A Distributed Simulation Model of the Maritime Logistics in an Iron Ore
Supply Chain Management
Afonso C. Medina
, Luis G. Nardin
, Newton N. Pereira
, Rui C. Botter
and Jaime S. Sichman
Centro de Inovac¸˜ao em Log´ıstica e Infraestrutura Portu´aria, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Laborat´orio de T´ecnicas Inteligentes, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Distributed Simulation, Maritime Logistics, Iron Ore Industry, Supply Chain Management.
Supply chain management (SCM) has increased its importance in the last decades, accordingly demanding new
approaches to support its decision making processes. Simulation has been advised as an adequate approach
for fulfilling such demand. However, develop monolithic simulation models representing the whole supply
chain can be costly and time consuming. In the iron ore supply chain in which the seaports have the same
features, the use of generic models and distributed simulation may be a real alternative in order to reduce the
development time and costs. This paper presents a distributed simulation model of the maritime logistics in
an iron ore supply chain applied to support fleet management decisions. Such model was used to perform an
experiment in order to determine the maximum possible cargo volume supported by a ship fleet.
Supply chain is a phenomenon that can be defined as a
set of three or more entities directly involved with the
flow of products, services, finances, and information
from a producer to a customer (Mentzer et al., 2001).
Such phenomenon became more critical and impact-
ing because of the globalization process that has been
happening in the last decades. Consequently, global
active companies realized that the efficiency of their
own businesses is highly dependent on the collabora-
tion and coordination with their suppliers as well as
with their customers (Hieber, 2002). Therefore, they
identified the need of implementing a more efficient
and effective supply chain management (SCM).
Among different industries, the mining industry is
one that depends mostly on SCM. Generally, because
its raw materials are placed in remote locations and
their customers are geographically distant from the
production centers. For instance, the biggest iron ore
mines are located in African countries, Australia and
Brazil. However,China is the main customer consum-
ing more than 50% of the world’s iron ore production
(Hoyt et al., 2007). In addition, the iron ore supply
chain has some characteristics similar to other com-
modities, such as a few numbers of products, a high
Jaime S. Sichman is partially supported by CNPq and
FAPESP, Brazil.
cargo volume, high lead times and low price, which
makes the pipeline management a key factor of suc-
cess (Beresford et al., 2011).
Hence, the maritime transport is a key component
in the whole mining industry supply chain. Thus,
mining companies face several complex decisions in
order to improve their maritime logistics efficiency.
Among the available techniques supporting such de-
cision making process, simulation is one of the most
adequate as it is capable of providing what-if analy-
sis and answer quantitatively questions that typically
arise in these situations (Terzi and Cavalieri, 2004).
Moreover, it handles better complex scenarios in con-
trast to optimization tools as mathematical program-
ming (Ingalls, 1998).
Accordingly, many mining companies have been
developing simulation models focusing on specific
maritime logistics nodes in order to tackle particular
problems, such as terminal capacity (Bugaric et al.,
2012), flowability of products from/to the terminal
(Everett, 1995), and closed-loop maritime transporta-
tion (Silva et al., 2011). Nonetheless, a model with
extended boundaries shall be developed incorporating
material and information flow among all the nodes
involved in the maritime logistics in order to allow
drawing more accurate conclusions (Jain et al., 1999).
Basically, supply chain simulation uses two dif-
ferent approaches: monolithic or distributed (Taylor
et al., 2002). In the former, the whole chain is rep-
Medina A., Nardin L., Pereira N., Botter R. and Sichman J..
A Distributed Simulation Model of the Maritime Logistics in an Iron Ore Supply Chain Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004488504530460
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2013),
pages 453-460
ISBN: 978-989-8565-69-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
resented in a single model. In the latter, the supply
chain is represented by several models, each one cor-
responding to a different part of the chain. There-
fore, because the companies have already invested on
the development and validation of simulation mod-
els to tackle specific problems, it is more reasonable
to reuse them through the distributed simulation ap-
proach (Fujimoto, 1999).
This paper presents a distributed simulation ap-
plied to the maritime logistics of an iron ore supply
chain in order to support fleet management decisions.
The underlying distributed model is composed of sev-
eral nodes representing the seaports and the naviga-
tion routes. Each seaport is represented by a specific
model, which is derived from a generic port model
able to represent any iron ore seaport from the prod-
uct’s reception via railways to their load and dispatch
through the vessels. All these models interact among
themselves through a navigation model supported by
a framework based on the High Level Architecture
(HLA) (Dahmann et al., 1998; IEEE, 2000). The
model was applied to simulate real-world scenario in
order to evaluate the fleet handling capacity.
This paper is organized in six more sections. Sec-
tion 2 contextualize and motivates this work, followed
by a brief review of supply chain management sup-
ported by simulation in Section 3. Next, the generic
port and the navigation models are detailed in Section
4, which integration are described in conjunction with
the specification of the implemented software archi-
tecture in Section 5. Section 6 describes the validation
models’ process and an experiment performed using
the validated model. Finally, Section 7 concludes the
paper and provides some possible future works.
The global iron ore industry is dominated by few
players and the Brazilian mining company Vale
the world’s largest producer and second largest ex-
porter (Choenni et al., 2011). In order to support
its operations, Vale owns several seaports in Brazil,
such as Port of Tubar˜ao (TU) - Esp´ırito Santo, Port of
Ponta da Madeira (TMPM) - Maranh˜ao, Port of Sep-
tiba (CPBS) and Port of Itaja´ı (TIG) - Rio de Janeiro.
Since 2007, Vale has been developing discrete
event simulation models in partnership with research
laboratories in order to have a decision support tool
for terminals flow capacity management. Particularly,
they have developed a Generic Port Model (described
in more detail in Section 4.1) able to represent any
iron ore seaport, which was validated with real oper-
ations data and is used nowadays to support the com-
pany’s Director of Ports decisions.
Back to 2008, the maritime transport costs was
constantly varying
and Vale was paying a high price
to transport the iron ore to its customers. Thus, in an
attempt to take an active role in the maritime logis-
tics and reduce its vulnerability, the company decided
to act as shipowner transporting part of its own pro-
duction using its own ship fleet. As a consequence, it
contracted the construction of 35 Valemax class ships,
each able to carry up to 400,000 tons of cargo (Pereira
and Brinati, 2012). Along with it, the company envi-
sioned the necessity to have a decision support system
to assist its integrated actions concerning the new ship
fleet and the remaining supply chain. In this scenario,
the ship fleet functions as links interconnecting the
seaports. Nevertheless, such links need to be flexible
in the sense that they may change in order to repre-
sent more realistically the maritime transport system
Since the simulation approach fulfills these mar-
itime transport dynamism and Vale had already devel-
oped a Generic Port Model that represents any of its
seaports, the more adequate solution would be inte-
grate all its models through the distributed simulation
approachinstead of developing a new monolithic sim-
ulation model representing the whole supply chain.
SCM has been studied extensively in the last decades
because of its increasing impact on enterprise oper-
ations. Generally, the approaches used to address
their complex formulations are physical experimen-
tations, mathematical programming and simulation
(Thierry et al., 2010). Usually, physical experimenta-
tion is scope limited due to technical issues and bud-
get availability. The mathematical programming ap-
proach uses methods, such as linear, mixed integer
linear and dynamic programming with an objective
function set to minimize cost or maximize profit. De-
spite its wide use in the supply chain’s optimization
(see (Sarmiento and Nagi, 1999) for a review of its
application on different production-distribution prob-
lems), it becomes impractical in complex scenarios
involving stochasticity aspects and dynamically inter-
connected nodes such as existent in supply chain. On
the other hand, the simulation approach uses different
methodologies to build models capable to represent
the complex supply chain’s nodes interconnections,
Source: Maritime Transport Cost Database (http://
which are then used for replicating and analyzing the
system’s behavior.
Among these approaches, simulation can better
represent the SCM inherent complexities. For this
reason, it has been applied in several supply chain
studies. Ingalls (Ingalls, 1998) discusses advantages
and disadvantages of using simulation in SCM and
stresses its importance to deal with the random sig-
nals caused by demand forecast.
Specifically in the maritime logistics, simulation
has been used for a long time in the study of port
systems (Wadhwa, 1992; Hassan, 1993; Botter et al.,
1998; Bugaric et al., 2012). Nonetheless, these stud-
ies are focused on dimensioning and planning port’s
capacity, while maritime logistics is a much more
complex system that involves other components other
than ports. Terzi and Cavalieri (Terzi and Cavalieri,
2004) present a survey of 80 works related to sup-
ply chain simulation and they classify them in two
major paradigms: local and parallel or distributed
simulation. The local simulation paradigm consists
in the use of a single model to represent all the sup-
ply chain and it usually runs in a single machine. On
the other hand, the parallel or distributed paradigm
considers the existence of several models represent-
ing a more complex system and it runs in separate
machines. They advocate that SCM would have sev-
eral advantages by applying the distributed simulation
paradigm, such as no need for new developmentas the
models of specific nodes are already available and the
possibility of having these models running geograph-
ically distributed. Moreover, in the case of complex
systems made up of autonomous entities, multiagent-
based simulation techniques may be used (Marietto
et al., 2003).
Although the recognition of its advantages, most
of the literature on parallel or distributed simula-
tion focus on frameworks to parallelize or distribute
the simulation, yet just a few present the application
of the paradigm in real scenarios (Terzi and Cava-
lieri, 2004). Among these few, Duinkerken et al.
(Duinkerken et al., 2002) is the only one that reports
the application of distributed simulation in the study
of the maritime logistic. However, the main focus of
their work is still to demonstrate the benefits of using
a distributed structure in the transparency and main-
tainability of the simulation model. Hence, to the best
of our knowledge, this work is the first one apply-
ing the distributed simulation approach in the analy-
ses of a real scenarios supporting fleet management
decisions in the maritime logistics domain.
This section presents the simulation models used in
the development of the maritime logistics distributed
simulation model. In Section 4.1, it is presented the
Generic Port Model capable to represent any iron ore
seaport. Next, the Navigation Model responsible for
simulating the behavior of vessels navigation is pre-
sented in Section 4.2.
4.1 Generic Port Model
Generic models are a well know approach to develop
simulation models (Robinson et al., 2004; Monks
et al., 2009; Mackulak et al., 1998; Lung et al., 1994).
They are based on the concept that some class of mod-
els may represent a wide range of similar scenarios,
hence they could be used on a frequent and recurrent
basis. In contrast, a particular model is developed to
answer questions for a very specific system and they
cannot be easily reused, not even in similar scenarios.
Usually, a generic model is more expensiveto develop
in the short-term than a particular model, but as the
former has more chance to be reused in new projects,
it generally provides a better return on investment in
the long-term (Doss and
Ulgen, 2004).
Envisioning this long-term benefit, the Generic
Port Model (GPM) was developed based on the
generic models approach as the result of a three
years project. Such development involved interviews,
workshops, and meetings with professionals of the
maritime sector, more specifically, specialists of sea-
port sector. Its main purpose is to be a comprehensive
simulation model to represent any iron ore seaports
operational behavior. As a consequence, it is struc-
tured in a way to support decisions regarding termi-
nals capacity. Such aim is achieved through the pos-
sibility to represent different iron ore seaports con-
figurations and scenarios, including seaport’s equip-
ments and stockyards configurations, company’s de-
mands and products, as well as vessels and ground
vehicles arrivals.
The GPM is structured in 4 subsystems:
Ships Arrival Controls all the ships arrival pro-
cesses, such as cargo required and estimated time
to arrival. Moreover, it is also responsible for con-
trolling all processes from the actual vessel arrival
in the bay up to the begin of the loading operation,
such as tide control, berth allocation, navigation
through the channel to the harbor, berthing, and
vessel pre-loading and loading operations.
Cargo Transfer Performs the vessels loading
operation including the selection and transporta-
tion of products from stockyard to the vessels in
a guaranteed maximum loading rate (or minimum
operation time).
Storage Represents all resources used to store
the products at stockyard and, if present, the per-
formance of some semi-industrial operations like
screening, pellet production or products blending.
Dispatch and Ground Reception Responsible
for cargo reception through trains guaranteeing
mass balance between arrived and dispatched
cargo. It generates the trains arrival sequence
and control the processes from full train arrival
to empty train departure. Additionally, it controls
cargo transfer from train to stockyard considering
car dumpers and stackers. It attempts to ensure the
best disposition of the products at the stockyard
in order to guarantee the maximum ships loading
In order to guarantee the model reuse, the subsys-
tems were modeled in a way that they may be con-
figured for use in a wide range of situations. Table 1
lists a partial set of the input and the output param-
eters divided by subsystems in order to demonstrate
the flexibility of the model.
Strategically, its development started with a con-
ceptual model of a simpler terminal. Along the
project, more complex features were incorporated
into the model considering an iterative process in
which every new feature incorporated was validated
using real data. This iterative process allowed the in-
corporation of a great degree of complexity into the
model requiring a reduced validation time at each im-
Nowadays, the model is used as a decision support
tool in a recurrent basis for answering questions con-
cerning capacity, new capital investments and design
of new port systems.
4.2 Navigation Model
The Navigation Model (NM) was developed to rep-
resent the vessels movement behavior and available
routes. This model performs an interconnection
among all the instantiated GPMs in the system. The
vessels are represented as entities that flow from one
GPM to another through specific routes configured in
the NM. Since the iron ore production usually flows
from an export to an import seaport and the vessels re-
turn empty from the import seaport to the export sea-
port, the NM considers the existence of three classes
of routes: (i) a route that interconnects an export to an
import seaport, (ii) a ballast route that interconnects
an import seaport to a check point and (iii) a route
that interconnects a check point to an export seaport.
Figure 1: Process at iron ore pipeline.
In addition to the vessels and routes, the NM has an
additional entity named check point, which represents
the point that a ballast vessel (ship without cargo) re-
ceives the definition of its next export and import sea-
port destinations as well as the products to transport.
Figure 1 presents the steps followed by a vessel
beginning in the moment it leaves an import seaport
up to the moment it leaves an export seaport towards
its assigned import seaport. The sequence is:
1. At the import seaport, the vessel is unloaded and
after its unberthing, it starts its navigation in bal-
last to the check point.
2. At the check point, the vessel is allocated to its
next export and import seaports and the product(s)
to transport are assigned (Algorithm 1 describes
the decision algorithm). At this moment, the mine
is informed about the vessel’s Early Time Arrival
(ETA), cargo and assigned product(s).
Algorithm 1: Allocate vessel to route.
1: Vessel v arrives at Check Point
3: for all Route (r) that v can operate do
4: i r export seaport
5: j r import seaport
6: for all Product p possible on r do
7: Estimate the product gap using Equation 1
gap(p, r) = (D(t) (1+ ) A(t))/
(D(t) (1+ )) (1)
t = simulation time
D(t) = demand of p at j until t
A(t) = attempt demand of p at j until t
= accepted gap
8: if gap(p, r) > MinGAP then
9: Estimate gain using
10: Max gain(p,r) = vessel cargo capacity
11: VRP v to r with product p
12: MinGAP = gap(p, r)
13: end if
14: end for
15: end for
16: return VRP
Table 1: Input and output parameters of the GPM’s main subsystems.
Subsystem Input parameters Output parameters
Ship arrivals
- Demand by destiny and product - Ships queue, turnaround,
- Ships class distribution berthing/unberthing times
- Time to stock the cargo at the - Waiting times
yard before the ship arrival - Export demand/ships attended
- Berthing/unberthing times - Dispatch/demurrage calculation
- Channel (capacity, times, tides)
Cargo transfer
- Ship unloaders (capacity and - Occupancy of resources (reclaimers,
maximum rates by product) ship loaders, berths, lines)
- Berths - Cargo transfer by product, line and berth
- Layout disposition (berth x yard
and resources x berths)
- Number of yards, piles, - Occupancy of resources (yards, stacker,
capacity by product reclaimers, lines, pellet unit)
- Layout disposition, access to
berths and car dumpers
- Screening (number, production
rates, yards)
- Pellet production (number,
production rates, yards)
- Number of car dumpers - Occupancy of resources (car dumpers,
Dispatch and ground - Rates by product stacker)
reception - Setup times - Total cargo transferred to yards
- Railway yard capacity - Trains queue time
- Trains capacity by product
3. In the mean time between the vessel arrival to
the export seaport, the mine dispatches the trains
to attend the ETA considering also that the total
cargo should be available at the seaport in advance
to the beginning of vessel’s loading operation.
4. Once at the export seaport, the vessel is loaded
with the assigned products and navigates to its de-
signed import seaport.
Basically, Algorithm 1 checks the fulfilled de-
mands on each import seaport up to the current simu-
lation time. This is performed by calculating a param-
eter named gap. For any product p and any route r,
gap(p,r) represents the difference between the prod-
uct demanded by the import seaport in the period and
the total product p already delivered to that seaport.
Thus, among all possible routes, the check point al-
locates the ballast ship to the route in which the gap
falls mostly behind. In order to choose the best op-
tion, the check point also considers the constraints
about demand and vessels capacity, export seaport
product availability and allowance of vessels in the
seaports. However, if no reduction is identified on any
products gap, then the vessel waits at the check point
and verifies periodically until a gap is identified.
The distributed simulation model performs the inter-
connection of several General Port Models and one
Navigation Model. It is structured according to the
High Level Architecture (HLA) (IEEE, 2000), which
is a general purpose architecture to support distributed
simulation allowing the communication among sim-
ulation models running on distributed heterogeneous
computational platforms. A HLA distributed simu-
lation may have one or several Federations. Each
Federation is composed of one or more Federates,
each representing a simulation model. The Federates
are interconnected through the Runtime Infrastructure
(RTI), which provides common communication and
synchronization services to them. In order to archi-
tect our distributed simulation adherent to the HLA,
two kinds of Federates are defined: Arena Federate
and Distributed Simulation Coordinator.
5.1 Arena Federate
The Arena Federate is the architectural module that
encapsulates a single simulation model in the dis-
tributed environment. It is composed of a Feder-
ate and an Arena Adapter. The Federate corre-
sponds to the actual simulation model, which is rep-
resented by a GPM running in the Arena
event simulator. The Arena Adapter enables the
communication between the Federate and the other
components of the distributed environment. Be-
sides, the Arena Adapter implements two HLA com-
ponents: Federate-Ambassador that implements the
communication interface with the Federate and RTI-
Ambassador that enables the communication between
the Federate and the RTI.
The communication with Arena
is performed
through DLL (Dynamic Link Library) functions de-
veloped in C++ language. The set of Arena
communication functions implemented are: init-
Process, shutdownIPC, readIPCQueue, writeIPC-
Queue, userInitializeMaxTimeAdvance and userGet-
Figure 2: Communication sequence diagram.
Figure 2 depicts the communication sequence be-
tween Arena
and an external program. The se-
quence starts with the initialization of Simulator
A that calls the initProcess and userInitializeMax-
TimeAdvance DLL functions (messages 1 and 2) in
order to initialize, respectively, the communication
and the Simulator A clock. Next, it waits the sig-
nal from the External Program to start the simula-
tion execution (message 3). After receiving the sig-
nal, the model is executed synchronized to the simu-
lation time received from the External Program (mes-
sages 4 and 4.1). During the simulation, if Simula-
tor A wants to send an entity to another simulator, it
calls the element TASKS, which triggers a call to the
writeIPCQueue DLL function that receives the entity
data and send it to the External Program (messages
5 and 5.1). In order to transfer such data to another
simulator, the External Program sends the data to the
target’s Arena Adapter, which triggers the readIPC-
Queue DLL function to send the new entity data to the
model’s ARRIVALS element. Once received, the en-
tity is created in the simulation (messages 6 and 6.1).
At the end of the simulation, Simulator A calls the
shutdownIPC DLL function that finalizes the commu-
nication and the simulation (message 7).
5.2 Distributed Simulation Coordinator
The Distributed Simulation Coordinator (DSC) is a
Federate developed in Java programming language
and it has the following functions: (i) store the scenar-
ios information, (ii) coordinate the transfer of ships
(entities) from one Arena Federate to another, and
(iii) synchronize the clock among the several Arena
Federate. Each Federation has only one DSC and
it is structured in an architecture composed of lay-
ers: High Level Architecture, Distributed Simulation
Planning and Graphical User Interface.
The High Level Architecture layer enables DSC to
communicate with the Arena Federates in the Federa-
tion. In this layer, the communication and clock syn-
chronization mechanisms are implemented. Among
these functions, the synchronization is the most criti-
cal, which in this work was implemented as a conser-
vative clock synchronization.
The Distributed Simulation Planning performs all
the route planning functions according to the config-
ured demands in the scenario. It also controls the re-
strictions imposed concerning the possibility to allo-
cate a ship to a route.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) layer allows
the users to interact with the system inputing data and
extracting simulation results. This layer is supported
by a database responsible to store the configured sce-
narios and output simulation results.
5.3 Distributed Integrated Model
The Distributed Integrated Model is an integration
of all the components described in the previous sec-
tions, which may be configured differently in order
to support different scenarios. In this work, the sce-
nario used to simulate the seaports network and fleet
is comprised of one Federation composed of 1 Dis-
tributed Simulation Coordinator and 7 Arena Feder-
ates, 4 representing export seaports using the Generic
Port Model (Ports A, B, C and D), 2 representing the
import seaports (Ports E and F) and 1 representing the
navigation system which uses the Navigation Model.
This integrated model was used to perform the exper-
iments described in the next section. Therefore, it is
worth noting that since this model can be configured
differently in order to represent different scenarios in
the same context of maritime logistics, it is reusable.
In order to perform the experiment, the developed
distributed model was first validate using real data,
which process overview is provided in Section 6.1.
Then, the proposed experiment was conducted and its
results analyzed as described in Section 6.2.
6.1 Validation
The validation process was carried out considering a
base scenario and one year of real operations data for
its calibration. The base scenario was composed of
the components described in Section 5.3 and 28 ves-
sels ranging from 89,000 DWT to 270,000 DWT. The
validation process was performed by comparing the
output of 10 simulation runs against the real data out-
put taking into account the following parameters: im-
ported and exported total cargo by product, number of
berthing, number of unberthing and queue time. The
model was assumed to be valid when the error of the
simulated and real average parameters values was un-
der 2%.
6.2 Simulated Scenario
Based on the validated model, an experiment was per-
formed using an IBM Blade Center S
(1 Blade 2-
processors Intel Xeon 2.0 GHz) configured with 04
virtual machines (1 processor 2.0 GHz and 2 GB
memory) running Rockwell Arena
v12 on Windows
XP and 03 PCs (1 processor Intel iCore i7 2.93 GHz
and 4 GB memory) running Rockwell Arena
v12 on
Windows 7.
The experiment aimed to identify the maximum
transport capacity of a fictitious ship fleet composed
of 32 ships ranging from 150,000 DWT to 400,000
DWT and considering 4 export seaport (Ports A, B,
C and D), and 2 import seaport (Ports E and F). The
strategy used to achieve this objective was to perform
several simulations beginning with a small supply and
demand cargo and increasing them proportionally un-
til the ships waiting time on the check point was zero.
The latter condition indicates that during the whole
simulation none ship was idle, which means that the
maximum ship fleet transport capacity was reached.
Table 2 presents the supply and demand cargo in
which the condition described was achieved.
Using this experiment scenario, the simulation
was executed 10 times and it was identified that the
ship fleet was able to transport20,236,144tons of iron
ore as presented in Table 3.
Table 2: Cargo supplied and demanded per seaport.
Seaport Supply (tons) Demand (tons)
Port A 4,398,195
Port B 11,194,190
Port C 7,055,643
Port D 18,393,006
Port E 39,187,197
Port F 2,607,837
Table 3: Maximum ship fleet transport capacity.
Cargo Quantity (tons)
Unloaded 20,236,144
Loaded 23,386,314
In Transit 3,150,170
Simulation has been advised as an adequate approach
to analyze SCM behaviors. However, develop mono-
lithic models representing the whole supply chain can
be costly and time consuming in the long-term. In the
iron ore industry in which the seaports have the same
features, the use of generic models and distributed
simulation can be considered a real alternative in or-
der to reduce its modeling development time.
Hence, this work presented a Generic Port Model,
a Navigation Model and a Distributed Integrated
Model in order to develop a maritime logistics dis-
tributed simulation based in the High Level Architec-
ture. The main identified technical challenges along
the distributed simulation implementation were the
interoperability among the simulators and the clock
synchronization tasks.
The developed system was applied in the fictitious
scenario in order to determine the maximum transport
capacity of a specific ship fleet. The results showed
the usefulness of the model as a tool to support deci-
sion making and the applicability of distributed simu-
lation. Additionally, its usefulness for decision mak-
ing training of operational, tactical and strategical per-
sonnel was identified during its development.
As future work, we intend to carry out further sim-
ulations incorporating other supply chain nodes, such
as distribution center, mine production and railway.
Specifically concerning the distribution centers, we
expect to study an interesting aspect which is how the
service level of the system measure by queue time
at its output side is affected by the number of ves-
sels at the loop circuit between import seaports and
the distribution centers and estimate the trade off be-
tween the number of ships and services level at the
distribution center.
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