Generating Co-occurring Facial Nonmanual Signals in Synthesized
American Sign Language
Jerry Schnepp
, Rosalee Wolfe
, John C. McDonald
and Jorge Toro
College of Technology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, U.S.A.
School of Computing, DePaul University, 243 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, Worchester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Avatar Technology, Virtual Agents, Facial Animation, Accessibility Technology for People who are Deaf,
American Sign Language.
Abstract: Translating between English and American Sign Language (ASL) requires an avatar to display synthesized
ASL. Essential to the language are nonmanual signals that appear on the face. In the past, these have posed
a difficult challenge for signing avatars. Previous systems were hampered by an inability to portray
simultaneously-occurring nonmanual signals on the face. This paper presents a method designed for
supporting co-occurring nonmanual signals in ASL. Animations produced by the new system were tested
with 40 members of the Deaf community in the United States. Participants identified all of the nonmanual
signals even when they co-occurred. Co-occurring question nonmanuals and affect information were
distinguishable, which is particularly promising because the two processes move an avatar’s brows in a
competing manner. This brings the state of the art one step closer to the goal of an automatic English-to-
ASL translator.
Members of the Deaf community in the United
States do not have access to spoken language and
prefer American Sign Language (ASL) to English.
Further, they do not have effective access to written
English because those born deaf have an average
reading skill at or below the fourth-grade level
(Erting, 1992). ASL is an independent natural
language in its own right, and is as different from
English as any other spoken language. Because it is
a natural language, lexical items change form based
on the context of their usage, just as English verbs
change form depending on how they are used. For
this reason, video-based technology is inadequate for
English-to-ASL translation as it lacks the flexibility
needed to dynamically modify and combine multiple
linguistic elements. A better approach is the
synthesis of ASL as 3D animation via a computer-
generated signing avatar.
The language of ASL is not limited to the hands,
but also encompasses a signer’s facial expression,
eye gaze, and posture. These parts of the language
are called nonmanual signals. Section 2 describes
facial nonmanual signals, which are essential to
forming grammatically correct sentences. Section 3
explores the challenges of portraying multiple
nonmanual signals and Section 4 lists related work.
Section 5 outlines a new approach; section 6 covers
implementation details and section 7 reports on an
empirical test of the new approach. Results and
discussion appear in sections 8 and 9 respectively.
Facial nonmanual signals can appear in every aspect
of ASL (Liddell, 2003). Some nonmanual signals
operate at the lexical level and are essential to a
sign’s meaning. Others carry adjectival or adverbial
information. For example, the nonmanual OO
indicates a small object, while CHA designates a
large object. Figure 1 shows pictures of these
nonmanuals demonstrated by our signing avatar.
Another set of nonmanual signals operate at the
clause or sentence level. For example, raised brows
can indicate yes/no questions and lowered brows can
indicate WH-type (who, what, when, where, and
how) questions. Figure 2 demonstrates the difference
Schnepp J., Wolfe R., McDonald J. and Toro J..
Generating Co-occurring Facial Nonmanual Signals in Synthesized American Sign Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0004217004070416
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 407-416
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
between a neutral face and one indicating a yes/no
question. With the addition of the Yes/No-
nonmanual signal, a simple statement such as “You
are home” becomes the question, “Are you home?”
In fact, it is not possible to ask a question without
the inclusion of either the Yes/No- or WH-question
Nonmanual OO,
indicating a small size
Nonmanual CHA,
indicating a large size
Figure 1: Nonmanual signals indicating size.
Statement Yes/no question
Figure 2: Sentence-level nonmanuals.
Affect is another type of facial expression which
conveys meaning and often occurs in conjunction
with signing. Deaf signers use their faces to convey
emotions (Weast, 2008). Figure 3 demonstrates how
a face can convey affect and a WH-question
Challenges arise when nonmanual signals co-
occur. Multiple nonmanual signals often influence
the face simultaneously.
If a cheerful person asks a yes/no question about
a small cup of coffee, this will combine happy affect
with the Yes/No-question nonmanual and the small
nonmanual OO.
The Yes/no question and the happy affect will
influence the brows, and the happy affect and small
nonmanual OO will influence the lower face.
Further, each signal has its own start time and
The happy affect would continue throughout,
with the Yes/No signal appearing well before the
small nonmanual.
combined with happy
combined with angry
Figure 3: Co-occurrence.
For translation purposes, a video recording of ASL
will suffice only when the text is fixed and will
never change. However, video lacks the necessary
flexibility to create new sentences. Attempting to
splice together a sentence from previously-recorded
video will result in unacceptably choppy transitions.
A more effective alternative is to use an avatar to
synthesize sentences. Signing avatars are
implemented as 3D computer animation, and facial
movements are handled either by morphing between
fixed facial poses, or by using a muscle based
approach (Parke and Waters, 1996).
ASL synthesis places unique requirements on an
animation system which differ from those of the film
industry. Since the avatar needs to respond to
spontaneous speech, its facial expressions must be
highly flexible and dynamic. Compare this to motion
picture animation, where expressions are scripted for
a scene, and then printed to film.
This brings us to a second and, for this
discussion, even more critical requirement. Given
the co-occurring nature of nonmanual signals, any
signing avatar must take into account multiple
simultaneous linguistic processes. Such a system
must combine different types of expressions and
facilitate the ways in which those expressions will
No currently-available animation system
completely fulfils these requirements. For example,
the animation technique of simple morphing allows
an animator to pre-model a selection of facial poses,
and then choose one of these poses for each key
frame in the animation. The system then blends
between poses to make the face move. This method
allows for only one pre-modelled facial pose at a
time, which is extremely limiting in sign synthesis.
Consider portraying a question involving a happy
person asking about a small cup of coffee. This has
three simultaneously occurring facial processes: the
question nonmanual, the small size nonmanual and
the happy affect. If the animator has modelled each
of these separately, then a morphing system is forced
to choose only one of them and ignore the other two,
resulting in a failure to communicate the intended
Attempting to mitigate this issue by pre-
combining poses lacks flexibility and is labour
intensive to the point of impracticality. There are six
basic facial poses for emotion (Ekman and Friesen,
1978) and at least fifty-three nonmanual signals
which can co-occur (Bridges and Metzger, 1996).
Trying to model all combinations would result in
hundreds of facial poses. In addition, the timing of
these combinations would suffer the same problems
of flexibility associated with using video recordings.
Maskable morphing attempts to address the
inflexibility problem by subdividing the face into
regions such as Eyes, Eyebrows, Eyelids, Mouth,
Nose, and allows the animator to choose a distinct
pose for each region. This is an improvement but the
“choose one only” problem now migrates to
individual facial features, and thus it still does not
support simultaneous processes that affect the same
facial feature. For example, both the nonmanual OO
and the emotions of joy and anger influence the
The technique of muscle-based animation more
closely simulates the interconnected properties of
facial anatomy by specifying how the movement of
bones and muscles affect the skin (Magnenat-
Thalmann, Primeau and Thalmann, 1987) (Kalra,
Mangili, Magnenat-Thalmann and Thalmann, 1991).
If two different expressions use the same muscle,
their combined effect will pull on the skin in a
natural way. However, managing and coordinating
all of these muscle movements have a tendency to
become overwhelming.
Timing is the main problem. Co-occurring facial
linguistic processes will generally not have the same
start and end times. Some processes may be present
for a single word, others for a phrase, and others for
an entire sentence. Errors in timing can change the
meaning of the sentence. For example, both the
affect anger and the WH-question nonmanual
involve lowering the brows. If the timing is not
correct, the WH-question nonmanual can be
mistaken for anger (Weast, 2008). Errors in timing
can also cause an avatar to seem unnatural and
robotic, which can distract from the intended
communication. This is analogous to the way that
poor speech synthesis is distracting and requires
more hearing effort (Warner, Wolff and Hoffman,
Several active research efforts around the world
have a shared goal of building avatars to portray sign
language. Their intended applications include
tutoring deaf children, providing better accessibility
to government documents and broadcast media, and
facilitating transactions with service providers. This
section examines their approaches to generating
facial nonmanual signals.
Very early efforts focused exclusively on the
manual aspects of the language only (Lee and Kunii,
1993; Zhao et al., 2000; Grieve-Smith 2002). Some
acknowledge the need for nonmanual signals but
have not yet implemented them for all facial features
(Karpouzis, Caridakis, Fotinea and Efthimiou,
2007). Others have incorporated facial expressions
as single morph targets. This has been done using
traditional key-frame animation (Huenerfauth, 2011)
and motion capture (Gibet, Courty, Duarte and Le
Naour, 2011).
The European Union has sponsored several
research efforts, starting with VisiCast in 2000,
continuing with eSIGN in 2002 and currently,
DictaSign (Elliott, Glauert and Kennaway, 2004;
Efthimiou et al., 2009). One of the results of these
efforts is the Signing Gesture Markup Language
(SiGML), an XML-compliant specification for sign-
language animation (Elliott et al., 2007). SiGML
relies on HamNoSys as the underlying
representation for manuals (Hanke, 2004), but
introduces a set of facial nonmanual specifications,
including head orientation, eye gaze, brows, eyelids,
nose, and mouth and its implementation uses the
maskable morphing approach for synthesis.
However, there is no consensus on how best to
specify facial nonmanual signals, particularly for the
mouth, and other research groups have either
developed their own custom specification
(Lombardo, Battaglino, Damiaro and Nunnari, 2011)
or are using an earlier annotation system such as
Signwriting (Krnoul, 2010). Further, none of these
efforts have yet specified an approach to generating
co-occurring facial nonmanual signals.
Recent efforts have begun exploring alternatives
to morphs and maskable morphs by exploiting the
muscle based approach (López-Colino and Colás,
2012). However this work has not addressed
portraying co-occurring nonmanual signals.
There is consensus that animating the face is an
extremely difficult problem. Consider the sentence,
"What size coffee would you like?” signed happily.
In a conventional system based solely on facial
features, the brow would need to be lowered to
indicate a WH-question, but happiness requires an
upward movement of the brows. How much should
the brows be raised to indicate this? Raise them too
little and the face will not appear happy. Raise them
too much and the face is no longer asking a WH-
question. This type of manual intervention makes
automatic synthesis difficult to the point of
Given the challenges, it is not surprising that the
previously-published empirical evaluation of
synthesized nonmanual signals yielded mixed
results. Huenerfauth (2011) reports that only
animations containing emotion affected perception
at a statistically significant level. Deaf participants
did not comprehend any portrayals of nonmanual
signals in the synthesized ASL.
Findings from linguistics yield fresh insight into the
challenge of representing co-occurrences. ASL
linguists have developed a useful strategy for
annotating them.
Figure 4 demonstrates a sample
annotation for the question, “Do you want a small
coffee?” The lines indicate the timing and duration
of the nonmanual signals. Nonmanual signals co-
occur wherever the lines overlap
Figure 4: Linguistic annotation for the sentence
“Do you want a small coffee?”
Using this notation as a metaphor makes it
possible to express timing of co-occurring signals.
The key is to view ASL synthesis as linguistic
processes, rather than a series of facial poses.
Linguistic processes can provide the timing and
control for underlying muscle movements. This new
approach creates a mapping of linguistic processes
to anatomical movements which facilitates the
flexibility and subtleties required for timing.
In the new approach, each linguistic process has
its own track analogous to the timing lines in
4. Each track contains blocks of time-based
information. Each block has a label, a start time, an
end time, as well as a collection of subordinate
geometry blocks as outlined in Table 1.
Geometry blocks describe low-level joint
transformations necessary to animate the avatar and
can contain animation keys or a static pose.
Linguistic tracks contain linguistic blocks which
contain intensity and timing information that
controls the geometry blocks. Additionally,
linguistic blocks can contain intensity curves that
control the onset and intensity of a pose to facilitate
the requisite subtlety. The effect of each joint
transformation is weighted by the curve values to
vary the degree to which each pose is expressed.
Table 1: Representation Structure.
High Level Tracks
gloss (manuals)
lexical modifier
Syntax Block
Start time and duration
Intensity curve
Geometry block
Gloss Block
Start time and duration
Geometry block
Lexical Modifier Block
Start time and
Intensity curve
Geometry block
Affect Block
Start time and
Intensity curve
Geometry block
Mouthing Block
Start time
End time
Geometry block
Overlapping blocks in multiple linguistic tracks
simultaneously influence the face. To implement co-
occurrence, for each joint or landmark, keys are
gathered from the relevant tracks. A matrix M is
computed by combining the weighted
transformations from each track at the current time
per (1) and the new transformation M is applied to
the joint.
M =
This representation does not simply store
animation data as a collection of keys, but organizes
them into linguistic processes. This facilitates a
natural mapping to a user interface. Figure 5 shows
how the main interface of our ASL synthesizer
reflects the annotation system that linguists use to
analyse ASL sentences. In the interface, linguistic
tracks are labelled on the left, and block labels refer
to the linguistic information they contain.
To create a sentence, a linguist or artist types the
glosses (English equivalences) for a sentence. The
synthesizer automatically creates an initial draft of
the animation and displays the linguistic blocks in
the interface. Based on the animation’s appearance,
a linguist can shift or time-stretch any block and edit
its internals by using its context-sensitive menu.
After making desired adjustments, the linguist can
rebuild the sentence, view the updated animation
and repeat the process as necessary. We continually
mine the editing data because it provides insights for
improving the initial step of automatic synthesis.
Figure 5: Screen shot of ASL synthesizer interface, for the
sentence, “Do you want a small coffee?”.
Thus, the interface is not presenting the
animation data as adjustments to a virtual anatomy.
Rather, the interface allows researchers to focus on
the linguistic aspects of the language instead of the
geometric details of the animation. They can
describe sentences in the familiar terms of linguistic
processes such as “The Yes/No-question nonmanual
begins halfway through the first sign and finishes at
the end of the sentence.”
This approach helps manage the complexity of
ASL synthesis. It is useful for linguists, because the
animation-specific technology is abstracted. What is
presented to the linguist is an interface of linguistic
constructs, instead of numerical animation data. The
complexity of 3D facial animation is hidden;
although it is available through the context-sensitive
menus should a researcher want to access it.
The synthesis program contains a library of facial
poses. To speed the creation of the initial library, we
set up an “Expression Builder” which has a user
interface similar to (Miranda et al., 2012). Figure 6
shows the Expression Builder interface on the left.
On the upper part of the face, the interface controls
correspond to landmarks that are constrained to
move along the surface of a virtual skull.
For the mouth, we began with the landmarks
specified in the MPEG-4 standard (Pandžić, and
Forchheimer, 2003), but artists found that working
with them directly was only partially satisfactory.
Artists found it time-consuming to create the
necessary nonmanual signals because jaw
movements interfered with them, and the resulting
animations were not deemed satisfactory by our
Deaf informants.
Figure 6: The Expression Builder Interface.
We addressed the problem by creating an oral
sphincter that simulates the inward and downward
motion at the corners of the mouth which occurs as
the jaw drops. This technique automatically
integrated the jaw movement with the mouth, and
artists found the task of creating the nonmanual
signals much easier.
For forehead wrinkling, we needed to
incorporate the effects of both raising and furrowing
the brows. We created two textures, one depicting
horizontal lines caused by raised brows, and one
depicting furrowed brows. Sometimes these effects
can occur simultaneously and even asymmetrically.
To support these possibilities, we created visibility
masks that are generated dynamically in real-time
based on the position of the landmarks in the brows.
When the landmarks are in neutral position, the
masks are transparent and the textures are invisible.
Raising a landmark causes the horizontal texture to
become visible near it. Similarly when a landmark is
lowered or moved inward, the furrow texture
becomes visible in the vicinity of the landmark.
Figure 7 contains schematics of the textures and a
rendered example demonstrating simultaneous and
asymmetric brow configurations.
The interfaces for the Expression Builder and for the
ASL Synthesizer were developed in Microsoft
Visual Studio, and currently utilize a commercially-
available animation package as a geometry engine.
Further details of the implementation can be found
in (Schnepp, 2012).
Sign synthesis has an analogue to speech synthesis:
the correct phonemes must be created as a precursor
to attempting to synthesize entire paragraphs. Thus
we focused our evaluation exclusively on short
phrases and simple sentences. If we can ascertain
that simple language constructs are understandable
and acceptable to Deaf viewers, we can then use
them as a basis for building more complex
constructs in future efforts.
Figure 7: Sketches of the raised and furrowed textures and
a rendered image of model with the textures.
We wanted to evaluate whether affect would still
be perceptible even when there were other,
simultaneously-occurring nonmanual signals that
could potentially interfere. For first part of our
study, we created two pairs of sentences. Each pair
consisted of one sentence with happy affect and one
sentence with angry affect. The first pair combined
the WH-question nonmanual with each of these
emotions. The second pair combined the CHA
(large) nonmanual with the same two emotions.
We also wanted to assess the perceptibility of
grammatical nonmanual signals in isolation from
emotion, and to focus on evaluating the effect of
nonmanual markers on the perception of size. We
created a phrase that contained a manual sign that
indicated a medium size, but then synthesized three
variations -- one with an OO (small) nonmanual
signal, one with a neutral face, and one with the
CHA (large) nonmanual signal. Other than the
nonmanual, the animations were identical. We could
then ask participants to tell us the size of the object
in the animation.
7.1 Test Considerations
We evaluated for clarity in three ways. The first
method was a coarse measure, which was to simply
ask participants to repeat what they saw in the test
animation. This has the potential to uncover major
problems. For example, if the animation displays a
question but the participant responds by signing a
statement, then the question nonmanual was not
perceived. The second method was to ask questions
about the content conveyed through nonmanual
signals. For example, if an animation involved a cup
of coffee we could ask about the cup’s size. The
third and final method was to ask the participant to
rate the animation’s clarity.
To address acceptability, we asked participants
to “Tell us what we can do to improve the
animation.” From the responses, we gained both
quantitative and qualitative data. A high number of
negative responses would indicate a lower level of
acceptability. The open-ended question also elicited
suggestions for improvement, which are an
invaluable resource for refinements.
When testing with members of the Deaf
community, the same considerations need to be
taken into account as when testing in a foreign
language. Thus everything -- the informed consent,
the instructions, the questionnaires, the test
instruments -- must be in ASL. To avoid possible
bias due to geographic location, we wanted a
significant portion of the participants to come from
regions other than our local area. To facilitate this
we used SignQUOTE, a remote testing software
package designed specifically for Deaf communities.
A previous study found no significant variations
between the responses elicited in face-to-face testing
and responses elicited via remote testing with
SignQUOTE (Schnepp et al., 2011).
7.2 Procedure
Twenty people participated in a face-to-face setting
at Deaf Nation Expo in Palatine Illinois, while
another twenty were recruited through Deaf
community websites and tested remotely using
SignQUOTE. All participants self-identified as
members of the Deaf community and stated that
ASL is their preferred language. In total, 40 people
Participants viewed animations of synthesized
ASL utterances (see
occuring) and answered questions pertaining to
sentence content and clarity. Each participant
viewed individual animations one at a time and was
given the option to review the animation as many
times as desired. When the participant was ready to
proceed, the facilitator asked four questions:
1. The first question asked the participant to sign
the animation.
2. The second question asked the participant to
judge some feature of the animation as shown in
Table 2. Participants indicated their responses
on a five-point Likert scale.
3. The third question asked the participant to use a
five-point Likert scale to rate the clarity of the
4. Finally, the last question asked the participant to
offer suggestions to improve the animation.
Table 2: Test animations.
Test animation English Translation
Feature rated
by participant
WH + Happy
How many books do
you want? (Happy)
WH + Angry
How many books do
you want? (Angry)
CHA + Happy
A large coffee.
CHA + Angry
A large coffee.
OO + Medium
A regular coffee
(small nonmanual)
No nonmanual +
Medium sign
A regular coffee
(no nonmanual)
CHA + Medium
A regular coffee
(large nonmanual)
The face-to-face environment consisted of a
table with a flat-panel monitor in front of the
participant. On either side of the participant sat a
Deaf facilitator, and a hearing note taker. Across
from the participant sat a certified ASL interpreter
who voiced all of the participant’s responses.
The remote testing sessions followed an identical
structure while automating the roles of facilitator
and note taker. Namely, instructions were presented
by pre-recorded video of a signing (human)
facilitator and answers were recorded using a
clickable interface for scale elements and webcam
recordings for open-ended answers.
Once all remote testing sessions were complete,
a certified ASL interpreter viewed the collection of
webcam video recordings and voiced the
participant’s responses. The audio of the
interpretations was recorded and transcribed as text
for analysis.
In response to the first question, every participant
repeated the utterance correctly for each animation.
This included all of the processes that occur on the
For the second question, we used the Mann-
Whitney statistic to analyze the responses to the
paired sets of sentences. For the pair combining the
WH-question nonmanual with happiness and anger,
the Mann-Whitney test showed a significant
difference (z = -6.1, p = 1.06 x 10
< .0001). The
second pair combining the CHA nonmanual with
happiness and anger yielded similar results
(z = -6.83, p = 8.66 x 10
< .0001). Figure 8 shows
the distribution of the participants’ ratings for the
first pair of sentences and
Figure 9 shows the ratings
for the second pair.
Figure 8: Perception of emotion in the presence of a WH-
question nonmanual signal.
Figure 9: Perception of emotion in the presence of a CHA
nonmanual signal.
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the results of
perceived size in the three animations that differed
only in the portrayed nonmanual signal.
Figure 10
displays the responses to the animation showing the
OO (small) nonmanual compared to the animation
with a neutral face. The Mann-Whitney statistic (z =
-3.75, p < .000179) indicates a significant difference.
Figure 11 shows the responses for the neutral face
versus the CHA (large) nonmanual. As with the first
case, the differences in the responses are significant
(z = -3.51, p < .000452).
Figure 12 shows the participant’s ratings of
clarity. In each case, the majority of participants
rated the animation as either ‘clear’ or ‘very clear’.
Table 3 shows a tabulation of the responses to
the open-ended question, “What can we do to
improve the animation?” The categories are a)
suggestions for improvement, b) no comment or
positive comments (“she looks fine”).
Representative suggestions for improvement were
“You always need an expression”, “When there's no
expression, I'm not really sure,” and “She shouldn’t
be so crabby.”
Figure 10: Perception of size (small vs. no nonmanual).
Figure 11: Perception of size (large vs. no nonmanual).
Figure 12: Clarity Results.
Table 3: Responses to open-ended questions.
ASL Animation
“Fine” or no
WH + Happy 23 17
WH + Angry 32 8
CHA + Happy 16 24
CHA + Angry 23 17
OO + Medium sign 15 25
Neutral + Medium sign 21 19
CHA + Medium sign 22 18
The first concern was whether an individual
nonmanual signal produced by this system actually
conveys its intended meaning. When participants
viewed two animations identical except for a size
nonmanual, they perceived the size of the object
according to the nonmanual signal. The Mann-
Whitney scores demonstrate a significant difference
in perception when the size nonmanual occurs.
The second concern was whether affect would be
perceived even in the presence of co-occurring
nonmanual signals that could interfere with its
portrayal. The Mann-Whitney statistics demonstrate
that participants were able to perceive affect even in
the presence of co-occurring nonmanuals. Further,
when asked to repeat animations that involved both
affect and another nonmanual, participants
consistently signed all nonmanuals present in the
animations, including size and question nonmanuals.
Participants correctly identified both the emotional
state of the avatar and the meaning of the co-
occurring nonmanual signals.
The third concern was whether the WH-question
nonmanual would be distinguishable from affect.
Both anger and the WH-nonmanual lower and
furrow the brows. Improperly produced, a WH-
nonmanual can be mistaken for anger and vice-
versa. But this did not happen in the study.
Participants repeating animations depicting a
question always signed back the proper form of the
question. The Mann-Whitney statistics also
demonstrate that they easily perceived the intended
emotion. This last case is particularly interesting
because happy affect and the WH-question
nonmanual move the brows in opposite directions.
Still, participants could discern both the emotional
state of the avatar, and that the sentence being
signed was a WH-question.
When viewing animations produced by our
approach, participants accurately repeated each
sentence with all included nonmanuals 100% of the
time. This is interesting because there were no
manual (hand) indications that a sentence was a
question; the only indication was on the face. Still,
participants all signed the questions accurately,
including the intended nonmanuals.
These results are in contrast to (Huenerfauth,
2011), whose animations elicited a significant effect
only when portraying affect: no linguistic
nonmanual had a significant effect. Further, his
approach was only capable of portraying one process
on the face at a time. Our approach can express
simultaneous processes, and the study data show that
each of the simultaneous processes is recognizable.
Thus, the results for this new method promise a
significant advance in portraying ASL.
Finally, in every case a majority of participants
rated the animation as either ‘clear’ or ‘very clear’.
Clarity ratings tended to be highest when nonmanual
signals and manual signs reinforced each other.
Although the one animation lacking an appropriate
nonmanual signal was deemed relatively
understandable, participants were in consensus that
the animations were clearer when a nonmanual
signal was present. To quote one participant, “You
always need an expression.”
The use of linguistic abstractions as a basis for
creating animations of ASL is a promising technique
for portraying nonmanuals that are recognizable to
members of the Deaf community. While this
approach undoubtedly requires extension and
revision, it is a step toward the automatic generation
of ASL. In addition to being an essential component
of an automatic English-to-ASL translator, an avatar
signing correct ASL would be a valuable resource
for interpreter training. When interpreting students
learn ASL, recognition skills lag far behind
production skills (Rudser, 1988). Software
incorporating a signing avatar capable of correct
ASL would provide a valuable resource for
practicing recognition. Another application would be
to support Deaf bilingual, bi-cultural (“bi-bi”)
educational settings where ASL is used in preference
to manually-signed English (Hermans, Ormel,
Knoors and Verhoeven, 2008).
The underlying representation itself can support
collaboration between ASL linguists and avatar
researchers for exploring linguistic theories due to
the direct analogue to linguistic annotation.
Researchers can quickly make animations to test and
refine hypotheses.
The number of suggestions for improvement
from the study indicates there is more work to be
done before the animations reach full acceptability.
We are analyzing the qualitative feedback to
determine next steps
Going forward, we plan to develop and evaluate
additional nonmanual signals and follow up with
more rigorous testing. The current study only tested
the co-occurrence of two simultaneous signals.
Three or more co-occurring signals often combine in
signed discourse, and the system should be tested as
to its scalability in terms of the number of co-
occurring signals.
We would like to thank Brianne DeKing for her help
and expertise. She provided invaluable insight into
the language of ASL. Brent Shiver was essential to
the testing sessions and to the development and
testing of SignQUOTE. We would also like to thank
Dr. Christian Vogler for his mentoring as we wrote
this paper.
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