Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain
of IT Benchmarking
Towards a Domain Specific Ontology
Matthias Pfaff
and Helmut Krcmar
fortiss GmbH, An-Institut der Technischen Universit¨at M¨unchen, Guerickestr. 25, 80805 M¨unchen, Germany
Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
IT Benchmarking, Distributed Data Sources, Heterogeneous Data, Semantic Data Integration, Ontologies.
In the domain of IT benchmarking a variety of data and information are collected. The collection of this het-
erogeneous data is usually done in the course of specific benchmarks (e.g. focusing on IT service management
topics). This collected knowledge needs to be formalized previous to any data integration, in order to ensure
interoperability of different and/or distributed data sources. Even though these data are the basis to identify
potentials for IT cost reductions or IT service improvements, a semantic data integration is missing. Building
on previous research in IT benchmarking we emphasise the importance of further research in data integration
methods. Before we describe why the next step of research needs to focus on the semantic integration of data
that typically resides in IT benchmarking, the evolution of IT benchmarking is outlined first. In particular, we
motivate why an ontology is required for the domain of IT benchmarking.
Benchmarking as a systematic process for improving
organizational performance has gained great popular-
ity worldwide since the 1980s. It is based on the in-
sight that observing organizations and analyzing their
acting and (measure) their performance is a powerful
way to transform the own organization. This trans-
formation is usually done by applying lessons learned
form a benchmark (Camp, 1989; Peters, 1994). More-
over, benchmarking can help explaining value or cost
aspects to stakeholders within the company while
comparing for example their (IT) unit or only cer-
tain services of the IT with competitors (Spendolini,
Recent research in the Information Systems (IS)
(e.g. (Slevin et al., 1991; Smith and McKeen, 1996;
Myers et al., 1997; Gacenga et al., 2011)) focuses
on the analysis and evaluation of performance mea-
surement. Performance measurement in the IT con-
text requires several prerequisites. Having a well-
structured service oriented IT department and a con-
sistent knowledgeof IT services and their correspond-
ing costs are, for example, important. Additionally
these are basic requirements for circular comparisons
and subsequently for improvements based on data
analysis. Companies that are interested in bench-
marking need to have valid definitions of the value
and the costs for the objects selected to benchmark.
(Rudolph and Krcmar, 2009) argues, that through-
out increasing IT industrialization the standardiza-
tion, documentation and definition of IT services are
gaining more importance. They state, that IT service
catalogues are an appropriate instrument to picture
such a service structure. In addition, concepts for the
identification of critical success factors for measur-
ing the maturity level of service catalogues are de-
veloped by (K¨utz, 2006) and (Rudolph and Krcmar,
2009). In detail, each IT service (object of IT bench-
mark) should encompass certain parts of deliverables
and infrastructure components (Krcmar, 2010). Many
of these studies omit facts such as data quality and
data integration. Yet, in spite of this new interest, little
work published in IS literature addresses the problem
of data integration across different kind of IT bench-
One difficulty in making data of different types
of benchmarks comparable with each other is a re-
sult from the lack of an uniform description of any
parameter that is measured. Moreover, a description
of the relation in between two of such parameters
is missing. This is not a particular issue in the do-
main of IT benchmarking. Other fields of research
Pfaff M. and Krcmar H..
Semantic Integration of Semi-Structured Distributed Data in the Domain of IT Benchmarking - Towards a Domain Specific Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0004969303200324
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 320-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
are facing similar challenges in data integration, pro-
vided with some promising and practical approaches
to solve them (Leser and Naumann, 2007). Thus, re-
search on data integration methods for the specific
field of IT benchmarking and its vocabulary should be
intensified. Especially given the rising research in big
data analysis, results from IT benchmarking should
not be discarded because of an inadequate data man-
agement. A promising approach for data management
lies in the use of a domain specific ontology, in order
to make these kind of data meaningful (Uschold and
Gruninger, 2004; Horkoff et al., 2012).
The next section gives an overview of benchmark-
ing in general and data integration challenges in the
domain of IT benchmarking in specific. Following
Section 2 further research areas in semantic integra-
tion of IT benchmarking data are presented and dis-
cussed in Section 3. Furthermore, a first iterative ap-
proach for integrating data from different IT bench-
marking initiatives is introduced in Section 3.
Most of the current research in IT benchmarking and
the practical literature on this topic is only related to
the implementation of IT benchmarks (e.g. (Dattaku-
mar and Jagadeesh, 2003; Jakob et al., 2013)). All
of these approaches have one thing in common: Ne-
glecting the need for a sustainable semantic data inte-
gration and a unified structure for data management is
left out of scope. Thereby most IT benchmarking ini-
tiatives are damned to exist side on side in siloed data
storages. Consequently, they are incapable to be used
a second time or in a different benchmarking context,
except they have been collected for.
2.1 Benchmarking
In academic research benchmarking can be classified
according to the nature of the object of study and
according to the benchmarking type (e.g. process
benchmarking, product benchmarking, and strategic
benchmarking or generic benchmarking) (Carpinetti
and Oiko, 2008). Benchmarkingpartners may include
other units of the same organization, competitors in
the same or different geographical markets and or-
ganizations in related or unrelated industries, in the
same or different countries. So, a differentiation is
made between internal and external comparisons of
such a performance measurement.
Internal performance measurement focuses on the
operations of a single company whereas external
looks outside the firms industry. Nevertheless, both
Table 1: Types of benchmarks (Carpinetti and Oiko, 2008).
Type Description
Process Benchmark
Compares operations, work
practices or business processes
Product Benchmark Compares products or services
Compares organisational struc-
tures, management practices
and business strategies.
Internal Benchmark
Compares similar products or
services of similar business
units within one organization
Compares performance with a
direct competitor. Objects un-
der investigation can be: Prod-
ucts, services, technology, re-
search and development, per-
sonnel policies, etc.
Comparisons between one or
more non-competitive organi-
zations of particular business
functions or processes.
Generic Benchmark
Compares an organization or
business unit with the best per-
forming organisation, irrespec-
tively conducted of the type of
of them have a common foundation. An overview on
the different types of benchmarks is given in Table 1.
An IT benchmark can be considered as passing
through several phases. Starting with the initial con-
ception by describing the object to investigate, up to
optimizing and re-organizing internal (business) pro-
cesses (cf. Figure 1). For each of these phases of
a benchmark numerous data get collected in various
data formats. The substance of these data are qual-
itative, as well as quantitative statements collected
over the complete benchmarking cycle in every single
benchmark. Furthermore these data get collected for
every single participating company of a benchmark.
n implement
n measure
n control
n evaluate
n design
n establish
n identify possible
n colaborating
n learn form the „best“
n „best practice“
n determine object
under investigation
n identify
n check
n interpret
Figure 1: Phases of a benchmark (based on (Watson,
2.2 Data Integration
As has already been presented by (Ziaie et al., 2012)
and structural described by (Riempp et al., 2008) tool
based data collecting is quiet common in the domain
for IT benchmarking. Even if different benchmark
types measure the same object from different perspec-
tives a direct link in between these collected data is
difficult to establish.
Next to various formats the data are stored no se-
mantic information are machine readable persisted.
But, in order to make the captured data comparable
between different benchmarking approaches a seman-
tic integration in a machine readable data format is
crucial. Since concepts of such data integration meth-
ods are missing, most of the gathered data during a
benchmark will stay only applicable for this specific
one time performance measurement in its specific do-
main focus (e.g. cluster benchmarking by (Carpinetti
and Oiko, 2008)). In other words, comparability of
benchmarking data beyond the specific context of one
specific benchmark is left out of research focus and
actually impossible because of data separation.
Figure 2 shows the different scopes of data stor-
ing in benchmarking. Companies can participate on
a specific benchmark (Benchmark 1..n) in a specific
year. In other words, data storing is done yearly per
participant. In addition, a benchmark itself can con-
sist of several services (Service A..n) or specific strate-
gic questions. Even if such benchmarks do have the
same object of observation (f.i. same service or same
product), no direct semantic information of these data
are stored. Therefore, this kind of siloed storing in-
formation do inhibit further comprehensive analysis.
In the context of data integration particular re-
quirements are demanded from the use of distributed
context sensitive (i.e. heterogeneous) data. Since
these are usually not solely for one field of research
(e.g. IT benchmarking), approaches and methods to
organize information are already applied in related
fields of research. Ontologies which, by definition
convey electronic or ”semantic meaning” are already
used to structure unstructured data (e.g. (Cambria
et al., 2011)) in the medical or in the information
management sector (Riedl et al., 2009; M¨uller, 2010;
Cambria et al., 2011). Thus, representing semantic
knowledge with formal ontologies, as proposed by
(Guarino, 1995) and (Brewster and O’Hara, 2007),
seem to provide promising approaches for data inte-
gration techniques in the domain of IT benchmarking.
In the academic literature of ontologies there ex-
ist several types of ontology development strategies.
(Wache et al., 2001) distinguishes between three main
types of ontologies (cf. Figure 3). A single ontology
service oriented
benchmark 1 benchmark nbenchmark 2
year n
service n
service b
serivce a
company n
company 2
company 1
sa!sfa c!on
part of
part of
part of
part of
Figure 2: Data dispersion in benchmarking.
(Figure 3(a)) uses a shared vocabulary for describing
the semantic information of data . The main advan-
tages of this approach is its quick development pro-
cess. Managing a single complex and large ontology
is one of the main disadvantages, while every change
is generating potentially sweeping ontology-wide in-
consistencies. Multiple ontologies (Figure 3(b)) are
based on several independently build ontologies for
every source of information. The complexity of a sin-
gle ontology is only dependant from its correspond-
ing data source and therefore in general less complex.
One major disadvantage is the lack of a shared vo-
cabulary when comparing these ontologies. In order
to achieve such comparisons hybrid ontologies (Fig-
ure 3(c)) are used. This kind of ontologies use a
shared vocabulary with basic terms of the domain re-
lated information of its local ontologies.
On the basis of the existing data of IT benchmark-
ing collected within the last four years, it has to be
checked first which type of ontology being the most
likely to leverage data integration. Particularly bear-
ing in mind that most of the collected data during an
IT benchmark were only meant to be used in their sin-
gle case of measurement. Thus, existing data form
questionnaires presented by (Ebner et al., 2012) and
(Ziaie et al., 2012) are used to identify possible start-
single ontology approach multiple ontology approach
shared vocabulary
hybrid ontology approach
a) b)
Figure 3: Types of ontologies (Wache et al., 2001).
ing points for a benchmarking ontology.
Identifying potential performance improvements
within organisations by the use of IT benchmarks suf-
fers from the quality of the collected data. This qual-
ity of data is strongly dependent on a precise specifi-
cation of every single key performance indicator.
There is not only a demand of a precise descrip-
tion of these indicators on the questionnaires side, the
underlying contextual connectionshould be taken into
account for data management. This is especially im-
portant when trying to analyse benchmarking data be-
yond the specific scope they were collected for.
In order to achieve a comparison across different
kinds of benchmarks a consistent semantic descrip-
tion of the collected data is essential. Consequently,
future research on semantic data integration should be
conducted for the domain of IT benchmarking.
For the development of a suitable solution for the
data integration in IT benchmarking, already available
data and service descriptions of different IT bench-
marks serve as sources. These data were collected
from 25 large and medium size companies during
strategic and service oriented IT benchmarks over the
last years. Previously implemented online IT bench-
marking systems (c.f. (Ziaie et al., 2012)) and frame-
works to structure and asses strategic IT/IS manage-
ment (c.f. (Riempp et al., 2008)) are used for the data
acquisition. Building up on these data the specific re-
quirements that need to be met by a concept for data
integration are identified.
Using a common vocabulary, such as based on
(ITIL, 2013) might ensure broad acceptance of differ-
ent domains of benchmarking or IT service manage-
ment. Derived from this, a domain specific ontology
for IT benchmarking will be developed iteratively ac-
cording to (Noy and McGuinness, 2001).
In a next step, a concept of a system to re-integrate
and organize benchmarking data needs to be devel-
oped and prototypically implemented. To this end,
the previously used data and service descriptions of
a strategic and service oriented benchmark can be re-
structured according to the previous elaborated ontol-
ogy. This in turn allows a direct inclusion of the ontol-
ogy and the restructured data into the existing captur-
ing mechanisms for the data collection process during
an IT benchmark. Therewith, not only an ontology for
IT benchmarking is elaborated but also the seamlessly
fit into the existing benchmarking tools is pointed out,
with all its added value in terms of comparability of
data collected.
Moreover, already existing benchmarking data be-
come significantly enhanced by establishing a link
across boards of different benchmarking initiatives.
At least the collected data become comparable and
integrable across different benchmarking domains.
This enables the development of new assistance sys-
tem and further statistical analysis on such structured
IT benchmarking data.
In addition, already existing data sets can be in-
tegrated into a uniform data representation structure
and thus be used for further statistical analysis which
is actually not possible.
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