Guided Participatory Research on Parallel Computer Architectures
for K-12 Students Through a Narrative Approach
Valentina Mazzoni
, Luigina Mortari
, Federico Corni
and Davide Bertozzi
Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
Department of Education and Humanities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Keywords: Participatory Research, K-12 Students, Narrative Approach, Problem-oriented Project Work,
Parallel Computer Architecture, Networks-on-Chip.
Abstract: The approach to computer science (CS) education is typically geared towards the knowledge of the
principles behind information technology, but there are social indicators that it overlooks some important
educative aspects such as thinking competences and social attitudes. Such aspects play a fundamental role
when bringing CS education to the K-12 level. In order to enable a truly educational experience, we propose
to bring specific CS research problems within reach of K-12 students, because the active knowledge
construction process that takes place during research requires children to be engaged with all of their
knowledge, skills and attitudes. This poses the challenge of overcoming the knowledge gap of students,
which we address by means of a synergistic cooperation of CS experts and educators. More specifically, we
propose the narrative approach as the key enabler for CS participatory research with K-12 students.
Computer science (CS) and the technologies it
enables now lie at the heart of the way students live
their lives, especially in school and entertainment
environments. The ubiquity of information
technology is frequently cited to support inclusion of
CS in secondary education. The starting point for
this work is that even learning-objective-oriented
approaches to CS education (Sawyer, 2009;
Pasternak, 2012) in many cases end up accounting
only for some educational elements (e.g.,
programming skills), while leaving the remaining
ones (e.g., social skills, self-confidence, motivation,
curiosity) to other disciplines (psychology,
pedagogy, sociology). In practice, however, any CS
curriculum develops social attitudes and thinking
skills, even though they are not explicitly accounted
for in curriculum design. The unmistakable proof of
this matter of fact is given by a generalized lack of
interest in science curricula in secondary and tertiary
education. Another side effect is that thinking
competences such as creative, critical and care
thinking are not evolved to the same extent of
technical knowledge and skills.
In order to overcome this gap, we value the
research experience as a highly educative one, since
it consists of an active knowledge construction
process where the subject is engaged with all of his
knowledge, skills and attitudes. For this reason, we
aim at bringing research experiences in CS within
reach of the cognitive capabilities of K-12 students.
It is in fact at this stage of education that long-term
attitudes start shaping up.
In order to overcome the common “black-box”
approach of children to the media-rich electronic
devices that are pervasive in their lives (e.g.,
smartphones, game consoles, laptops, etc.), the
object of the proposed research experience will be
the prototype implementation of a networked
parallel computer architecture, which provides the
needed “intelligence” to the above devices.
The main challenge we face in this project is to
adjust technical depth, contextualization, and
exemplification to the audience’s stage of cognitive
development. From a pedagogical perspective, an
effective way of making complex concepts
accessible to young students is the narrative
approach, since narrative thinking reflects the basic
and powerful forms in which we gain knowledge of
the world (Egan, 1986). Therefore, stories support
the possibility to explain phenomena by creating
Mazzoni V., Mortari L., Corni F. and Bertozzi D..
Guided Participatory Research on Parallel Computer Architectures for K-12 Students Through a Narrative Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004957601110117
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 111-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-022-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
narrative forms of models of industrially created
objects (Fuchs, 2013).
For the sake of our research framework with
children, we identify grid street plans of modern
cities as an effective metaphor of on-chip
interconnection networks, which provide the needed
communication and integration function to modern
parallel computer architectures.
For the success of the proposed approach, the
synergistic and inseparable cooperation of
pedagogists and CS researchers at all stages of the
implementation is a mandatory requirement. In fact,
such cooperation should complement depth and
breadth of knowledge about CS with pedagogical
content knowledge (Cochran et al., 1993).
Today, teaching science at school is one of the major
challenges for education. The Eurydice Report on
the development of key competence at school in
Europe (2012, p. 43) stresses the following factors:
- young people lack of basic skills in mathematics
and science;
- there is a declining number of higher education
graduates in MST (mathematics, science and
technologies) fields.
Since education has a pivotal role in order to
reverse this negative trend, what seems to be urgent
is the necessity to impart new vigour to science
education in order to raise student’s interest,
knowledge and skills. Our contribution is thus a
methodology for the realization of an educative
experience in science education at school.
We consider the present situation of science
education to have its roots early in the school
system, where abilities, preferences and disabilities
start shaping up. Thus, we develop educational
strategies for students at the K-12 level.
While CS is firmly established in higher
education, introducing K-12 students to CS remains
a major challenge, since it implies to address the
pedagogical issues associated with adapting the level
of technical detail to students at varying levels of
cognitive development (Knobelsdorf, 2013). Recent
learning theories such as constructivism, activity
theory, and situated or distributed cognition theory,
as well as work conducted in the interdisciplinary
field of the learning sciences, are trying to tackle the
problem, although this effort is still in the early
One relevant evidence from the application of
the constructionism theory is that learners are more
likely to be intellectually engaged when they are
working on personally meaningful activities and
projects. In this direction, designing and creating
simple digital objects (a webpage, a small program
or a simple hardware device) was shown to rise the
curiosity to acquire the foundation of factual
knowledge (Knobelsdorf, 2011). However, one
common misunderstanding is that there is no
reaction of what is studied upon the development of
the person learning, upon the tastes, interests, and
habits that control student’s future mental attitudes
and responses. In practice, these personal elements
are collaterally formed. This is an evidence that
stems from sad matter of facts: for instance, CS
education may lead to students that are largely
engaged with computer programming, but at the
expense of the development of social abilities and
skills; moreover, this might not be reflected into the
formation of attitudes that decide the uses to which
the ability is to be put on.
Another common embodiment of constructivism
consists of setting up environments for learning
programming such as Logo, Scratch or Lego
Mindstorm. Although these learning environments
are engaging, students do not automatically obtain a
clear and systematic understanding of programming
concepts (Meerbaum-Salant et al. 2010). In our
approach, the entry point into CS is not simply
working with technology, but rather a research
experience that leads students to “discover” the basic
principles of complex electronic devices of common
This choice stems from the awareness that
students succeed in developing domain-specific
competencies when their learning corresponds to
authentic situations, where tasks and problems arise
not from pedagogical concerns, but rather from the
real-world (Collins, 2006). Because CS knowledge
mostly consists of abstract concepts or problem-
solving strategies, we propose an effective way of
contextualizing this. We thus present a concrete
instance (a real prototyping platform) as well as the
underlying abstract principle (on-chip networking),
so that students not only develop a general
understanding of the concept in question, but also
learn to apply it in different situations.
3.1 Methodology
We target the incorporation of a project-based
experiential learning experience into the K-12
students’ curriculum in the form of a guided
research experience on selected design and
optimization issues of a real-life electronic device
prototype. The ultimate objective is to enable the
basic understanding of the working principle of
modern media-rich electronic devices, AND to
foster the “researcher mind-set” in the students. The
goal is that the latter get used to the knowledge
construction process of CS researchers, since we
identify in the research activity many attributes of an
authentic educative experience while teaching the
science behind IT.
This holds promise of increasing students’
motivation to learn as well, especially in the
technology field, thus triggering a positive feedback
on future school-choices and professional careers
that can potentially reverse current negative trends in
the long run. The ultimate reason is twofold. On one
hand, students get a “real-time reward” for their
uptake of the knowledge construction process: the
possibility of making inroads into the working
principles of those electronic devices that are
pervasive in their life. Students in fact tend to
consider them out-of-reach of their knowledge
capability because of their complexity. On the other
hand, students are brought to the stage where they
can explore part of the design space of such devices,
through a guided research experience, with positive
implications on self-confidence and curiosity.
In practice, our approach aims at bringing
participatory-research with children (Christiansen
and James, 2008; Mortari, 2009) outside the
boundaries of humanistic studies, where it has been
mainly experimented so far. Some added values of
project-based learning based on a real problem from
CS research are:
- In the real world, knowledge (and its application)
is integrated, rather than split artificially into
subjects. Moreover, problem-solving is not a
school exercise with a predefined set of answers
but rather a complex engagement of an authentic
issue with multiple potential solutions (inquiry-
based learning). This feature, first characterized by
Dewey (1938), remains the distinctive hallmark of
experiential learning, central to our approach.
- It implicitly sets a broad range of learning
objectives that contribute to all of the pillars of
lifelong education, as identified by Delors (1996):
learning to know, learning to do, learning to live
together and learning to be.
The research experience needs to be guided by a
CS researcher from academia or industry for a
number of reasons, associated with his technical
expertise as well as with the different educational
interaction that he potentially raises in students
(Tenenberg, 2010; Fincher, 2013). He can point out
some key design choices that students would have
never thought about. He can also encourage students
to think more deeply about the problems, rather than
simply grasping “good enough” answers. Finally,
students experience increased relatedness to a
technology-related profession, and to the practice
that the researcher exposes them to. Simply
speaking, the feeling of “serious work”, of “complex
work made accessible”, and of “doing things right
clearly increases students’ motivation.
3.2 Experimental Research Setting
Between 2000 and 2005 a fundamental design
paradigm shift took place in the field of computer
architecture. The application demand for more
performance-per-watt, especially in the embedded
computing domain, caused traditional monolithic
high-performance microprocessors to evolve toward
multicore architectures. In practice, the processing
workload started to be split among a number of
concurrent computation units, thus materializing
congruent multiples in performance speed-up and
power efficiency. This trend is currently well
underway, to the extent that manycore architectures
start to appear, that rely on hundreds of concurrent
processing units implemented onto the same
integrated circuit. The key component of a highly
parallel computing architecture consists of an on-
chip interconnection network (Network-on-chip,
NoC) capable of networking the processing cores
together onto the same parallel hardware platform.
Further technical details can be found in (Bertozzi
and Flich 2012). Our approach therefore aims at
familiarizing K-12 students with the paradigms of
computation parallelism and on-chip networking,
which are revolutionizing architectures and
applications in the embedded computing domain.
For the sake of keeping the research experience
focused, it will concern the routing problem in
NoCs. This latter consists of finding performance-
efficient routing paths for network packets to reach
their intended destinations. Feasible solutions to this
problem have to meet the deadlock avoidance
concern. Deadlock consists of a permanent blocking
condition of network traffic due to circular
dependencies in the routing channel request pattern.
Overall, during the research activity students will
have to devise feasible routing algorithms while
assessing the absence of such circular dependencies.
Moreover, such routing algorithms will be
comparatively assessed from the viewpoint of their
effects on congestion and implementation
At this point, the relevant problem of
overcoming the knowledge gap of K-12 students
arises. Addressing this problem requires a cross-
fertilization with findings from pedagogy research.
4.1 Narrative Approach
Is it possible to teach very difficult scientific
concepts to young students? Different educators and
psychologist have considered this question and
diverse answers were given.
The psychologist Jerome S. Bruner (1966, p. 33)
wrote: “Any subject can be taught effectively in
some intellectually honest form to a child at any
stage of development”. Following Bruner, narrative
and propositional thinking are the ways in which
human beings structure their knowledge (Bruner,
1986). Usually, at school, sciences are taught using
formal language and logic-scientific thinking
(namely the paradigmatic one). Our proposal
considers a second opportunity: using the narrative
form to introduce formal and scientific knowledge.
Developing narrative understanding of the science
would complement the introduction of formal
explanations of how the world works.
Indeed, the elements of narrative are not foreign
to formal scientific understanding (Fuchs, 2013).
Stories can be used to deepen our understanding of
some physical concepts (e.g., in Fuchs’ work: the
gestalt of forces and its aspects), because schematic
and metaphoric structures are part of our everyday’s
life, in particular of children’s one.
Story form is a cultural universal which ‘reflects
a basic and powerful form in which we make sense
of the world and experience’ (Egan, 1986, p. 2).
Children especially use personal narratives to order
and explain the complexity of their experiences of
the world (Engel, 1999). Gallas (1994) presents how
children talked and wrote about science, and reports
on the complexities of the language and the stories
they used to understand the world of science. Using
narrative forms help children to get introduced to the
complexity of the world through an approach that
respects the form of their knowledge and their
human mind.
In applying this approach to our research
experience on parallel distributed computing, we are
facing two distinctive and unprecedented
- The definition of a figurative structure that makes
on-chip interconnection networks and their system
integration function accessible to K-12 students
through a suitable metaphor.
- The application of the figurative structure to an
open-situation (i.e., the research experience). Thus,
the figurative structure should be realized as a plot,
rather than as a full and “static” story serving the
purpose of bringing pre-defined concepts within
reach of the cognitive abilities of students. The
plot of the story would be in fact the metaphor for
the constraints and operating conditions of a real
multicore processing environment. Pre-defining
only the plot enables the students to evolve it and
complete the story, by following a driving question
provided by the CS researcher. Providing answers
to the stated question will enable students to
augment the plot with missing details, which
correspond to technical solutions to a specific
research problem in the physical domain. Solutions
to problems will be derived by students in a
collaborative way, under the guidance of the CS
researcher, who will lead the in-class research.
4.2 The Narrative Approach at Work
The in-classroom research framework we propose
will be structured into a seven step methodology:
1- Setting the path to the research experience by an
in-class presentation of the CS researcher
bridging the gap between students’ pre-
knowledge and the concepts needed to start the
2- Definition of a figurative structure capable of
overcoming the technical knowledge gap of
students with respect to parallel computing and
on-chip networking (see Section 4.3).
3- Presentation of the figurative structure to the
students, with a clear distinction made between
predefined vs. undefined elements. The former
ones are the outcome of pre-taken design
decisions (e.g., the figurative structure for the
routing mechanism) and/or operating conditions
in the physical domain (e.g., synchronous
operation), while the latter ones represent the
available degrees of freedom for design space
exploration (e.g., the figurative structure for the
routing algorithm).
4- In-classroom collaborative research, where the
students will work out their solutions to the
routing problem under the guidance of the CS
researcher. This will not be done directly, but by
reasoning on the corresponding problem in the
figurative structure.
5- Selection of the best candidate routing solutions
for prototyping on a real on-the-field
programmable hardware platform, and definition
of a set of quality metrics and experiments for
their comparative assessments.
6- Taking the field-programmable hardware
platform (FPGA) to the classroom, after the
implementation variants of the routing
framework have been pre-implemented and
made quickly interchangeable. Running the
experiments and collection of experimental
results that should then be properly structured for
discussion (tables, figures).
7- Discussion of experimental results, with the CS
researchers having the key role of stimulating the
association of observed macroscopic results with
the low-level details and effects taking place in
the figurative structure of the hardware platform.
The researchers will lead the research activity
supporting students to identify questions, formulate
hypothesis, design solutions and problem-solving
strategies through dialogue and collaborative work
In order to guarantee the feasibility of the
methodology, two fundamental requirements need to
be fulfilled in the hardware prototype:
- Implementation of a networked multicore system
with fast reconfiguration capability of the routing
function. Runtime reconfiguration of the routing
algorithm should not imply the recompilation of
the hardware platform, so to meet timing
constraints of a class lecture.
- The platform should be equipped with a
graphical user interface for the sake of specifying
hardware parameters, collecting statistics and/or
monitoring specific functional effects while the
system is running. For this purpose, the GUI
should reflect the chosen figurative structure, and
graphically associate events in the hardware
platform with those in the figurative structure.
4.3 The Grid Street Plan Metaphor
The figurative structure of our on-chip
interconnection network is realized through the
metaphor of a grid street plan of a modern city (such
as New York City). Grid street plans are the
metaphor of 2D mesh topologies for NoCs in the
physical domain. The students will therefore explore
the design space of NoC routing algorithms by
taking routing decisions in a grid street plan. The
metaphor is so effective that in the early stage of on-
chip networking routing mechanisms were directly
inspired by the paradigm of driving directions
(Borkar, 1988). The key requirement for the
metaphor to hold consists of an initial alignment of
the metaphor to the feasibility space of NoCs. In
fact, the direct transposition of the grid street plan
implementation details (e.g., crossings, roundabouts,
traffic lights) to the NoC domain does not result in
efficient solutions. For instance, street crossings
managed via traffic lights or via the right-hand
precedence rule would result in poor communication
bandwidth in the electronic domain, since some
traffic streams would block other ones although
heading to different destinations. As a consequence,
the students will move from this consideration and
will be guided to design street crossings and grid
networks for which the metaphor holds, although the
resulting solutions will certainly be a cost-overkill in
a real city. In this direction, crossings will be
engineered in such a way that every arriving
direction is theoretically connected with all other
directions in a collision-free way. This implies the
implementation of multi-layer street crossings,
following the paradigm pictorially illustrated in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Multi-layer street crossing as a metaphor of NoC
The challenge to apply the narrative approach to
science education has been tackled by several
authors in the past (Fuchs 2013, 2007; Corni et al.,
2010). We refer to them in order to base our
proposal on a reliable pedagogical framework,
which is based on the narrative and story structure of
human knowledge (Egan, 1986; Bruner, 1986).
In his work, Fuchs (2007) creates figurative
conceptual structures for understanding physical
processes as a collection of force-dynamic gestalts
(quantity, quality, and power). These aspects are
structured with the help of metaphoric projections of
image schemas. The application of analogy to the
various fields of continuum physics lets him
recognize a fundamental yet simple conceptual
structure - the same as that used in much of human
reasoning, not only in physics but also in
psychological and social situations.
Another example is provided by Falk, Herrmann,
Job, and Schmid (1983), who developed an approach
to teach Gibb’s thermodynamics stressing the use of
substance-like quantities.
We find that the exploitation of the narrative
approach for science education is only in the early
stage. Our novel contribution consists of using it as a
key enabler for a research experience with K-12
students. This implies not just the investigation of a
figurative structure for multicore processors and
their interconnection system, but also of its
suitability for “on-the-field” evolution.
We propose an innovative approach to CS education
at the K-12 level. Our main idea consists of bringing
research experience on parallel computer
architecture within reach of K-12 students, thus
jointly developing their knowledge level of the
matter as well as their personal attitudes. The key
enabler consists of the narrative approach, which we
exploit to overcome the technical knowledge gap of
the target students.
Our future work consists of further developing
the NoC metaphor and the HW/SW prototype for the
research experience, and of testing it in Italian
middle schools.
An educative research (Creswell, 2002; Mortari,
2007) will be conducted on this experience in order
to produce qualitative evidences about the impact of
the educative experience on the children’s thinking.
Qualitative research tools such as video and
audiotapes, interviews and written tasks will permit
to collect data about the experience itself and the
subjective student’s responses. A qualitative analysis
of these data will guarantee the possibility to
describe and assess the expected impact.
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