Comparison of Two Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Methods for
Potential Airport Location Selection
Sedat Belbag
, Muhammet Deveci
Ahmet Serhat Uludag
Gazi University, Business & Administration, Incitas Street, Ankara, Turkey
Yildiz Technical University, Industrial Engineering, Besiktas, Istanbul
Gazi University, Business & Administration, Incitas Street, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Facility Location, Airport Location Selection, Multi Criteria Methods, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy ELECTRE I.
Abstract: Facility location selection is a very important multi criteria decision problem for many companies. As other
strategic decisions, any failure in facility location selection has also irreversible consequences that affect the
future of a company. Multi criteria decision methods (MCDM) are widely used in comparison related
problems. These methodologies give more obvious and rational solutions in decision process. This study is
proposed fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ELECTRE I to overcome facility location selection problem. We
combine fuzzy sets theory with two different multi criteria decision methods to eliminate the vagueness of
linguistic factors that stem from the uncertain and imprecise assessment of decision-makers. The proposed
methods have been applied to a facility location selection problem that determines a potential second airport
in Ankara, Turkey.
Strategic decisions are usually evaluated as
irreversible decisions that affect the future of a
company. The reason behind this situation is the
risky nature of strategic decisions. Any mistaken
decision may cause terrible consequences that will
threat the existence of the company. Facility location
selection may be the most important decision among
strategic decisions. The aim of facility location is
determining the optimal location for a company.
Facility location selection requires sizable financial
investment and can affect operating costs and
revenues. So, poor location selection causes high
distribution costs, expensive or incapable labor,
inadequate raw materials, financial loss and low
competitive advantage (Reid and Sanders, 2011). On
the one hand, facility location selection aims to keep
variable costs as low as possible in order to reach
customer zones; on the other hand, facility location
selection causes high fixed costs.
Several papers attempt to find the best solution
for facility location problem from past to present.
Many papers aim to find an optimal solution with
mathematical programming methods. Spath (1984)
tried to minimize weighted sum of distances to their
minimum location centre. Aikens (1985), Owen and
Daskin (1998), and Melo et al., (2009) reviewed vast
number of papers in which several mathematical
models were developed in order to find the best
facility location for different requirements.
Nevertheless, mathematical programming models
take into consideration only quantitative factors,
qualitative factors such as linguistic factors are not
always considered. On the other hand, multi criteria
decision methods (MCDM) usually merge both
quantitative and qualitative factors. Thus, decision-
maker (DM) takes into account both type of factors
that affect facility location selection. Mostly, the
values for the qualitative criteria are not accurately
defined for decision-makers. Moreover, value and
importance weight of criteria are usually defined e.g.
“very low”, “low”, “medium”, “high”, “very high".
So, it is very hard to accurately quantify the rating of
each alternative location.
To select best facility location, different multi
criteria decision methods have been suggested in
various papers. Yang and Lee (1997) used analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) to select facility location
from the view of organizations which contemplate
locations of a new facility or a relocation of existing
facilities. Market, transportation, labor and
community were determined as main factors, and
then every factor is divided into three sub-factors.
Badri (1999) tried to combine AHP and goal
Belbag S., Deveci M. and Uludag A..
Comparison of Two Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Methods for Potential Airport Location Selection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004279702700276
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2013), pages 270-276
ISBN: 978-989-8565-40-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
programming in order to minimize the overall
deviations in the objective function. Proposed model
aims to solve facility location-allocation problem for
Biochemical Company. Yang et al., (2008)
developed AHP-ANP approach for evaluating
location characteristics in order to help managers to
realize the advantages and disadvantages of potential
location. To establish a location selection model, this
study suggested three-step procedure. It consists of
building initial criteria, modifying dimensions and
detailed criteria, and building an evaluation model,
respectively. In study of Erden and Cosgun (2010),
AHP and geographic information systems (GIS)
combination used to find optimal site location
among pre-selected fire stations. GIS has been used
for supporting spatial decision-making. After the
determination of possible locations, decision maker
decides main criteria for AHP procedure. Deluka-
Tibljas et al., (2010) proposed an AHP approach to
solve the problem of selecting a location for the
garage-parking facility in a town.
Except AHP related models, other MCDM have
also been used for facility selection problems.
Gundogdu (2011) suggested an ELECTRE I method
for selecting facility location of industrial plants
when considering environmental priorities. Huang et
al. (2011) formulated potential influence location
ranking theory. Authors offered a nearest location
circle algorithm and a voronoi diagram based
algorithm to process the query. Zhang (2011) used
two stage procedure GIS model in order to select
facility location for biofuel production company.
When the first stage revealed potential locations
related to railroads, roads, and other transportation
channels, the second stage was detected facility
exact location by using a total transportation cost
model. Combining Bayesian Networks and Total
Cost of Ownership (TCO), Dogan (2012) analyzed
facility location problem for an international
manufacturing plant. With suggested model,
decision maker selects the facility that has minimum
total cost when considering multiple criteria.
In real world, the evaluation of decision process
can rarely be given precisely because of the
uncertain structure of linguistic terms. In fact,
defining linguistic terms without losing the meaning
can be extremely challenging issue for researchers.
To eliminate the vagueness of linguistic terms, fuzzy
sets have been integrated with several MCDM.
Liang and Wang’s (1991) study is one of the first
attempts to combine a MCDM and fuzzy sets into a
model. The model helps decision maker to assess
precisely the weighting criteria and the
determination of facility location. Chen (2001)
solved the location selection problem of distribution
center by using a fuzzy approach that express the
ratings of alternatives and the weights of criteria in
triangular fuzzy numbers. After that, all potential
locations were ranked in a fuzzy manner. Kaboli et
al. (2008) and Tabari et al. (2008) were both
combining fuzzy sets and AHP method to select
facility location. Proposed models insert AHP
method into the fuzzy sets. As a result of that,
interval judgments become much more reliable than
fixed value judgments during the process of facility
location selection.
Chu (2002), developed a fuzzy TOPSIS model in
which the ratings and weights of each alternative
location could be aggregated by interval arithmetic
and α-cuts of fuzzy numbers. Moreover, Hu et al.
(2009) applied fuzzy sets into TOPSIS method in
order to select best distribution center for a
manufacturer. Ulukan and Kop (2009) used fuzzy
TOPSIS method in two step procedure. Firstly,
candidate locations were defined by a trapezoidal
membership function. Then, this trapezoidal
numbers embedded into criteria and alternatives in
TOPSIS. Finally, suitable facility location selected
for waste disposal company. Kahraman (2003)
compared four different multi criteria decision
methods (Blin's Fuzzy Method, Fuzzy Synthetic
Evaluation, Yager's Weighted Goals, Fuzzy AHP)
and showed basic differences among them. In this
context, fuzzy AHP applied to motor vehicle
manufacturer for facility location selection. Ertugrul
and Kasapoglu (2008) presented another
compression study between fuzzy AHP and fuzzy
TOPSIS. Each approach was used to select the best
facility location for a textile company. In a recent
study, Ozdagoglu (2011) proposed fuzzy ANP
method to overcome the problem of facility location
selection. First step of fuzzy ANP includes the
determination of fuzzy AHP solution. Next step
focused on integrating fuzzy AHP solution into ANP
approach. Kaya and Cinar (2007) investigated three
different preference models to explain fuzzy
outranking methods with the application of facility
location selection for motors manufacture company.
To select facility location for a high tech company,
Chou et al., (2008) integrated fuzzy set theory, factor
rating system and simple additive weighting into
Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting System. Momeni
et al., (2011) attempted to extend VIKOR method by
adding fuzzy sets into it. Fuzzy VIKOR solved
facility location problem in eight consecutive steps
when taking into account all criteria and alternatives.
Literature review shows that although several
MCDM have been developed to solve different
facility location problems, there is a huge gap about
potential facility location selection for an airport.
This study aims to fill this gap with suggested fuzzy
TOPSIS and fuzzy ELECTRE I method. The criteria
that belong to airport location selection are
determined by structured interview with several
experts from public and private sectors. After
interviews, not only are criteria determined but also
potential locations for airport are decided by the
views of interviewees. The population of Ankara,
the capital of Turkey, grows in each year because of
immigration from rural regions. Also, these
condense population give rise to growth in air
transportation. Even though, Esenboğa, the only
airport in Ankara, is the main stream of air
transportation, lack of capacity makes air traffic
more crowded as time progressed. We compare the
solutions of two different MCDM in facility location
selection for a second airport in Ankara. In section 2,
we give brief information about fuzzy TOPSIS and
fuzzy ELECTRE I methods. In section 3, we
illustrate findings that are related to the application
of airport location selection. In section 4, we sum up
with our conclusions and future research directions.
In this study we select two different MCDM in order
to compare and comment the findings of these
MCDM. Moreover, fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy
ELECTRE use different way to make pairwise
comparison between alternatives. Fuzzy TOPSIS
ranks each alternative from the best to the worst by
considering different criteria. On the other hand,
fuzzy ELECTRE I outranks each alternatives by the
aid of concordance and discordance matrices. These
reasons take our attention when the determination
process of MCDM selection among other MCDM.
Below, we give some basic information about fuzzy
TOPSIS method was firstly introduced in 1981 by
Hwang and Yoon. In TOPSIS, the chosen alternative
should have the shortest distance from the positive
ideal solution and the farthest distance from negative
ideal solution. Then, alternatives have ranked from
the best to the worst one. Positive ideal solution
maximizes the benefit criteria and minimizes the
cost criteria (Chen, 2000). On the other hand,
negative ideal solution maximizes the cost criteria
and minimizes the benefit criteria. Fuzzy TOPSIS
emerges the adaptation of fuzzy sets into TOPSIS
method in which linguistic variables are represented
by fuzzy numbers and evaluated by the weights of
criteria and the ratings of alternatives. Fuzzy
TOPSIS algorithm consists of several steps and
follows a hierarchical way as shown below;
Step 1: Form "n" number of decision-maker, decide
"k" number of evaluation criteria and "m" number of
alternatives. (n=3, k=34, m=5).
Step 2: Choose the appropriate linguistic variables
for the importance weight of the criteria and the
linguistic ratings for alternatives with respect to
criteria. The linguistic variables used for
determining the criteria weights, the significance
degrees of the alternatives and the related fuzzy
numbers are indicated in Table 1.
Table 1: Linguistic variables and Fuzzy Numbers.
Linguistic variables for the
importance weight of each criterion
Linguistic variables for the
ratings of each alternatives
Fuzzy Numbers Linguistic
Very Low (0, 0, 0.1) Very Poor (0, 0, 1)
Low (0, 0.1, 0.3) Poor (0, 1, 3)
Medium Low (0.1, 0.3, 0.5) Medium Poor (1, 3, 5)
Medium (0.3, 0.5, 0.7) Fair (3, 5, 7)
Medium High (0.5, 0.7, 0.9) Medium Good (5, 7, 9)
High (0.7, 0.9, 1) Good (7, 9, 10)
Very High (0.9, 1, 1) Very Good (9, 10, 10)
(Chen, 2000; 5)
Step 3: Calculate the fuzzy weight of each criteria
and alternatives.
Step 4: Construct the fuzzy decision matrix and the
normalized fuzzy decision matrix, the weighted
normalized fuzzy decision matrix.
Step 5: Construct the normalized fuzzy decision
Step 6: Construct the weighted normalized fuzzy
decision matrix.
Step 7: Calculate the distance of each alternative
from fuzzy positive-ideal solution (FPIS, A
) and
fuzzy negative-ideal solution (FNIS, A
Step 8: Calculate the closeness coefficient of each
Step 9: Rank alternatives according to their
closeness coefficient that are between 0 and 1, then
choose the alternative whose closeness coefficient is
adjacent to 1.
By using binary outranking relations S (means at
least as good as), ELECTRE I models preferences.
Considering two actions a and b, four situations may
happen; aSb and not bSa (a is the strictly preferred to
b), bSa and not aSb (b is the strictly preferred to a),
aSb and not bSa (a is indifferent to b) or not aSb and
not bSa (a is incomparable to b). ELECTRE I can
build one or several (crisp, fuzzy or embedded)
outranking relations (Figueira et al., 2005). The
fuzzy ELECTRE I method uses concordance and
discordance indexes to analyze the outranking
relations among the alternatives (Rouyendegh and
Erkan, 2012). The fuzzy ELECTRE I method
proposed here can be described in 4 steps;
Step 1: Form "n" number of decision-maker, decide
"k" number of evaluation criteria and "m" number of
Step 2: Choose the appropriate linguistic variables
for the importance weight of the criteria and the
linguistic ratings for alternatives with respect to
Step 3: Calculate the fuzzy weight of each criteria
and alternatives.
Step 4: Construct the fuzzy decision matrix and the
normalized fuzzy decision matrix, the weighted
normalized fuzzy decision matrix.
Step 5: The distance between two alternatives p and
r with respect to each criterion (Construct to
concordance and discordance sets)
Step 6: Form concordance and discordance
Step 7: Calculate the average of matrices.
Step 8: Determine the superiority among
alternatives by comparing the averages of matrices.
Step 9: Create a global matrix and a decision graph
that indicates the superiority of alternatives, and then
rank the alternatives from best to worst.
Although linguistic variables and the evaluation
of weighting are same in both MCDM, there are
several differences between fuzzy TOPSIS and
fuzzy ELECTRE I (Hatami-Marbini and Tavana,
2011). The main difference between two
methodologies is the ranking technique. Fuzzy
ELECTRE I method focuses on the selection a
single action among a small set of good actions, on
the contrary fuzzy TOPSIS method purposes the
selection of a complete or partial order of the
actions. In other words; TOPSIS makes the decision
of alternative selection and want the best alternative
should be farther from the negative-ideal solution
and closer to the positive-ideal solution than other
alternatives. However, ELECTRE I outranks
unsuitable alternative with help of concordance and
discordance matrices.
In this study, both fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy
ELECTRE I take into account uncertain and
imprecise linguistic assessments provided by
decision makers. We aim to select and compare
alternative airport locations in the city of Ankara
with two fuzzy MCDM. It is desired to select a
suitable location for a second airport in Ankara
among five candidate region. By the result of the
interviews with decision-makers and comprehensive
literature review, nine main criteria (geographical
specifications, climatic conditions, infrastructure
conditions, costs, transportation, the possibility of
extension, legal restrictions and regulations,
potential demand, environmental and social effects)
are determined to analyze with fuzzy TOPSIS and
fuzzy ELECTRE I, comparatively. These main
criteria have divided into 34 sub-criteria in order to
evaluate each alternative more precisely.
Table 2: The Importance Fuzzy Weights of Decision
Decision Criteria (wj)
Crt. l m u Ranking
16 0,9 1 1 1
12 0,83 0,97 1 2
29 0,83 0,97 1 2
1 0,77 0,93 1 3
14 0,77 0,93 1 3
15 0,77 0,9 0,97 4
9 0,7 0,9 1 5
26 0,7 0,9 1 5
30 0,7 0,9 1 5
32 0,7 0,9 1 5
13 0,63 0,8 0,93 6
3 0,63 0,8 0,9 7
5 0,63 0,8 0,9 7
28 0,57 0,77 0,9 8
34 0,57 0,73 0,87 9
27 0,5 0,7 0,87 10
2 0,5 0,7 0,83 11
4 0,43 0,63 0,8 12
8 0,47 0,63 0,77 12
31 0,47 0,6 0,73 13
7 0,4 0,57 0,73 14
10 0,3 0,5 0,7 15
33 0,3 0,5 0,7 15
6 0,27 0,43 0,63 16
11 0,23 0,43 0,63 17
17 0,17 0,37 0,57 18
18 0,17 0,37 0,57 18
19 0,17 0,37 0,57 18
20 0,17 0,37 0,57 18
21 0,13 0,3 0,5 19
22 0,13 0,3 0,5 19
23 0,13 0,3 0,5 19
25 0,13 0,3 0,5 19
24 0,1 0,3 0,5 20
This study aims to determine potential facility
location for a second airport within Ankara territory,
the capital city of Turkey, by using fuzzy TOPSIS
and fuzzy ELECTRE I, separately. Alternatives are
determined after the interview with aviation experts
who have worked in public and private sectors. We
made a structural interview with the experts, and
then final decision for potential airport locations has
been concluded. To eliminate the vagueness of
linguistic values, it is decided to use fuzzy triangular
numbers. The importance weights of the nine main
criteria and thirty-four are sub-criteria are described
using the following linguistic terms: very low, low,
medium low, medium, medium high, high and very
high. Table 2 shows the importance fuzzy weights of
decision criteria and the ranking of each criterion.
Note 1: C16: Capacity rate, C12: Connection with
urban or rural areas, C29: Contribution to regional
economy, C1: The topography of landscape, C14:
Transportation to downtown and residential area,
C15: Extension potential, C9: Condition of
transportation network, C26: Expectations related to
future demand, C30: Effects on social life in the
region, C32: Security risk, C13: The density of
traffic, C3: The risk of freeze, fog, hurricane or
flood, C5: Wind speed, C28: The condition of
wastes and effects on environment, C34: Regional
residents attitudes towards second airport, C27: The
impact on ecological balance of region, C2: The
geological and tectonic pattern of landscape, C4:
The average annual pressure, temperature and
moisture, C8: The condition of energy network,
C31: The potential risk for regional residents, C7:
The condition of communication network, C10: The
cost of land, C33: The risk and density of traffic, C6:
The sewer system condition, C11: Construction
costs, C17: Value-added tax exemption, C18: Tariffs
exemption, C19: Tax discounts, C20: The support of
social insurance (employer ration), C21: The
discount of income tax stoppage, C22: The support
of social insurance, C23: Support for interest
payment, C25: The repayment of value-added tax
Note 2: Crt.: Criteria, w
: fuzzy weights, Triangular
Membership Function defined by three main
parameters. l, u and m mean the lower bound, the
upper bound and mean, respectively (Tavakkoli-
Moghaddam, 2008).
The results related to fuzzy TOPSIS method are
presented in Table 3. The distance of each
alternative to Fuzzy Positive Ideal Solution (d*) and
Fuzzy Negative Ideal Solution (d
) and closure
coefficients of the alternatives (CC) are indicated
that A
is the best location for a possible second
airport in Ankara. Alternatives are ranked from the
best to worst A
, A
, A
, A
, and A
respectively for
the selection of potential airport.
Table 3: The Result of Fuzzy TOPSIS Method.
Alternatives d* d
CC Ranking
12,805 15,215 0,543 1
13,516 14,54 0,518 2
16,346 11,399 0,411 4
16,648 11,205 0,402 5
16,206 11,648 0,418 3
Table 4 indicates that the result of fuzzy
ELECTRE I method has as same ranking as the
result of fuzzy TOPSIS method. Considering
concordance and discordance values, alternatives are
ranked from the best to the worst. Likewise, we can
conclude that A
is the best location for second
airport; on the other hand, A
, A
, A
and A
are less
suitable locations than A
. Finally, decision graph of
fuzzy ELECTRE I method is depicted in figure 1.
Table 4: The Result of Fuzzy ELECTRE I Method.
Alternatives Ranking
4 1
3 2
1 3
0 4
0 4
Figure 1: Decision Graph of fuzzy ELECTRE I.
Facility location selection problem is the one of the
most important decision among strategic decisions
for a company. Generally, a mistaken investment
decision about facility location can cause much more
loss than expectations. Not only does it affect
financial structure of a company but also future
investment opportunities may be affected by this
failure. Therefore, a vast number of methods have
been developed to solve facility location selection
problem. Subjective factors usually give rise to
uncertainty and vagueness in decision making
process. MCDM can help decision-makers to
overcome the uncertainty and the vagueness of
subjective factors.
In this study, we present fuzzy TOPSIS and
fuzzy ELECTRE I methods to cope with facility
location selection problem for a possible second
airport in Ankara. With the view of experts in
aviation sector and comprehensive literature review,
nine main criteria (geographical specifications,
climatic conditions, infrastructure conditions, costs,
transportation, possibility of extension, legal
restrictions and regulations, potential demand,
environmental and social effects) are determined to
analyze with fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ELECTRE I.
Fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ELECTRE I resemble
each other when converting linguistic values into
performance ratings and evaluating the weight of
criteria. On the other hand, fuzzy ELECTRE I aims
to select a single action among a small set of good
actions, fuzzy TOPSIS purposes the selection of a
complete or partial order of the actions. According
to fuzzy TOPSIS method, location A
determined as the top compromising solution. In this
context, it can be proposed that selecting location A
is the best decision for fuzzy TOPSIS method.
According to the ranking order of other alternatives
is A
. Both fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy
ELECTRE I methods suggest very similar solution
to facility location problem for second airport in
Ankara. According to fuzzy ELECTRE I method,
alternatives are ranked as A
Even though facility location selection problem
is so crucial investment decision for a company,
there are a few numbers of studies about aviation
sector. Therefore, this study aims to indicate how
fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ELECTRE I can be used
for facility location selection problem in aviation
sector. Indeed, both methods can be applied in other
sectors like textile, electronics, manufacturing, retail,
logistics etc. in future studies. Also, other MCDM
(fuzzy AHP, fuzzy ANP, fuzzy PROMETHEE etc.)
can be used to solve facility location selection
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