Quantifying the Benefits of File Size Information for Forensic Hash
Johan Garcia
Department of Computer Science, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden
Hashing, Digital Forensics, File Size Distributions.
Hashing is a widely used technique in the digital forensic practice. By using file size information in addition
to hashes, hash matching can potentially be made more effective since there is no need to calculate a hash
value if there is no le in the hash set that has the same file size as the file being examined. Based on an
examination of 36 million file sizes from five different data sets, this paper provides a quantification of the
obtainable improvements. For the evaluated data sets the file reduction, i.e the fraction of files that can be
skipped without hash calculations, ranged from 0.009 to 0.525. The byte reduction, i.e. the fraction of bytes
that can be skipped, ranged from 0.514 to 0.992. Simulation results showed that these reductions in many
cases could decrease the time necessary for hash scanning by 50% or more.
In computer forensics the use of hash sets to compare
the contents of a storage device to a set of known files
have long been commonplace(Roussev, 2009). Vari-
ous hash-sets are created by organizations to be used
internally or shared externally to aid in different types
of forensic investigations. Hash sets can be used to
perform positive matching, i.e. identifying files on a
storage media that do correspond to a file in the hash
set. Additionally, negative matching can also be done
to identify those files that do not correspond to a file
in the hash set. The information structure of a hash
set varies with the hash set provider, and the tool used
to create the hash set. In many instances the hash-set
is just a text file containing only one hash value per
line. Other hash sets provide additional information,
such as the name and directory position of the hashed
file, the file size, a file type classification etc.
Forensic examinations are done differently ac-
cording to the particular need of the individual case,
legal requirements, available tools, etc. One frequent
use of hashes and hash sets are to assist in examina-
tions by identifying files that are either of particular
interest in an investigation, or files that can be re-
moved from an investigation as they are files known
to be uninteresting such as unmodified operating sys-
tem files, application files, and similar. Such scenar-
ios are the main motivator of this work, as the inclu-
sion of file size information has the potential to con-
siderably improve the performance of hash matching.
We do not consider hashing for uses such as providing
forensic integrity or as a basis for naming in unified
evidence repositories, as these applications typically
requires hashes to be computed for all files regardless
if they might match a hash set or not.
As storage devices continue to increase in size, the
need to improve the speed of hash matching grows
larger and larger. In order to quantitatively examine
what potential gains the use of file size information
can provide this paper performs an analysis of fivedif-
ferent data sets from the perspective of file size distri-
bution and overlap. Around 36 million file sizes were
processed to generate reduction values that show what
fraction of files, and bytes, that can be skipped from
hash calculation because the examined file has a size
for which there is no corresponding size match in the
hash set. The results show file reduction values up to
around 0.5 and byte reduction values above 0.9, im-
plying that half of the files and more than 90% of the
bytes need not be processed. Simulations modeling
a mechanical hard drive show that these reductions
often result in a 50% or larger decrease in the time
required for hash processing.
Hashing is based on the use of hashing algorithms that
produce a unique hash of a file. Typically the objec-
Garcia J..
Quantifying the Benefits of File Size Information for Forensic Hash Matching.
DOI: 10.5220/0004077303330338
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 333-338
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tive is to make an exact match which is the case for
this paper, but there also exists hash variations that
do fuzzy matching such as ssdeep (Kornblum, 2006),
with variations (Baier and Breitinger, 2011).
When performing positive matching the pre-
computed hash set contains hashes of files that are
of particular interest to the examiner. Locating any
occurrence of these files on the media under exami-
nation is thus the purpose of these kinds of examina-
tions. One example where this methodology is com-
monly used are investigations related to Child Sexual
Abuse (CSA) material. By performing locating hash-
ing against a hash set of known illegal material such
material can easily be found on the storage media.
Negative matching is instead used to remove files
from further examination. In this case the hash set
contains hash values from files known to be benign
in relation to the examination conducted, such as un-
modified application and operating system files. One
example where this approach can be used is in the
examination of infections of new malware. In these
examinations it is necessary to work broadly as the
malware could potentially have modified a number of
files on the storage media in various ways to perform
the various spreading, hiding, and anti-forensics func-
tionalities that have been designed into it. By using
excluding hashing files which are known to be un-
modified can be safely excluded from further inves-
tigation, thus considerably decreasing the effort re-
File size information is a potentially useful piece
of information to have in a hash-set in addition to the
hash value. It is easily concluded that it is only neces-
sary to compute hashes for files on the storage media
which has a file size identical to a file size which exist
in the hash set. Depending on the size distribution of
the files in the hash set and of the files on the stor-
age media, a smaller or larger fraction of the files on
the storage media can be skipped without having to
compute a hash value for them. This contributes to a
corresponding decrease in the amount of time needed
to process all the information on the storage media.
Time can be saved both from the perspective of not
having to read in all the file contents and compute the
hash as well as avoiding a seek operation to the loca-
tion of the storage media where the file is located.
The purpose of the work reported here is to pro-
vide some empirically based intuition on the order of
magnitude of the improvements that can be obtained
by using side file size side information when perform-
ing hash matching. To make these examinations a
number of evaluation data sets were used which are
described in the next section.
To perform the evaluation five different file size data
sets from different sources were used. These data sets
are of two different categories, the first category being
hash data sets. These data sets provide file size infor-
mation for files that are used to create hash sets. The
second category are scan data sets that reflect actual
contents of a number of storage devices. In an inves-
tigation hash sets are used when examining files on
storage devices. The file sizes on a device follows a
particular distribution, such as the distributions exem-
plified by the scan data sets. Some general statistics
on the data sets are provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Data set characteristics.
Data set Number Unique Total file
of files sizes size (GB)
Hash sets
CSA 180057 88498 255
NSRL 22502929 896382 5382
Scan sets
PC 9984693 188545 1140
GOVDOCS 986278 340955 466
RDC 2689123 149012 4930
3.1 Hash Data Sets
CSA Data Set
This file size data set was obtained from a law-
enforcement organization in a European country. The
organization keeps their own collection of files that
are known to be illicit Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) ma-
terial according to their national legal rules. This col-
lection is used to create hash sets employed to per-
form positive, or locating, hashing when new incom-
ing material is examined. At the date of data collec-
tion, the collection consisted of 180057 files. Since a
number of those files have exactly the same size, the
number of unique file sizes is lower (88498). These
unique file sizes make up the CSA data set, for which
the unique file size distribution is shown in Figure 1.
The left histogram shows the file size distribution
in the range 0 - 100 000 bytes, with each bar repre-
senting the number of unique file sizes in a particular
interval. For example, the interval 0 to 1000 bytes has
quite a small number of unique file sizes, only around
100. Furthermore, we can see that in the range from
approximately 10,000 to 40,000 the number of unique
file sizes is very high. Followingthe downwards slope
we can see that around a file size of 70,000 the num-
ber of occurrences are around 500.
Figure 1: CSA data set characteristics.
Figure 2: NSRL Data set characteristics.
When a hash set has 500 unique file sizes in a
particular file size interval of size 1000 it means that
when performing scanning, on average half of the
scanned files that fall within that particular interval
will have a size that is identical to a file in the hash
set. This 50% point can thus serve as an visual an-
choring point, illustrating the file size border where
scanned files of larger size has less than 50% proba-
bility of requiring hash computation. The 50% point
is marked by a red line. The right histogram shows
the same data, but in this figure the X axis has been
extended to 1 million bytes, and each bar now repre-
sents a file size interval of 10,000. It is clearly visible
that for larger file sizes the number of unique file sizes
that are present in this hash set is very low.
NSRL Data Set
A very large public hash set is provided by
the National Software Reference Library (NSRL)
project(NSRL, 2007). The stated goal of this project
is to collect software from various sources and incor-
porate file profiles and hashes for the software into a
Reference Data Set (RDS). The RDS hash set is typ-
ically used to perform excluding, or negative, hash-
ing. For this examination, version 2.35 of the RDS
was used which contains 74,555,829 files of which
22,502,929 are unique. These 22 million unique files
together had 896382 unique file sizes, and the distri-
bution of these file sizes are shown in Figure 2.
Again, the figure shows a histogram of the num-
ber of unique file sizes within file size intervals. Note,
however, that in this figure the file intervals are a
factor 10 larger than in Figure 1. If the same scale
had been used the left picture would be completely
black as is visible from the left part of the left figure.
Clearly, this is an effect of the fact that this data set
has many more files and thus a higher probability of
all file sizes within a given file size interval. For the
NSRL hash set the 50% point is around 700,000 and
is marked by a blue line.
3.2 Scan Data Sets
In order to be able to evaluate the potential gain from
using file size information when hashing, knowledge
of the file size distribution of the media that is be-
ing scanned is also necessary. The purpose of the
scan data sets are to provide file size distributions
that could be similar to what an investigator may face
when doing different kinds of forensic investigations.
In this evaluation three different scanned data sets are
used which are briefly presented here, before their ex-
amination results are discussed in the next section.
PC Data Set
The PC data set is based on file size information
Figure 3: PC Data set characteristics.
collected from 57 public PCs located in a European
Technical University. These PCs have operating sys-
tem and application files installed. Some of them also
to some extent contain additional files which were
stored there temporarily, for example when perform-
ing downloads. On average, each PC had 20 Gbytes
of files stored on it which in produced a total data
set containing almost ten million different files with
188545 unique file sizes.
The GOVDOCS data set is based on the publicly
available corpus of files that has been collected from
public web servers as described in (Garfinkel et al.,
2009). As such, this data set can be viewed as one rep-
resentation of the file size distribution of files stored
on public web servers such as those which were sam-
pled during the collection.
RDC Data Set
The Real Data Corpus (RDC) data set comes from a
corpora collected mainlyby purchasing hard driveson
the second hand market(Garfinkel and Shelat, 2003;
Garfinkel et al., 2009). The file sizes in this data set
are based on actual file size distributions found on the
obtained storage devices, and are based on data re-
trieved by the
forensic utility. The version of
RDC used to construct the file size data used in this
examination has been sanitized in order to avoid pri-
vacy concerns, and is thus a somewhat reduced ver-
sion of the complete RDC.
4.1 Matching of Distributions
We have seen from the above description that the ma-
jority of files in the hash sets are fairly small. Thus,
the number of unique file sizes in relation to the file
size interval is the largest for small file sizes. The
point where 50% of the file sizes in an interval ex-
ists in the hash set is around 70 kB for the CSA data
set and around 500 kB for the NSRL data set. This
needs to be related to the distribution of file sizes for
the three different scan sets.
The distribution of file sizes for the PC data set is
shown in Figure 3. On the left the number of file oc-
currences are shown, and also shown in the figure are
the scan set 50% points discussed above. The red line
shows the position of the CSA 50% point and the blue
line the NSRL 50% point. As can be seen the over-
whelming majority of the files are so small that they
fall below both points. Note that the interval size is
10Kbytes, and that the graph shows occurrences and
not number of unique file sizes.
The right part of Figure 3 provides a graph show-
ing the total number of bytes consumed by all files
within each file size interval. The graph uses an inter-
val size of 100Kbytes and shows that, while the ma-
jority of files seemed to be of a size smaller than both
of the 50% points, this is not as true for the total num-
ber of bytes stored in the files. Larger files by defini-
tion hold more bytes, which drives up the number of
bytes for the higher file size intervals even though the
number of files in the interval is small. From the fig-
ure it can be reasonably assumed that the majority of
bytes for this scan set belongs to files that would not
have their hash computed. The corresponding graphs
for the GOVDOCS and RDC scan sets are shown in
Figures 4 and 5.
While the pictures provide a visual intuition, they
can only show a restricted range. To provide a fuller
picture numerical values were computed using all size
values for each particular hash and scan set combi-
nation, which are shown in Table 2. File reduction
is used as a metric and is defined as the fraction of
files for which hashes need not be computed because
there are no file in the hash set with a corresponding
file size. For the PC data set, when CSA is used as
the hash set, it is seen that the file reduction is 0.497.
Thus, almost half of all files need not to have their
Table 2: File, byte and simulated time reduction results.
Data set File Byte File reduction Byte reduction Complete Size-assisted Time
reduction reduction (min 0.99) (min 0.99) scan (s) scan (s) reduction
PC 0.497 0.887 0.492 0.667 65200 30535 0.532
GOVDOCS 0.487 0.947 0.481 0.922 20125 7640 0.620
RDC 0.525 0.992 0.521 0.890 9503 1787 0.812
PC 0.009 0.519 0.004 0.078 65124 61594 0.054
GOVDOCS 0.125 0.679 0.118 0.554 20129 14377 0.286
RDC 0.082 0.959 0.076 0.529 9515 3619 0.619
hash computed, which may at first seem strange given
the shape of the PC file occurrence graph. When re-
viewing the CSA distribution in Figure 1 it however
becomes clear that the very lowest file size intervals
actually have a smaller number of unique file sizes,
and this is where the majority of the PC file size oc-
currences fall. Going down to the NSRL hash set re-
sults, the results are markedly different. The PC file
reduction is less than 1%, i.e. almost all files will have
to have their hashes calculated. This is a result of the
very dense coverage of files sizes shown in Figure 2.
Turning to the byte reduction, which is the fraction
of bytes on a storage media belonging to files which
could be skipped, it can be seen that a useful reduc-
tion of the number of bytes that need to be processed
can be achieved in all cases.
To examine the sensitivity of these results to the
existence of a small number of large files in the scan
sets a sensitivity analysis was performed. The top 1%
of the files which had the largest file sizes were re-
moved and the calculations redone. These results are
marked in the table as (min 0.99). For the particu-
lar NSRL-PC combination, the heavy-tailed nature of
the file size distribution and the actual number of files
removed (99847) results in a significantly lower byte
reduction for the sensitivity analysis case.
Considering the GOVDOCS and RDC scan sets, it
can be seen that they provide similar reduction values
as the PC scan set, mirroring fairly high values for the
CSA hash set and lower for the NSRL hash set. They
are also considerably less sensitive to removal of the
largest files as shown by the sensitivity analysis.
4.2 Simulation Results
A simulation was also performed to estimate the time
required to scan a 500 Gb hard drive completely full
with files. The simulator randomly draws file sizes
from the file size distribution of each scan set to fill
up 500Gb. It then computes the times necessary to
compute hashes for all files assuming that each file
needs one random access to position the head, and
that the disk read speed is the limiting factor rather
than computing the hashes.
The hard drive characteristics were modeled from
measurementson a Western Digital 2.5inch hard drive
(WD500BEKT) with a measured read access time of
14.5 ms and average throughput of 81.6 Mb/s. 100
replications were performed for each hash and scan
set combination, using a normal complete scan as well
as a size-assisted scan. The average results are shown
in the right side of Table 2. The 95% confidence inter-
vals were less than 1% for all results. As can be seen
in the results considerable reductions in the required
time is achieved in a majority of cases, saving hours
of processing times.
This paper aims to quantify the benefit of performing
size-information assisted hash matching in the con-
text of forensic hash processing. Contributions in-
clude the characterization of five different large scale
data sets as a way to increase the knowledgesurround-
ing file size distributions. Two different hash data sets
were examined, in conjunction with three different
scan data sets. Furthermore, simulations were used
to quantify the potential impact on total hashing time
when using file sizes to enhance hash processing.
File and byte reduction are used as primary met-
rics to signify the fraction of files and bytes that do not
need to be processed due to the lack of a file with a
corresponding size in the hash set. For file reduction,
the values were between 0.009 and 0.525, while the
byte reduction value ranged between 0.514 and 0.992.
Thus, size information has the potential to consider-
ably decrease both the number of files and the amount
of bytes that needs to be processed when performing
hash matching. Simulation results further showed that
these reductions translated to considerable time gains,
in many cases decreasing the time necessary for hash
scanning by 50% or more. While the presence of large
files have a relatively large impact on the byte reduc-
Figure 4: GOVDOCS Data set characteristics.
Figure 5: RDC Data set characteristics.
tion, a sensitivity analysis showed that the obtainable
reduction is typically not dependent only on the pres-
ence of a very small number of very large files.
Possible avenues for future work includes further
examinations using actual storage devices such as me-
chanical hard drives, SSDs, and USB memory de-
vices. As shown in this paper the reduction factors
are markedly different between file reduction and byte
reduction. Different types of storage devices have dif-
ferent combinations of seek times and read speed and
thus benefit differently from file and byte reduction.
Further examination of how the reductions from this
study translate into actual time gains for hash process-
ing of different physical storage device types is thus
one interesting topic for further study.
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