Context-aware Cloud Application Management
Uwe Breitenb
ucher, Tobias Binz, Oliver Kopp, Frank Leymann and Matthias Wieland
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Application Management, Context, Automation, Cloud Computing.
The automation of application management is one of the most important issues in Cloud Computing. However,
the steadily increasing number of different services and software components employed in composite Cloud
applications leads to a higher risk of unexpected side effects when different technologies work together that
bring their own proprietary management APIs. Due to unknown dependencies and the increasing diversity
and heterogeneity of employed technologies, even small management tasks on single components may com-
promise the whole application functionality for reasons that are neither expected nor obvious to non-experts.
In this paper, we tackle these issues by introducing a method that enables detecting and correcting unintended
effects of management tasks in advance by analyzing the context in which tasks are executed. We validate the
method practically and show how context-aware expert management knowledge can be applied fully automat-
ically to running Cloud applications.
In recent years, Cloud Computing gained a lot of at-
tention due to its economical and technical benefits.
Especially properties such as pay-on-demand com-
puting, self-service, and elasticity enable enterprises
to outsource IT (Leymann, 2009). These properties
are key success factors for both Cloud providers as
well as customers. To exploit these properties reli-
ably for their offerings, Cloud providers have to au-
tomate their internal processes for application provi-
sioning, configuration, and management. Therefore, a
lot of tools, methods, and technologies have been de-
veloped in the past years: Script-centric DevOps com-
munities support automated configuration manage-
ment, guidelines such as the Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) (Malone et al., 2008)
help applying best practices to IT service manage-
ment, and standards such as TOSCA (OASIS, 2013)
enable application developers to describe applications
and their management in a portable way—to name
a few examples. However, automating management
tasks on complex Cloud applications becomes a more
and more difficult challenge: The increasing number
and diversity of employed Cloud services on various
layers offered by different Cloud providers leads to
a higher risk of unexpected side effects when they
are combined with each other or integrated with tradi-
tional software components and middleware systems.
Additional complexity arises from the heterogeneity
of management technologies: Cloud providers, mid-
dleware systems, and software components often pro-
vide proprietary management APIs, security mecha-
nisms, and data formats (Breitenb
ucher et al., 2013b).
Thus, if a task affects multiple different parts of an ap-
plication, also the management technologies of these
parts may need to be integrated. This requires (i) a
deep technical insight in each part and management
technology as well as (ii) an overall understanding of
the whole system and possible impacts to avoid errors.
In these scenarios, often only experts of the respective
technology are able to execute management tasks cor-
rectly. However, also experts reach their limits when
a management task has to be executed on a complex
application whose exact structure and runtime infor-
mation are not documented: Unknown relations and
dependencies between components that directly influ-
ence each other’s functionality lead to a serious man-
agement challenge. Even if only a small operation has
to be executed on a single component, its impact on
other components is not predictable seriously if the
application’s structure is not known exactly. Thus,
if the context, in which a management task is ex-
ecuted, is not known, understood, and considered,
there is a high risk of unexpected side effects that
may compromise the application’s functionality. In
addition, as executing management task manually is
slow, costly, and error prone, Cloud application man-
agement must be automated to enable Cloud proper-
ties (Fehling et al., 2012; Oppenheimer et al., 2003).
Breitenbücher U., Binz T., Kopp O., Leymann F. and Wieland M..
Context-aware Cloud Application Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004949204990509
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 499-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
As a result, in case multiple heterogeneous Cloud ser-
vices, software components, and middleware systems
are involved and different management technologies
have to be orchestrated, it’s of vital importance to
(i) apply expert management knowledge, (ii) consider
the context in which tasks are executed, and (iii) auto-
mate management processes to avoid manual errors.
In this paper, we tackle these issues. We present
an approach that enables applying expert manage-
ment knowledge for tasks in a certain context auto-
matically to running Cloud applications. Therefore,
we introduce an abstract (i) Context-Aware Applica-
tion Management Method and (ii) present a fully au-
tomated realization of this method for Cloud Comput-
ing to validate its practical feasibility. The method in-
troduces Declarative Management Description Mod-
els (DMDM) to describe management tasks declar-
atively including their context in a formal model.
This enables experts to detect unintended impacts and
side effects of management tasks through analyzing
them in the context in which they are executed. We
show that an individual context analysis is required
for many management tasks on Cloud applications
due to the heterogeneous nature of the involved com-
ponents and management technologies—which is not
possible having traditional imperative models such as
workflows or scripts as these models describe only the
task-specific information but not the context in which
they are executed. The presented automated realiza-
tion of the method for Cloud application management
validates the method’s practical feasibility. It enables
Cloud providers to offer a variety of different Cloud
applications consisting of heterogeneous components
without the need to employ or educate specialized
experts that have the required technical management
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we describe a motivating scenario
to explain the method, which is introduced in Sec-
tion 3. Section 4 presents the automated realization
of the method to validate its practical feasibility for
Cloud application management. In Section 5 we give
an overview on related work. Section 6 concludes the
paper and gives an outlook on future work.
In this section, we describe the problem tackled by
our approach in detail and introduce a motivating sce-
nario that is used throughout the paper to explain the
presented method and its realization.
2.1 Problem Statement
In this section, we describe the major issues of Cloud
application management and why context considera-
tion is of vital importance in this area. Due to different
functional as well as non-function requirements on
services, Cloud offerings of different providers often
have to be integrated as using a single Cloud provider
for the complete application landscape of a company
is often not possible (Fehling et al., 2012). The focus
of this paper lies, therefore, on the management of
Complex Composite Cloud Applications, which con-
sist of multiple heterogeneous Cloud services, soft-
ware components, and middleware systems of differ-
ent vendors and Cloud providers.
The management of such applications is quite dif-
ficult as it requires a deep technical understanding of
the involved components, the dependencies between
them, and their management technologies—which
are most often proprietary implementations providing
heterogeneous management interfaces (Leonhardt,
2013). As a consequence, human-induced failures
account for a significant number of outages as hu-
man errors accompany even the simplest system op-
eration and management tasks (Brown and Patter-
son, 2001). The management flexibility recently in-
troduced by Cloud Computing has additionally in-
creased this effect as management tasks, such as the
provisioning of new virtual machines, are literally at
the systems manager’s fingertips and often handled
completely via proprietary management interfaces of-
fered by Cloud providers (Fehling et al., 2012). Due
to this management evolution, human errors are more
likely to occur since the physical infrastructure and
thereon deployed software systems are often virtual-
ized and, therefore, obfuscating the actual structure of
an application. Thus, it becomes more and more dif-
ficult to consider the context, in which management
tasks are executed, correctly as application structures,
system boundaries, and dependencies are becoming
increasingly blurred by the Cloud. In addition, due
to the lack of interoperability between Cloud services
of different providers and traditional software com-
ponents, most often complex configuration manage-
ment is needed to integrate heterogeneous systems.
As a result, executing management tasks which affect
multiple parts of an application at once requires spe-
cial management expertise. These problems impede
automating Cloud application management, which is
a major requirement for efficient use of Cloud re-
sources and to avoid manual human errors (Fehling
et al., 2012; Oppenheimer et al., 2003). Therefore,
we need a means to capture and apply context-aware
management expertise fully automatically to running
Cloud applications.
2.2 Management Automation
To automate application management, the execu-
tion of management tasks is often described imper-
atively using executable processes implemented as
workflows (Leymann and Roller, 2000) in languages
such as BPEL (OASIS, 2007) or BPMN (OMG,
2011), scripts such as bash, or programs imple-
mented in a computer programming language such as
Java. Especially the more and more emerging script-
centric configuration management technologies such
as Chef (Nelson-Smith, 2013) are prime examples
for this kind of imperative management descriptions.
However, if an application is crucial to the business
of an enterprise, errors that possibly result in sys-
tem downtime are not acceptable. Therefore, before
executing such management processes, they must be
verified by experts to ensure correctness. Unfortu-
nately, one of the most important problems of this
approach is that the context, in which the manage-
ment tasks are executed, is not explicitly described
and, thus, not visible in such processes. As a result,
management processes cannot be analyzed by experts
in consideration of the management tasks’ context as
only operation calls, service invocations, or script ex-
ecutions on the directly affected components are de-
scribed, but not the surrounding environment: Experts
see only the directly affected part of the application,
not the whole application structure. Thus, other ap-
plication components that may be affected indirectly,
too, cannot be considered in this analysis. For exam-
ple, if the database of a Web-based application shall
be replaced by a database from a different vendor,
the application’s Web server may require a certain
database connector to be installed for connecting to
the new database. If this dependency is not considered
and handled by the management process replacing the
database through installing the required new connec-
tor, too, the application cannot connect to its database
anymore. This quickly results in system downtimes
caused by errors that are neither easy to find nor to
fix. Thus, the most important requirement to enable
context-aware management is a formal model that de-
scribes both the tasks and the context.
2.3 Motivating Scenario
In this section, we describe the motivating scenario
that is used throughout the paper to explain the pro-
posed method and its realization. The scenario de-
scribes a business application that consists of a PHP-
based Web frontend and a PostgreSQL database. The
frontend should be migrated from one Cloud to an-
other. Because the application evolved over time, it
is currently distributed over two Clouds: The PHP
frontend is hosted on Microsoft’s public Cloud of-
fering “Windows Azure”
, the PostgreSQL database
on Amazon’s PaaS offering “Relational Database Ser-
vice (RDS)”
, which enables hosting databases di-
rectly as a service. The PHP frontend runs on an
Apache HTTP Server (including the PHP-module)
which is installed on an Ubuntu Linux operating sys-
tem that runs in a virtual machine hosted on Azure.
The management task that has to be executed is mi-
grating the PHP frontend to Amazon’s IaaS offering
“Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)”
in order to reduce
the number of employed Cloud providers. This mi-
gration results in two issues that compromise the ap-
plication’s functionality if they are not considered by
experts having the knowledge to recognize the follow-
ing two problems in advance: (i) missing database
driver and (ii) missing configuration of the database
service. To migrate the PHP frontend, we have to
create a new virtual machine on Amazon EC2, in-
stall the Apache HTTP Server and the PHP-module,
and deploy the corresponding PHP files on it. This
works without further configuration issues. However,
connecting the PHP application to the database is
not as easy as it seems to be: Simply defining the
database configuration of the PHP frontend by set-
ting the database’s endpoint, username, and password
is not sufficient. Here, a technical detail of the un-
derlying infrastructure needs to be considered: The
PHP-module of the Apache HTTP Server needs dif-
ferent database drivers to connect to different types of
databases. Thus, if the PostgreSQL driver gets not in-
stalled explicitly on the server, the Moodle PHP fron-
tend is not able to connect to the database. However,
this is not easy to recognize as applications often em-
ploy MySQL databases whose drivers are typically
installed together with the PHP-module. Thus, in-
stalling the required driver for PostgreSQL might be
forgotten. The second issue is even more difficult to
foresee if the administrator is not an expert on Ama-
zon RDS: Databases running on Amazon RDS are per
default not accessible from external components. To
allow connections, a so-called “Security Group” must
be defined to configure the firewall. This group spec-
ifies the IP-addresses which are allowed to connect to
the database. Both issues result in breaking the ap-
plication’s functionality as the frontend cannot con-
nect to the database. The reason for both problems
lies in ignoring the context in which the tasks are exe-
cuted: First, if an application shall connect to a certain
type of database, the runtime environment hosting the
application must support connecting to this kind of
database. It is not enough to simply set the configu-
ration as the underlying infrastructure, i. e., the con-
text, needs to be considered, too. Second, accessing a
database hosted on Amazon RDS requires also more
than simply writing endpoint information into a con-
figuration file as also the firewall of the service has to
be configured. Thus, also for this task, the context in
the form of the infrastructure that hosts the database
has to be considered to recognize the problem.
However, both problems cannot be detected by
experts if the migration is implemented using tradi-
tional approaches such as management workflows or
scripts: The processes would only model the steps for
(i) shutting down the old virtual machine on Azure,
(ii) creating the new virtual machine on Amazon EC2,
(iii) installing the Apache Web Server and the PHP-
module, (iv) deploying the frontend, and (v) setting
the database’s IP-address, username, and password in
the frontend’s configuration. The process neither pro-
vides information about the database’s type nor which
infrastructure is used to host the database—the con-
text is not described. In addition, if administrators
execute this migration manually, they require a lot of
technical expertise and background information about
the different APIs and employed technologies. Thus,
we need a means to (i) capture expert management
knowledge for a certain context and (ii) make it appli-
cable fully automatically in order to help administra-
tors avoiding unintended mistakes.
In this section, we introduce the Context-Aware Ap-
plication Management Method that provides a means
to consider the context in which management tasks on
application components or relationships are executed.
The method separates between a declarative descrip-
tion of the management tasks to be executed and the
final executable management process. It consists of
six steps which are shown in Figure 1: First, (1)
we capture all runtime information and the structure
of the application to be managed in a formal model
which is extended in the second step (2) by declaring
tasks on components and relations. In the third step,
(3) experts analyze this model for unintended side ef-
fects and (4) adapt the model afterwards if necessary
to resolve the found problems. In the fifth step, (5)
this declarative model is translated into an imperative
process model that is executed in the last step (6) to
perform the tasks on the running application. We ex-
plain each step in the following subsections and start
Application Management
1. Capture
Application as
Formal Model
2. Create
3. Analyze
4. Adapt
5. Create
6. Execute
Figure 1: Context-Aware Application Management
each description with a short summary of the step in
italic text to provide a compact overview that is de-
tailed afterwards.
3.1 Step 1: Capture Application as
Formal Model
Describe all components of the application and their
relations in a formal model that specifies their types
and current runtime information.
First, the application to be managed is described
as a formal model. This model captures the ap-
plication structure and its state, i. e., all compo-
nents such as Web servers, virtual machines, or
installed applications, the relations between them,
e. g., database connections, and their runtime infor-
mation. The semantics of components and rela-
tions (we call both model elements in the follow-
ing) are described using types, e. g., a component
may be of type ApacheHTTPServer”, a relation-
ship of type “SQLConnection”. To enable a pre-
cise definition of the model elements, types can be
inherited: the ApacheHTTPServer” type is a sub-
type of “HTTPServer”. Runtime information are
described as model element properties, e. g., the
ApacheHTTPServer” has properties “IP-Address”
and “Port” that specify the server’s endpoint. The
property schema is defined by the type of the model
element. This formalization of the running applica-
tion provides a detailed, structured, and machine read-
able means to document a current snapshot of the ap-
plication structure and all runtime information.
3.2 Step 2: Create Declarative
Management Description Model
Create a Declarative Management Description
Model that declaratively describes the management
tasks to be executed on components and relations.
In the second step, the desired management tasks are
described based on the formal model. Therefore, we
introduce the Declarative Management Description
Model (DMDM) that extends the formal model cap-
tured in Step 1 by a declarative description of the
management tasks to be executed on components and
relations of the application. This model declares man-
agement tasks in an abstract manner without technical
implementation details and specifies the target com-
ponent or relation of each task. A DMDM is not
executable as it describes only what has to be done,
but not how—all technical details are missing. For
example, a DMDM may declare a “Create” task on
a relation of type “SQLConnection” between a PHP
application and an SQL database, which means that
the connection has to be established. However, it
provides neither technical implementation details nor
specifies the control flow between multiple different
3.3 Step 3: Analyze Declarative
Management Description Model
Analyze the impact of tasks in consideration of the
context defined by the components, relations, and
runtime information described by the DMDM.
The DMDM created in the previous step captures a
snapshot of the application and the abstract manage-
ment tasks to be executed. The model describes the
whole context in which tasks are executed by mod-
elling all components and adjacent relations of the ap-
plication that are possibly affected. In the third step,
management tasks are analyzed in their context by ex-
perts of different domains to detect unexpected im-
pacts leading to unintended side effects. DMDMs en-
able cooperation between different experts and sepa-
rate concerns based on a uniform, structured, and for-
mal model: Experts on the ApacheHTTPServer” are
able to detect that the installation of a certain database
connector is required, experts on the Amazon Cloud
are able to configure the Security Group in order to
allow connections from the external PHP frontend of
the application. Thus, DMDMs can be analyzed by
multiple experts of different domains in a cooperative
3.4 Step 4: Adapt Declarative
Management Description Model
Adapt the analyzed Declarative Management De-
scription Model if necessary to solve the analyzed
After the expert analysis, found problems have to be
resolved in order to achieve the desired management
goals. Therefore, the DMDM is adapted in this step
by the respective experts to enable correct execution
of the management tasks. Therefore, components, re-
lations, and tasks of the DMDM may be added or re-
configured. For example, the missing database con-
nector found in the analysis of the previous step is
resolved by adding the task to install the required con-
nector on the Web Server. Thus, each task was veri-
fied in its respective context in the previous step and
gets corrected if necessary in this step. However, if
tasks are added or reconfigured, all tasks have to be
analyzed again for correctness as the context changed
by this adaptation. This may lead to new problems
and unintended side effects on other components or
relations that have to be found. Therefore, Step 3 and
Step 4 are repeated until no new problems are found
and all tasks were considered in the final context. This
ensures that also the adaptations are checked by man-
agement experts.
3.5 Step 5: Create Imperative
Management Description Model
Create an Imperative Management Description
Model in the form of an executable process to per-
form the management tasks declared in the DMDM.
The verified and adapted Declarative Management
Description Model resulting from the previous step
describes the tasks to be performed declaratively in
an abstract manner—only what management tasks
have to be performed, but not how. Thus, the model
is not executable as the technical realization is not
described. Therefore, an executable process model
that implements the management tasks declared in
the DMDM must be created. As this process model
describes how the tasks have to be executed imper-
atively, we call these management processes Imper-
ative Management Description Models (IMDM). An
IMDM can be executed using an appropriate process
engine and describes also the control flow and data
handling between the management tasks. The IMDM
has to implement exactly the semantics of the man-
agement tasks described by the adapted Declarative
Management Description Model resulting from the
previous step.
3.6 Step 6: Execute Imperative
Management Description Model
Execute the created Imperative Management De-
scription Model to manage the running application.
In the last step, the IMDM is executed to perform the
desired management tasks on the real running appli-
cation. Therefore, a process engine is employed to
run the process. As a result, the changes described
by the tasks are applied to the running application in
consideration of the context. Afterwards, the method
may start from the beginning to execute further tasks.
The presented method enables combining declara-
tive management descriptions, which include all rel-
evant context information to verify the management
tasks, and imperative processes, which are employed
to actually perform the tasks on running applications.
Thus, it combines two different types of Management
Description Models which enables benefiting from
advantages of both worlds. Therefore, the presented
method provides a theoretic basis for enabling auto-
mated context-aware application management. In this
section, we validate the proposed method by showing
a fully automated practical implementation using ex-
isting frameworks. We describe the realization of the
prototype for all steps of the method in the following.
4.1 Formalizing Applications Using
Enterprise Topology Graphs
In Step 1, the application’s structure and runtime in-
formation needs to be captured in a formal model. We
use Enterprise Topology Graphs (ETG) (Binz et al.,
2012) as model language as they are a common way
to capture such information formally. ETGs are di-
rected, possibly acyclic, graphs that describe the ap-
plication’s structure as topology model that contains
each component as typed node and each relationship
as typed edge between the nodes. Runtime informa-
tion of nodes and relations are captured as properties
of the respective element. Thus, ETGs can be used
to model the context in which a management task is
HttpPort: 8080
Username: Admin
Password: w1j4vg!osb
PHPModule: Installed
SSHCredentials: [….]
User: MyAzureAccount
Password: h94jfds!fg3
DBUser: u4001
DBPassword: a7ju2vf!b
Port: 5432
User: MyAccount
Password: a8u8u29uer8u234
Figure 2: ETG of the running application.
executed. As ETGs support the XML-format, they
are machine readable. Figure 2 shows the motivating
scenario as ETG example, graphically rendered using
the visual topology notation “Vino4TOSCA (Bre-
ucher et al., 2012). Each component is de-
picted as rounded rectangle, relations as arrows be-
tween these rectangles, and runtime information as
key-value properties. Element IDs are undecorated
text, element types are enclosed by parentheses. Binz
et al. showed that ETGs of running applications can
be discovered fully automatically using the ETG Dis-
covery Framework (Binz et al., 2013). Thus, the first
step of formalizing the application to be managed can
be automated by using this framework.
4.2 Automating DMDM Creation Using
Automated Management Patterns
Capturing running application snapshots in such for-
mal ETG models provides a structured means to de-
scribe the context in which a management task is ex-
ecuted. Therefore, to create the DMDM in the sec-
ond step, we use the discovered ETG and annotate
the management tasks to be executed directly at the
affected components and relations of the ETG. In Bre-
ucher et al. (Breitenb
ucher et al., 2013a), we in-
troduced so-called Desired Application State Models,
which provide exactly this type of model for describ-
ing tasks to be executed declaratively in the context in
which they have to be executed based on ETGs.
Figure 3 shows the Desired Application State
Model that describes our migration motivating sce-
nario. The colored circles with the symbols inside
represent the management tasks to be executed in the
HttpPort: 8080
Username: Admin
Password: w1j4vg!osb
PHPModule: Installed
SSHCredentials: […]
User: MyAzureAccount
Password: h94jfds!fg3
DBUser: u4001
DBPassword: a7ju2vf!b
Port: 5432
User: MyAccount
Password: a8u8u29uer8u234
HttpPort: 8080
Username: Admin
Password: w1j4vg!osb
PHPModule: Installed
SSHCredentials: […]
User: MyAccount
Password: a8u8u29uer8u234
Figure 3: Desired Application State Model resulting from applying the Automated Management Pattern to the discovered
form of so-called Management Annotations (Breit-
ucher et al., 2013a). A Management Annotation
describes a task to be performed in a declarative way:
It defines only the type of the task and possible con-
figuration properties, but not how to execute it. The
green colored “Create-Annotations” with the star in-
side declare that the corresponding element it is at-
tached to has to be created, while the red colored
“Destroy-Annotations” with the “x” inside declare
that the model element has to be destroyed. Manage-
ment Annotations can be also bound declaratively to
non-functional requirements in the form of policies
that must be fulfilled when executing the task (Breit-
ucher et al., 2013c).
Annotating management tasks to ETGs, i. e., cre-
ating a DMDM, can be automated, too: Desired Ap-
plication State Models can be created automatically
by applying so-called Automated Management Pat-
terns to ETGs (Breitenb
ucher et al., 2013a). An Au-
tomated Management Pattern captures management
expertise through implementing a transformation that
annotates management tasks in the form of Man-
agement Annotations fully automatically to an in-
put ETG. This transformation attaches, configures, or
removes nodes, relations, and Management Annota-
tions. In addition, Automated Management Patterns
can be configured via input parameters. For example,
the Desired Application State Model shown in Fig-
ure 3 is the result of applying the “Migrate PHP-based
Application to Amazon Pattern”, which was config-
ured to use Amazon’s IaaS offering EC2 for hosting
the PHP frontend. The only manual step is selecting
and configuring the pattern. Thus, Step 2 can be au-
tomated, too.
4.3 Context-aware Task Analyzer
After the Desired Application State Model was cre-
ated automatically by applying an Automated Man-
agement Pattern, it has to be analyzed by experts in
Step 3 and adapted if necessary in Step 4. As we
aim at automating the whole method realization, also
these two steps need to be automated. Therefore, we
introduce the concept of Context-Aware Management
Task Analyzers (CAMTA) that provides a means to
capture context-aware expert management knowledge
in a form that enables a fully automated application to
the Desired Application State Model resulting out of
the previous step. The notion of CAMTAs is detect-
ing and correcting problems by analyzing the tasks in
their context and adapting the model if necessary fully
automatically without manual interaction. Therefore,
a CAMTA consists of two parts: (i) An Annotated
Topology Fragment and a (ii) Transformation, simi-
larly to Automated Management Patterns. The An-
notated Topology Fragment is a small topology that
specifies the management tasks in a certain context
for which the CAMTA is able to (i) analyze correct-
ness and (ii) may provide expert management knowl-
edge required to adapt the model if necessary. The
fragment is used for matchmaking of CAMTAs and
Desired State Models: If all elements in a CAMTAs
Resolving Missing Database Driver CAMTA
Annotated Topology Fragment
(PostgreSQLDB) (PHP)
Figure 4: CAMTA that recognizes the problem of missing
PostgreSQL database connector driver.
fragment match elements in the model, the Context-
Aware Management Task Analyzer is able to analyze
exactly that part. Thus, the Annotated Topology Frag-
ment is used to select the CAMTAs that have to be
applied to analyze the DMDM in Step 3 fully auto-
matically. For adapting the model in Step 4, each
CAMTA implements a context-aware transformation
that transforms the input Desired State Model fully
automatically if necessary. Therefore, the transfor-
mation checks if the tasks specified in the CAMTAs
Topology Fragment can be executed safely: If yes, the
transformation returns the unmodified model. If not,
the transformation adds or configures components, re-
lationships, or tasks for correcting the Desired State
Model. Figure 4 shows a CAMTA that analyzes the
tasks of establishing a SQL connection from a PHP
application hosted on an Apache HTTP Server to a
PostgreSQL database. The shown CAMTA is able
to analyze if establishing a SQL-Connection in the
context of a PHP Application running on the Apache
HTTP Server to a PostgreSQL database is possible.
This is expressed by its Topology Fragment on the
left. The transformation shown on the right ana-
lyzes the Desired State Model and finds out that the
PostgreSQL connector driver is missing. Therefore,
it adds the corresponding elements and tasks to the
model. Thus, based on two CAMTAs, the Desired
State Model, which results from applying the auto-
mated migration pattern in Step 2, gets adapted fully
automatically for resolving the issues of the missing
database connector and Security Group configuration.
Therefore, the respective CAMTAs insert two differ-
ent Management Annotations into the Desired State
Model: (i) a “ConfigureSecurityGroup-Annotation”
that is attached to the AmazonRDS node and an
“InstallDriver-Annotation” attached to the Apache
HTTP Server node. The ConfigureSecurityGroup-
Annotation configures the AmazonRDS instance in
a way that the database is accessible by the Apache
HTTP Server, the InstallDriver-Annotation declares
that the required connector for PostgreSQL databases
must be installed.
Create Ubuntu12.04VM on AmazonEC2
User: *
Password: *
SSHCredentials: *
Type: *
Annotated Topology Fragment Workflow
Figure 5: Management Planlet that creates an Ubuntu12.04
virtual machine on Amazon EC2.
As Desired State Models typically specify multi-
ple management tasks to be executed in the form of
Management Annotations that need to be analyzed in
their context, multiple different CAMTAs are needed
to check the correctness of the whole model. As they
may add or configure elements, all CAMTAs need
to be applied every time after one transformed the
model to ensure that all tasks are validated in the cur-
rent context that may be changed by formerly applied
CAMTAs. As soon as input and output model do not
change anymore after applying all matching CAM-
TAs, Step 4 is finished. The approach is similar to Au-
tomated Management Patterns (Breitenb
ucher et al.,
2013a) that also use transformations to modify mod-
4.4 Management Plan Generation
After the DMDM was analyzed and adapted for cor-
rectness in Step 3, the resulting model is not exe-
cutable directly as it describes the tasks to be per-
formed only declaratively, i. e., without implementa-
tion or control flow: The Declarative Management
Description Model has to be transformed into an ex-
ecutable Imperative Management Description Model
in Step 5. Therefore, we employ the management
framework presented by Breitenb
ucher et al. (Bre-
ucher et al., 2013a) that employs Management
Planlets to translate Desired Application State Mod-
els fully automatically into executable BPEL work-
flows. Management Planlets provide the low-level
imperative management logic to execute the declar-
ative Management Annotations used in Desired Ap-
plication State Models and support defining func-
tional as well as non-functional requirements (Breit-
ucher et al., 2013c). They serve as generic man-
Planlet Repository
Adapted Desired
Application State Model
Pattern Repository
Desired Application
State Model
CAMTA Repository
Topology Graph
Figure 6: Conceptual Architecture of the method’s realization.
agement building blocks that can be orchestrated to
implement a higher-level management task. A Man-
agement Planlet consists of two parts: (i) Annotated
Topology Fragment and (ii) a workflow. The frag-
ment exposes the Planlet’s functionality and is used
to find Planlets that are capable of executing the spec-
ified management tasks in the specified context. For
example, the Planlet shown in Figure 5 is capable
of executing the Create-Annotation attached to an
Ubuntu12.04VM node if this node has to be hosted
on AmazonEC2. The Planlet’s executable workflow
implements exactly the management logic required to
create this virtual machine on EC2. Based on these
fragments, different Planlets can be orchestrated to
implement an overall management plan that performs
all management tasks defined in the Desired Applica-
tion State Model. Therefore, the framework employs
a Plan Generator that transforms Desired Application
State Models into executable management workflows.
The whole method realization is shown in Figure 6: A
discovered ETG is transformed into a Desired Appli-
cation State Model by applying an Automated Man-
agement Pattern. This model is analyzed and possi-
bly adapted by several CAMTAs. The Plan Genera-
tor gets the resulting model as input, searches Plan-
lets that are able to execute the specified Management
Annotations, and orchestrates the matching Planlets’
workflows to an overall management workflow. This
workflow implements all management tasks declared
by the Desired Application State Model and can be
executed in Step 6 to perform the tasks on the real
running application.
4.5 Evaluation of the Realization
The introduced declarative model layer describing
tasks in its formal context that encompasses all ap-
plication components, their relations, and runtime in-
formation enables experts to detect dependencies that
are not visible in traditional imperative management
processes such as workflows. The reason is that these
traditional processes describe only logic for the di-
rectly affected components, not the surrounding envi-
ronment context: Details of the application structure,
i. e., the context, are not contained in such process
models and can, thus, not be analyzed. However, es-
pecially workflow technology and script-centric tech-
nologies such as Chef are well-established technolo-
gies used in systems management due to the provided
features and properties: Workflow technology pro-
vides features, such as recoverability and compensa-
tion mechanisms, that enable correct and complete
execution of long running processes, which is often
a major requirement (Leymann and Roller, 2000). On
the other side, the script-centric DevOps communi-
ties provide a lot of templates and implementations
that can be used for configuration management with-
out further modifications. The method enables us-
ing these technologies for the actual execution of the
management tasks in the form of IMDMs. Thus,
it enables combining both types of management de-
scription models to support both consideration of con-
text and profiting from features provided by common
The presented realization is limited in terms of
completeness: Management tasks in a Desired Appli-
cation State Model are analyzed and possibly adapted
only if there are CAMTAs that provide the required
knowledge for analyzing and adapting the tasks in the
actual context. The approach could be extended by
marking all verified management tasks, i. e., all Man-
agement Annotations that were considered by one or
more CAMTAs. In addition, a description of the task
analysis could be added by CAMTAs to provide in-
formation about the analyzed issues and determined
problems. This may help users to understand the per-
formed analysis and enables drawing their attention
to the tasks that were not considered by the system.
These tasks could be then analyzed manually by ex-
perts before generating the final management work-
Context-aware systems adapt their functionality and
behaviour using context information about the envi-
ronment. An often used definition for context was
given by Dey (Dey et al., 2000): “Context is any in-
formation that can be used to characterize the situ-
ation of an entity, where an entity can be a person,
place, physical or computational object”. An impor-
tant type of context information, which is often ne-
glected, is the state and structure of an application to
be managed. In this paper, we use this type of context
information to verify, configure, and execute manage-
ment tasks on applications and their infrastructure.
The automated realization of the presented manage-
ment method provides, therefore, the basis to imple-
ment Context-aware Cloud Application Management
To model and manage context information, many
frameworks have been developed in the past years.
There are simple, widget-like frameworks for sensor
information such as the Context Toolkit (Dey et al.,
2001) and systems that support smart environments
like Aura (Judd and Steenkiste, 2003) or Gaia (Roman
and Campbell, 2000). Different types of development
frameworks, e. g., the framework of Henricksen and
Indulska (Henricksen and Indulska, 2004), and con-
text management platforms, e. g., the Nexus Platform
(Großmann et al., 2005), were developed that aim at
efficient provisioning of context information within a
global scope. These frameworks use Context Models
as an abstraction layer between applications and the
technical infrastructure that gathers the context data.
However, there is no framework that manages context
information for application management in the form
of topology models. The Declarative Management
Description Model introduced in this paper provides
a kind of Context Model that (i) enables to capture
the environment in which management tasks are ex-
ecuted and (ii) the management tasks themselves de-
scribed in a declarative fashion. The context is cap-
tured in a domain-specific data structure in the form
of ETGs. Furthermore, no sensors integration has to
be achieved because the context is detected on the
fly using the ETG Discovery Framework (Binz et al.,
2013). Thus, the context is always up to date and
does not have to be stored or managed using addi-
tional tooling.
There are several approaches that enable de-
scribing application topologies including runtime in-
formation and dependencies. Scheibenberger and
Pansa (Scheibenberger and Pansa, 2008) present a
generic meta model to describe resource dependen-
cies among IT infrastructure components. They sep-
arate the static view, which captures functional and
structural aspects, from the dynamic operational view,
which captures runtime information. In contrast to the
employed concept of ETGs in the validation, their ap-
proach enables to model dependencies between com-
ponent properties. The method’s realization may be
extended to capture also such fine-grained depen-
dencies if necessary that may help experts to ana-
lyze possible impacts of a certain management task.
The Common Information Model (CIM) (Distributed
Management Task Force, 2010) is a standard that pro-
vides an extensible, object-oriented data model used
to capture information about different parts of an en-
terprise. It also provides a specification to describe
application structures including dependencies. How-
ever, all these works may be used to formalize the
application structure, dependencies, and runtime in-
formation, but they provide no means to model also
the management tasks to be executed as required to
implement a DMDM.
There are several frameworks that employ declar-
ative descriptions to generate workflows such as
Eilam et al. (Eilam et al., 2011), Maghraoui et
al. (Maghraoui et al., 2006), and Keller et al. (Keller
et al., 2004). The first two focus mainly on provi-
sioning of applications whereas the third also consid-
ers application management. In general, the proposed
method can be applied to approaches and frameworks
that transform declarative descriptions into impera-
tive processes. However, it must be ensured that the
declarative descriptions (i) provide the whole context
and (ii) that the management tasks to be executed
are described by this model somehow. In a former
work (Breitenb
ucher et al., 2014), we showed how
declarative provisioning descriptions can be trans-
formed automatically into imperative provisioning
workflows based on the TOSCA standard (OASIS,
2013). The application to be provisioned is described
as a topology, which models all components and re-
lations of the application. As the tasks to be executed
are clear (create each application component and in-
stantiate the relations between the components) and
the whole context of the provisioning is provided by
this model in the form of the application topology,
the presented method can be applied to this standards-
based provisioning approach, too.
In this paper, we introduced an abstract Context-
Aware Application Management Method that enables
applying context-aware management expertise to run-
ning Cloud applications. We showed that separat-
ing models for context-aware analysis and manage-
ment execution provides a powerful means to ben-
efit from advantages of both worlds. Therefore, we
employed abstract Declarative Management Descrip-
tion Models for describing the context as well as the
management tasks to be executed themselves that are
transformed into Imperative Management Description
Models. The presented method is validated by an
automated prototypical realization for Cloud Appli-
cation Management using existing frameworks and
technologies. In future, we plan to integrate non-
functional requirements into the method and its re-
alization and to apply both to the OASIS standard
This work was partially funded by the BMWi project
CloudCycle (01MD11023).
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