responsibility of adding and removing data and
services in the SDI. The Custodian’s role is to create
and maintain the main SDI products and guarantee
the quality and availability of these products. The
Governing Body is responsible for managing the
policies, such as their creation, changing, and
removal, besides taking part in the decision-making
process in the SDI (Béjar et al., 2012).
Also according to Béjar et al. (2012), the actor
Operational body takes up several responsibilities,
which allow the SDI to work. Some examples
provided by the authors are: system administration,
technical support, and quality assurance. The Contact
represents the interaction of a community with other
SDIs and communities. Training the actors that
interact through the SDI is the responsibility of the
The Promoter will promote the SDI to gather new
users and contributors and will promote the changes
that take place in the SDI to the other actors. The
Funder is responsible for releasing resources to fund
the SDI. The Member is a generic actor role used only
to represent that a community is a member of an SDI.
The two last actor roles are used to show their
importance within the SDI: Communication channel
and SDI catalog. The Communication channel is a
means for communication among the SDI actors and
the access to the data and services present in an SDI,
while the SDI catalog is an undefined means to access
the metadata of the geospatial data (Béjar et al.,
The actor roles defined by Béjar et al. (2012) play
a role similar to the actors defined by Hjelmager et al.
(2008) and Cooper et al. (2011). However, many of
the actor roles specified by Béjar et al. (2012) differ
in terminology and semantics compared to the actors
of the ICA model. Moreover, elements in either
model have no match in the other one.
The comparison between the actors defined by
Hjelmager et al. (2008) and Cooper et al. (2011) with
those from Béjar et al. (2012) was carried out based
on the functions each actor and actor role has.
The User is identical in either description, playing
the same role and having the same name. The
Contributor is the actor role responsible for making
the SDI data and services available and is able to
remove data, a responsibility similar to that of the
actor Provider in the ICA model.
The actor role Custodian has roles related to the
management of the main SDI data, which include
adding, removing, updating, and guaranteeing quality
of the main SDI data and services. In the ICA model,
only the role of adding the main SDI data has an actor
with an equivalent role, i.e., the specialization Official
Mapping Agency of the Producer. The ICA model
does not report an actor with the role of removing or
updating the SDI data and, although Hjelmager et al.
(2008) states that the Producer is responsible for
creating SDI data and services, in the Producer
specializations proposed by Cooper et al. (2011), the
SDI services are not taken into account.
The policy-creating role of the Governing Body is
equivalent to the policy-creating role of the
specialization Decision Maker of the Policy Maker.
Nevertheless, the roles of updating or removing
policies have not been stated in the ICA model, which
also has no equivalent to the role of formally
interacting with other organizations.
The actor role
Operational body is responsible for
the technical responsibilities that enable the SDI to
work. Thus, it is the actor role with the largest number
or functions in an SDI. This study considered the
roles specified by Béjar et al. (2012), including the
roles of Catalog Manager and Gateway Manager
specified in Nebert (2014). Regarding the catalogs,
the Operational body can create, update, and exclude
catalogs, responsibilities similar to those of the
specialization Cataloguer of the actor Broker.
Although it is not mentioned by Béjar et al. (2012),
the role of managing the SDI database can be
considered technical, therefore it was considered the
responsibility of the Operational body, which is
equivalent to the Database Administrator, a
specialization of the Producer in the ICA model. The
remaining roles of the Operational body have no
equivalent in the ICA model.
According to Béjar et al. (2012), the actor role
Contact represents a community in its interaction
with other SDIs, besides having some responsibilities
of the actor Broker, proposed by Hjelmager et al.
(2008). Hence, it has been defined that the Broker’s
negotiation-related roles would be the roles in
common with the actor role Contact. In the ICA
model, there is no actor with specific roles to educate
the SDI actors or provide training, with no equivalent
to the actor role Educator by Béjar et al. (2012).
The actor role Promoter will promote the SDI to
incentive new users to use it, the same role performed
by the actor Champion. Another role of the actor role
Promoter is to keep the SDI members informed of
changes in it, with no equivalent of this role in the
ICA model. The role of releasing resources for the
SDI to work exists both in the extension proposed by
Béjar et al. (2012) with the actor role Funder and in
the ICA model with the specialization of the Policy
Maker Secretariat.
The three last actor roles, i.e., Member,
Communication channel, and SDI catalog, are not