A Fuzzy Cognitive Map System to Explore Certain Scenarios
on the Cyprus Banking System
Maria Papaioannou
, Costas Neocleous
, Charalambos Papageorgiou
and Christos N. Schizas
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 1 University Avenue, 2109, Nicosia, Cyprus
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
Cyprus University of Technology, 30 Archbishop Kyprianou Str., 3036, Limassol, Cyprus
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, European University of Cyprus, P.O. Box: 22006, 1516, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Intelligent Systems, Private Sector Involvement.
Abstract: The model of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) allows a user to investigate how the influencing parameters of
a cause-effect system behave under the implementation of desired scenario. Human knowledge and
experience is used to define the structure and the parameters of a FCM model. This paper proposes a
methodology which smoothly directs the steps that the experts should take in building an FCM system in
order to reduce the subjectivity which characterizes such expert systems. Furthermore, an update rule for the
parameters during the simulation phase is presented. Finally, the novel FCM construction methodology and
the proposed FCM update rule are tested on a real-life system to investigate the repercussions of the
combination of the Greek private sector involvement (PSI) with the decrease of people’s confidence
towards the Cyprus banking system. The results resemble what actually happened to the Cyprus economy a
short period after the implementation of the Greek PSI.
A wide variety of realistic socio-politico-economic
systems are dynamic and may be characterized by
the intra-system causality of their interrelated
constituent components. Their dynamic behaviour
makes their modelling, manipulation and handle
difficult. Hence, investigating how these systems
respond to different scenario cases regarding their
parameters is crucial for the right and beneficial use.
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) modelling offers an
alternative approach for the building of intelligent
systems, through the use of interactive influencing
parameters (Koulouriotis et al., 2001; Carvalho,
2013; Andreou et al., 2005).
An FCM system is constituted by a set of certain
concepts of the system and a set of the concepts’
interconnections. By using the FCM technology one
can apply the changes he/she wishes to any of the
parameters, and then observe the effects on any
other parameters or subsystem. After a change is
applied to selected initial states of the concepts of
interest, the system is let to evolve for a number of
steps until the concept states converge to stable
values. Further analysis and work can be done on the
converged final states of the system for
understanding how indirect cause – effect relations
drive the system’s behaviour.
The success of the process strongly depends on
the proper set-up of the FCM system. Even though
in the last decade, efforts have been made to extract
the structure of an FCM system by using machine
learning methods, the predominant FCM
construction procedure is highly depended on
integrating experience and knowledge from human
experts (Stach et al., 2010). The human expert based
FCM building methodology is very suitable
modelling socio-politico-economic FCM systems,
especially when there no historical data available
that could be used in order to employ machine
learning processes to construct the system
(Papageorgiou, 2011).
Hence, since the construction of FCM systems
highly relies on targeted knowledge that is extracted
from experts, it is substantially crucial to establish a
certain methodology for developing qualitative FCM
models. Thus, the success of the FCMs’
developmental phase is based on an accurate
extraction of expert knowledge or experience. A
framework of such a methodology was presented
Papaioannou M., Neocleous C., Papageorgiou C. and Schizas C..
A Fuzzy Cognitive Map System to Explore Certain Scenarios on the Cyprus Banking System.
DOI: 10.5220/0005039701030110
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (FCTA-2014), pages 103-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-053-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analytically in Papaioannou et al. ( 2013).
The parameters and their interrelations of an
FCM system constitute veritable semantic terms of
the modelled system. Hence, they can be interpreted
by whoever builds the system in an explicit manner.
Additionally, the update rule describes the degree of
influence between different parameters of a cause –
effect system which basically comprises the
cornerstone of the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.
Furthermore, in order to satisfy the limitation of
keeping the concept state values in the range of [0,
1] (Stylios and Groumpos, 2004) the update rule
uses a transformation squashing function (e.g.
logistic function) which basically squashes each new
concept state value into the desired limited range.
However, the use of the transformation function
cannot be explained using semantics from FCM
background theory and hence it cannot be
interpreted. The idea behind the FCM technology is
the modelling of how real cause-effect systems
work. All FCM modelling elements can be described
using causality semantics, except the update
function. For avoiding any squashing functions
when updating the parameters’ state value in every
running iterations of the FCM system, a novel
update rule is used which is described in a later
section of this paper.
Our work takes FCM modelling technology a
step forward since both the FCM construction
methodology and the novel update function rule are
implemented and applied to a real life, strongly
intricate system describing the interacting concepts
of the Cyprus banking system and economy.
It is well known, that in 2008 a new global
financial crisis emerged. This crisis was transmitted
to the European economies and especially the
weakest of them in the southern European belt,
evolving into “national debt crises”. Greece was the
first country which had to deal with the possibility of
a national bankruptcy in 2009. As a result of the
continuous and strong increase in Greek government
debt levels, Greece’s sovereign debt was
downgraded by the International Credit Rating
Agencies to junk status in April 2010. There was a
fear that other countries could be affected by the
Greek economic crisis. This forced Europe to take
important and decisive corrective actions under the
pressure of time. In May of 2010, the Troika which
is a tripartite committee constituted by the European
Commission, the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the European Central Bank, agreed to
give Greece a three-year €110 billion loan. As part
of the deal with Troika, the Greek government
implemented a series of austerity measures. These,
led Greece to an even deeper recession. As a result,
in February of 2012, Troika decided to provide
Greece a second bailout package accompanied with
a restructuring agreement by enforcing losses on the
private sector holders of Greek sovereign debt, a
process known as “private sector involvement”
(PSI). The debt restructuring deal declared that
private holders of Greek government bonds had to
accept a 53.5% so-called “haircut” to their nominal
values. Eventually, in March 2012, the bond swap
was implemented with an approximately 75%
effective write-off.
The Cypriot and Greek economies are strongly
related and connected. As a consequence the Greek
PSI agreement had serious repercussions to the
Cyprus economy. More specifically, the Cypriot
banking system was strongly impacted by the Greek
PSI, since it was highly exposed to the Greek
government bonds. Cypriot banks lost the equivalent
of 20% of Cyprus GDP in this unfortunate
investment. At the same time the Cyprus economy
was dealing with other serious economic problems
such as a stagnating economy and an increasing
fiscal deficit.
Added to this, the revelation of such
unsuccessful and injurious investments on the Greek
government bonds led people to lose their faith in
the Cypriot banking sector. The future of the Cypriot
economy and especially its banking system seemed
In this work, an attempt has been made to model
the dynamics of the above problem and general
situation using the technology of fuzzy cognitive
maps. That is, once we manage to produce an FCM
model of the situation, to study the long term
impacts the banking system as a result of the Greek
PSI in combination with the decline in confidence
towards the Cypriot banking system.
For the purposes of this work, four basic
scenarios were implemented and tested. Namely,
introducing to the system a 75% Greek PSI and
decreasing the level of confidence of people to the
Cypriot banking system by 25%, 50% and 75%.
Dynamical systems and in particular political–
economic–social systems which are characterized by
causality tend to reach steady states. A change to the
initial state vector describing such a system
stimulates a series of subsequent influencing
changes to the parameters of the system which
eventually settles to stable state vector. For real life
systems, it is crucial for the decision makers to have
an estimate on the cost of changing a state of a
concept and how will that change affect other
concepts of interest.
FCMs are a soft computing methodology of
modelling such dynamic systems, which constitute
causal relationships amongst their parameters. They
manage to represent human knowledge and
experience, in a certain system’s domain, into a
weighted directed graph model and apply inference
presenting potential behaviours of the model under
specific circumstances. The parameters are led to
interact until the whole system reaches equilibrium.
FCMs allow a user to observe intricate and hidden
causal relationships and to take advantage of the
causal dynamics of the system in order to observe
the effects of a possible action scenario.
Most of the times, human experts in the system’s
domain are used to identify the important parameters
and their interactions in the system. However,
although the experts might be characterized by a
great expertise, it is difficult for them to make a right
prognosis of the future states under different
scenarios, mainly due to the high complexity of the
2.1 FCM Novel Building Methodology
In order to reach meaningful conclusions, the FCM
model must be built based on knowledge regarding
the system that is distilled from several experts. For
that reason, the proposed FCM building
methodology (Papaioannou et al., 2013) using
experts’ knowledge and experience was applied to
the system described in the present work.
By following the proposed steps of this novel
FCM construction procedure the experts define and
set the parameters of the system (called concepts in
the standard FCM formalism) and the
interconnections between the concepts (called
weights or sensitivities in FCM theory).
2.1.1 Step 1: Define Time Period
The very first thing the experts were called to do
was to accurately define the time period in which
they wish to study the system. Specifying the time
horizons in which the experts were asked to describe
the system helped to limit the amount of information
that was needed to properly define the system. For
example, in this work, the experts were asked to
study the economic consequences of Greek PSI in
combination with the decrease of people’s
confidence in Cyprus banking sector as they were
performed in April 2012. Therefore, the valuation of
the parameters’ states will be done based on
material, statistics or any other information
describing them in the specified time window. In
this case the experts defined the time window at +/-
3 months from April 2012.
2.1.2 Step 2: Identification of the
Parameters of the System
Having defined the time period, the experts
proceeded to the identification of the principal
parameters of the system and their special features.
In order to enhance the experts’ perception about the
actual and up-to-date interpretation of each concept
without semantic confusion, they were asked to fill a
table of different fields describing the system’s
Specifically, the experts had to conclude to a
formal description of each parameter, the
measurement units describing each parameter, the
maximum and the minimum value that each
parameter scored in the pre-specified time window
and the degree of variation of each concept that the
experts believed it would happen by the
implementation of the scenario to be tested.
Finally, the experts had to consider the actual
value characterizing each parameter in April 2012.
These values comprised the reference point for the
definition of the initial states of the concepts. In the
context of the formal FCM theory, the concept states
are described by a value in the range of [0,1]. Hence,
the initial activation value of each concept was
normalized to scale [0%, 100%], just like the
conventional FCM models.
2.1.3 Step 3: Calculation of the Sensitivities
(Weights) of the FCM Interrelations
In the next phase, the calculation of the sensitivities
values of the system’s interrelations followed, which
is different from the traditional way of defining them
in the FCM bibliography. The reasoning behind this
deviation from the conventional FCM, is because we
have a different apprehension of what substantially a
sensitivity value means in the context of FCM.
Thereafter it is important to clarify the definition of
the sensitivity. A sensitivity value indicates the
degree of the influenced concept’s change in respect
to the change of the influencing concept’s state. The
sensitivity of the relation describes the impact of
changing the state of Ai on the concept Aj. The
above statement can be mathematically formulated
into Equation (1):
In Equation (1), t is the iteration counter.
is the initial activation state of
the influencing concept whereas
is the initial
activation state of the influenced concept. A change
happens in the state of the influencing concept
which is depicted in
. This change stimulates the
change of the influenced concept state which drives
to a new state
. The change of a concept’s state,
between two discrete consecutive time cycles, is
measured as a percentage to the concept’s initial
state. Indeed, the sensitivities of the modelled
system described in this work were calculated by
using Equation (1).
For each parameter, a simple scenario of
changing its initial state was developed. The degree
of that change was based on the corresponding
degree of variation as the experts had already
defined in the previous FCM developmental stage.
For better understanding, an example of a sensitivity
calculation is given. Consider the relation between
the STOCK MARKET VALUE (concept 7, C7) and
(C6). The experts defined the initial states of C7 and
C6 as 40% and 20% respectively. Furthermore, they
expected a negative relationship of high intensity of
the degree of variation for the STOCK MARKET
VALUE as a result of the implementation of the
Greek governmental bonds “haircut”. Therefore the
question for this sensitivity was finally formed as:
“If the level of the parameter STOCK MARKET
VALUE gets reduced from 40% to 0%, what will be
the new state of the concept RECAPITALIZATION
BY PRIVATE EQUITY if now is 20%?”. For this
example the experts answered 0%. However,
measuring the change of the two consequent states
of a concept, as a percentage of its initial value gives
a better feeling about the strength of the variation.
Therefore by applying the Equation (1) the resulting
sensitivity between the concepts C7 and C6 is:
In that way, each expert forms his own sensitivity
matrix reflecting his own beliefs about the system’s
structure and behaviour. By using this sensitivity
matrix along with the already set initial values, the
FCM system is let to “run” until it reaches
equilibrium. At this point, the number of iterations
the system needs to converge is regarded as the
duration period the system needs to reveal the total
impact on each concept. Hence, in order to calculate
the effect that each concept receipts per iteration, the
sensitivities are divided by that number of iterations
(needed by the system to settle to stable values the
very first time). For this system this number was 10
and thus the final value of S
= 0.1. That is called
the “absolute sensitivity”.
2.2 FCM Update Rule Function
A set of concepts and their interrelations are
necessary to form the structure of an FCM system.
An activation function in FCMs defines the way the
system will process causality for simulation
purposes. An activation function calculates the
updated state values for each concept after
interacting with its influencing neighbours.
The traditional FCM activation function
approach has been slightly modified. The modified
version was first presented in Papaioannou et al.
(2013). This modified activation has been used in
the present study. The central idea of this novel
activation function is that an impact is created onto
the FCM system when and only when a parameter
changes its equilibrium state value. Therefore it is
the change itself that causes the system perturbation
and forces it to reach a new equilibrium state.
Consequently, the concept state should be updated
by taking into account, the changes that happened
during each iteration to its influencing neighbours.
Besides, this was the main idea of the way the
sensitivities were calculated, as described in the
previous section.
At each iteration the new activation state value
must be calculated for each influenced concept,
where in Equation (1) the term
stands exactly
for that. Thus, solving Equation (1) for
aggregating this change with the existing influence
concept state will result in Equation (3) where t is
the iteration counter, A
is the activation strength of
the concept of interest and s
is the sensitivity
(weight) which is a measure on how much a change
in the current standing of concept A
affects the
changes in the standing of concept A
Summarizing, a change to the initial states of an
FCM system, stimulates the interaction of its
parameters leading to an iterative process of
updating their states using the activation function
given by Equation (3) until the system converges to
a stable state. Then the user of the system may
observe and make conclusions on the direct or
indirect effects of that change reflected on the final
states of the system.
FCM model has been around in scientific area for
more than 25 years. However, there is a lack of
FCM applications in real-life complex systems. In
order to contribute towards the empirical
justification of the usability of this model, a system
taken from the Cypriot economic and banking reality
was chosen to test the novel FCM building
methodology and update activation function. More
specifically, we used the proposed FCM technology
to investigate how the Cypriot banking system is
impacted by the combination of the Greek PSI with
the decrease in people’s confidence to the Cypriot
banking sector during the April of 2012. Two
experts in political and economic fields were called
to contribute in building an FCM model as
previously described in this work (Papaioannou et
al., 2013).
Through a series of discussions, the experts
decided that the 15 influencing parameters
adequately and appropriately represent the system to
run the aforementioned scenarios. The parameters
are: Cost of Money (COM), Liquidity of Cyprus
Banks (LCB), Degree Of PSI of Greek Government
Bonds (PSI), Degree of Deposits of Greek Citizens
and Companies in Cyprus Banks (GDCB), Degree
of Deposits of Cypriot Citizens and Companies in
Cyprus Banks (CDCB), Degree of Success of Bank
Recapitalization by Private Equity (BRPE), Stock
Market Value of Banks (SMVB), Evaluation of the
Cyprus Economy by Authoritative Rating Agencies
(ECEARA), Confidence of People and Companies
in Cyprus Banking System (CCBS), Level of Greek
Economic Crisis (GEC), Level of Greek Workforce
that Comes to Cyprus for Work (GWC), Degree of
Bank Recapitalization Done by the Republic of
Cyprus (BRRC), State of Cyprus Economy (CE),
Probability of the Republic of Cyprus Entering EU
Support Mechanism (PESM) and Probability of
Cutoff of the Cypriot Bank Branches that Operate in
Greece (PCCB).
Following that, the experts completed the desired
information about each system’s parameter. They
collected, studied and properly evaluated the
relevant material regarding the system’s set
parameters (e.g. scientific articles, press articles,
statistical analysis results and other sources). This
FCM building methodology demands from the
experts to get involved in this procedure to refresh
their knowledge about the specific parameters of the
system in order to be updated about the parameters’
details. Especially so, when setting their initial
values and the interconnection sensitivities.
Further on, in order to calculate the initial values
of the FCM system, the actual values of the concepts
were normalized, as defined by the methodology, in
the range of [0%, 100%]. However, it is important to
note that there are some parameters that cannot be
approximated based on raw numbers but rather using
some kind of fuzziness. For example, it is difficult to
be exact in quantifying the concept of the State of
Cyprus Economy which encompasses characteristics
like GDP, unemployment rate, housing, Consumer
Price Index, stock market prices, industrial
production, etc. In such cases the experts had to
define the state of the concept based only on their
“feeling” and their understanding of the dynamics of
the system.
The final stage of the proposed FCM
construction methodology was about setting the
sensitivities of links between the concepts.
Therefore, each expert had to go through the process
of calculating the sensitivities amongst the causal
relationships of the systems. The whole process was
implemented through expert-computer interaction.
For each possible interrelation of the system the
computer screen presented to the expert the initial
value of the potential affecting concept and how this
is altered after applying the corresponding degree of
variation (a factor of the table the experts created
during prior construction phase). The computer also
presented the initial value of the potential affected
concept and right after the expert was asked to give
the resulting new activation value of the potential
affected concept. For each interrelation, the experts
inserted their own estimations and the computer
automatically calculated their sensitivities using the
formula given by Equation (1).
As a result each expert created his/her own
sensitivity matrix. Inevitably, there were some
discrepancies between the values given by each
expert. Finally, the average of the sensitivities was
used to form the final sensitivity matrix.
Four different scenario cases were implemented and
tested using FCM technology as described in
previous sections. The first scenario was about
observing how a 75% Greek PSI affects core factors
of the economy of Cyprus. The other three scenarios
involved the implementation of the 75% Greek PSI
along with a gradually scaled decrease of confidence
of people and companies in the Cyprus banking
system and the way this combination affects the
other parameters of the system.
During simulations, the changed values of the
concepts of interest were “locked” in such a way that
they would not be further changed during the
simulation period as a result of interference with
their causality neighbours, but rather remain
constant. Hence, in the context of the first
aforementioned scenario, the state value of the
concept of Greek PSI would remain 75% through
the whole process of simulation.
The remaining parameters were allowed to
interact through causality paths using the update rule
presented in Equation (3), leading the system to an
iterative behaviour until it converged to steady state
value. That means until the concept state vector was
the same between two consecutive iterations. The
values of the steady state concept vector were taken
as the future response of the modelled system to the
actions implemented in the concepts of interests.
It is emphasized that the objective when
analysing the results of a FCM system is to carefully
observe the trends rather than the actual final state
values of the concepts. Hence, the absolute values
are rather meaningful for the system’s analysis,
whereas the relative changes are the ones which can
shed some light on the decisions needed to be made.
The results of this work are graphically presented
in Figures 1 to 4. In these Figures, the percentage
change between the final state value of the concepts
and their corresponding initial values, which
happened in response to a certain scenario
implementation, is presented. The blue colour
columns represent the results of the scenario where
only the 75% Greek PSI takes place. The other three
columns (purple, green and orange) present the
results corresponding to the scenarios where the
Greek PSI is implemented in parallel with a fall of
people’s trust in the Cypriot banking system by
25%, 50% and 75% respectively. In all of the
figures, the horizontal axis exposes the parameter
names. The vertical axis is showing the resulting
percentage changes in the system’s parameters lying
in the horizontal axis, which are due to the
implementation of the aforementioned scenarios.
The results as shown in Figures 1 to 4 were given
back to the experts to analyse them and make
conclusions about the particular simulations of the
As expected, the higher the decrease of the
people’s confidence to the Cyprus banking system
the more unfavourable is the effect on the Cyprus
economy and the banking sector.
Figure 1: The impact of the four scenarios on the
parameters COM, LCB, SMVB and GEC.
Figure 2: The impact of the four scenarios on the
parameters ECEARA, BRRC and BRPE.
Figure 3: The impact of the four scenarios on the
parameters GWC, GDCB, CDCB and CE.
Figure 4: The impact of the four scenarios on the
parameters PESM and PCCB.
The most interesting outcomes from the
simulations of the four run scenarios will be
presented further on. The State of the Cyprus
economy is negatively affected as a response to the
scenarios where only the Greek PSI takes place.
Things become gradually worse for Cypriot
economy as the confidence of people is decreased in
the following scenarios. Also, the lack of people’s
trust to the banking sector would motivate people to
withdraw their money from banks. Such a case
would be decisive for the Cypriot banks which
already had to deal with liquidity problems due to
the Greek PSI. This totally justifies the results for
the factor “liquidity of the Cypriot banks” which
decreases when the Greek PSI is implemented alone.
Furthermore, when the confidence of the people is
decreased by 75% the liquidity of the banks present
a 50% extra decrease. The response of the
parameter Level of deposits of Greek citizens in
Cypriot banks in the four scenarios was also very
interesting. When the Greek PSI is implemented, an
increase to the level of the Greek deposits in Cyprus
is observed according to the system. However when
the Greek PSI is accompanied with a decrease of
people´s confidence in the Cypriot banking system a
decrease of the people´s confidence in the Cypriot
banking system this increase is diminishing and
finally becomes a decrease. Similarly, the tendency
of the Greek citizens to move to Cyprus for work is
decreased when the Greek PSI is done and continues
to decline in parallel with the decline in the
confidence of people and companies in the Cypriot
banking system. More specifically, when the Greek
PSI is followed by a 75% decrease of people´s trust,
the decrease in Greek workforce coming to Cyprus
for work is almost double the decrease in the case
that only the PSI takes place.
Overall though, the parameter which exhibited
the largest scale impact was the Probability of a cut-
off of the Cypriot bank branches that operate in
Greece. A higher than 190% increase of this
parameter was observed in all scenarios. Such
probability is significantly increased in either the
case the Greek PSI is implemented alone or with
people´s confidence in the Cypriot banking sector
being decreased by 25%, 50% or 75%. In other
words, the results of the modelled system state that
the probability of cutting off the Cypriot bank
branches that operate in Greece is mostly unaffected
by the strength of the people´s faith in the banking
system. This observations lead to the remark the
Cypriot banking system could not escape from the
decision of selling the Cypriot bank branches in
Greece. In fact, in March of 2013 the Marfin Popular
Bank and the Bank of Cyprus, the two largest banks
in Cyprus, were forced to sell their branches in
Greece. Thus, the system revealed the existence of
strong causal paths connecting the concept of the
Greek PSI and the Probability of cut-off of the
Cypriot bank branches that operate in Greece.
Analogous conclusions can be drawn about the
parameters, Stock Market Value of Banks and
Probability of the Republic of Cyprus entering the
EU Support Mechanism. Specifically, these
parameters presented adverse responses to all
scenarios. The Stock Market Value of Banks
deteriorates by approximately 26% for the first two
scenarios and 27% for the last ones. Similarly, the
probability for Cyprus entering the EU Support
Mechanism appears to increase by 29%-33%
respectively in these scenarios. Hence, it can be
argued in conformity with the modelled system, that
the Greek PSI implementation was a significant
factor in Cyprus having to ask for EU mechanism
The results of the system indicate that the
damage done to the Cyprus banks by the
implementation of the PSI was serious. This
damaged was magnified by the loss of people’s trust
to the banking system. Unfortunately for Cypriot
economy and banking sector, the last point was
confirmed a year later. On the 16th of March of
2013, the Eurogroup forced the Cypriot government
to impose a “bail in” as a precondition to receiving
loans from the European Support Mechanism.
Practically, this amounted to imposing a loss to
deposit holders of the two biggest banks. The
Cypriot government took appropriate measures to
avoid massive withdrawal of remaining deposits, as
people lost faith to the banking system. Cyprus then
sunk into a severe recession from which it still
struggles to recover.
The verification of the results of the pre-described
FCM system by later history enhances the belief in
the constructive role that the FCM model approach
can play in decision making for socio-political-
economic systems.
The whole system reflects how the experts
understood the core factors of the Cyprus economy
in April of 2012. The presented model does not
necessarily represent fully the Greek and Cypriot
economies or their interrelations, but it can be a
valuable forecasting tool in the hands of the experts.
In summary, FCM models can act like decision-
making indicators helping the handlers of the
modeled system to consider all relevant impacts
when taking a certain actions on their system. Thus,
the involvement of a larger number of experts as
well as the incorporation of the public opinion could
enhance this work’s reliability and objectivity.
Nevertheless, this work comprises another
positive sign that FCMs can be used as a tool for
helping humans to make wiser and more pragmatic
decisions. That is why future work, currently in
progress, is addressing the open issues concerning
FCMs such as the real time dependency of the
parameters, in an effort to increase their credibility
and fine-tuned operation.
This research was partly supported by the University
of Cyprus, the Cyprus University of Technology,
and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation
structural funds (ΤΠΕ/ΟΡΙΖΟ/0308(ΒΕ)/03).
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