A Characterization Framework for Evaluating Business/IT
Alignment Strategies
Lerina Aversano, Carmine Grasso and Maria Tortorella
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Via Traiano, 82100 Benevento, Italy
Keywords: Measurement Framework, Evaluation and Analysis, Enterprise Evolution, Modeling, Alignment.
Abstract: In the last years, the alignment issue was addressed in several researches and numerous methods, techniques
and tools were proposed. Therefore, a support for choosing the approach that is the most suitable one to a
specific need is required. This paper proposes a characterization framework useful for evaluating different
alignment approaches, with the aim of discovering similarity, maturity, capability to measure, model, asses
and evolve the alignment level existing among business and technological assets of an enterprise. The
proposed framework is applied to analyse the alignment research published in the Information &
Management journal that that more published on this topic. The achieved evaluation results are presented.
The issue of alignment was mentioned for the first
time in the late 1970s and since then several studies
and researches were conducted highlighting the
alignment concerns - Society for Information
Management (2006). Nowadays the alignment
represents a top concern issue. During the last
decade, several studies were proposed by
researchers, practitioners and companies, but most
of them are at an embryonic stage. They
demonstrated through case studies, surveys and
empirical approaches that the business and IT
(Information Technology) performance are tightly
coupled (Chan et al., 1997); (Chan and Reich, 2007);
(Kearns and Lederer, 2003); (de Leede et al., 2002),
and enterprises cannot be competitive if their
business and IT strategies are not aligned. These
studies regard different abstraction levels from
functional to strategic level (Henderson and
Venkatraman, 1993). In particular, Strategic
Alignment of IT exists when goals, activities and
processes of a business organization are in harmony
with the information systems supporting them
(McKenn and Smith, 2003). High degree of
alignment positively influences IT effectiveness and
leads to higher business performance (Croteau and
Bergeron, 2001). In (Chen et al., 2008), the dynamic
capability perspective is applied to a Taiwanese
Semiconductor Company for demonstrating that it is
necessary a reconfiguration of IT to support business
strategy when misalignment happens. On the other
hand at hand, the functional level the analysis of the
alignment between existing business processes and
software systems is necessary for optimizing the
effectiveness of the software support. In literature,
different terms are used to refer at the alignment
concept: it is called fit in (Porter, 1996); it is also
defined bridge (Ciborra, 1997); integration in (Weill
and Broadbent, 1998); harmony in (Luftman et al.,
2000); linkage in (Henderson and Venkatraman,
1989); fusion in (Smaczny, 2001); and further
definition and terms are in (Chan and Reich, 2007).
For being useful and completely applicable, an
alignment strategy must include a set of
components. The first step to be performed is the
modeling of the various entities involved in the
analysis and definition of links between business and
IT entities. Then, the measurement of the alignment
degree existing between the chosen assets is required
for establishing if improvement actions are
necessary. Then, suggestions for the evolution are
required for improving the degree of alignment. An
automatic tool is also useful for supporting all the
process of detection, assessment and evolution of the
considered entities.
To support and address future research
concerning the alignment, it is necessary to know the
state of the art in this area with a deep investigation
of the already executed researches. With this in
mind, this paper introduces a characterization
Aversano L., Grasso C. and Tortorella M..
A Characterization Framework for Evaluating Business/IT Alignment Strategies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004005301550164
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 155-164
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
framework including a set of questions aiming at
understanding the goal of a proposed alignment
approach and its effective applicability to a working
context. The definition of the framework followed a
careful analysis of the literature considering the
alignment topics. This analysis aimed at identifying
commonalities and differences among the proposed
approaches for being later incorporated in the
characterization framework.
The presented study was planned by following
the comprehensive guideline that Kitchenham et al.
(2009) proposed for performing a systematic
literature reviews appropriate for software
engineering researchers. Systematic reviews aim at
presenting a fair evaluation of a research topic by
using a trustworthy, rigorous, and auditable
methodology. The proposed guidelines were derived
from three existing guidelines used by medical
researchers, for conducting a systematic review in
clinician field (Pai et al., 2004). Performing the
review required the definition of a framework for
characterizing alignment studies from the literature.
Then, the framework was used for evaluating its
applicability to the studies published in the
Information & Management journal. This journal
was chosen as it is the one that published more
research studies regarding the alignment concepts.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow:
Section 2 describes the background of the alignment
topic; Section 3 describes the proposed
characterization framework; Section 4 presents the
results of the analysis of the alignment papers
published in the Information & Management
journal; and final remarks are given in the last
A view of business and technological alignment
defines at which degree the information technology
mission, objectives, and plans, support and are
supported by the business mission, objectives, and
plans (Carvalho and Sousa, 2008). Moreover, it
involves “fit” and “integration” among business
strategy, IT strategy, business infrastructure, and IT
infrastructure (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993);
(Papp, 2001). A relevant “problem” is the
understanding of what business and information
system alignment is, how to obtain it and therefore
maintain it (Pereira and Sousa, 2003). Traditional
approaches addresses the alignment concern for
understanding how organizations can achieve
alignment, but little contribution is given regarding
how to identify and correct misalignment.
Different models are introduced in literature.
One of them was SAM – Strategic Alignment,
Model from Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) .
Different study were later performed for evaluating
these models. For example, in (Avison et al., 2004)
the SAM model was used in financial service firms
for determining if it was useful to asses strategic
alignment between IT and business. In (Bleistein et
al., 2006), the general aspects concerning modeling
was well debated and a modeling issue was
proposed. In particular, the VMOST – Vision,
Mission, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics – analysis
was treated to split the business strategy into the
main components of vision, mission, goals,
strategies and tactics, and the BRG – Business Rules
Group – model was proposed for modeling the
organization’s systems. In (De Castro et al., 2011),
the MDA – Model Driven Architecture – tool was
used to support the alignment management, and
meta-models were proposed for representing the
entities involved in the alignment analysis. In
(Aversano et al., 2010a), a framework was proposed
for modeling the alignment at the functional level
and some metrics were introduced for measuring the
alignment degree between business processes and
software systems. In (Etien and Rolland, 2005),
criteria and associated generic metrics were
proposed to quantify at which extent there is a fit
between the business and system which supports it.
In (Wieringa et al., 2003), a framework was
presented for analyzing the alignment problem and
proposing an approach to application architecture
design with reference to a business context.
The Business and Information Systems
MisAlignment Model (BISMAM), was proposed in
(Carvalho and Sousa, 2008); (Thevenet et al., 2006),
to understand, classify and manage misalignments.
The proposal addresses the alignment problem
combining the misalignment approach with medical
sciences approaches, based on a metaphor between
misalignment and disease. The authors believe that
the misalignment approach is closer to organizations
real life and that medical sciences approaches
provide relevant concepts and techniques for
misalignment classification and management.
The research constructs were measured using
multi-item scales adapted from the SAM framework
(Chen, 2010). The relationship existing between the
alignment maturity dimensions and IS strategic
alignment was examined and the results were
applied to provide a snapshot of business–IT
alignment in China. In (Hooper et al., 2010), a new
conceptualization of alignment was reported
together with the development and testing of a
parsimonious model which addresses this issue. Data
from a survey of 415 respondents from medium-
large New Zealand companies were used to test the
model. It was found that IS-marketing alignment had
a positive impact on both business and marketing
performances, and that the latter had a modest but
positive impact on business performance. This study
extended the application of Venkatraman’s from
(Henderson and Venkatraman, 1989), and offered a
support to the robustness of his conceptualization
and measurement of strategic orientation.
In (Becker et al., 2008), it was debated that
Software Process Improvement (SPI) programs
increase the competitiveness of software
development organizations. Moreover says that QFD
– Quality Function Deployment – is an effective
technique that can be used for institutionalizing
improvement processes on the basis of the
organization’s strategic planning (SP). Several
studies proposed the use of QFD together with SPI
programs. The purpose was to present QFD as an
alternative to the strategic alignment of a SPI
program. A preliminary evaluation indicated that the
use of QFD could help organizations to see better
and faster results in their SPI programs.
The alignment strategies proposed in literature
consider different aspects of the alignment and
analyze it at different abstraction levels. The aim of
the proposed framework is to understand if an
alignment strategy is suitable to an enterprise’s
specific needs and, in particular, if its description is
complete and clear for being easily applying it. The
proposed framework was defined for being generally
applicable for analyzing any kind of alignment
strategy. Then, the main components it considers
represent a synthesis of all the aspects covered by
the alignment strategies proposed in literature.
Specifically, the framework considers the three
following main phases (Aversano et al., 2010a):
1. Modeling. All the entities involved by the
alignment analysis should be modeled, so to exclude
all the business and technological details that are not
relevant for the study. This phase is necessary to
search and represent the information that the
considered alignment approach uses for analyzing
the alignment at the considered abstraction level.
The modeled entities regarding the different aspects
involved in the alignment evaluation should be
mapped, so to facilitate the next analysis (Aversano
et al., 2010b).
2. Alignment Evaluation. An alignment approach
should quantitatively evaluate the alignment degree
of the considered entities for objectively analyzing it
and understanding if it reaches a satisfying level or
improvement actions should be performed for
increasing it. This requires the use of suitable and
easily quantifiable metrics.
3. Evolution Execution. If the alignment level
does not reach a satisfying level, a misalignment in
the analyzed entities exists, and evolution actions
should be performed and for increasing it.
The proposed characterization framework considers
each of the activities cited above by including, for
each of them, a section with a set of questions. In
addition, the framework includes an initial section of
generic questions aiming at categorizing the
alignment approach discussed in a considered
research paper and capturing the generic information
regarding it.
Every question is formulated so that it can be
answered by analyzing the documentation of a
considered strategy and using the following values:
Yes, indicating that the information required by
the question is clearly and completely described in
the analyzed documentation.
No, indicating that the analyzed documentation
does not consider the specific aspect the question
Partially, indicating that the aspect indicated in
the question is only partially addressed in the
Not clear, indicating that the documentation does
not clearly describe the information needed for
answering the question.
Not defined, indicating that the documentation
does not describe cite the information needed for
answering the question.
The following sub-sections describe the four
sections of the characterization framework detailing
the questions introduced in each of them.
3.1 General Questions
The first top-level questions deal with general
aspects of an alignment strategy and aims at
categorizing it. Table 1 lists the questions included
in this section of the framework. In particular, the
questions are formulated for understanding if
motivations, needs of the alignment analysis (D1),
and challenges of the considered strategy (D4) are
clearly debated. Alignment strategies can analyze
this aspect at different levels, involving diverse
entities. In fact, regarding the business assets, the
strategy can consider: enterprise goals, business
entities, business strategies and business processes;
on the other side, from the Information Technology
point of view, it is possible to consider technologies
and information systems (applications and data)
(Reich and Benbasat, 2000). These entities are
considered at different abstraction levels, and two
different levels can be considered: strategic level
analyzing business strategy and IT strategy, and
functional level considering business processes and
information systems (Henderson and Venkatraman,
1989). Then, the proposed framework also includes
questions for understanding these aspects (D2, D3,
D5). In addition, the definition of pre-conditions for
applying the strategy are investigated, as some
information can be missing in the operative context
for being able to apply the analyzed approach (D6).
Table 1: General questions.
Are motivations and needs of the alignment strategy
Is the dimension of the considered type of alignment
D3 Is the concept of alignment defined?
Is the challenges in attaining the treated type of
Are the entities involved in the considered type of
alignment discussed ?
Are the pre-conditions for applying the proposed
strategy clearly stated?
D7 Is the proposed strategy scientifically mature?
D8 Is the need of quantitative methods discussed?
D9 Are future perspectives and/or future work proposed?
D10 Are lessons learned discussed?
Table 2: Modeling questions.
D11 Are models to represent alignment used?
D12 Are models to represent the separate entities used?
Is the proposed model based on existing research
D14 Is the modeling automatically supported?
Was the proposed modeling approach applied to case
D16 Was the proposed modeling approach applied on the
Furthermore, the initial section of the framework
analyses if the strategy was defined by considering
previous experiences and underwent to improvement
actions (D7), if it included quantitative studies (D8),
and if it suggested improvements and extensions in
the future (D9). All this helps to understand its
scientific maturity; while the experimental maturity
is verified by considering the application on the field
of the considered approach and knowledge and
experience gained through its use (D10).
Table 3: Alignment evaluation questions.
D17 Is a method to measure the level of alignment utilized?
Is the proposed alignment measurement method based
on existing research approaches?
Is the alignment measurement method applied to case
Was the alignment measurement method applied on the
Are statistical analysis used and the results
Is the alignment measurement method automatically
Table 4: Alignment evolution questions.
D23 Is an approach proposed for addressing and evolving the
D24 Is the proposed evolution approach based on existing
research approaches?
D25 Is the evolution approach automatically supported?
D26 Was the evolution tool applied to a case studies?
D27 Was the evolution tool applied on the field?
Table 5: Classification of the papers.
Type Paper
Practice S1,S2,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S11,S12,S13,
Research S3, S5, S10, S11, S14, S15, S17, S18
3.2 Modeling Questions
The second section of the framework includes
questions dealing with modeling activities. Table 2
reports the included questions aiming at
investigating the completeness of the available
information regarding the existence of modeling
techniques in the alignment approach described in an
analysed research study (D11), and the possibility of
modeling the elementary entities involved in the
alignment analysis and related reciprocal
relationships (D12). Moreover, the questions
investigate on the maturity of the analyzed modeling
approach by verifying if its definition depends on
other approaches (D13) and it was already applied to
case studies (D15) or working contexts (D16).
3.3 Alignment Evaluation Questions
The third group of questions concerns the alignment
measurement activity. Table 3 presents the questions
formulated with the aim of verifying if the approach
described in the analyzed paper includes
measurement activities and the related description
(D17). As the adoption of already existing
techniques may contribute to increase the
effectiveness of an approach, question D18
considers this aspect; while the subsequent questions
(D19, D20) asks if the approach was previously
applied for understanding its applicability. Finally,
specific questions are defined for understanding the
exploitation of statistical methods (D21) and
automation level of the proposed approach (D22).
3.4 Alignment Evolution Questions
The last questions of the framework are presented in
Table 4 and regards the possibility that the analyzed
paper considers evolution activities for managing the
alignment of the analyzed entities and to be
performed when misalignment happens (D23). Even
this group of questions analyzed the maturity and
applicability of the proposed approach. In particular,
questions on the fact that the definition of the
proposed evolution support is based on the current
research literature (D24), that it is automatically
supported (D25), and it was already applied in
operative contexts (D26 and D27) are considered.
The proposed characterization framework was
applied for analyzing some alignment approaches
selected from the literature. In particular, a full
investigation of the research papers concerning
alignment was performed. Numerous journal and
conference papers were identified. Therefore, it was
decided to concentrate the attention on journal
papers as they should publish more mature research
results. With this in mind, the IEEE, ACM, Springer,
Elsevier and Science Direct database were queried.
The journal that was discovered to be the most
representative of the alignment topic was the
Information & Management journal from Elsevier.
28 articles of this journal were identified; 5 of them
were not available on-line, while 4 papers were
discarded as they did not concern the Business and
IT alignment. Therefore, the 19 papers listed in the
Appendix were considered for being analyzed by
using the proposed characterization framework. The
paper codes used in the appendix are used in the
following for referencing them. The appendix shows
that in the considered papers, the alignment problem
was faced since 1996 (S1 and S4). In particular,
these papers focused on strategic alignment during
Business and Information System planning. After
publishing these initial papers, the alignment topic
were not considered since 2000, and only after 2003,
it is possible to observe a growing interest regarding
these aspects. Table 5 shows a classification of the
papers on the basis of their kind. Four categories
were considered: Practice, Research, Review and
Survey. The table shows that the papers regard
practice and research and no review or survey was
found. In particular, the large part of the analysed
papers are practical, even if some of them, such as
S5 and S17, face the alignment problem from the
point of view of the research by proposing new
approaches. Before analysing all the obtained
evaluation results, the application of the
characterization framework is shown in Table 6
reporting the answers collected by applying the
characterization framework to paper S11 and the
explanation to each answer. The analysis of the
answers highlights that the paper concerns strategic
alignment. It appears to miss many aspects. In
particular, methodologies for supporting alignment
modeling, evaluation and evolution are not provided.
The paper rather appears to be an empirical study
regarding ITI-enabled flexibility, competitive
impacts, and organizational moderators of business
value. Table 7 includes the answers to all the
questions coming from the application of the
characterization framework to the analysed papers.
The table uses: “part” for the partially answer; ndef
for the “not defined” answer; and ncl for the “not
clear” answer. For the sake of clarity, the “yes” and
“part” answers are shadowed. Table 7 shows that no
paper describes an approach including all the
activities considered in Section 3. All the papers
provide general information regarding the proposed
approach even if they very often do not include
sufficient details for understanding its usefulness,
maturity, advantages and future perspective. Table 8
includes the distribution of the analysed papers with
reference to the considered dimension. The large
part of the papers considers the alignment at the
strategic level and only some at the functional level.
Some approaches, such as S3, S15 and S17,
consider both levels, strategic and functional. All the
papers, but S17, describe the entities involved in the
approach they propose, as shown in Table 9. It can
be noticed that the large part of the proposed
approaches considers business entities, with
particular reference to business strategies and
processes; while, few of the analysed approaches
also consider the IT components.
Table 6: Results from the analysis of papers S11.
General questions
yes: Business, public, and governmental organizations
confronted with time and other pressures must adjust their
strategies, but change cannot be accomplished unless the IT
Infrastructure (ITI) is accommodated in an efficient and
effective manner.
yes: Strategic Alignment
D3 No
yes: As ITI investments are not always guided by current
usiness needs, efforts to extend ITI should consider how
flexibility is introduced into each of its elements and how
they are interrelated. The approach therefore identifies the
sources of flexibility and their interrelationships and find
how they are related to the perceived IT value.
yes: The entities involve are: technical ITI elements, human
ITI elements, process ITI element
D6 not defined
D7 No
D8 No
D9 No
yes: The identified lesson learned brought to the
identification of three limitations of the approach: such a
research design only establishes associations between
constructs, whereas causality must rely on theoretical
justification; although organizational IT users may find the
evaluation of ITI resources and capabilities difficult, their
perspective is necessary to identify gaps in different
perceptions of ITI; the dynamics of longitudinal processes
cannot be analysed using this methodology.
Modelling questions
yes: The approach just hypothesized the use of research
D12 No
D13 not clear
D14 No
yes: Empirical study
D16 No
Measurement questions
D17 No
D18 No
yes: Web-based survey
D20 No
yes: SEM - Structural Equations Models- techniques and
MLE - Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), one-way
ANOVA, CFI, ComparativeFit Index, RMR, Root Mean
square Residual, RMSEA, Root Mean Square Error of
Approximation, Chi-square, AGFI adjusted GFI(Goodness-
D22 No
Evolution questions
D23 No
D24 No
D25 No
D26 No
D27 No
Table 7 shows that few papers include evaluation
activities, and this shows that few attention is paid to
the measurement activities. The approaches
considering this aspect often base their solution on
existing approaches. In particular Table 10 includes
the main measurement approach adopted.
STROEPIS Strategic Orientation of the Existing
Portfolio of IS applications – is a measurement
model based on the STROBE – Strategic Orientation
of Business Enterprises – instrument. It is useful to
model IT strategies and uses the same eight
dimensions of STROBE. In (Chan and Reich, 2007)
, the authors characterized the strategic alignment as
the fit between STROBE and STROEPIS. The
Balanced scorecard (BSC), used in S9, translates an
organization’s mission and strategy into a
comprehensive set of performance measures that
provide the framework for a strategic measurement
and management system. It measures organizational
performance across four balanced perspectives:
financial, customers, internal business processes,
and learning and growth. The BSC enables
companies to track financial results, while
simultaneously monitoring progress in building the
capabilities and acquiring the intangible assets they
need for future growth. On the other side, many
papers present empirical studies and Table 11 lists
the approaches used in the statistical analysis
performed by the researchers presented in the
considered papers. Actually, even Table 13 indicated
that many papers pay attention to the execution of
empirical activities. They are very often conducted
for analysing some trends and situations in a set of
analysed organizations. Among the used statistical
approach, SEM – Structural Equation Modeling – is
a statistical technique allowing the researcher to test
hypothesized direct relationships between
independent and dependent variables, such as
multiple regression, and allowing the testing of
indirect or mediated relationships between observed
and unobserved latent variables while examining the
reliability of the items to the latent variables.
LISREL – Linear Structural RELations – is the most
general program that is available for estimating
structural equation models. It can be used to analyze
data from survey, experiments, experimental
designs, and longitudinal studies. It allows one to
test the goodness of fit of models, to diagnose
problem with models, to fix or constrain model
coefficient, to do multiple-group analyses, to
estimate means and intercepts as well as slopes, and
most importantly, to distinguish consistently
between latent concepts and observed indicators.
The analysed papers also give importance to the
modelling activities. Many of them are based on
already existing modelling approaches. Table 12
describes the used techniques with reference to the
paper using them. Many papers considers the SAM –
Strategic Alignment Model – model (Henderson and
Venkatraman, 1989). It is useful to treat the IS
strategy alignment and becomes a support for a
Table 7: Results of the analysis of the considered papers.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes part yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
no no
yes no yes yes part part part yes no no part no yes no part no no
no no
yes part yes yes yes yes yes yes yes part part part yes yes yes no yes
yes yes yes yes part yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes
yes yes par part yes yes no yes yes yes ndef part no part ndef no no yes ncl
yes no ncl yes yes yes no yes part yes no no yes no ndef yes yes yes no
yes no yes part yes yes no part yes yes no part yes no ndef no part no ndef
yes part no no yes yes no no no no no part no yes ndef no yes part no
yes no ncl no no yes no yes no yes yes no yes yes yes yes no no yes
yes yes yes no yes yes no no part yes yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes
no no
yes no no yes no no yes yes no no yes no no yes no no no
yes yes ncl no no yes yes no yes ncl ncl no yes yes yes ncl no no no
yes yes no no no no part no no no no no no no no no no part no
yes yes no no yes no no no no no no no yes no no no yes no
yes no yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no no yes yes no yes
no no
yes no yes no yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no yes
no no ncl no
yes no no yes yes yes no no no no no no no no ncl
no no
yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no
yes no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes no yes
yes part yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes no no yes
no no
yes no yes no yes no no yes no no no no no no no no no
no no
yes no part yes yes yes part yes no no no no no no no no no
no no
part no yes yes yes yes yes ncl no no no no no no no no no
no no
part no part no yes no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no
yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
no no
yes no yes yes no yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no
collaborative process between the business strategy,
business organisation, IS infrastructure, and IT
strategy, at two different abstraction level of the
alignment: functional and strategic. The Path model
is used to organize different variables. In particular,
in S9, hypotheses are considered, having as a
starting point the importance of the strategic
alignment, and motivations and success of the ERP
projects. The model captures the relationships
between the degree of success of ERP projects, the
associated business process changes, and subsequent
internal efficiency benefits. Then, it captures the
impact of internal process efficiency on customer
and financial benefits. Paper S10 adopts the gestalt
research model considering a perspective of fit, and
looking at a large number of variables that
collectively define a meaningful and coherent slice
of organizational reality. The Business rules services
model is considered in S14. It provides high level
services and functions that evolve during the
maturity and expanded the scope of the business
rules deployments across an enterprise. The
Business Rules Deployment Maturity Model
identifies maturity along five dimensions, including
organizational scope, ownership, structure,
development responsibility, and implementation
responsibility. In addition, many analysed papers
define their own measurement approach.
Table 7 shows that few papers (just S3, S5, S6,
S8, S9 and S10) deals with the evolution the
considered entities. This demonstrated that the
attention is nowadays more concentrated in knowing
what alignment is and how to manage it.
Finally, many papers apply the proposed
approach as indicated in Table 13. The main
attention is paid to applications on the field and
empirical studies.
Table 8: Distribution of the papers with reference to
Dimension of
Strategic S1, S2, ,S3, S4, S5,S6, S7, S8,S9, S11, S12,
S13, S15, S17, S19
Functional S3, S14, S15, S16,S17, S18
Table 9: Involved entities.
Involved Entities Paper
Business Strategy S2, S5, S8,
S7, S9, S10,
IT strategy S2,S5,
IT investment S8,S13
Business performance S7, S8,S19
Business Structure S10
IT Structure S10,S13
Business process S3, S13, S15
Organization’s structure S13
Human resource S15
ERP Strategy, Time cost, Financial Benefits S9
Critical success factor S3
IT systems S3,S5
Business objectives, E-business performance,
E-commerce strategy, E-commerce strength
and opportunities
Business rule S14,S15
Service systems S14
Environmental uncertainty, Information
intensity, Business dependence on It, IT
participation in Business Planning, IT Plan,
Business Plan, Competitive advantage
IS managers, Systems development
Goal (enterprise level), Functional (scenario
level), Data, Output misfits (activity level)
IS Strategy, Corporate Strategy S1
Organization’s IS S7
Technical elements of IT Infrastructure,
Human elements of IT Infrastructure, Process
elements of IT Infrastructure
IS/IT manager, Business manager S2
Infrastructure, Application S5
Table 10: Used measurement approaches.
Measure Paper
STROBE, strategic orientation of business
S7, S8, S9
STROEPIS, strategic orientation of the existing
portfolio of IS applications
S7, S8, S9
BSC, Balanced score card S9
Other S5
Table 11: Considered statistical analysis approaches.
Statistical Analysis Paper
ANOVA, One-way analysis of variance S10,S11,S19,S4
CFI, Comparative Fit Index S6,S7,S11,S13,
NNFI, Non-Normed Fit Index S7,S13,S16
Satorra–Bentler (SB x2/d.f.) S13
RMR, Root Mean square Residual S6,S7,S11,S13,
RMSEA, Root Mean Square Error of
Correlations S10
Error variances S10
GIF, Goodness-of-Fit Statistic S6
ROA, average Return-On-Assets S12,S19
TLI, Tucker–Lewis Index S16
Chi-square S6,
Chi-square/d. f. S6,S7,S16
AGFI adjusted GFI(Goodness-of-fit) S7,S11
LISREL (linear structural relations) S7
SEM technique is a statistical Structural
equation modeling
Two-tailed F-test S2
Other S5,s17
Table 12: Used modelling techniques.
Model Paper
SAM Strategic Alignment Model S1,S2, S6,S15
Path model S9
Gestalt model of strategic alignment S10
Business rules deployment maturity
S14, S16
Business rules tasks/services model S14
UML model S18
Other S3,S7,S11, S13,S19
Table 13: Application of the proposed approach.
Type Paper
Case Study S2,S3,S14,S18
On the field S1,S3, S4,S5,S6,S7,S10,
The alignment between business and information
systems assumed a growing relevance in the last
years. This research issue was addressed in several
researches proposing numerous methods, techniques
and tools. This paper proposes a characterization
framework to characterize different approaches, with
aim of discovering similarity, maturity, capability to
measure, model, asses and evolve the alignment.
This kind of investigation is aimed to support and
address future research concerning the alignment.
Indeed, it is necessary to understand which are the
aspects considered in the literature of this area with a
quantitative approach. Because the field of
alignment is wide and concerns different aspects, the
aim of the presented study is to help practitioners,
students and researchers to focalize the attention on
a particular interested issue.
The proposed characterization framework was
applied to the research works regarding the
alignment topics published in Journal Information &
Management, and the results of the evaluation is
presented. The results for this preliminary
application of the characterization framework
emphasize that the modeling, measurement and
evolution phases of an alignment approach are not
adequately addressed in the analyzed strategies.
Obviously, besides the Journal Information &
Management, many other sources of alignment
approaches exist and the results obtained in this
preliminary study need the confirmation of a wider
investigation involving more and more research
approaches. This will be one of the main future work
on which the authors are working.
As further future work, the framework proposed
can be used to make a survey of the studies
presented in the literature, and understand how to
better address the research issues in the alignment
area. The aim will also regard the classification of
different model, measurement, and quantitative
approaches addressing the alignment issue at
different abstraction level, and understanding which
of them better address a specific alignment problem.
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