Training air force pilots is costly and lengthy. The
relationships between school production, OTU
absorption, flying rates, experience levels, cross-
flows and attrition are complex and volatile. The
pilot occupation is a system in a delicate equilibrium
and with a large inertia. A single action or decision
may have drastic long-term effects. Complex,
concerted and multi-faceted efforts are often
required to solve problems encountered. In view of
all this, simulation is a necessity.
The PARSim simulation model has been
presented. It is a realistic high-level representation
of the pilot occupation. It is an efficient, powerful
and versatile what-if analysis tool. It can help assess
what combination of actions may provide the
maximum benefit, how quickly can changes be
implemented and, what side-effects decisions taken
for a portion of the occupation may have on the rest
of the system.
The tool has been used for several projects over
the years and results were provided here on one of
the studies: assessment of the impact of reduced
budget and thus flying rates combined with the
simultaneous absorption of a high production of
students at the training school. A feasible but not
completely satisfactory plan was devised. It showed
that actions of a more strategic nature are necessary
to obtain a sustainable plan for the pilot occupation.
The tool will undoubtedly continue to be
improved. Currently the model does not directly take
into account hours acquired in simulators and it
could be beneficial to include this element in the
model to assess directly the impact of their use. It
could also be useful to implement the cross-flow
feature between the rotary wing fleets and
potentially between all fleets.
I would like to thank my colleagues Charles Hunter,
Sonia Latchman, Norman Corbett and Pieter De
Jong for their work and help on previous versions of
the tool. Acknowledgements are also due to the
numerous officers of the RCAF who have over the
years provided invaluable information to allow the
tool to be developed and improved.
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