Y,
and a person B is an author to the paper Y, then Æ A
knows B. The first part of the rule format is xml
namespaces for the used vocabularies. The second
part is the condition of the rule. The last part is the
action part.
Figure 2: Example of user-defined rules.
Using these rules during the processing of
original data to infer more data on the fly costs
overhead processing time. However, using inference
rules during searching give better results. Moreover,
the proposed approach avoids data duplication and
keeps the data size.
The proposed wrapper is an extension to the normal
SPARQL endpoint. An inference step is added to the
SPARQL endpoint to make the use of the user-
defined rules. The proposed wrapper can answer
some queries that cannot be answered using normal
endpoint. Using inference, the engine goes behind
the raw data to find implicit query answer.
The proposed wrapper is developed based on
Jena SPARQL API with additional inference step.
The actual usage of the added inference step is not to
infer more data. However, the inference step is used
for query expansion to get detailed queries that can
be answered using the normal query engines.
4.1 Query Expansion
The proposed approach applies backward chaining
to expand user query. The algorithm of SPARQL
query expansion is a recursive algorithm that gets all
possible queries based on a set of predefined rules.
Indexing for the defined rules are established to link
different rules based on rules action. This index for
the defined rules facilitates finding the appropriate
rules to expand a SPARQL query. The basic idea of
this query expansion is to replace query condition
with other conditions based on backward chaining of
the rules.
Query expansion based on backward chining
algorithm is as follows:
Input: SPARQL query, a set of rules
Output: a list of new queries equivalent to the
inputted query
1. Get list of properties (predicates) used in query
2. Get related rules that can be used to expand the
inputted query (based on rule index)
3. For each related rule
Match between rule actions and query
Bind matched variables and keep them in a
mapping state
Replace the matched query conditions with rule
Recursive call to expand the new query // this
call starts matching the new query and only the
rest of rule set
4. Combine all new queries in one list
The resulted queries are executed using the
normal SPARQL endpoint. The results of these
queries are combined and sent back to the client.
In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, we developed a web based application
using JSP as a wrapper for semantic web
conferences corpus endpoint, data.semanticweb.org
This data set contains information about some
conferences related to semantic web field and some
related information such as papers, authors, and so
on. It contains around 180445 unique RDF triples.
The developed wrapper is available on the Internet:
In this experiment, the developed wrapper uses a
set of five rules. Example of these rules is:
If a person A is an author to a paper Y, and a
person B is an author to the same paper Y Æ A
knows B.
If a person A is an author to a paper Y, and the
main topic of Y is T then Æ A is interested in T.
If a topic X is a keyword for a paper Y Æ topic
X is a subject of Y.
The first two rules infer implicit data. However, the
third rule maps ontology vocabularies to facilitate
finding query answer.
Table 1 shows the list of queries used in this
<rule id="2" // namespaces are omitted>
if two people are authors for the same paper, then
they know each others.
?ppr rdf:type iswc:InProceedings.
?person rdf:type foaf:Person.
?person2 rdf:type foaf:Person.
?ppr dc:Creator ?person.
?ppr dc:Creator ?person2.
FILTER (?person != ?person2)
{ ?person foaf:knows ?person2. }
experiment. A set of queries are run using SPARQL
endpoint of the semantic web conferences corpus,
, and using the
proposed wrapper. The results of this experiment are
shown in table 2.
Table 1: List of Queries used in the experiment.
Number Query
Q1 Who is interested in Semantic Web
Q2 Who knows Jure Leskovec
Who knows Jure Leskovec and is interested in
'social networks'
Q4 Get papers in semantic web field
Q5 Get all papers of the author 'Gang Wang'
Q6 Get all papers in Ontology Learning field
The first query in table 1 asks about a person
who is interested in semantic web field. The
SAPRQL syntax for this query is as follow:
PREFIX foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
select distinct ?ResearcherName where
?x foaf:name ?ResearcherName.
?x foaf:topic_interest 'Semantic Web'.
The RDF dataset does not contain topic_interest
relation between authors and topics. Therefore the
original endpoint returns no results. However, using
inference rules the proposed wrapper expand the
client query to another query depending on the
defined rules set. Finally, the proposed wrapper can
suggest 284 answers for this query.
In table 2, the third column shows the number of
extra queries that generated by the wrapper. This
number highly affects execution time.
Table 2: Query result using normal technique and the
proposed approach.
Proposed wrapper
Number of
# of generated
Total number
of results
Q1 0 1 284 2.010
Q2 0 1 9 1.132
Q3 0 3 4 2.248
Q4 106 1 108 1.908
Q5 3 1 6 1.116
Q6 1 1 6 1.106
Numbers of the retrieved answers for some
queries, such as Q4 and Q6, are increased because of
using inference to get the equivalent vocabularies.
Finally, using the proposed wrapper improves query
results. It enables web agent not only to get more
answers for queries but also to get answers for some
queries cannot be answered using the original
SPARQL endpoints facilitate querying RDF datasets
over http. However, there are many queries cannot
be answered. This paper proposes adding a new
layer to the existing SPARQL endpoints as a
wrapper. This wrapper facilitates writing queries for
clients and increases the query answering recall. The
proposed wrapper uses inference rules to go behind
the raw data and get query answer based on a set of
predefined rules. The experiments show that the
wrapper can answer some queries that cannot be
answered using the original endpoint. In addition,
the proposed wrapper can used in vocabulary
mapping to facilitate query writing for web clients.
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