Using Abductive and Inductive Inference to Generate Policy
Fabio Marfia
DEIB Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Policy Explanation, Access Control, Policy Languages, Reasoning.
Providing reliable explanations for the causes of an access response represents an important improvement of
applications usability and effectiveness, in a context where users are permitted or denied access to resources.
I present an approach composed by two different procedures, both relying on OWL-DL and SWRL Rules,
in order to generate policy explanations. The first procedure makes use of OWL Explanation and abductive
reasoning. The second uses an algorithm of Association Rule Learning to identifying attributes and states
arising together with policy privileges, in an inductive way. The PosSecCo IT Policy language is used in
the present paper for representing the policies, but the approach is general enough to be applied in other
environments as well.
Policies are a widespread approach for protecting
users privacy and security, and for allowing or en-
forcing users to abide by different norms and laws.
More and more complex and distributed scenarios are
requesting access control solutions, in the last years,
where a centralized framework is required to manage
a large set of functionalities related to policies. Those
functionalities include policy editing, storing, harmo-
nization, and decision making.
The more such a framework grows in complex-
ity, the more difficult is for a common user to real-
ize what are the inner workings that result in specific
policy-dependent behaviors, as, e.g., an access deny
after a specific datum is requested. Also, even if the
data consumer is not a user, but, e.g., a software, any
chance to better understand specific outputs would be
appreciated by developers of applications with adap-
tive functionalities. Such applications have grown
more and more during the last years.
Providing an explanation together with a policy
decision would represent a useful service in complex
or distributed scenarios, even if not in every of them.
In fact, there are different cases in which the disclosed
information can be used to support illicit access to re-
sources. Anyway, it is easy to identify many environ-
ments in which the chance of returning valid policy
explanations would represent a significant improve-
ment of the technology effectiveness and ease in its
I present an approach in this paper where OWL-
DL, SWRL Rules, OWL Explanation (Horridge et al.,
2008) and Association Rules (Agrawal et al., 1993)
are used in order to generate reliable explanations, ei-
ther in formal or natural language, about the causes
of an access permission or deny. The present work
makes use of the PoSecCo policy management frame-
work (Basile et al., 2012), but the approach is gen-
eral enough to be applied to other policy languages as
well, provided some constraints (see section 6).
The approach is based on two different logic pro-
cedures: the first is an exact method based on abduc-
tive inference, where OWL Explanation is used in or-
der to identify the policies that are involved in a spe-
cific decision. The second is a probable method based
on inductive inference, where it is tried to identify,
between the theorems, the ones that characterize the
identities that have access to specific resources.
While the first approach usually results in more re-
liable explanations, there is to notice that the number
of policies involved in a decision, in complex envi-
ronments, can be so high that the explanation can not
be always read by a common user with ease. So, the
second approach can be applied instead: attributes or
facts that distinguish the identities that are able to ac-
cess to specific resources can be identified. That gives
to a policy explanation tool the ability to explain why
an access permission or deny is returned without di-
rectly taking into account the policies involved.
Marfia F..
Using Abductive and Inductive Inference to Generate Policy Explanations.
DOI: 10.5220/0005116004570462
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 457-462
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: PoSecCo IT Policy classes related to authoriza-
tions and roles.
For instance, if every identity that can access to
a resource R is also the subject of a theorem T, and
a user U access request to R results in a deny, and
U is not subject of T, a reason why U can not ac-
cess to R could consist in the fact that he/she does
not present the peculiarity T, or something factually
linked to that. The identification of theorems as T is
done with an algorithm of Association Rule Learning.
Probable explanation should be always considered
cum grano salis by a user and it should be preferred
to exact explanation only in environments where ab-
ductive inference is an unsuitable solution, according
to the principle that a probable answer is better than
no answer at all.
The paper proceeds as follows: the PoSecCo en-
vironment is presented in section 2, together with the
PoSecCo IT Policy tool for representing policies. A
procedure for inferring all the proper access privileges
and states from a collection of axioms, policies and
facts is described in section 3. The abductive gener-
ation of explanations is described in section 4, while
the alternativeinductiveprocedure is described in sec-
tion 5. Applicability of the approach to other lan-
guages is discussed in section 6. Related work is pre-
sented in section 7, and future work in section 8.
PoSecCo is a policy managementenvironment that al-
lows the design of rules for access control at different
levels of abstraction. For the purposes of this paper,
only the PoSecCo IT Policy level is taken into con-
sideration (Neri et al., 2013). PoSecCo IT Policy al-
lows the specification of Identity-Based Access Con-
trol (IBAC) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
In such level of abstraction, a rule
) is a quadruple of the
form P = hµ, π,ρ,σi, where:
µ is an identity (ITSingleId
), a group of identities
(ITGroupId) or a role (ITAuthzRole);
π is a privilege (ITPrivilege
ρ is a resource or a group of resources
σ is the sign of the rule (positive or negative).
An identity can be assigned to one or more roles;
furthermore, a role can be specified as a subset of
another role, allowing to generate role hierarchies
). The cited PoSecCo IT Policy
classes are represented in Figure 1.
In order to generate reliable explanations for access
responses, it is necessary to have an OWL-DL ontol-
ogy Γ in which all the access privileges can be cor-
rectly inferred. In order to do so, the subsequent steps
are foreseen:
1. Collection of all the necessary axioms in a set T ,
as a TBOX ontology;
2. Policy design, and collection of the policies in an
ABOX set A;
3. Verbose descriptions, in the form of OWL annota-
tions, are added to A; they are necessary for gen-
erating natural language responses;
4. SWRL Rules, generatedin order to infer all access
privileges, are added to A;
5. States of facts are added to A;
6. The final ontology is obtained as Γ = T A.
One step is described deeper in the the subsequent
subsection: it is step 3 about verbose annotations.
3.1 Verbose Annotation
When the policy design is done, policies and at-
tributes can be manually enriched with special anno-
tations in order to generate the explanations in natural
language, and as much clear as it is possible. In order
to do this, the subsequent vocabulary of OWL anno-
tations is defined:
IT EXPL rule description
: it represents a ver-
bose description of a security rule.
IT EXPL role auth description
: it represents
a verbose description of a role assignment to an-
other role or an identity.
IT EXPL identity description
: it represents a
verbose description of an identity.
IT EXPL role description
: it represents a ver-
bose description of a role.
IT EXPL attribute description
: it represents
a verbose description of an identity attribute.
After the process described in section 3, the procedure
of policy decision reduces itself to a task of checking
whether Γ logically entails two specific statements.
They are the two propositions explicitly asserting that
the requesting user can do and can not do the re-
quested action with the requested resource. I call
them respectively α and ¬α. The subsequent condi-
tion must occur for an access to be permitted:
Γ |= α.
While the subsequent conditions must occur for an
access to be denied:
Γ |= ¬α (Γ 6|= ¬α Γ 6|= α) .
So, if the can do statement logically follows from Γ
the access is permitted. If the can not do statement
logically follows from Γ , or no logical consequence is
found (no information available), the access is denied.
Three different cases can be identified then:
1. An access response is returned after a can do
statement logically follows from the ontology
(Γ |= α);
2. A deny response is returned after a can not do
statement logically follows from the ontology
(Γ |= ¬α);
3. A deny response is returned after no logical con-
sequence is found (Γ 6|= ¬α Γ 6|= α).
According to which situation happens, a suitable pro-
cedure must be called in order to return a reliable ex-
planation together with the access response. In fact,
while cases 1 and 2 can be managed by the same pro-
cedure, case 3 must be necessarily considered for its
In any situation, the present approach makes use
of OWL Explanation. It is a procedure that is able
to generate one or more justifications for a theorem
in an OWL-DL ontology. A justification is described
as a minimal subset of the ontology that is sufficient
for a specific inference to hold. It is easy to under-
stand that if a policy or a state of facts is involved in
a specific access permission or deny, that policy or
state will necessarily appear in the subset of the on-
tology generated as a justification for that permission
or deny. That principle is used in order to isolate and
Figure 2: Sample company organogram.
identify the policies that are to be returned in an ex-
In the two subsequent subsections I present the
two cases separately in which the logical consequence
of α or ¬α is obtained from Γ (section 4.1) or not (sec-
tion 4.2).
4.1 Abductive Explanation from a
Reference Statement
The first case taken into consideration is when the
logical consequence of a can do statement is verified
from Γ and an access response results in a permission,
or the logical consequence of a can not do statement
is verified from Γ and the response is a deny. I call
such α or ¬α statement reference statement. In order
to return an explanation, the subsequent passages are
1. OWL explanation is used to generating one or
more justifications for the reference statement in
Γ , every justification γ
is put in a set J ;
2. For every γ
J all the rules, role authorizations
and state of facts listed in that justification are
identified and put in a set S
of propositions;
3. All S
sets are examined: if two sets are equal, one
is removed; if a set is a subset of another set, it is
4. One explanation is generated for every remaining
set, if the explanations are more than one they
are all returned in parallel.
Rules, role authorizations and state of facts can be
presented as an explanation either in the form of an
ontology or a set of natural language propositions. In
the latter case, the verbose description of every single
element has to be retrieved from its
tion (see section 3.1).
4.1.1 Example
I define a fictitious company where every employee is
assigned to a security role that can be of three dif-
ferent types:
Level C
Level B
, or
Level A
. Ev-
ery level inherits every privilege from the underly-
ing roles. So,
Level B
employees have every priv-
ilege that is released to
Level C
role, and a
Level A
employee has every privilege that is released both to
Level B
Level C
roles. A sample organogram
of such a company is shown in Figure 2.
Let us consider a policy that allows
Level B
ployees to read the document
, of
Level A
role, wants to read
. The answer is a permit,
Level A
all the
Level B
privileges. We
want now to return to
also the causes of such
a response.
OWL Explanation identifies one justification with
one rule and two role authorizations:
Rule: all Level B users can read
Role Authorization: Level A users have
all privileges of Level B users;
Role Authorization: IT
CEO is a Level A
The final explanation can be returned with the access
Access permitted for reading
managementDocument. Your access is
granted as a consequence of the
subsequent conditions and policies:
- all Level B users can read
- Level A users have all privileges of
Level B users;
- You are a Level A user.
4.2 Abductive Explanation with no
Reference Statement
An access deny can occur also when no statement
that explicitly asserts an access permission or deny is
found as a logical consequence of Γ . That implies that
there is no information in Γ about the user rights to ac-
cess to the requested resource, and the access can not
be granted. In that case, there is no theorem on which
apply abductive inference. Anyway, we can however
generate an explanation, relying on the consideration
that explaining why a user can not access to a re-
source can be done showing him/her in what he/she
differ from who can access to the same resource. So,
even if nothing can be said about the requesting user,
we can look at other users that have access to the re-
source and identify what are the differences of role or
attributes between them and the requesting user. So,
an explanation can be generated with the subsequent
1. Identification of the statements that assert that any
subject can do the requested action with the re-
quested resource, between all the privileges that
can be inferred from Γ ; every such α
statement is
put in a set L;
2. OWL explanation is used to generating one or
more justifications for every α
L, every gen-
erated justification γ
is put in a set J ;
3. For every γ
J all the rules, role authorizations
and state of facts listed in that justification are
identified and put in a set S
of propositions;
4. All S
sets are examined: if two sets are equal, one
is removed; if a set is a subset of another set, it is
5. One explanation is generated for every remaining
set, if the explanations are more than one they
are all returned in parallel;
6. For every explanation, information about the at-
tributes of the user that are involved in the propo-
sitions found is added, in order to make the user
able to compare it against the provided status.
Again, rules, role authorizations and state of facts can
be presented as an explanation either in the form of an
ontology or a set of natural language propositions. In
the latter case, the description of every single element
has to be retrieved from its
annotation (see
section 3.1).
It is described, in step 6, that the explanation must
be enriched with information about the attributes of
the user that are involved in the propositions found, in
order to make the user able to compare them against
the provided status. For example, if at least one role
authorization appears in the explanation, the user has
to receive its own roles as an additional information;
if an attribute appears in the explanation, the user has
to receive its value for that attribute, or the informa-
tion that the attribute was not found, if that is the case.
Again, verbose explanations require the presence of
annotations for roles and attributes to be re-
Abductive explanation can generate usable explana-
tions in many use cases. Anyway, it can be under-
stood that the presence of a considerable number of
policies and states of facts can easily make such types
of explanation unreadable for a common user.
Given that, I propose a different procedure,
that generates probable, but more user-friendly and
policy-independent explanations. The method con-
sists in looking for the attributes and roles that appear
more frequently, between all the theorems inferred
from Γ , together with the access conditions requested.
Those attributes and roles can be presented as proba-
bly necessary conditions for the access to be granted.
The user can use them to understand the causes of an
access response.
More formally, given an access condition α, we
have to look for association rules of the form (π
. ..π
) α between all the theorems inferred
from Γ , where π
is a proposition in Γ that express
an attribute, a role, a state of facts about an identity, a
group or an identity template (ITPrincipal).
In order to do that, the Apriori algorithm of Asso-
ciation Rule Learning (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994) is
used for looking for propositions in the ontology that
appear frequently with α. The algorithm starts with
an empty set S. Then:
1. For every pair of propositions σ
= {π
,α}, the
number of ITPrincipal
that are subject in the on-
tology of both the propositions is counted. Every
pair with a number of subjects higher or equal to
a subject count threshold δ
is added to S.
2. Frequent triples are identified, taking into con-
sideration every τ
i, j
= {π
,α} set, given that
S : π
S : π
. For ev-
ery triple τ
i, j
/ S, the number of ITPrincipal
are subject in the ontology of every proposition is
counted. Every triple with a subject count higher
than δ
is added to S.
3. Frequent quadruples are identified, taking into
consideration every proposition that appear at
least in a τ
i, j
S triple, and so on... the algorithm
stops when no set is added to S in a step.
From every set {π
,. ..π
,α} S the association
rule (π
) α is identified. The confi-
dence of every association rule is computed, and ev-
ery association rule with a confidence higher than a
threshold δ
is kept and used to generate the explana-
Confidence of an association rule is computed as:
conf(X Y) =
supp(X Y)
where supp(X) is the support of the proposition X,
that is, in our case, the number of ITPrincipal
that are
subject of such proposition, divided by the number of
all ITPrincipal
in the ontology.
Every identified association rule represents a dif-
ferent explanation, in which are expressed the con-
ditions π
,. ..π
that are, with a certain mea-
sured confidence, necessary for the presence of α.
,. ..π
can be expressed in an explanation, even-
tually in a verbose description identifying the corre-
annotations, as presented in sec-
tion 3.1.
5.1 Example
I consider again the company in Figure 2, and a policy
that allows
Level B
employees to read the document
IT Manager Marketing
Level C
role, asks for the possibility to read
. The answer is a deny, being
IT Manager Marketing
assigned to a level lower
Level B
. In that case, proposition α is:
α =
IT canRead(USER,
We want to generate a probable explanation, with
threshold set as δ
= 3. The algorithm identifies
the co-occurrence of α with the proposition β with
count 3 in the ontology, where β is:
β =
is a(USER, Level B)
The algorithm adds β to S . No other co-occurrence
count is higher or equal to δ
Confidence of the association rule β α is com-
puted as:
conf(β α) =
= 100% (2)
Confidence is 100%, so it is higher or equal to every
that can be chosen. β can be returned then as
an explanation, presented as a probable necessary
peculiarity to be able to read
Access denied while trying to read
managementDocument. Level B role
co-occurs with a 100% confidence with
such privilege, and may be a necessary
condition. Your role is Level C.
Many policy languages are present in the access con-
trol scenario, with different expressiveness and func-
tionalities (Coi and Olmedilla, 2008). Every policy
language relying on Description Logics with a syntax
no more expressive than SH OI N (D) logic, is, in
principle, a language on which the present approach
can be applied, supporting a subset or the whole of its
There is to add that, being involved a reasoning
procedure, one must ensure that all the data types
(e.g. numbers, dates, geo-locations) in the ontology
are correctly managed by an OWL reasoner in order
to generate complete inferences.
Bonatti, Olmedilla and Peer (Bonatti et al., 2006) an-
alyzed the possibility of generating policy explana-
tions, with the Protune policy language, using abduc-
tive logic procedures. They do not rely on standard
abductive tools, explaining that “There is no support
for explaining infinite failed derivations” (p. 1). The
problem is resolved in the present work with the dif-
ferent approach of reasoning on the identities that are
able to access to specific resources, and then explain-
ing in what the current user is different, as presented
in section 4.2. Also, they do not deal with the problem
of non user-friendly explanations, while the present
work proposes the different approach of inductiverea-
soning. Furthermore, their approach is not able to
manage specific data types and data constraint, as,
e.g., expressing that a user must have a minimum age
to access to a resource.
KNOW System (Kapadia et al., 2004) is a method
for providing feedback to users who are denied ac-
cess to resources, using Ordered Binary Decision Di-
agrams. The feedback returned consists in a set of
policy changes, that are sufficient and necessary to
obtain a permission. No verbose explanation is fore-
seen; also, they make use of no reasoning procedure.
Computational resources required for OWL reasoning
are usually consistent for large ontologies. Needing
the present work to eventually generate all the pos-
sible privileges and theorems for even large knowl-
edge bases, the performances in a real environment
are to be evaluated, and ways to lower the compu-
tational load are eventually to be identified. The us-
age of SPARQL-DL query language (Sirin and Parsia,
2007), allowing queries for inferred knowledge, rep-
resents a possible way.
Moreover, the approach must be tested in real en-
vironments also to evaluating interfaces usability and
user satisfaction.
Also, the possibility to expand further the ex-
pressivity of the used policy language, starting from
PoSecCo IT Policy, has to be studied. For example, as
presented in section 6, some languages express obli-
gations to be fulfilled by the user. Other advance-
ments must concern general environment states, as,
e.g., generation of policy decisions as a consequence
of current date and time.
Finally, applicability to other policy languages
(see section 6) has to be studied in deep, especially for
the most widespread policy languages, as XACML.
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