Definition of a Linguistic Resource for Opinion Mining
Franco Tuveria and Manuela Angioni
CRS4, Center of Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia,
Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico, Ed. 1, 09010 Pula (CA), Italy
Abstract. Many approaches to Opinion Mining are based on linguistic re-
sources, lexicons or lists of words. The lack of suitable and/or available re-
sources is one of the main problems in the process of opinion extraction and in
general in the analysis of textual resources based on a linguistic approach. In
this paper we describe FreeWordNet, a linguistic resource based on WordNet
and useful in the automatic method we propose for the extraction of features in
a general domain. In FreeWordNet each synset is enriched with a set of proper-
ties related to adjectives and adverbs and has a positive, negative or objective
value associated. The properties associated to each synset support a better iden-
tification of the sentiment expressed in relation to the domain and give more
details about the relevant terms or the expressions having an opinion associat-
1 Introduction
The linguistic approach to text analytics needs a detailed analysis of textual resources.
A text implicitly contains the necessary knowledge to understand the meaning ex-
pressed. Several linguistic resources and knowledge bases support the automatic
process of text analysis and understanding. Some of them are referred to the syntactic
interpretation of the text in the parsing phase or play a relevant role in the conceptual
interpretation of terms and in their sense disambiguation.
Many approaches to Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis are based on lin-
guistic resources, lexicons or lists of words. In [1] is proposed a linguistic approach to
Opinion Mining, based on a combination of adverbs and adjectives. Other approaches
propose a methodology [2] for assign a polarity to word senses applying a Word
Sense Disambiguation (WSD) process in building new resources based on WordNet
[3] and oriented to Opinion Mining. Some of these approaches represent the base of
the work presented in this paper. According to the definition of Opinion Mining given
by [4], “Opinion Mining can be roughly divided into three major tasks of develop-
ment of linguistic resources, sentiment classification, and opinion extraction and
summarization”. The lack of suitable and/or available resources is one of the main
problems in an Opinion Mining process and in general in the analysis of textual re-
sources based on a linguistic approach.
In Opinion Mining the feature extraction is the process of detection of relevant
terms or expressions having opinions associated and identifying a domain. Knowing
the polarity of words and their meanings can surely help to better identify the opin-
Tuveri F. and Angioni M..
Definition of a Linguistic Resource for Opinion Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0004093300640073
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 64-73
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ions related to the features expressed in sentences. The context described by sentenc-
es contributes to define the meaning of the terms, the relating features, the adjectives
and the adverbs according to the domain in order to perform a better Word Sense
Disambiguation. In this paper we describe a linguistic resource of adjectives and
adverbs based on WordNet, called in the following FreeWordNet, where each synset
is enriched with a set of properties related to adjectives and adverbs with a positive,
negative or objective value associated. The properties help to better identify the sen-
timent expressed in relation to the domain and give more details about the opinion
expressed. FreeWordNet is mainly involved in the development of an automatic pro-
cess of feature extraction and especially in the steps of distinction and identification
of subjective, objective or factual sentences and contributes in a basic way in the task
of contextualization of the features.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 refers to related
works. Section 3 introduces the linguistic resource and the feature extraction system.
Section 4 examines the work performed on for the human categorization of adjectives
and adverbs, giving some details about the methodology followed, and considering
some evaluations and the measures. Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions.
2 Related Works
Many approaches and resources have been proposed in determining the orientation of
terms. In [5] the authors evidence that subjectivity is a property to be associated to
word senses and that WSD can “directly benefit from subjectivity annotations”. In the
conclusions they affirm that a very good agreement can be achieved between human
annotators in labeling the polarity of senses.
Close to our work, SentiWordNet [6], [7] is one of the publicly available lexical
resources, that extends WordNet thanks to a semi-automatic acquisition of the polari-
ty of WordNet terms, evaluating each synset according to positive, negative and ob-
jective values. It provides the possibility to accept user feedback on the values as-
signed to synsets, allowing the building of a community of users in order to improve
SentiWordNet. Despite its wide coverage SentiWordNet does not provide additional
information we need to contextualize the content of the sentences, such as the proper-
ties we defined in FreeWordNet, able to better characterize the meaning of a term and
its use in the context of the sentence.
Another lexical resource consisting of WordNet senses automatically annotated by
positive and negative polarity, is Q-WordNet [8] that tries to maximize the linguistic
information contained in WordNet, taking advantage of the human effort given by
lexicographers and annotators instead of applying supervised classifiers.
WordNet-Affect [9] has been developed starting from WordNet, assigning one or
more affective labels (a-labels) to a subset of synsets representing affective concepts
that contribute to precise the affective meaning. For example, the a-label Emotion
represents the affective concepts related to emotional state. Other concepts are not
emotional-affective but represent moods, situations eliciting emotions, or emotional
responses. It is available for free only for non-profit institution. The same staff devel-
oped WordNet Domains [10], a resource that maps the WordNet synsets to a subset
of categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The idea of mapping
synsets and categories has in part inspired the development of FreeWordNet.
A further resource built as a “Gold Standard” is MicroWnOp [11], used to vali-
date SentiWordNet. It is a carefully balanced set of 1,105 WordNet synsets manually
annotated according to their degrees of polarity with the three scores summing up to
1. MicroWnOp has been adopting two criteria: the opinion relevance, that means that
the synsets should be relevant to represent the opinion topic, and the WordNet repre-
sentativeness, respecting the distribution of the synsets among the four parts of
3 FreeWordNet: A Linguistic Resource for Opinion Mining
The development of an Opinion Mining system able to automatically extract features,
independently by the domain, evidenced the need for additional characteristics to the
existing resources, such as SentiWordNet and Q-WordNet. Such resources identify
the polarity values of WordNet terms but do not provide any information about the
context of use of their meanings. In FreeWordNet the meanings expressed by adjec-
tives and adverbs have been extended with polarity values and some properties useful
in the steps of the feature extraction process, as described in the following. These
properties associated to each synset help to better identify the sentiment expressed in
relation to a given domain, provide more details about the features and characterize
the content of the sentences in which they are used.
In FreeWordNet adjectives and adverbs have two different levels of categories.
The first level of categorization is automatically performed by a Semantic Classifier
[12] able to categorize text documents using the categories of WordNet Domains and
providing as result a set of categories and weights. In FreeWordNet the Classifier
categorizes the glosses of the terms, assigns to each synset a set of categories, such as
Person or Gastronomy, useful to associate features to adjectives and adverbs.
The second level of categories, related to the human categorization, defines sets of
14 and 7 properties, respectively for adjectives and adverbs, as showed in Table 1 and
Table 2 with the polarity evaluation. The idea is that adjectives and adverbs could be
grouped in categories according to their meanings. In [13] the authors defined as
subjective expressions the: “words and phrases used to express mental and emotional
states, such as speculations, evaluations, sentiments and beliefs”. This definition has
been extended in FreeWordNet by adding e.g. adjectives related to human senses, like
the sense of Touch and the sense of Taste.
Regarding the adverbs, the properties defined in FreeWordNet consider their
meaning, the position or the strength. Based on their characteristics, in FreeWordNet
have been considered adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs
of quantity or degree, of affirmation, negation or doubt (grouped as AND adverbs),
adverbs as intensifiers or emphasizers and adverbs used in adversative and in consec-
utives sentences, as listed in Table 2. Only the adverbs of manner may be positive or
negative. The adverbs of degree give the idea about the intensity with which some-
thing happens or have an impact on sentiment intensity. The other give additional
information to the analysis related to the location or the direction, the time.
Table 1. Properties of adjectives.
Adjectives Pos. Neg. Net. Tot.
Emotion 52 73 3 128
Moral/Ethic 45 155 2 202
Character 355 584 220 1159
Weather 7 26 6 39
Color 0 9 42 51
Quantity 16 0 9 25
Appearance 41 83 46 170
Material 22 11 54 87
Shape 0 0 30 30
Touch 3 13 6 22
Taste 40 41 5 86
Dimension 11 2 60 73
Chronologic 3 0 30 33
Geographic 0 10 19 29
Others 29 17 87 133
Total 624 1024 619 2267
Table 2. Properties of adverbs.
Adverbs Pos. Neg. Net. Tot.
Time 0 0 7 7
Manner(things) 18 25 8 51
Manner(person) 166 205 5 376
Place 0 0 3 3
Intensifiers 0 0 38 38
Quantity 0 0 6 6
AND 1 0 0 1
Total 185 230 67 482
Together the two levels of categories define the context of use of the terms in a
sentence. For example, in the tourism domain, if an adjective has Moral/Ethic proper-
ty and is categorized as Person, we can expect the context to be related to personnel
evaluation. Likewise, in the sentence “the breakfast was good” the adjective “good”
has Taste property, is categorized as Gastronomy and is referred to the feature
“breakfast”. The categories and the properties of adjectives and adverbs provide the
possibility to separate sentences having polarity valence from the others. We agree
with [8] considering in the polarity classification not only word sense, sentence, or
text depending on subjectivity but even on polarity factual detection. In fact there
might be word senses or sentences objectively having polarity valence. Factual sen-
tences with a polarity valence give information about situations, facts that could be
evaluated as positive or negative according to objective criteria related to their de-
scription, while subjective sentences give personal opinions about features, facts, etc.
FreeWordNet allows us to have a distinction between adjectives having meaning that
we consider subjective and adjectives having factual valence. Categories like Emo-
tion, Moral/Ethic, Character, Taste, Touch, Appearance have a subjective valence.
Weather, Color, Quantity, Material, Dimension, Chronologic, and Geographic ex-
press factual polarity values as showed in Table 1. An example is the following sen-
tence: “The season is arid”. This is not a subjective but a factual sentence and ex-
presses a negative meaning from the life point of view. The adjective “arid”, having
synset 02552415, in WordNet 3.0, and meaning specified by this gloss: “lacking
sufficient water or rainfall”, has a negative factual value and has been classified with
the property Weather.
3.1 The Feature Extraction System
In order to provide more details about the motivation of the creation of FreeWordNet,
we describe the automatic method for the extraction of the features from a corpus of
reviews in a general domain and the role of FreeWordnet in the process. The pro-
posed method, as depicted in Figure 1, is based on a linguistic approach to the seman-
tic analysis of the opinions expressed in a set of reviews.
The first step of the process is the creation of the corpus of reviews related to a
specific domain. In this paper, we do not mind about the way the reviews are gathered
from the sources of information. Sentences having orthographic errors are discarded
or corrected. Only well-built sentences have been selected and inserted in the corpus
in order to avoid introducing errors and to facilitate the syntactic parser activities.
The analysis of the corpus is performed by a set of two modules including, at a
top level, a Semantic Classifier and a Sentence Analyzer. The Semantic Classifier
performs a thorough syntactic analysis of the sentences and a phrase chunking pro-
cess through the TreeTagger [14] parser and chunker, able to annotate the text with
part-of-speech tags and lemma information. The parser identifies into each sentence
its sub-constituents. A Java class wraps the evaluation provided by TreeTagger and,
analyzing the parts of speech, identifies the associations between nouns and their
related information. Such analysis is used in the semantic categorization process of
the corpus of reviews. The text categorization process provides as result a set of cate-
gories and weights that define the domain for the corpus of reviews. For example,
considering a set of reviews about a hotel, the domain is characterized by categories
such as Tourism, Person, Gastronomy, and by their weights.
The Semantic Classifier performs the corpus categorization evaluating the catego-
ries and their weights for each sentence. The categories and their weights are com-
pared with the categories describing the domain of the corpus in order to decide if a
sentence is relevant. For example, analyzing reviews about tourism and especially
reviews about hotels, we expect to examine sentences containing opinions about
geographical locations, buildings, rooms, staff and food. Moreover, the categorization
of each sentence of the reviews is managed by the Sentence Analyzer in order to
distinguish between subjective and objective sentences, with or without orientation,
and in particular in order to detect factual sentences having polarity value. In this
phase two sets of categories related to the synsets are used: the semantic one, per-
formed automatically by the Semantic Classifier, and the human one, given by the
properties of FreeWordNet. The first set of categories allows excluding sentences not
belonging to the domain of the corpus. As said, the properties of FreeWordNet relat-
ed to the Moral/Ethic or Emotional sphere imply subjective values, while others iden-
tifying e.g. Chronologic or Shape properties imply factual valence. In such a way, we
consider only subjective sentences or factual sentences having polarity valence. The
pre-processing of the corpus of textual resources has been performed in order to ac-
quire different levels of information, related to the whole corpus, to the sentences or
to each term. All the information involved in the categorization process is still used in
the feature extraction phase in order to perform the disambiguation of the terms and
to extract relations between features, adjectives and adverbs.
Fig. 1. The schema of the feature extraction process.
The feature extraction process consists of two main phases. The first step involves
the application of a tf-idf function to the nouns contained in the corpus of sentences
having polarity orientation, obtaining as result a first list of candidate features. In the
second step the WSD algorithm processes the feature terms in order to perform their
disambiguation, excluding synonyms and terms not referred to the domain categories.
The features are now identified by their synsets.
The WSD algorithm is inspired to the measure of similarity proposed by Leacock-
Chodorow [15] and calculates the semantic distance between the synsets related to the
features using the semantic net of WordNet. The algorithm also uses the common
categories between the synsets of each pair of terms and provides a weight to each
synset based on the number of synsets related to each term. The minimum distance
between the synsets is used in order to assign the most probable meaning to each
term. Finally the algorithm defines a matrix of all the possible relations between the
synsets of the features. The rows and columns of said matrix are the extracted fea-
tures. The matrix contains as weights the values of distance that measure the strength
of the relations existing between two features. The higher the weight, the stronger the
relation. The matrix allows grouping features by means of the strength of their rela-
tions. The adjectives having a polarity associated and the adverbs of manner and the
intensifier ones are put in relation with the feature terms they are referred to in the
same sentence of the review. The property and the polarity value of each adjective
enrich the information about the related feature. The presence of intensifier adverbs
contributes to determine the grade of the expressed opinion. An example of result of
the semantic categorization is given by the processing of the sentence: “The arid
climate is characterized by a high evaporation and lack of rainfalls”. The Semantic
Classifier categorizes the sentence and identifies the most relevant categories (Mete-
orology 75%, Psychology 25%). The WSD of adjectives performed by the Sentence
Analyzer, assigning the correct property to adjectives and adverbs, identifies the sub-
jective sentences. The adjective “arid” has two meanings, each one related to a differ-
ent gloss and categorized with different sets of categories. Both the glosses of the
adjective “arid” have been analyzed and classified in FreeWordNet. The right sense
of the adjective is chosen by considering the matching of the most relevant categories
with the categories of both the glosses. The categories related to the synset
“302462790” having gloss “lacking sufficient water or rainfall; an arid climate”. The
main category associated to the synset, Meteorology, matches the main category of
the sentence, providing in such way information about the most probable meaning of
the adjective. Its property and the value are used in the polarity evaluation of the
4 Human Categorization of Adjectives and Adverbs
The human categorization of adjectives and adverbs included in FreeWordNet ac-
cording to a set of properties has been manually performed as described in the follow-
The set of representative properties has been defined in order to put in evidence
the most evident characteristics of adjectives and adverbs. We identified 14 properties
plus another category collecting adjectives not concerning the other previous catego-
ries as described in Table 1. The adverbs have been distinguished in 7 properties, as
described in Table 2. The analysis started considering a collection of public resources
of terms having polarity valence and publicly available on the Web. The list of terms
obtained and selected by their polarity information has been used as starting point for
the definition of the database of adjectives and adverbs. Groups of adjectives and
adverbs able to guarantee the opinion relevance have been chosen in order to ensure a
minimum coverage of the topic related to each property, and the balancing between
the polarities. For each adjective and adverb identified, all the possible synsets avail-
able on WordNet 3.0 have been considered. A property among the list has been man-
ually associated to a synset by means of the interpretation of the related gloss, assign-
ing a positive, negative or objective value.
The work, valid for the English language, has been performed by two evaluators
following some predefined rules in order to define the criteria before associating the
synsets to a specific property and to the polarity. A first set of 150 adjectives and
adverbs has been selected and together the two evaluators evaluated them in order to
align the evaluation criteria. The reason of this approach is due to the similarity of
some properties such as Emotion, Moral/Ethic and Character where there is a very
slight distinction between their meanings. Then, they have proceeded independently
in the evaluation of the remaining adjectives and adverbs. The results obtained inde-
pendently by the evaluators have been compared in order to emphasize the points of
disagreement between them. Every time the categorization by means of the gloss
definition of the synsets or the assignment of the polarity generated discrepancy in the
interpretation, the results have been compared and discussed by the two people in
order to establish a common evaluation. If a convergence of opinions was not possi-
ble, the synset was excluded. Only the synsets having a total agreement of both the
evaluators in the polarity evaluation and in the association of the properties have been
included in FreeWordNet. As said, the level of disagreement was mainly related to
the assignment of synsets to the categories Emotion, Moral/Ethic and Character. The
cause is that sometimes the glosses of WordNet were not so clear to decide the most
correct interpretation. In this case the reviewers have used other dictionaries. The
disagreement is widely affected by the classification of the synset in these three cate-
gories, as they represent about the 65% of all the synsets of FreeWordNet. Related to
the polarity valence of synsets, an agreement near the 100% has been reached because
the evaluation of the polarity has been indicated only as positive, negative and objec-
tive without any score. At the end about 2.300 pairs of adjectives/synsets and about
480 pairs of adverbs/synsets have been obtained as part of the linguistic resource with
a quality and a polarity value associated, as showed in Table 1 and Table 2.
4.1 Measures and Comparisons
In order to evaluate FreeWordNet (FWn), a comparison with SentiWordNet (SWn)
and Q-WordNet (QWn) has been performed. But some modifications were required
in order to compare the resources. In fact, QWn provides polarity categorization of
adjectives and adverbs into one of the two categories, positive and negative, while
neutral polarity is seen as the absence of positive or negative polarity. Data about
QWn objective terms are not available. So, in the evaluation there was not any con-
sideration about them. SWn assigns three sentiment scores, positivity, negativity and
objectivity, which sum is 1. The objectivity is calculated as in (1):
obj_score = 1 - (pos_score + neg_score).
Relating to SWn, the biggest score has been selected to determine a unique value of
polarity, positive, negative or objective, associated to each synset.
Table 3. The agreement between the three resources.
Adj. 59,9% 79,8% 54,9%
Adv. 19,3% 100% 27,2%
Table 3 depicts the level of agreement between the three resources, taking into ac-
count only the adjectives and adverbs having polarity valence. The evaluation consid-
ers the adjectives and adverbs that SWn and QWn have in common with FWn. Table
4 shows the number of adjectives and adverbs in the three resources (tot) and having
polarity valence (p/n). Another evaluation of FWn has been made considering a
corpus of 100 reviews, composed by 950 sentences, about a hotel of Alghero in Sar-
dinia, as a test set. The syntactic analysis performed on the corpus, produced a list of
adjectives and adverbs. Considering their frequency in the corpus the algorithm found
970 adjectives (223 distinct) and 155 adverbs (70 distinct). The corpus has been used
in the feature extraction process. Adjectives and adverbs have been disambiguated
following the process described in Section 3.1.
Table 4. Adjectives and adverbs having polarity valence.
Adj tot 2.268 30.447
p/n 1.652 8.909 6.747
Adv tot 482 5.707
p/n 415 409 199
Table 5. Coverage of the resources referred to the synsets identified in the TripAdvisor corpus.
Adj-f 76 34% 140 62% 142 63%
Adj+f 617 63% 770 79% 827 85%
Adv-f 12 17% 19 27% 8 11%
Adv+f 22 14% 43 27% 36 23%
These activities produced a set of data useful in order to establish some criterion
in the evaluation of FWn. The number of adjectives and adverbs found in the corpus
and included in FWn has been compared with the results given by SWn and QWn.
Table 5 shows the coverage of the resources referred to adjectives and adverbs dis-
ambiguated on the corpus. The values report the number of adjectives and adverbs in
term of synsets having polarity valence. In the table, the notation Adj-f denotes the
number of distinct adjectives identified in the corpus, without considering their fre-
quency, while Adj+f considers the frequency. The same is valid for the adverbs. In
this case the number of adverbs in FWn are less than SWn. The result seems contra-
dict the result about the coverage showed in Table 4, but it is due to a different cover-
age of the domain in the resources. SWn identifies in the corpus the highest percent-
age of positive and negative synsets for adverbs (27%) while QWn has the highest
value for adjectives (63%). The analysis evidenced that, despite the number of adjec-
tives in FWn is 4-5 times bigger than the other resources, the percentage of adjectives
in relation to the corpus is only less than half compared with SWn and QWn. The
analysis of the results depicted in Table 5, evidences that FWn and QWn have a dif-
ferent coverage of adjectives and adverbs with a partial overlay. SWn has an almost
full coverage of WordNet terms. It is more evident considering the frequency of
5 Conclusions and Future Works
The paper presents FreeWordNet, a linguistic resource of adjectives and adverbs
based on WordNet, where each synsets is enriched with a set of properties and polari-
ty values associated. FreeWordNet is mainly involved in the development of an au-
tomatic process of feature extraction and especially in the steps of distinction and
identification of subjective, objective or factual sentences and contributes in a basic
way in the task of contextualization of the features. FreeWordNet is not a finished
resource. We are still working on the extension of terms in order to improve the co-
verage of the resource. The comparison of the measures evidences the need to im-
prove the number of synsets in FreeWordNet, in particular for the adjectives.
Considering that the text analysis is strongly affected by the recognition of adjec-
tives and adverbs having polarity valence, it is evident that the result certainly will
benefit by the improvement of the synsets. Anyway, the presence of the set of catego-
ries associated to synsets and the polarity values can bring relevant benefit in the
analysis of opinions. More in details, the distinction between subjective and factual
polarity adjectives and adverbs defined through their categories associated is an im-
plicit capability of FreeWordNet that produce, as a direct result, a relevant element in
the recognition and distinction of factual polarity and subjective sentences.
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