Usability on TV
Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential
to Inspire Actual Interfaces
Yang Zhong
and Monique Janneck
Digital Media, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Luebeck University of Applied Sciences, Luebeck, Germany
Keywords: Interaction Design, Innovative Interfaces, Fictional Displays.
Abstract: Current television series, especially those revolving around or dealing with information technology or
technical issues in general, often depict interesting ideas for user interfaces or interaction techniques.
Especially, user interfaces are often shown to be very intuitive and easy to use: Frequently protagonists use
unknown interactive systems without prior training and are able to conduct complex operations with the
system. This paper analyzes user interfaces and interaction techniques depicted in “CSI: Miami”, a widely
known US TV show. Possibilities and potentials to inspire actual user interfaces are explored.
Everyday millions of people get in touch with the
most sophisticated and stunning technology,
amazing, efficient, and easy-to-use interfaces and
novel interaction techniques–but not at work or
while using their private computers or electronic
devices, but sitting in front of the TV watching
current TV shows such as the “CSI: Crime Scene
Investigation” series. Such fictional works often
depict interesting ideas for user interfaces or
interaction techniques. Especially, user interfaces are
often shown to be very intuitive and easy to use:
Frequently protagonists use unknown interactive
systems without prior training and are able to
conduct complex operations with the system. So we
asked ourselves: Could we as designers of
interactive systems learn something from watching
Usability on TV? Could these fictional technologies
inspire actual interfaces? Do they conform to design
principles from usability research or do they just use
bogus show effects that would not be practical in
In this paper we take a closer look at innovative
user interfaces depicted in the well-known US TV
series “CSI: Miami”. As a basis for our analysis we
used the following main areas of interaction design
(cf. Shneiderman and Plaisant 2010, Rogers et al.,
2011, Heim 2008): Metaphors and mental models,
direct manipulation, user control, menu design, and
information search.
The users of CSI interfaces systems are all well-
trained experts. Therefore, from an interaction
design point of view, the systems depicted in “CSI:
Miami” were designed for expert users. However,
likewise, they are designed to attract the audience by
showing advanced, stylish, and fun-to-use
Generally, regarding the presentation and
aesthetics of the interfaces shown in “CSI: Miami” it
can be remarked that dark colours are widely used as
a background, while text and graphical elements are
usually brightly coloured. Quite interestingly, this
use of colour resembles early command-line
interfaces rather than modern GUIs. Furthermore,
this kind of colour use seems rather questionable
from an ergonomic point of view. However, this
kind of presentation is presumably used to make it
easier for the audience to detect the information
presented on the screen while sitting in front of the
Zhong Y. and Janneck M..
Usability on TV - Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential to Inspire Actual Interfaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0004352302700273
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 270-273
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Metaphors and Mental Models
Command languages are widely used because the
expert users are comfortable operating with
complicated command languages. However, some
metaphors can still be found in the series.
Figure 1: Interface of DNA identification.
In the DNA analysis interface shown in Figure 1, the
interface displays a mixture of changing colourful
bars when the DNA sample is being checked. It
provides a direct impression of the DNA
identification process while waiting for the results.
Additionally, the metaphor conveys the idea of each
DNA item being checked and compared with the
DNA database. Such metaphors establish the
connection between human lab work and automatic
DNA identification done by the computer. It can be
seen as a way to establish user trust in autonomous
2.2 Direct Manipulation
In “CSI: Miami” direct manipulation is widely used
to support the scientists to investigate evidence such
as fingerprints, DNA samples, soil samples etc. As
an innovative display, a multi-touch table together
with a huge monitor helps the scientists to analyze
the current case.
In the example shown in Figure 2, the
investigators simply place a mobile phone on the
multi-touch table and the contents of the storage
chip are automatically displayed on the table, which
also functions as a monitor. SMS and pictures stored
on the mobile phone are displayed as icons so that
the officers can check them by touching and clicking
on the desk. Users can zoom in and out the pictures
and read specific SMS by selecting it with their
Figure 2: The multi-touch desk interface.
In the interface shown in Figure 3, an agent uses a
pen to draw the possible escape route of a criminal.
In this case, direct manipulation is realized through a
pointing device instead of multi-touch screen. This
resembles real-life applications in which pointing
devices are known to be more precise than touch
gestures: Drawing the track by fingers won’t be
precise enough for calculating and navigation. Since
in this case precision is important for the
investigation, this can be considered as a hint that
the designers of the fictional displays nevertheless
aimed for realistic designs. In real life, professional
digital artists also mostly use a professional drawing
pad together with a capacitive pen. Furthermore, the
pen device symbolizes the traditional drawing action
and therefore is more easily accepted by the users as
well as the audience.
Figure 3: Virtual spatial interface.
2.3 User Control
The underlying principle of user control design is to
offer users what they need while protecting them
from making risky and irreversible operations.
In “CSI: Miami”, the systems mostly allow users
to make changes and requests freely. This seems
appropriate as expert users like the investigators are
very familiar with the systems and know how to get
satisfying results. Thus, the system serves as an
assistant that offers adequate information according
to the user’s request.
Figure 4: Image processing interface.
An example of applying user control is the image-
processing interface shown in Figure 4. In one
episode, the suspect successfully hides the evidence,
giving the investigators a hard time. Therefore
photographs taken by the suspect are inspected
several times to find any possible evidence. The
image processing system allows users to enlarge the
picture, overview the gallery, and analyse the picture
due to different instructions. Users control the image
processing system, which detects the appropriate
filter and analysis strategy. In this crime case, users
filter the reflection on the car taillight and enlarge
the picture. After the image is processed the eye of
victim is discovered. But without the user’s notice
and direction, this evidence would have remained
uncovered. In a word, users take control of the
decision-making procedure and the system executes
users’ instructions.
2.4 Menu Design
Using familiar terminology and suitable structure is
important for menu design. In the interface shown in
Figure 5, reported crime logs are stored in a
database, which can be looked up by date or
searched for certain logs. In order to support users to
work more effectively, task-related menu
organization is applied here. Distinctive and
comprehensible menu categories are listed in the left
side so that users can make selections confidently
and know clearly what will happen afterwards.
Often hierarchical decompositions are applied in
menu organization because it is a natural and
comprehensible structure. Furthermore, every item is
categorized into one group according to its
Figure 5: Miami Dade Log interface.
Unlike these principles, in the car license search
interface depicted in Figure 6 the search results are
displayed distributed across the screen, with the
agent simply grasping the appropriate information.
Figure 6: Interface of car license search.
This strategy seems questionable since large
quantities of information might cause severe
problems with this kind of display. It is difficult for
users to leave out the unwanted information and get
straight to the required object. A simple list of
results would probably enable users to filter the
information more efficiently than a scattered map of
matches. So in this case, the design can
rather be
seen as a treat to the audience than actually serving
with a certain purpose.
2.5 Information Search
Information search is one of the most important
tasks performed in “CSI: Miami” because of the
numerous suspect profiles and related information
libraries. Powerful search methods are needed and
smooth technology is used to support the task.
Figure 7: Flight search interface.
In the interface shown in Figure 7, natural language
is taken as a search language instead of short
keyword search or Structured Query Language
(SQL). This is an example of sophisticated search
techniques that are not yet working successfully in
real-life systems.
In our view, the interaction styles and interface
designs presented in movies and TV series such as
“CSI: Miami” definitively deserve interface
designers’ attention. The analysis shows that the
fictional user interfaces depicted in a TV series like
“CSI: Miami” conform to quite a great extent with
actual interface design principles, and that guidelines
are mostly applied in a sensible way. Nevertheless
they incorporate some innovative ideas that might
inspire actual interfaces, such as well organized and
task-related but yet aesthetically appealing and easy-
to-scan menus. Furthermore, as most interface
elements are quite large (much larger than one
would expect on a regular desktop screen) in order
to make them readable for a TV audience these
displays might inspire designers of smartphones and
other mobile device applications, where display
space is usually limited.
As for hardware design, multi-touch and also
multi-use panels and tables are maybe the most
spectacular devices shown in “CSI: Miami”.
However, systems like these are already available,
such as Smartboards or the Microsoft Pixelsense
tables. Regarding these technologies, “CSI: Miami”
does not show hardware innovations but rather
examples for innovative use cases for these systems,
such as creative teamwork in complex problem
solving tasks. Furthermore, it shows that the
strengths of these systems would be to integrate a lot
of information from various sources and also
different applications.
Surprisingly few interfaces can be deemed as
outright unrealistic: Among them are some fancy
graphical displays and effects that in real life would
probably rather annoy users, and also the use of
natural language which has a long tradition in
computer science research but still mostly falls short
of expectations in current implementations.
In our view analysing fictional displays like
those shown on TV is worth further research
activities. More detailed analyses could be done for
specific areas, e.g. menu design or visualization
techniques. Contemporary series or movies like
“CSI: Miami” are especially suitable since they are
situated in the beginning of the 21
century and do
not display mere science fiction. Furthermore, other
artwork and also written novels might be interesting
material to explore.
CSI: Miami. Season 7. Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
CBS Television Studios.
CSI: Miami. Season 9. Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
CBS Television Studios.
Heim, S., 2008. The Resonant Interface. HCI Foundations
for Interaction Design. Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Preece, J., 2011. Interaction design.
Beyond human-computer interaction. J. Wiley & Sons.
New York, NY, 3
Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., 2010. Designing the user
interface. Strategies for effective human-computer
interaction. Addison-Wesley. Boston, 5