Complex Motion Planning for NAO Humanoid Robot
Walaa Gouda
and Walid Gomaa
Computer Science and Engineering, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology (E-JUST), Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Whole Body Motion, Humanoid Robot, Complex Dynamic Motions , Robot Kinematics , Recognized Object.
In this paper, we introduce an integrated approach that enables a humanoid robot to plan and robustly execute
whole body motions including stepping over, climbing up or down obstacles as well as climbing up straight
staircase using only onboard sensing. Reliable and accurate sequence of motions for humanoid robots op-
erating in complex indoor environments is a prerequisite for robots to fulfill high level tasks. The design of
complex dynamic motions is achievable only through the use of robot kinematics. Based on the recognized
object from the robot database, using the robot camera, a sequence of actions for avoiding that object is ex-
ecuted. As demonstrated in simulation as well as real world experiments with NAO humanoid, NAO can
reliably execute robustly whole body movements in cluttered, multi-level environments containing objects of
various shapes and sizes.
Robots have always been a subject of curiosity for
both generalists and technologists alike. Humanoids,
robots with multiple degrees of freedom, have be-
come popular research platforms as they are con-
sidered to be the future of robotics. The human
like design and locomotion allow humanoid robots to
perform complex motions. This includes balancing,
walking, access different types of terrain, standing
up, step over or onto obstacles, reaching destinations
only accessible by stairs or narrow passages, and to
navigate through cluttered environments without col-
liding with objects. These abilities would make hu-
manoid robots ideal assistants to humans, for instance
in housekeeping or disaster management (Graf et al.,
2009; Maier et al., 2013).
Autonomous obstacle avoidance by stepping over,
onto/down the obstacle, climbing stairs with hu-
manoid robots is a challenging task, since humanoids
typically execute motion commands only inaccurately
(Graf et al., 2009; Maier et al., 2013; Shamsuddin
et al., 2011). This is due to the fact that humanoids
possess only a rough odometry estimate; they might
slip on the ground depending on the ground friction,
and backlash in the joints might occur. Additionally,
the observations of their small and light weighted sen-
sors are inherently affected by noise. This all can lead
to uncertain pose estimates or inaccurate motion exe-
cution (Oßwald et al., 2011).
However, there are reasons that explain why hu-
manoid robots aren’t used frequently in practical ap-
plications. One of these reasons is that humanoids are
expensive in cost, as they consist of complex pieces
of hardware and are manufactured in small numbers
(Maier et al., 2013). Also, many researchers apply
navigation algorithms that represent a humanoid us-
ing wheels instead of legs, but the limitation of this
model is that it does not respect all the navigation ca-
pabilities of humanoid robots and therefore more ap-
propriate approaches are necessary for navigation in
cluttered and multi-level scenarios (Maier et al., 2013;
Hornung et al., 2010; Gouda et al., 2013).
In the beginning, humanoid robotics research fo-
cused on specific aspects like walking, but now cur-
rent systems are more complex. Many humanoid
robots are already equipped with full body control
concepts and advanced sensors like stereo vision,
laser, auditory and tactile sensor systems which is the
essential condition to deal with complex problems,
such as walking and grasping. Motion planning is
a promising way to deal with complex problems, as
planning methods allow the flexibility of different cri-
teria satisfaction. The design of complex dynamic
motions is achievable only through the use of robot
kinematics, which is an analytical study of the motion
of the robot manipulator (Maier et al., 2013; Kucuk
and Bingul, 2006; Gienger et al., 2010).
Gouda W. and Gomaa W..
Complex Motion Planning for NAO Humanoid Robot.
DOI: 10.5220/0005051904020409
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 402-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
More specifically, robot kinematics provide the
transformation from the joint space, where the kine-
matic chains are defined, to the Cartesian space,
where the robot manipulator moves, and vice versa
(Kofinas, 2012). Robot kinematics are quite useful,
because it can be used for planning and executing
movements, as well as calculating actuator forces and
torques. Robot kinematics can be divided into for-
ward and inverse kinematics. The forward kinematics
refers to the use of the kinematics equations of the
robot to compute the position of the end effector from
specified values of the joint parameters (Kucuk and
Bingul, 2006). On the other hand the inverse kine-
matics refers to the use of the kinematics equations
of a robot to determine the joint parameters that pro-
vide a desired position of the end effector. It is easy
to see why kinematics is required in any kind of com-
plex motion design (Kucuk and Bingul, 2006; Kofi-
nas, 2012).
The relationship between forward and inverse
kinematics is illustrated in figure 1. Balancing meth-
ods rely on the ability to calculate the center of mass
of the robot, which is constantly changing as the robot
moves. Finding the center of mass is made possible
only if the exact position and orientation of each part
of the robot in the three dimensional space is known
(Graf et al., 2009).
Figure 1: The schematic representation of forward and in-
verse kinematics.
Humanoid robots performing complex motions
tasks need to plan whole body motions that satisfy
a variety of constraints. As the robot must maintain
its balance, self-collisions and collisions with obsta-
cles in the environment must be avoided and, if pos-
sible, the capability of humanoid robots to step over
or onto objects, navigate in multi-level environment
needs to be taken into account. These constraints and
the high number of degrees of freedom of the hu-
manoid robot make whole body motion planning a
challenging problem (Graf et al., 2009). The main
goal of whole body balancing motion is to generate
and stabilize consistent motions and adapt robot be-
havior to the current situation (AldebaranRobotics,
In this paper, an integrated whole body motion
planning framework has been developed. The frame-
work enables the robot to robustly execute whole
body balancing sequences of actions, including step-
ping over and climbing up/down obstacles as well as
climbing up straight staircase in a 3D environment,
shown in figure 2. Relying only on the robot on-
board sensors, joint encoders, an efficient whole body
motions planning perform safe motions to robustly
navigate in challenging scenes containing obstacles
on the ground as shown in figure 2. Our approach
determines the appropriate motion that consists of a
sequence of actions according to the detected obsta-
cle using monocular camera and bumper sensors. As
demonstrated in practical experiments with a NAO
humanoid and in a series of simulations experiments
using Webots for NAO humanoid robot, which is a
simulation software for modeling, programming and
simulating robots (Cyberbotics, 2014), our system
leads to robust whole body movements in cluttered,
multi-level environments containing objects of vari-
ous shapes and sizes.
Figure 2: The simulated environment.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Related work is discussed in the Section II.
Section III describes the humanoid robot, also mo-
tion design and object learning phase used for exper-
imentation are described in this section . Section IV
illustrates the robustness and accuracy of our motion
planning approach in experiments. Finally, Section V
concludes the paper.
Humanoid motion planning has been studied inten-
sively in the last few years. For instance the ap-
proach presented by (Oßwald et al., 2011) enabled an
equipped NAO humanoid robot with a 2D laser range
finder and a monocular camera, to autonomously
climb up spiral staircases. While (Hornung et al.,
2010) presented a localization method for NAO hu-
manoid robots navigating in arbitrary complex indoor
environments using only onboard sensing. Also the
approach developed by (Nishiwaki et al., 2002) al-
lowed NAO to climb single steps after manually posi-
tioning the robot in front of them without integrating
any sensory information to detect the stairs. Footstep
actions plan to climb staircases consisting of three
steps with HRP-2 is introduced by (Chestnutt et al.,
2007). While (Samakming and Srinonchat, 2008)
presented a technique for climbing stair robot using
image processing technique besides reducing the pro-
cessing time.
While (Maier et al., 2013) designed motion, called
T-step, that allows the robot to make step over actions,
as well as parameterized step onto and step down ac-
tions. The authors in (Yoshida et al., 2005) investi-
gated a dynamic pattern generator that provides dy-
namically feasible humanoid motion including both
locomotion and task execution such as object trans-
portation or manipulation. While (Shahbazi et al.,
2012) introduced a learning approach for curvilinear
bipedal walking of NAO humanoid robot using pol-
icy gradient method. Their proposed model allows
for smooth walking patterns and modulation during
walking in order to increase or decrease robot speed.
A suitable curvilinear walk, very similar to human or-
dinary walking, was achieved.
Furthermore an approach to whole body motion
planning with a manipulation of articulated objects
such as doors and drawers is introduced in (Burget
et al., 2013). Their experiments with a NAO hu-
manoid opening a drawer, a door, and picking up
an object, showed their framework ability to gener-
ate solutions to complex planning problems. A new
walking algorithm implemented on NAO robot is de-
scribed in (Gouaillier et al., 2010). The authors in
(Shamsuddin et al., 2011) discussed the current trends
in control methods of biped walks and behavior inter-
face tools for motion control for NAO and imminent
findings in both research areas.
In (Hugel and Jouandeau, 2012) a detailed de-
scription of a walking algorithm is presented. Their
algorithm was designed for 3D simulation of locomo-
tion and path planning of humanoid robots and was
implemented on the NAO humanoid. The authors in
(Pierris and Lagoudakis, 2009) introduced Kouretes
Motion Editor (KME), which is an interactive soft-
ware tool for designing complex motion patterns on
robots with many degrees of freedom using intuitive
In this section, the proposed algorithm (see Algorithm
1) and action set for the NAO humanoid (see figure
3) that is used during the experimental evaluation are
Figure 3: Aldebaran NAO H25.
Algorithm 1: Navigate through the environment.
1 move three steps forward
2 stop moving
3 pitch down NAO head by 30
4 switch to NAO lower camera
5 look for obstacle
6 if obstacle found then
7 fire object recognition module
8 execute stable whole body motions
depending on the recognized object
9 else
10 go to 1
11 end
3.1 NAO Robot Platform
NAO is a small sized humanoid with ve kinematic
chains (head, two arms, two legs) developed by Alde-
baran Robotics (AldebaranRobotics, 2014), it is 58cm
in height; 5.2kg weighs. In general, the robot is sup-
posed to be fully symmetric, but interestingly, accord-
ing to the manufacturer, some joints on the left side
have a different range from the corresponding joints
on the right side (Kofinas, 2012). Also, some joints
appear to be able to move within a large range, the
hardware controller of the robot prohibits access to
the extremes of these ranges, because of possible col-
lisions with NAO shell (Kofinas, 2012). NAO robot
has 25 degrees of freedom (DOF), therefore it can per-
form several complex moves like walking, kicking a
ball, standing up, etc. Kinematics are quite useful for
NAO software developers, because they can be used
for planning and executing such complex movements
(Kofinas, 2012).
The geometric model of NAO gives the effector
positions (X = [P
]) relative to an
absolute space in function of all the joint positions
(q = [q
X = f (q) (1)
The direct kinematic model is presented in equation
(2) which is the derivative of equation (1) with respect
to time.
X =
f (q) ˙q = J(q) ˙q (2)
where J(q) is called the Jacobian matrix. A control
on the end effector and deduction of the joint position
is needed, so that the inverse kinematic model, shown
in equation (3), is needed
˙q = J
X (3)
In many cases, J isn’t inversible directly (ma-
trix not square), this problem is solved mathemat-
ically using Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (Alde-
baranRobotics, 2014).
Aldebaran Robotics provides values of the joints
in the robot documentation. The center of mass for
each link/joint is represented by a point in the three
dimensional space of that joint assuming a zero pos-
ture of that joint. The swing foot can be placed at most
8cm to the front and 16cm to the side and the peak el-
evation is 4cm using the provided walking controller.
The size of the robots feet is approximately 16cm x
9cm. From these numbers, it is clear that NAO is
not able to step over, onto, or down obstacles using
the standard motion controller as shown in figure 4
(AldebaranRobotics, 2014; Maier et al., 2013; Kofi-
nas, 2012).
Figure 4: Clip with maximum outreach (Aldebaran-
Robotics, 2014).
3.2 Motion Design
A kinesthetic teaching is applied to enable the robot
to overcome these limitations. Here, Choregraphe
(Pot et al., 2009), a graphical tool developed by Alde-
baran Robotics, and python programming language
are used to program the NAO H25 humanoid. A
special motion design (described in algorithm 2),
inspired from (Maier et al., 2013) and (Gouda and
Gomaa, 2014), is presented which allows the robot
to step over, onto/down an obstacle according to the
shape of the obstacle as well as climbing up stairs. In
the designed motion, the foot L
are placed at an angle
of 30
, which is the basis for the other actions. Then
the robot will move its balance to that leg L
(the leg
with the angle 30
) and move the other leg L
after that the balance is moved to L
, then L
freely beside L
and then the balancing is made on
both legs as shown in figure 5.
The motivation for using this motion action is to
exploit the larger lateral foot displacement while mov-
ing forward. From this pose, the robot can perform a
step over action to overcome obstacles with a height
up to 4cm and width of 2cm. The motions of climbing
up stairs and stepping on/down actions are similar to
stepping over motion except for the swing foot place-
ment, as it is placed closer to the stance foot and at a
different height. The height is adjusted using inverse
kinematics based on the recognized object.
Algorithm 2: Actuate motion.
go to initial position
place right foot at angle 30
move balance to right foot
let left foot move freely
if obstacle recognized is the small bar then
move left foot forward
set the foot height to zero, i.e., on the
else if obstacle recognized is the large bar then
move left foot forward
if robot on the ground then
set the foot height to 2cm, i.e., onto the
robot on the bar set the foot height to
-2cm, i.e., down the bar;
the recognized object is stairs
move left foot forward
set the foot height to 4cm, i.e., on the stair
move balance to left foot
let right foot move freely
move right foot forward beside the left foot
The main differences between the designed mo-
tion and the motions described by (Maier et al., 2013)
(a) Placing right leg at 30
(b) Balancing on right leg
(c) Balancing on left leg (d) Moving right leg
(e) Balancing on both legs
Figure 5: Designed motion step.
and (Gouda and Gomaa, 2014) is in the robot foot an-
gle placement. As in the designed motion the robot
place its foot at an angle of 30
, this allows the robot
to reach the balance state in short time and more safe.
But when the angle of the robot foot placement in-
crease, the balance state requires more time to be
reached and the probability for the robot to fall in-
3.3 Learning Objects
The robot uses its onboard sensor, the monocular
camera, to recognize objects in the environment.
NAO needs to learn how to recognize objects, so they
can be used during navigation, by utilizing the vision
monitor in Choregraphe (Pot et al., 2009). After the
images are learned and stored in NAO database, the
Figure 6: Object learning phase.
object recognition module should be tested to assure
that the robot is able to identify the correct object
when recognized in the environment.
During the learning phase, once the image is cap-
tured using NAO cameras, the perimeter of the object
of the captured image is manually determined, after
that a name is assigned to the determined object, then
a message appear to show the success of the process
of learning, as shown in figure 6, then the image is
stored in NAO database. Once all images are stored
into NAO database, NAO will be able to perform ob-
ject recognition. If the object marking is marked in
a wrong way, the learning process will fail and the
object won’t be learned as illustrated in figure 7.
Figure 7: Example of wrong learning.
NAO recognition process is based on the recog-
nition of visual key points and not on the external
shape of the object, so it is able only to recognize
objects that have been learned previously. The pro-
cess is partially robust to distance, ranging from half
and up to twice the distance used for learning, and an-
gles up to 50
inclination for something learned fac-
ing the camera, light conditions, and rotation (Alde-
baranRobotics, 2014). Every detected key point in
the current image is matched with only one learned
key point in the database. If the score for choosing
between two objects are too close, the key point will
not be associated to any of them. Currently, the algo-
rithm does not poll for several objects, learning twice
the same area of an object will reduce its detection
rate (AldebaranRobotics, 2014).
Our approach is to make the robot perform whole
body motions that enable the robot to execute com-
plex motions such as step on/down or over the ob-
stacle as well as climbing up stairs using monocular
camera. The robot will use its camera to recognize
the obstacle using the object recognition module. Ac-
cording to the recognized obstacle the robot will exe-
cute a sequence of actions. The design of such com-
plex dynamic motions is achievable only through the
use of robot kinematics (Graf et al., 2009; Kucuk and
Bingul, 2006).
The designed whole body balancing motion uses
NAO own kinematics to control directly its effectors
in the Cartesian space using an inverse kinematics
solver. The Generalized Inverse Kinematics is used,
it deals with Cartesian and joint control, balance, re-
dundancy and task priority. This formulation takes
into account all joints of the robot in a single prob-
lem. The motion obtained guaranties several speci-
fied conditions like balancing, keeping a feet fixed,
etc. Afterwards, the capabilities of the designed mo-
tion system are demonstrated in a series of simula-
tions experiments using Webots for NAO humanoid
robot, as well as real world experiments.
All experiments were carried out with NAO H25
humanoid robot. In the experiments presented, the
robot moves three steps forward, then it stops mov-
ing and pitches down its head by 30
and switches to
lower camera in its head in order to scan for obstacles
on the ground in front of its feet. Once an obstacle
is detected, the object recognition module is fired for
recognition; otherwise the robot will move another
three steps forward. In the case there is an obstacle
recognized the robot will execute stable whole body
motions in order to deal with it.
The experiments carried out for the robot step-
ping over a wooden bar of width of 40cm, height of
3.5cm, and depth of 2cm is shown in figure 8; step-
ping onto a wooden bar of width of 40cm, height of
2cm and depth of 40cm is shown in figure 9; stepping
down from that bar to the ground is shown in figure 10
and climbing up straight staircase of width of 40cm,
height of 4cm and depth of 20cm is shown in figure
11. All figures show still frames of a video sequence
where our robot successfully steps over, onto/down
the wooden bar and climbs up straight staircase.
The algorithm implemented is the same for all the
motions; the only exception is the height of its leg and
the place of the swing foot, as the swing foot is placed
closer to the stance foot in the case of climbing stairs
and step onto/down obstacles. In the case of small bar
is recognized the robot will step over it and move its
leg to the ground after the object. While in the case of
the large bar or stairs, the robot will step on/down that
bar or stairs and will move its leg on/down it. Also,
the execution time of all motions is quite similar, as it
takes 30 seconds form the robot to perform step over
motion, 29 seconds to perform step onto/down motion
and 28 seconds from the robot to climb up one stair
We perform a quantitative evaluation of our ap-
proach for accurate step over, onto/down an obstacle
& and climbing up stairs. The success rate of execut-
ing these actions is evaluated using only the onboard
sensors; In ten real world runs on our straight stair-
case consisting of four steps, the robot is able to suc-
cessfully climbed 97% of the stairs. Only two out of
40 stair climbing actions lead to a fall. The robot also
successfully step over, onto/down the wooden bar ten
subsequent times on average.
Afterwards, the joints are heated by putting a force
on them for an extended period of time. Joints over-
heating changes the joints parameters, mainly stiff-
ness, and this affects the balance of the robot; so mo-
tions cannot be successfully executed anymore and
the robot may fail to override the obstacle or may
fall. The robot may also fail to override the obstacle
or climb the stair if the distance between its feet and
the object isn’t appropriate. As the robots camera has
a limitation in providing depth information, i.e. the
distance between the robot feet and the obstacle isn’t
If the obstacle is located at a distance smaller than
a suitable distance to the robot, the robot will hit the
obstacle while moving its leg which leads to a change
in its feet angle, and so its balance will be disturbed
and will fall. Another situation if the obstacle is lo-
cated at a distance greater than a suitable distance the
robot may put its swing foot on the obstacle which
also will make a disturbance in its balance and will
Another problem is in the execution time of the
motion, as the robot has to have enough time to reach
balance state after performing each action in the mo-
tion or it will fall. In the case of the time is too short
the robot won’t be able to finish the action it is per-
forming, so balance won’t be reached and the robot
Figure 8: NAO stepping over a wooden obstacle of height
3.5cm and depth 2cm using planned whole body motion.
Figure 9: NAO stepping on a wooden obstacle of height
2cm and depth 40cm using planned whole body motion.
Figure 10: NAO stepping down from a wooden obstacle
of height 2cm and depth 40cm using planned whole body
will fall. Otherwise, if the time of motion execution
is too long, to allow the robot to finish the action it is
preforming, its joints will get hot quickly and may not
be able to keep its balance in each position for long
time so it may also fall. To overcome this problem
Figure 11: NAO climbing up a stair with height 4cm and
depth 20cm using planned whole body motion.
the foot is placed at an angle of 30
, which is the ba-
sis for the other actions, that allows the robot to reach
its balance state easily and in short time, so the joints
are not heated rapidly.
These results show that our approach enables a
humanoid to reliably climb up the steps of straight
staircases, which are not marked to be easily visu-
ally detectable. Furthermore, avoiding colliding with
ground obstacles by stepping over or onto/down it is
also showed.
In this paper, an integrated approach that enables a
humanoid robot to plan and robustly execute whole
body balancing sequences of actions including step-
ping over and climbing up or down obstacles is in-
troduced. Our system includes recognizing objects
stored into the NAO database using NAO camera.
Based on the recognized object the robot executes
specific motions to deal with the recognized obstacle.
The robot can execute these motions ten times con-
sequently. It is possible to reduce the heating in the
joints by reducing the time spent in critical positions
or by setting stiffness to 0 after each action. In our
case the heating problem is avoided by making the
foot of the robot placed at an angle of 30
, which re-
duces the time taken by the robot to go to the balance
state. The robot camera has a limitation that it can’t
provide the distance between the robot and the obsta-
cle; to overcome this limitation the robot feet bumper
is used. As demonstrated in both simulation exper-
iments, using Webots for the NAO humanoid robot,
and practical experiments with a NAO humanoid, our
approach leads to robust whole body movements in
cluttered, multi-level environments containing objects
of various shapes and sizes.
In future work, we will evaluate the capabilities
of the robot to perform more complex motions like
climbing down the stairs, climbing up or down a ramp
of 20
inclination using the designed sequence of mo-
This research has been supported by the Ministry
of Higher Education (MoHE) of Egypt through a
PhD fellowship. Our sincere thanks to Egypt-Japan
University for Science and Technology (E-JUST) for
guidance and support.
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